Mapping $OB -> STR, with special knowledge about compiler entities' equality conventions. In particular, SIGs do not use object equality.

FMAP{_,_} $STR AREF{_}


**** Clear out self, return the space if it has 17 or less entries otherwise return void. Self may be void.
copy: SAME
**** Make a table capable of dealing with `n' elements without expansion. You can simply insert into a void table to create one as well. Self may be void (and usually is).
**** A possibly new table which deletes the element with key `k' if it is contained in self. Usage: `tbl:=tbl.delete(k)'. Self may be void.
equals(e: $RO_MAP{K,T}): BOOL
**** Returns true if all of "e"'s elements are equal to self's elts Ordering is an issue. Should be redefined to be more precise for particular descendants This will not be a useful routine until we can place FMAP under $RO_MAP
**** If `k' is a key, return the corresponding target, otherwise return void. Self may be void.
**** If `k' is a key, return the corresponding key/target pair. Otherwise return #(key_nil,void). Useful when different objects are treated as equal by `key_eq'. Self may be void.
**** True if the self has an element which is `elt_eq' to `e'.
has_ind(k: K): BOOL
**** A possibly new table which includes the key/target pair `k', `t'. If `k' is already present, replaces the current key and target with `k,t'. Usage: `tbl:=tbl.insert(k,t)'. Creates a new table if void(self).
**** Insert the key/target pair held by the tuple arg. If the key is already present, replaces it with the new key and target. `tbl:=tbl.insert(p)'. Creates a new table if void(self).
**** True if the set is empty. Self may be void.
**** See comments in for the subtleties of redefining this.
**** A hash value associated with an element. Must have the property that if "elt_eq(e1,e2)" then "elt_hash(e1)=elt_hash(e2)". Can be defined to always return 0, but many routines will then become quadratic. Uses object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants.
elt_nil: ETP
**** Return the nil value. If the element is under $NIL then return e.nil. Otherwise, return void
n_inds: INT is
**** Number of entries in the table. Self may be void.
str: STR
**** True if the key `k' is mapped by self. Self may be void.

elt!: T
filter!(once f:ROUT{T}:BOOL): T
filter_not!(once f:ROUT{T}:BOOL): T
ind!: K
**** Yield the keys in self in an arbitrary order. Do not insert or delete from self while calling this. Self may be void.
**** Yield the input/output pairs of self in an arbitrary order. Do not insert or delete from self while calling this. Self may be void.
**** Yield the target objects contained in self in an arbitrary order. Do not insert or delete from self while calling this. Self may be void.


**** Set each element of self to nil. Built-in.
acopy(beg,num,srcbeg:INT, src:SAME)
**** Copy `num' elements from `src' to self starting at index `beg' of self and index `srcbeg' of `src'. Built-in.
acopy(beg,num:INT, src:SAME)
**** Copy `num' elements from `src' to self starting at index `beg' of self.
acopy(beg:INT, src:SAME)
**** Copy as many elements from `src' to self as will fit when starting at index `beg' of self.
**** Copy as many elements from `src' to self as will fit. Built-in.
aelt!(once beg:INT):T
**** Yield each element of self starting at `beg'. Built-in.
aelt!(once beg,once num:INT):T
**** Yield `num' successive elements of self starting at index `beg'. Built-in.
aelt!(once beg,once num,once step:INT):T
**** Yield `num' elements of self starting at `beg' and stepping by `step' which must not be zero. Built-in.
**** Yield each element of self in order. Built-in.
**** The element of self with index `ind'. Built-in.
**** Yield the indices of self in order.
**** Allocate `n' locations (must be power of 2 plus 1) and initialize to `(elt_nil,void)'.
**** Set successive elements of self to the values `val'. Built-in.
aset!(once beg:INT,val:T)
**** Set successive elements of self starting at `beg' to the values `val'.
aset!(once beg,once num:INT,val:T)
**** Set `num' successive elements of self starting at `beg' to the values `val'.
aset!(once beg,once num,once step:INT, val:T)
**** Set `num' elements of self starting at `beg' stepping by `step' to the values `val'. `step' must not be zero.
aset(ind:INT, val:T)
**** Set the element of self with index `ind' to `val'. Built-in.
**** The number of elements in self. Classes which inherit this may replace this by a constant to get constant sized objects (and the compiler may optimize certain operations in this case). Built-in.
**** A new table of twice the size of self with self's entries copied over.
**** The "less than" relation used in the sorting routines. Compares the object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants.
**** A hash value associated with an element. Must have the property that if "elt_eq(e1,e2)" then "elt_hash(e1)=elt_hash(e2)". Can be defined to always return 0, but many routines will then become quadratic. Uses object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants.
**** The "less than" relation used in the sorting routines. Compares the object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants.
elt_nil: ETP
**** Return the nil value. If the element is under $NIL then return e.nil. Otherwise, return void
**** A new table of half the size of self with self's entries copied over.
attr hsize:INT;
**** Number of stored entries.
attr hsize:INT;
**** Number of stored entries.
is_legal_aelts_arg( beg, num, step:INT) :BOOL
**** True if the arguments are legal values for `aelts'.
const load_ratio:INT:=4;
**** Allow to get at most 1/load_ratio full.
not_too_many(start, finish:INT):BOOL
**** A function called in an assert to check that really bad hashing isn't happening, which would probably be a performance bug. Since it is in an assert, this isn't called unless checking is on.