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class NAMEMAP is -- Mapping $OB -> STR, with special knowledge about compiler -- entities' equality conventions. In particular, SIGs do not -- use object equality. include FMAP{$OB,STR}; key_eq(k1,k2:$OB):BOOL is -- See comments in for the subtleties of redefining -- this. typecase k1 when STR then typecase k2 when STR then return k1=k2-- STR::is_eq else return false end; -- when SIG then -- typecase k2 -- when SIG then return k1=k2 -- else return false -- end; -- when $AM_EXPR then -- typecase k2 -- when $AM_EXPR then return k1 = k2 -- else return false -- end; else return SYS::ob_eq(k1,k2);-- SYS::ob_eq end end; end;


class NAMESPACE is -- An object which is a C namespace. attr map:NAMEMAP; attr set:FSET{STR}; attr counter:INT; attr uniques:FMAP{STR,INT}; create:SAME is r::=new;;-- NAMESPACE::map NAMEMAP::create r.set:=#;-- NAMESPACE::set FSET{1}::create r.counter:=0;-- NAMESPACE::counter r.uniques:=#;-- NAMESPACE::uniques FMAP{2}::create return r; end; is_taken(s:STR):BOOL is return set.test(s);-- NAMESPACE::set FSET{1}::test end; insert(ob:$OB,nm:STR) is map:=map.insert(ob,nm);-- NAMESPACE::map NAMESPACE::map NAMEMAP::insert set:=set.insert(nm);-- NAMESPACE::set NAMESPACE::set FSET{1}::insert end; get(ob:$OB):STR is return map.get(ob);-- NAMESPACE::map NAMEMAP::get end; with_prefix(s:STR):STR is -- Starts at '1' each time, to try to minimize the extent -- of namespace changes between compiles. -- A special table is kept to avoid quadratic behavior. res:STR; i::=uniques.get(s);-- NAMESPACE::uniques FMAP{2}::get if void(i) then i:=0; end; -- Pretend you don't know it already is loop i:=i+1;-- INT::plus res:=s+i;-- STR::plus until!(~set.test(res));-- NAMESPACE::set FSET{1}::test BOOL::not end; uniques:=uniques.insert(s,i);-- NAMESPACE::uniques NAMESPACE::uniques FMAP{2}::insert return res; end; unique_with_prefix(s:STR):STR is -- Generate a unique name. This one doesn't start trying -- suffixes at '1', so it won't be quadratic in finding names. -- Use this for names that don't make it into header files, -- so that recompilations won't occur. res:STR; loop counter:=counter+1;-- NAMESPACE::counter NAMESPACE::counter INT::plus res:=s+counter;-- NAMESPACE::counter until!(~set.test(res));-- NAMESPACE::set FSET{1}::test BOOL::not end; set:=set.insert(res);-- NAMESPACE::set NAMESPACE::set FSET{1}::insert return res; end; next_unique_with_prefix(s:STR):STR is -- Gets next unique name. This one doesn't start trying -- suffixes at '1', so it won't be quadratic in finding names. -- Note that the returned name is not inserted! In general -- use unique_with_prefix instead. res:STR; loop counter:=counter+1;-- NAMESPACE::counter NAMESPACE::counter INT::plus res:=s+counter;-- NAMESPACE::counter until!(~set.test(res));-- NAMESPACE::set FSET{1}::test BOOL::not end; return res; end; forbid(s:STR) is set:=set.insert(s); end; end;

class MANGLE

class MANGLE is include CS_COMPONENT; -- An object that manages the C namespace. All requests for a -- C identifier should come through this. private attr namespaces:FMAP{$OB,NAMESPACE}; private attr global_space:NAMESPACE; private attr used_by_local:FSET{STR}; attr forbidden:FSET{STR}; -- Strings which may not be used as identifiers create(p:PROG):SAME is res::=new; res.prog:=p;-- MANGLE::prog res.namespaces:=#;-- MANGLE::namespaces FMAP{2}::create res.forbidden:=#;-- MANGLE::forbidden FSET{1}::create res.used_by_local:=#;-- MANGLE::used_by_local FSET{1}::create;-- MANGLE::global_space MANGLE::space -- Insert names which must not be taken. l::=#SYSTEM_LEX(p.home+"/System/FORBID");-- SYSTEM_LEX::create PROG::home STR::plus loop res.forbid(l.elt!); end;-- MANGLE::forbid SYSTEM_LEX::elt! -- After bootstrap past 1.0.5, remove res.forbid("self");-- MANGLE::forbid return res; end; forbid(s:STR) is forbidden:=forbidden.insert(s); end;-- MANGLE::forbidden MANGLE::forbidden FSET{1}::insert -- make sure this identifier never gets used space(ns:$OB):NAMESPACE is -- The namespace associated with some object. If it -- doesn't exist yet, make one. -- void specifies the global namespace... which we key -- to self (before, 'self' of some external object was passed in) if void(ns) then ns:=self end; r::=namespaces.get(ns);-- MANGLE::namespaces FMAP{2}::get if void(r) then r:=#NAMESPACE;-- NAMESPACE::create namespaces:=namespaces.insert(ns,r);-- MANGLE::namespaces MANGLE::namespaces FMAP{2}::insert end; return r; end; dispose_namespace(ns:$OB) is -- The namespace 'ns' isn't going to be used in the future, -- so it's okay to get rid of it now. namespaces:=namespaces.delete(ns);-- MANGLE::namespaces MANGLE::namespaces FMAP{2}::delete end; force_mangle(ob:$OB, s:STR, ns:$OB) pre ~void(ob) is-- BOOL::not -- see to it that a particular object gets a particular name. -- if this is not possible, that is an error. 'ns' is the -- namespace to use. sp::=space(ns);-- MANGLE::space x:STR:=sp.get(ob);-- NAMESPACE::get if void(x) then if sp.is_taken(s) then-- NAMESPACE::is_taken warning("Name "+s+" already in use (same name in more than one external class?)");-- MANGLE::warning STR::plus STR::plus end; --if forbidden.test(s) then -- warning("Name \""+s+"\" is in System/FORBID"); --end; sp.insert(ob,s);-- NAMESPACE::insert elsif x/=s then-- STR::is_eq BOOL::not barf("Name "+s+" could not be assigned by the mangler, already had the name: "+x);-- MANGLE::barf STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; end; genlocal(ns:$OB):STR is -- generate a unique identifier used for intermediate results name::=space(ns).unique_with_prefix("L");-- MANGLE::space NAMESPACE::unique_with_prefix used_by_local:=used_by_local.insert(name);-- MANGLE::used_by_local MANGLE::used_by_local FSET{1}::insert return name; end; genother(ns:$OB):STR is -- generate a unique identifier for anything return space(ns).with_prefix("other");-- MANGLE::space NAMESPACE::with_prefix end; mangle(ob,ns:$OB):STR pre ~void(ob) is-- BOOL::not -- Generate unique id that C will be happy with for each -- unique $OB. Truncates at 24 chars and then puts in number -- in rightmost part to ensure is unique, if necessary. Also -- drops any non-alphanumerics. sp::=space(ns);-- MANGLE::space res::=sp.get(ob);-- NAMESPACE::get if void(res) then s:STR; is_local:BOOL:=false; typecase ob when SIG then"_",;-- SIG::tp STR::append SIG::name IDENT::str if ~void(ob.args) then-- SIG::args BOOL::not loop s:=s.append("_",ob.args.elt!.str); end;-- STR::append SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::str end; if ~void(ob.ret) then s:=s.append("_",ob.ret.str); end;-- SIG::ret BOOL::not STR::append SIG::ret --if"doo" then -- #OUT + "Mangled "+ob.str+" to "+s -- + " ob id = "+SYS::id(s)+" ns = "+SYS::id(ns)+'\n'; --end; when INT then -- used for builtin locals -- Must be careful with locals; they can -- potentially shadow globals, so have to -- check that specially. s:=sp.unique_with_prefix("L");-- NAMESPACE::unique_with_prefix is_local:=true; when AM_LOCAL_EXPR then -- Must be careful with locals; they can -- potentially shadow globals, so have to -- check that specially. if ~void( then;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name BOOL::not AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name IDENT::str else s:=sp.unique_with_prefix("L");-- NAMESPACE::unique_with_prefix end; is_local:=true; when TP_CLASS then s:=ob.str;-- TP_CLASS::str when TP_ROUT then s:=ob.str;-- TP_ROUT::str when TP_ITER then s:=ob.str;-- TP_ITER::str when AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR then s:="bound"; when STR then s:=ob; when IDENT then s:=ob.str;-- IDENT::str when AM_GLOBAL_EXPR then s:=ob.class_tp.str+'_';-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::class_tp STR::plus STR::plus AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::name IDENT::str when AM_LOOP_STMT then s:="after_loop"; when AM_STR_CONST then s:=ob.bval;-- AM_STR_CONST::bval else -- pick a default name end; if void(s) then res:=sp.with_prefix("noname");-- NAMESPACE::with_prefix else tmp::=#FSTR; -- Use an FSTR for speed here-- FSTR::create loop c::=s.elt!;-- STR::elt! case c when 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g', 'h','i','j','k','l','m', 'n','o','p','q','r','s','t', 'u','v','w','x','y','z', '0','1','2','3','4','5','6', '7','8','9','_', 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G', 'H','I','J','K','L','M', 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T', 'U','V','W','X','Y','Z' then tmp:=tmp+c;-- FSTR::plus when '$' then tmp:=tmp+'d';-- FSTR::plus when '!' then tmp:=tmp+'b'-- FSTR::plus else -- don't put anything else in end; end; -- make sure there's something left if tmp.length = 0 then tmp := tmp+"name" end;-- FSTR::length INT::is_eq FSTR::plus -- make sure it starts with a letter case tmp[0]-- FSTR::aget when '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','_' then tmp:=#FSTR+"S"+tmp;-- FSTR::create FSTR::plus FSTR::plus else end; res:=tmp.str;-- FSTR::str -- truncate if too long if res.length>24 then res:=res.head(24); end;-- STR::length INT::is_lt STR::head -- make sure it's unique loop while!(sp.is_taken(res) or forbidden.test(res)-- NAMESPACE::is_taken MANGLE::forbidden FSET{1}::test or (is_local and global_space.is_taken(res))-- MANGLE::global_space NAMESPACE::is_taken or (~is_local and used_by_local.test(res)));-- BOOL::not MANGLE::used_by_local FSET{1}::test -- not unique, better mangle more res:=sp.with_prefix(res.head(24.min(res.length)));-- NAMESPACE::with_prefix STR::head INT::min STR::length end; end; sp.insert(ob,res);-- NAMESPACE::insert if is_local then used_by_local:=used_by_local.insert(res);-- MANGLE::used_by_local MANGLE::used_by_local FSET{1}::insert end; end; return res; end; Cify(c:CHAR):STR is -- return an escaped version of c suitable for C. res::=""; case c when 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g', 'h','i','j','k','l','m', 'n','o','p','q','r','s','t', 'u','v','w','x','y','z', '0','1','2','3','4','5','6', '7','8','9', 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G', 'H','I','J','K','L','M', 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T', 'U','V','W','X','Y','Z', '!','@','#','$','%','^','&', '*','(',')','-','=','+', '|',':',';','`','~','_',' ', ',','.','<','>','/','?','[', ']','{','}' then -- an acceptable character res:=res+c;-- STR::plus -- Some versions of gcc can't do this so we won't either, -- for now. Alex Cozzi is the only one who reported a -- problem with this, but don't take chances for now. -- when '\a' then -- res:=res+"\\a"; when '\b' then res:=res+"\\b";-- STR::plus when '\f' then res:=res+"\\f";-- STR::plus when '\n' then res:=res+"\\n";-- STR::plus when '\r' then res:=res+"\\r";-- STR::plus when '\t' then res:=res+"\\t";-- STR::plus when '\v' then res:=res+"\\v";-- STR::plus when '\\' then res:=res+"\\\\";-- STR::plus when '\'' then res:=res+"\\'";-- STR::plus when '\"' then res:=res+"\\\"";-- STR::plus else -- must give octal;-- CHAR::int INT::octal_str oc:=oc.substring(2,oc.length-2);-- STR::substring STR::length INT::minus res:=res+'\\'+oc;-- STR::plus STR::plus end; -- case return res; end; Cify(arg:STR):STR is -- transform a string into a '\' escaped version suitable for C. res::=#FSTR;-- FSTR::create loop res:=res+Cify(arg.elt!);-- FSTR::plus MANGLE::Cify STR::elt! end; return res.str;-- FSTR::str end; end; -- MANGLE