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-- Routine and iter type signatures in the Sather compiler.

-- SIG: The type signature of a routine or iter. -- SIG_TBL: Table of routine and iter signatures retrievable by name.

class SIG < $STR, $HASH

class SIG < $STR, $HASH is -- The type signature of a routine or iter. include COMPARABLE; readonly attr tp:$TP; -- The type to which the signature belongs. readonly attr name:IDENT; -- The name of the routine or iter. readonly attr args:ARRAY{ARG}; -- Arguments, void if none. readonly attr hot:ARRAY{BOOL}; -- True for "!" iter args, void if none. readonly attr ret:$TP; -- Return type, void if none. readonly attr str:STR; -- String representation readonly attr returns_same:BOOL;-- True for abstract class routines -- returning SAME. *H* attr src_tparams: ARRAY{$TP}; -- Typeparameters in the original -- declaration of the routine. Needed -- in the backend. -- this should go away attr srcsig:SAME; -- The signature of this routine or iter -- in the class it originally came from. -- Only set after the function has been -- optimized. -- Table of unique SIGs (registration occurs on creation.) readonly shared sigs:FMAP{STR,SIG}; is_builtin:BOOL is -- true for builtin iters and funcs. if ~void(builtin_info) then return true; end;-- SIG::builtin_info BOOL::not return (~void(srcsig) and srcsig/=self and srcsig.is_builtin);-- SIG::srcsig BOOL::not SIG::srcsig SIG::is_eq BOOL::not SIG::srcsig SIG::is_builtin end; attr builtin_info:CONFIG_ROUT; -- configuration info for builtin private attr got_builtin_info:BOOL; -- see rout_sig for infos about -- this field attr is_forked:BOOL; -- Used by pSather attr needs_import:BOOL; -- Used by pSather attr needs_export:BOOL; -- used by pSather attr am_created:BOOL; -- Whether AM form output has occured yet.
-- side effect processing: private attr se_context:SE_CONTEXT; -- the side effects of this signature get_se_context(prog:PROG):SE_CONTEXT is if tp.is_abstract then-- SIG::tp -- construct a signature union for this abstract signature return SE_CONTEXT::get_abstract_union(prog,self);-- SE_CONTEXT::get_abstract_union else -- return what is here return se_context;-- SIG::se_context end; end; set_se_context(sec:SE_CONTEXT) is assert sec.rsig = self;-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::is_eq assert ~tp.is_abstract;-- SIG::tp BOOL::not se_context := sec;-- SIG::se_context end;
prog:PROG is -- The program this signature belongs to. return tp.prog end;-- SIG::tp create(ntp:$TP,tparr:ARRAY{$TP},nname:IDENT,nargs:ARRAY{ARG}, nret:$TP,nsame:BOOL) :SAME is r::=new;;-- SIG::tp r.src_tparams := tparr;-- SIG::src_tparams;-- SIG::name r.args:=nargs;-- SIG::args r.ret:=nret;-- SIG::ret r.returns_same:=nsame;-- SIG::returns_same return r.make_unique;-- SIG::make_unique end; -- This will need to change when 1.1 once args are done (Boris) create(ntp:$TP,tparr:ARRAY{$TP},nname:IDENT,nargs:ARRAY{ARG}, hot:ARRAY{BOOL},nret:$TP,nsame:BOOL):SAME is r::=new;; r.src_tparams := tparr;; r.args:=nargs; r.ret:=nret;; r.returns_same:=nsame; return r.make_unique; end; private make_unique:SAME is if void(str) then compute_str; end;-- SIG::str SIG::compute_str u::=sigs.get(str);-- SIG::sigs FMAP{2}::get SIG::str if void(u) then sigs:=sigs.insert(str,self);-- SIG::sigs SIG::sigs FMAP{2}::insert SIG::str return self; else -- WARNING: the following lines have two different purposes: -- 1. Sometimes we build a signature BEFORE we know that -- it is a builtin. If this happens, it is NOT created -- through rout_sig, but via a standard create call. -- If this happens, got_builtin_info will still be false. -- In this case, we will copy an eventuall builtin_info from -- the new signature. -- 2. If we include a builtin function and overwrite it -- with another builtin function, we have to keep THE -- FIRST ONE! This is true because in such a case the -- explicit signature is generated BEFORE the signature -- of the included function. We know that we have such a case -- if got_builtin_info is true for the first signature -- IMPORTANT: this works only if the signatures are generated in -- the correct order!! if is_builtin and ~u.got_builtin_info then-- SIG::is_builtin SIG::got_builtin_info BOOL::not -- we may find out after we created a signature -- that it is builtin u.builtin_info:=builtin_info;-- SIG::builtin_info SIG::builtin_info u.got_builtin_info:=true;-- SIG::got_builtin_info end; end; return u; end; -- will change when 1.1 once args are done (Boris) private compute_str is -- Compute the string representation of self. Uses no whitespace, -- eg. "FOO::foo!(A!,outB{C}):D". -- Equality of the string representation must occur if and only -- if two SIGs are really the same object (including arg modes). s::=#FSTR(64) + tp.str + "::" + name.str;-- FSTR::create SIG::tp FSTR::plus SIG::name IDENT::str if ~void(args) then-- SIG::args BOOL::not s:=s + '(';-- FSTR::plus loop arg ::= args.elt!;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! if ~void(arg) then-- BOOL::not -- We don't append once yet (will do a bit later) if arg.mode = MODES::once_mode then-- ARG::mode MODES::once_mode s:=s+",".separate!(; -- FSTR::plus STR::separate! ARG::tp else s:=s+",".separate!(;-- FSTR::plus STR::separate! ARG::mode STR::plus ARG::tp end; end; if ~void(hot) and hot.elt! then s:=s+'!' end end;-- SIG::hot BOOL::not SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! FSTR::plus s:=s + ')' end;-- FSTR::plus if ~void(ret) then-- SIG::ret BOOL::not if returns_same then s := s + ":SAME"-- SIG::returns_same else s:=s + ':' + ret.str end;-- FSTR::plus FSTR::plus SIG::ret end; self.str:=s.str;-- SIG::str FSTR::str end; num_args:INT is -- The number of arguments in this signature. return args.size end;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size has_ret:BOOL is -- True if there is a return value. return ~void(ret) end;-- SIG::ret BOOL::not is_iter:BOOL is -- True if self is an iter. return name.is_iter end;-- SIG::name IDENT::is_iter is_routine:BOOL is return ~is_iter end;-- SIG::is_iter BOOL::not is_builtin_iter:BOOL is -- True if self is an iter. return is_builtin and is_iter end;-- SIG::is_builtin SIG::is_iter is_builtin_routine:BOOL is -- True if self is an iter. return is_builtin and is_routine end;-- SIG::is_builtin SIG::is_routine is_attr_writer_sig:BOOL is -- True if self could be a writer signature for an object attribute. -- For ref it has a single in argument and no return value, for val -- it has a single in arg and a return value. if tp.kind=TP_KIND::val_tp then-- SIG::tp INT::is_eq TP_KIND::val_tp if args.size=1 and tp=ret then-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq SIG::tp SIG::ret return args[0].mode = MODES::in_mode;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::mode MODES::in_mode end; elsif args.size=1 and void(ret) then-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq SIG::ret return args[0].mode = MODES::in_mode;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::mode MODES::in_mode end; return false; end; is_shared_writer_sig:BOOL is -- True if self could be a writer signature for a shared attribute. -- It has a in single in argument and no return value. if args.size=1 and void(ret) then-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq SIG::ret return args[0].mode = MODES::in_mode;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::mode MODES::in_mode else return false; end; end; is_reader_sig:BOOL is -- True if self has a return value but no arguments. return void(args) and ~void(ret)-- SIG::args SIG::ret end;-- BOOL::not is_invariant:BOOL is -- True if self is the signature "invariant:BOOL". return void(args) and ~void(ret) and TP_BUILTIN::bool=ret and-- SIG::args SIG::ret BOOL::not TP_BUILTIN::bool SIG::ret name=IDENT_BUILTIN::invariant_ident-- SIG::name IDENT::is_eq IDENT_BUILTIN::invariant_ident end; conforms_to(s:SAME):BOOL -- True if self conforms to `s' so as to satisfy the inheritance -- rule. This means they: -- 1) Have the same name, -- 2) Have the same the number of args, -- 3) If iters, then the same args are declared `once', -- 4) Both have or do not have a return value, -- 5) The mode of each argument is the same -- 6) for any in or once arguments, the type in `s' is the subtype -- in of the type in self; -- for any `inout' arguments, the type in self is the same as in `s'; -- for any `out' arguments,the type in self is a subtype of the type in -- s if it has one, the return type of self is a subtype of the return -- type of `s' -- 7) For the resulttype, the type in self is a subtype of the type in -- s if it has one. The resulttype has to be SAME if it is SAME in -- s. -- Ignores `tp'. -- Some of the following will need to be modified when 1.1 -- once args are implemented (Boris) pre ~void(self) and ~void(s) is-- BOOL::not BOOL::not if name/ or args.size/=s.args.size or-- SIG::name IDENT::is_eq SIG::name BOOL::not SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not hot.size/ or has_ret/=s.has_ret then return false end;-- SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not SIG::has_ret BOOL::is_eq SIG::has_ret BOOL::not loop if hot.elt!/! then return false end end;-- SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::is_eq SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::not loop if args.elt!.mode /=s.args.elt!.mode then return false end end;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::mode SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::mode BOOL::not if has_ret then-- SIG::has_ret if s.returns_same and ~returns_same then-- SIG::returns_same SIG::returns_same BOOL::not return false elsif ~ret.is_subtype(s.ret) then-- SIG::ret SIG::ret BOOL::not return false end end; loop self_arg ::= args.elt!; s_arg ::= s.args.elt!;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! self_arg_mode ::= self_arg.mode ; s_arg_mode ::= s_arg.mode;-- ARG::mode ARG::mode case self_arg_mode when MODES::in_mode then-- MODES::in_mode if then return false; end;-- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not when MODES::out_mode then-- MODES::out_mode if then return false; end;-- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not when MODES::inout_mode then-- MODES::inout_mode if /= then return false; end;-- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not when MODES::once_mode then-- MODES::once_mode if then return false; end;-- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not end; end; return true; end; conflicts_with(s:SAME):BOOL -- True if self conflicts with `s'. This is a symmetric -- relationship. It means that they: -- 1) Have the same name, -- 2) Have the same the number of args, -- 3) There is no argument that they declare as having different -- types and neither type declaration is abstract, bound. -- 4) Both have or do not have a return value. -- Ignores `tp'. -- Conflicts are independent of argument modes pre ~void(self) and ~void(s) is-- BOOL::not BOOL::not if name/ or args.size/=s.args.size or-- SIG::name IDENT::is_eq SIG::name BOOL::not SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not has_ret/=s.has_ret -- SIG::has_ret BOOL::is_eq SIG::has_ret then return false end;-- BOOL::not arg, s_arg:ARG; t,st:$TP; conflict:BOOL := false; abs:BOOL := false; same_args:BOOL := true; -- sigs have the same args loop arg := args.elt!; s_arg := s.args.elt!;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt!;;-- ARG::tp ARG::tp if t/=st then same_args := false; end;-- BOOL::not if t/=st and ~t.is_abstract and ~t.is_bound and-- BOOL::not BOOL::not BOOL::not ~st.is_abstract and ~st.is_bound-- BOOL::not then-- BOOL::not -- this takes care of concrete types return false; else if ((t.is_abstract and st.is_abstract) or (t.is_bound and st.is_bound)) then abs := true; if ~(t.is_subtype(st) or st.is_subtype(t)) then-- BOOL::not conflict := true; end; else if t /= st then-- BOOL::not return false; -- at least one arg has a concrete type end; end; end; end; return (abs and conflict) or ~abs or same_args;-- BOOL::not end; -- this will be fixed to conform to 1.1 once arg (Boris) is_eq_but_tp(s:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self is equal to `s' except for the `tp' field. -- This is a symmetric relationship. -- It means that they: -- 1) Have the same name, -- 2) Have the same the number of args, -- 3) Each argument type of `s' *is equal* to the corresponding -- argument in self, -- 4) If iters, then the same args are declared `hot', (fix Boris) -- 5) Modes of args are the same -- 6) Both have or do not have a return value. -- 7) The return types must be equal, if present. if void(self) then return void(s) elsif void(s) then return false end; if SYS::ob_eq(self,s) then return true end; -- Do easy check first!-- SYS::ob_eq if name/ or args.size/=s.args.size or-- SIG::name IDENT::is_eq SIG::name BOOL::not SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not hot.size/ or has_ret/=s.has_ret then-- SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not SIG::has_ret BOOL::is_eq SIG::has_ret BOOL::not return false end; loop arg ::= args.elt!; s_arg ::= s.args.elt!;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! if ( /= or (arg.mode /= s_arg.mode)-- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not ARG::mode ARG::mode then return false end end; loop if hot.elt!/! then return false end end;-- SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::is_eq SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::not if has_ret and ret/=s.ret and-- SIG::has_ret SIG::ret SIG::ret BOOL::not ( ~returns_same or ~s.returns_same )-- SIG::returns_same BOOL::not SIG::returns_same BOOL::not then return false end; return true end; hash:INT is -- this can be done because of unique sig's return SYS::id(self).hash;-- SYS::id INT::hash end; is_eq(s: $OB): BOOL is -- Equality change typecase s when SAME then return is_eq(s)-- SIG::is_eq else return false end; end; is_eq(s:SAME):BOOL is -- See below. This should be faster. return SYS::ob_eq(self,s);-- SYS::ob_eq end; -- This is what is_eq used to be. Object equality can be used now -- because it is much faster. String equality can be used before -- registration. old_is_eq(s:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self is equal to `s'. This is a symmetric relationship. -- It means that they: -- 1) Have the same name, -- 2) Have the same the number of args, -- 3) Each argument type of `s' *is equal* to the corresponding -- argument in self, -- 4) If iters, then the same args are declared `hot', -- 5) Both have or do not have a return value. -- 6) The return types must be equal, if present. -- 7) Has an equal `tp'. if void(self) then return void(s) elsif void(s) then return false; elsif SYS::ob_eq(self,s) then return true; elsif name/ then return false; elsif tp/ or args.size/=s.args.size or hot.size/ or has_ret/=s.has_ret then return false; end; loop arg ::= args.elt!; s_arg ::= s.args.elt!; if ( /= or (arg.mode /= s_arg.mode) then return false end end; loop if hot.elt!/! then return false end end; if has_ret and ret/=s.ret then return false end; return true end; is_neq(e:$OB):BOOL is return ~is_eq(e); end; is_neq(e:SAME):BOOL is return ~is_eq(e); end;-- SIG::is_eq BOOL::not is_writer_for(s:SAME):BOOL -- True if self is the writer signature corresponding to the -- reader signature `s'. This means that: -- 1) self and `s' have the same name. -- 2) self has 1 (in) arg, `s' has none. -- 3) For value types self has a return value of type self, -- otherwise it has no return value, `s' has 1 . -- 4) The type of self's arg is equal to `s's return type. pre ~void(self) and ~void(s) is if name/ or ~void(s.args) or void(s.ret) or args.size/=1 or args[0].tp /=s.ret then return false end; if args[0].mode /= MODES::in_mode then return false; end; if tp.kind=TP_KIND::val_tp then if s.ret/ then return false end elsif ~void(s.ret) then return false end; return true end; rout_sig(as:AS_ROUT_DEF, nm:IDENT, srcparams: ARRAY{$TP}, con:TP_CONTEXT) :SAME -- The signature of the routine or iter in the type `con.same' -- defined by `as' with the name `nm' and types resolved according -- to `con'. pre ~void(as) and ~void(nm) and ~void(con)-- BOOL::not BOOL::not is-- BOOL::not r::=new;; r.src_tparams := srcparams;-- SIG::tp TP_CONTEXT::same SIG::src_tparams; na::=as.args_dec.size;-- SIG::name AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec AS_ARG_DEC::size if as.is_builtin then-- AS_ROUT_DEF::is_builtin r.builtin_info:=r.prog.config.get_rout(as.builtin_name.str);-- SIG::builtin_info SIG::prog PROG::config CONFIG_TBL::get_rout AS_ROUT_DEF::builtin_name IDENT::str if void(r.builtin_info) then-- SIG::builtin_info r.prog.err("builtin "+as.builtin_name.str+" not found in CONFIG\n");-- SIG::prog PROG::err STR::plus AS_ROUT_DEF::builtin_name IDENT::str STR::plus end; end; if na/=0 then-- INT::is_eq BOOL::not r.args:=#(na);-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create ad::=as.args_dec;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec loop until!(void(ad)); --*H* if con.same.is_abstract and = AS_TYPE_SPEC::same then-- TP_CONTEXT::same TP_CLASS::is_abstract AS_ARG_DEC::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::same r.prog.err_loc( ad );-- SIG::prog PROG::err_loc r.prog.err( "SAME may not occur as argument type in abstract types." );-- SIG::prog PROG::err end; r.args.set!(#ARG(con.tp_of(,MODE::create_from_as(ad.mode)));-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::set! ARG::create TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_ARG_DEC::tp MODE::create_from_as AS_ARG_DEC::mode AS_ARG_DEC::next end end; -- This will be changed when 1.1 once args are working (Boris) dohot:BOOL; tae::=as.args_dec;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec loop until!(void(tae)); if tae.is_hot then dohot:=true end; end;-- AS_ARG_DEC::is_hot AS_ARG_DEC::next if dohot then;-- SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::create ad::=as.args_dec;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec loop until!(void(ad));!(ad.is_hot); end end; -- SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::set! AS_ARG_DEC::is_hot AS_ARG_DEC::next r.ret:=con.tp_of(as.ret_dec);-- SIG::ret TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_ROUT_DEF::ret_dec r.returns_same := ~void(as.ret_dec)-- SIG::returns_same AS_ROUT_DEF::ret_dec and as.ret_dec.kind = AS_TYPE_SPEC::same; -- *H*-- BOOL::not AS_ROUT_DEF::ret_dec AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::same r.got_builtin_info:=true;-- SIG::got_builtin_info return r.make_unique;-- SIG::make_unique end; const_reader_sig(as:AS_CONST_DEF, nm:IDENT, srcparams: ARRAY{$TP}, con:TP_CONTEXT):SAME -- The signature of the reader routine in the type `con.same' for -- the constant defined by `as' with the name specified by `nm' and -- types resolved according to `con'. pre ~void(as) and ~void(nm) and ~void(con)-- BOOL::not BOOL::not is-- BOOL::not r::=new;;; r.src_tparams := srcparams;-- SIG::tp TP_CONTEXT::same SIG::name SIG::src_tparams if ~void( then -- Explicit type specified.-- AS_CONST_DEF::tp BOOL::not r.ret:=con.tp_of(;-- SIG::ret TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_CONST_DEF::tp else -- No explicit type, so INT. r.ret:=TP_BUILTIN::int end;-- SIG::ret TP_BUILTIN::int return r.make_unique-- SIG::make_unique end; shared_reader_sig(as:AS_SHARED_DEF, nm:IDENT, srcparams: ARRAY{$TP}, con:TP_CONTEXT):SAME -- The signature of the reader routine in the type `con.same' for -- the shared defined by `as' with the name specified by `nm' and -- types resolved according to `con'. pre ~void(as) and ~void(nm) and ~void(con)-- BOOL::not BOOL::not is-- BOOL::not r::=new;;; r.src_tparams := srcparams;-- SIG::tp TP_CONTEXT::same SIG::name SIG::src_tparams r.ret:=con.tp_of(;-- SIG::ret TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_SHARED_DEF::tp return r.make_unique-- SIG::make_unique end; shared_writer_sig(as:AS_SHARED_DEF, nm:IDENT, srcparams: ARRAY{$TP}, con:TP_CONTEXT):SAME -- The signature of the writer routine in the type `con.same' for -- the shared defined by `as' with the name specified by `nm' and -- types resolved according to `con'. pre ~void(as) and ~void(nm) and ~void(con)-- BOOL::not BOOL::not is-- BOOL::not r::=new;;; r.src_tparams := srcparams;-- SIG::tp TP_CONTEXT::same SIG::name SIG::src_tparams r.args:=ARRAY{ARG}::create(1);-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create r.args[0] := #ARG(con.tp_of(; --in argument mode-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aset ARG::create TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_SHARED_DEF::tp return r.make_unique-- SIG::make_unique end; attr_reader_sig(as:AS_ATTR_DEF, nm:IDENT, srcparams: ARRAY{$TP}, con:TP_CONTEXT):SAME -- The signature of the reader routine in the type `con.same' for -- the object attribute defined by `as' with the name specified -- by `nm' and types resolved according to `con'. pre ~void(as) and ~void(nm) and ~void(con)-- BOOL::not BOOL::not is-- BOOL::not r::=new;;; r.src_tparams := srcparams;-- SIG::tp TP_CONTEXT::same SIG::name SIG::src_tparams r.ret:=con.tp_of(;-- SIG::ret TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_ATTR_DEF::tp return r.make_unique-- SIG::make_unique end; attr_writer_sig(as:AS_ATTR_DEF, nm:IDENT, srcparams: ARRAY{$TP}, con:TP_CONTEXT):SAME -- The signature of the writer routine in the type `con.same' for -- the object attribute defined by `as' with the name specified -- by `nm' and types resolved according to `con'. pre ~void(as) and ~void(nm) and ~void(con)-- BOOL::not BOOL::not is-- BOOL::not r::=new;;; r.src_tparams := srcparams;-- SIG::tp TP_CONTEXT::same SIG::name SIG::src_tparams r.args:=ARRAY{ARG}::create(1);-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create r.args[0] := #ARG(con.tp_of(; -- arument mode: in-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aset ARG::create TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_ATTR_DEF::tp if then end;-- SIG::tp INT::is_eq TP_KIND::val_tp SIG::ret SIG::tp return r.make_unique-- SIG::make_unique end; bound_routine_call(tp:TP_ROUT):SAME -- The signature of the "call" routine for the bound routine -- type `tp'. pre ~void(tp) is-- BOOL::not r::=new;;;-- SIG::tp SIG::name IDENT_BUILTIN::call_ident r.args:=tp.args; r.ret:=tp.ret;-- SIG::args TP_ROUT::args SIG::ret TP_ROUT::ret return r.make_unique-- SIG::make_unique end; -- this will change when 1.1 once are ok (Boris), bound_iter_call(tp:TP_ITER):SAME -- The signature of the "call!" routine for the bound iter -- type `tp'. pre ~void(tp) is-- BOOL::not r::=new;;;-- SIG::tp SIG::name IDENT_BUILTIN::call_bang_ident r.args:=tp.args;; r.ret:=tp.ret;-- SIG::args TP_ITER::args SIG::hot TP_ITER::hot SIG::ret TP_ITER::ret return r.make_unique-- SIG::make_unique end; with_new_type(t:$TP):SAME -- A new signature, the same as self, but with the new type `t'. pre ~void(self) and ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not BOOL::not r::=new;;; r.args:=args;;-- SIG::tp SIG::name SIG::name SIG::args SIG::args SIG::hot SIG::hot if returns_same then-- SIG::returns_same r.returns_same := true;-- SIG::returns_same r.ret := t;-- SIG::ret else r.ret := ret-- SIG::ret SIG::ret end; return r.make_unique-- SIG::make_unique end; is_base_type(tp:$TP):BOOL is -- True if `tp' is BOOL, CHAR, INT, FLT, FLTD, FLTX, FLTDX, or -- EXT_OB. -- Or one of external but recognized types case tp when TP_BUILTIN::bool then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::bool when TP_BUILTIN::char then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::char when TP_BUILTIN::int then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::int when TP_BUILTIN::flt then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::flt when TP_BUILTIN::fltd then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::fltd when TP_BUILTIN::fltx then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::fltx when TP_BUILTIN::fltdx then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::fltdx when TP_BUILTIN::ext_ob then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::ext_ob -- FORTRAN stuff when TP_BUILTIN::f_integer then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::f_integer when TP_BUILTIN::f_real then return true -- TP_BUILTIN::f_real else return false end end; is_base_aref_type(tp:$TP):BOOL is -- True if `tp' has an include path to AREF{CHAR}, AREF{INT}, -- AREF{FLT}, AREF{FLTD}, AREF{FLTX}, AREF{FLTDX}, or AREF{EXT_OB}. -- or AREF{one of external but recognized types} typecase tp when TP_CLASS then im:IMPL:=tp.impl;-- TP_CLASS::impl if void(im) then return false end; ar:TP_CLASS:=im.arr; if void(ar) then return false end;-- IMPL::arr if then return false end;-- TP_CLASS::name IDENT::is_eq IDENT_BUILTIN::AREF_ident BOOL::not if void(ar.params) then-- TP_CLASS::params #OUT + "Compiler error, SIG::is_base_aref_type params=void.";-- OUT::create OUT::plus return false end; if ar.params.size/=1 then-- TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq BOOL::not #OUT + "Compiler error, SIG::is_base_aref_type params.size/=1.";-- OUT::create OUT::plus return false end; case ar.params[0]-- TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::aget when TP_BUILTIN::char then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::char when TP_BUILTIN::int then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::int when TP_BUILTIN::flt then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::flt when TP_BUILTIN::fltd then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::fltd when TP_BUILTIN::fltx then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::fltx when TP_BUILTIN::fltdx then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::fltdx when TP_BUILTIN::ext_ob then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::ext_ob when TP_BUILTIN::f_integer then return true-- TP_BUILTIN::f_integer when TP_BUILTIN::f_real then return true -- TP_BUILTIN::f_real else return false end else return false end end; is_legal_ext_abs:BOOL -- True if this signature is legal for an abstract routine -- in an external class. pre ~void(self) is-- BOOL::not if name.is_iter then-- SIG::name IDENT::is_iter prog.err("The iter signature " + str +-- SIG::prog PROG::err SIG::str " isn't allowed in an external class.");-- STR::plus return false end; loop a::=args.elt!.tp;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp if a.is_abstract or ~(is_base_type(a) or is_base_aref_type(a)) then-- SIG::is_base_type SIG::is_base_aref_type BOOL::not prog.err("The signature " + str +-- SIG::prog PROG::err SIG::str " is not legal for a routine without body in an external " "class. The argument type " + a.str +-- STR::plus STR::plus " is not of the right type."); return false end end;-- STR::plus if ~void(ret) and ~is_base_type(ret) then-- SIG::ret BOOL::not SIG::ret BOOL::not prog.err("The signature " + str +-- SIG::prog PROG::err SIG::str " is not legal for a routine without body in an external " "class. The return type " + ret.str +-- STR::plus SIG::ret " is not of the right type."); return false end;-- STR::plus return true end; is_legal_ext_bod:BOOL -- True if this signature is legal for a routine with a body -- in an external class. pre ~void(self) is-- BOOL::not if name.is_iter then-- SIG::name IDENT::is_iter prog.err("The iter signature " + str +-- SIG::prog PROG::err SIG::str " isn't allowed in an external class.");-- STR::plus return false end; loop a::=args.elt!.tp;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp if is_base_type(a) then-- SIG::is_base_type else prog.err("The signature " + str +-- SIG::prog PROG::err SIG::str " is not legal for a routine with body in an external " "class. The argument type " + a.str +-- STR::plus STR::plus " is not of the right type."); return false end end;-- STR::plus if ~void(ret) and ~is_base_type(ret) then-- SIG::ret BOOL::not SIG::ret BOOL::not prog.err("The signature " + str +-- SIG::prog PROG::err SIG::str " is not legal for a routine with body in an external " "class. The return type " + ret.str +-- STR::plus SIG::ret " is not of the right type."); return false end;-- STR::plus return true end; end; -- class SIG

class ARG

class ARG is -- signature arguments attr tp: $TP; -- argument type attr mode: $MODE; -- argument mode is_eq(a: $OB):BOOL is typecase a when ARG then return is_eq(a) else return false; end; end; is_neq(a: $OB):BOOL is return ~is_eq(a); end; is_eq(a: ARG):BOOL is return tp = and mode = a.mode;-- ARG::tp ARG::tp ARG::mode ARG::mode end; is_neq(a: ARG):BOOL is return ~is_eq(a); end; str:STR is return mode.str+tp.str;-- ARG::mode ARG::tp end; create(t:$TP): SAME is -- The ``default'' constructor: mode is set to IN_MODE res ::= new; := t;-- ARG::tp res.mode := #IN_MODE;-- ARG::mode IN_MODE::create return res; end; create(t:$TP, m:$MODE): SAME is res ::= new; := t;-- ARG::tp res.mode := m;-- ARG::mode return res; end; end;

class SIG_TBL < $STR

class SIG_TBL < $STR is -- Table of routine and iter signatures retrievable by name. -- -- `get_query!(i:IDENT):SIG' yields each sig with the name `i'. -- `test(SIG):BOOL' tests for the given sig. -- `insert(SIG):SAME' inserts a sig. -- `delete(SIG):SAME' deletes a sig. -- `elt!:ELT' yields each sig. include FQSET{IDENT,SIG}; query_test(name:IDENT, s:SIG):BOOL is -- True if `s' is a signature with the name `name'. if void(s) then return false end; return end;-- SIG::name IDENT::is_eq query_hash(i:IDENT):INT is -- A hash value computed from the name `i'. return i.hash end;-- IDENT::hash elt_hash(s:SIG):INT is -- A hash value computed from the name of an element. return end;-- SIG::name IDENT::hash sig_eq_to(s:SIG):SIG -- Returns an element of self equal to `s' if one exists, -- otherwise returns void. New implementation by MBK. Much faster. pre ~void(s) is return get(s); end; sig_conflicting_with(s:SIG):SIG -- Returns an element of self that conflicts with `s' if one -- exists, otherwise returns void. pre ~void(s) is-- BOOL::not loop r::=get_query!(;-- SIG_TBL::get_query! SIG::name if r.conflicts_with(s) then return r end end;-- SIG::conflicts_with return void end; str:STR is a:ARRAY{STR}:=#(size);-- ARRAY{1}::create SIG_TBL::size loop a.set!(elt!.str);-- ARRAY{1}::set! SIG_TBL::elt! SIG::str end; a.sort;-- ARRAY{1}::sort s:STR:=""; i::=0; loop while!(i<a.asize);-- INT::is_lt ARRAY{1}::asize if i/=0 then s:=s+";"; end;-- INT::is_eq BOOL::not STR::plus s:=s+a[i];-- STR::plus ARRAY{1}::aget i:=i+1;-- INT::plus end; return s; end; end; -- class SIG_TBL
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