
...near and far, old and new!

CogSci '04

(more photos)
  The Golden Angels:
NC, Nick, Ben, Peter, Asifa, Stephanie
Poster session
monkey racers
With Chuck and The Bergen Mr. Organizer and famille

ICLC '03
Logrono, Spain

  All sorts of fun people! World economic powers Harry walked into his cafe?! Ben and NC,
recreating our old office

Taipei, Taiwan

(more photos)
  Compling crowd Gideon, Vivian, Maria and Nancy at the best pool ever Sticker fun with the 2 Dans (G and J) Tea garden with Jennifer, DanJ and Vivian


  ICSI historical: with DanJ, Terry, and Srini
(Edinburgh, CogSci 2001)
Mentors! Nikki, DBailey, Christine and DanJ
(Fall 2003)
Mentees! Eva, Johno and Steve
(Spring 2004)
Together at last! With Laura in Boulder
(May 2004)

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Nancy Chang - nchang @