Taipei 2002


COLING group photoSome of my new COLING friends: Michael, me, Brian, Vivian, Mosleh and Maria. Check out Brian's much more complete COLING 2002 page -- including great pictures of the fantastically helpful orange-shirted local staff. As I understand it, pretty much the entire Taipei graduate student population in computer science and linguistics was mobilized on our behalf! And I for one sure needed it after my major laptop debacle! Everlasting thanks to all of my orange-clad saviors and the local Apple whiz!!
After the conference, Maria, Gideon, Vivian and I spent a day in search of mountains and water. We found the best pool ever and an impressive waterfall to boot. Aren't we convincing in our (3-D!) aboriginal pose?
The best pool ever! waterfall Aboriginal Gideon/Nancy Tram

Exploring Taipei with Vivian: Ghost Festival observances, milk tea on every corner. Not pictured: more shoes than I could ever possibly need; the 24-hour bookstore.

NC and Vivian Ghost festival street Taipei street scene

The 2 Dans (G and J) and I decided to do as the locals do and make photo stickers (complete with extra decorations). Later I enjoyed a lovely evening at a mountain tea garden with Jennifer, Dan J and Vivian; I believe the blue-shirted local who crashed our picture was the owner's son, who demonstrated the "V" photo pose ubiquitous in Taiwan.

Stickers! Inside tea garden In front of tea garden

I also had the pleasure of spending time with some wonderful locals: my mom's childhood friend and my friend Amy's cousin Pei-Wen. After a sweltering day driving around the northern Taiwanese coast, we happily gobbled up the mango, red-bean and avocado concoctions at Pei-Wen's cousin's bing stand -- the best in Taipei! Yum!! (Note recurrence of "V" hand gesture! You see!)

NC with Chens NC at Beian With Pei-Wen, cousin and the best
bing in Taipei!

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