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-- Built-in integers.

immutable class INT < $NUMBER{INT}, $HASH, $FMT

immutable class INT < $NUMBER{INT}, $HASH, $FMT is -- The most fundamental integer class. Signed, unsigned, and modular -- versions of arithmetic operations are provided. The names of -- unsigned operations begin with the letter "u". The names of -- modular operations begin with the letter "m". Negative numbers -- are represented using 2's complement. INT objects inherit from -- AVAL{BOOL}. The number of bits in the representation is `asize' -- and is implementation dependent. It must be at least 32, however -- (to ensure portability of INT literals up to this size). Many of -- the operations are specified to raise exceptions on overflow. They -- are guaranteed to do this if checking is enabled, but this may -- affect performance. Certain machines (with appropriate hardware) -- may perform these checks even when checking is not enabled. The -- modular operations are performed modulo 2^asize. -- -- References: -- Keith O. Geddes, Stephen R. Czapor, and George Labahn, "Algorithms -- for Computer Algebra", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1992. -- AVAL does not work yet. For the moment leave out. -- include AVAL{BOOL} asize->; include COMPARABLE; const asize:INT:=32; -- Size in bits. This should be overridden in the compiler -- file MACROS if not 32. -- Signed operations: plus(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_PLUS; end; -- The signed sum of self and `i'. Raises an exception on -- overflow, when enabled. Built-in. minus(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MINUS; end; -- The signed difference between self and `i'. Raises an exception -- on overflow, when enabled. Built-in. negate:SAME is builtin INT_NEGATE; end; -- The signed negation of self. Same as zero minus self. -- Only raises an exception on the most negative value (which -- doesn't have a corresponding positive value in 2's complement.) -- Built-in. times(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_TIMES; end; -- The signed product of self and `i'. Raises an exception if the -- product can't be held in the result, when enabled. Built-in. div(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_DIV; end; -- The signed quotient of self and `i'. This and `mod' have the -- property that for non-zero `y', `x=x.div(y)*x + x.mod(y)'. Raises -- an exception when `i' is 0, when enabled. Built-in. mod(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MOD; end; -- Signed remainder of self divided by `i'. This and `mod' have the -- property that for non-zero `y', `x=x.div(y)*x + x.mod(y)'. It's -- also true that `0 <= x.mod(y) < y.abs'. Raises an exception when -- `i' is 0, when enabled. Built-in. is_eq(i:SAME):BOOL is builtin INT_IS_EQ; end; -- True if self and `i' represent the same value. -- return self=i is_neq(i:SAME):BOOL is builtin INT_IS_NEQ; end; -- True if self and `i' represent different values. is_lt(i:SAME):BOOL is builtin INT_IS_LT; end; -- True if self is less than `i' as signed integers. Built-in. is_leq(i:SAME):BOOL is builtin INT_IS_LEQ; end; -- True if self is less than or equal to `i' as signed integers. -- return is_lt(i) or is_eq(i) is_gt(i:SAME):BOOL is builtin INT_IS_GT; end; -- True if self is greater than `i' as signed integers. -- return i.is_lt(self) is_geq(i:SAME):BOOL is builtin INT_IS_GEQ; end; -- True if self is greater than or equal to `i' as signed integers. -- return is_gt(i) or is_eq(i) max(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MAX; end; -- The larger of self and `i' as signed integers. Built-in. min(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MIN; end; -- The smaller of self and `i' as signed integers. Built-in. at_least(x:SAME):SAME is -- Same as `max(x)'. return max(x) end; at_most(x:SAME):SAME is -- Same as `min(x)'. return min(x) end; within(x,y:SAME):SAME is -- Same as `max(x).min(y)'. return max(x).min(y) end; -- Conversion from other types: create(x:INT):SAME is return x end; create(x:INTI):SAME is return end; create(f:FLT):SAME is return end; create(f:FLTD):SAME is return end; create(s:STR): SAME is builtin INT_CREATE_STR; end; int:INT is builtin INT_INT; end; -- An integer version of self. from_int(i:INT):SAME is -- Returns `i'. return i end; inti:INTI is -- An infinite precision version of self. return #INTI(self) end; flt:FLT is builtin INT_FLT; end; -- A floating point version of self. It is an error if the -- value cannot be held in a FLT. Built-in. fltd:FLTD is builtin INT_FLTD; end; -- A double floating point version of self. It is an error -- if the value cannot be held in a FLTD. Built-in. bool:BOOL is builtin INT_BOOL; end; -- A boolean from self. Built-in. char:CHAR is builtin INT_CHAR; end; -- A character corresponding to the value of self. -- Built-in. -- Other computation: abs:SAME is builtin INT_ABS; end; -- The absolute value of self. Built-in. square:SAME is builtin INT_SQUARE; end; -- The square of self. Built-in. cube:SAME is -- The cube of self. return self*self*self end; pow(i:INT):SAME -- Self raised to the power `i'. pre i>=0 is-- INT::is_lt BOOL::not r:SAME; case i when 0 then return 1 when 1 then return self when 2 then return self*self -- INT::times when 3 then return self*self*self-- INT::times INT::times when 4 then r:=self*self; return r*r-- INT::times INT::times when 5 then r:=self*self; return self*r*r-- INT::times INT::times INT::times when 6 then r:=self*self; return r*r*r-- INT::times INT::times INT::times when 7 then r:=self*self; return self*r*r*r-- INT::times INT::times INT::times INT::times when 8 then r:=self*self; r:=r*r; return r*r-- INT::times INT::times INT::times when 9 then r:=self*self; r:=r*r; return self*r*r-- INT::times INT::times INT::times INT::times when 10 then r:=self*self; r:=self*r*r; return r*r-- INT::times INT::times INT::times INT::times else x ::= self; r := 1; loop -- r * x^i = self ^ i0 if i.is_odd then r := r*x end;-- INT::is_odd INT::times i := i.rshift(1);-- INT::rshift while!(i>0);-- INT::is_lt x := x.square;-- INT::square end; return r; end; end; sqrt:SAME -- The largest integer whose square is smaller than self. pre self>=0 is x::=fltd; r:SAME; if then return else q::=1; r:=self; loop while!(q<=r); q:=4*q end; loop while!(q/=1); q:=q/4; h::=r+q; r:=r/2; if h<=r then r:=r-h; r:=r+q end end end; return r end; exp2:SAME pre self>=0 is return 0.set_bit(self) end; ten_pow:SAME pre self>=0 is return exp10 end; exp10:SAME -- Ten to the self power. Small values use lookup table for speed. pre self>=0 is case self when 0 then return 1 when 1 then return 10 when 2 then return 100 when 3 then return 1000 when 4 then return 10000 when 5 then return 100000 when 6 then return 1000000 when 7 then return 10000000 when 8 then return 100000000 when 9 then return 1000000000 else return 10.pow(self) end end; num_digits:INT -- The number of decimal digits in non-negative self. -- Use binary search so that small values take only 3 compares. pre self>=0 is if self<10000 then if self<100 then if self<10 then return 1 else return 2 end else if self<1000 then return 3 else return 4 end end; else if self<1000000 then if self<100000 then return 5 else return 6 end else return (self/10000).num_digits+4; --r::=7; tst::=10000000; --loop -- if self<tst then return r end; -- r:=r+1; tst:=tst*10 end; --raise "INT::num_digits error." end end end; hash:INT is r::=self; -- We should try to get numbers away from each other, even if -- they don't collide. For example, if SYS::id returns -- objects in consecutive aligned positions, we don't want to -- end up returning successive integers. Unfortunately, it's -- not good enough to just multiply/add by some magic numbers, -- because that doesn't affect the randomness once passed -- through a mod function (for instance FSET etc. just use the -- rightmost bits, equivalent to mod by a power of two.) Here -- a few steps of a shift generator are done. r:=r.bxor(r.lshift(17));-- INT::bxor INT::lshift r:=r.bxor(r.urshift(15));-- INT::bxor INT::urshift r:=r.bxor(r.lshift(17));-- INT::bxor INT::lshift r:=r.bxor(r.urshift(15));-- INT::bxor INT::urshift r:=r.bxor(r.lshift(17));-- INT::bxor INT::lshift r:=r.bxor(r.urshift(15));-- INT::bxor INT::urshift return r; end; -- Conversion into printable forms: str_in (s: FSTR, n, b: INT, f: CHAR): FSTR pre b.is_bet(2, 16) is-- INT::is_bet -- Append a string representation of self to s using at least n digits -- to the base b and return s. If less then n digits are used for the -- representation of self (including its sign), the remaining left_most -- positions are filled with character f. -- if is_nil then -- INT::is_nil -- The nil value (most negative number) cannot be negated - -- due to the inherent assymetry of the representation. -- There is no corresponding positive number x ::= self; divid: INT := x/b;-- INT::div rem1: INT := (x - divid*(b-1));-- INT::minus INT::times INT::minus rem: INT := rem1-divid;-- INT::minus if rem > 0 then rem := rem-b; divid := divid + 1; end;-- INT::is_lt INT::minus INT::plus -- If divid was rounded up instead of down,manually divid to divid-1 first_char: CHAR := rem.abs.digit_char;-- INT::abs INT::digit_char x := divid.abs;-- INT::abs i ::= s.length;-- FSTR::length s := s+first_char;-- FSTR::plus n := n - 1;-- INT::minus loop s := s + (x%b).digit_char; x := x/b; n := n-1; until!(x = 0) end;-- FSTR::plus INT::mod INT::digit_char INT::div INT::minus INT::is_eq s := s + '-'; n := n-1;-- FSTR::plus INT::minus loop while!(n > 0); s := s + f; n := n-1 end;-- INT::is_lt FSTR::plus INT::minus j ::= s.length-1;-- FSTR::length INT::minus loop while!(i < j); -- INT::is_lt ch ::= s[i]; s[i] := s[j]; s[j] := ch; i := i+1; j := j-1 -- FSTR::aget FSTR::aset FSTR::aget FSTR::aset INT::plus INT::minus end; return s; -- return #INTI(nil).str_in(s, n, b, f) --#FSTR("nil"); else x ::= self.abs; i ::= s.length;-- INT::abs FSTR::length loop s := s + (x%b).digit_char; x := x/b; n := n-1; until!(x = 0) end;-- FSTR::plus INT::mod INT::digit_char INT::div INT::minus INT::is_eq if self < 0 then s := s + '-'; n := n-1 end;-- INT::is_lt FSTR::plus INT::minus loop while!(n > 0); s := s + f; n := n-1 end;-- INT::is_lt FSTR::plus INT::minus j ::= s.length-1;-- FSTR::length INT::minus loop while!(i < j); -- INT::is_lt ch ::= s[i]; s[i] := s[j]; s[j] := ch; i := i+1; j := j-1 -- FSTR::aget FSTR::aset FSTR::aget FSTR::aset INT::plus INT::minus end; return s end end; str_in(s:FSTR):FSTR is -- Append a decimal string version of self to `s' and return it. return str_in(s, 0, 10, ' ')-- INT::str_in end; -- the shared buffer is actually faster, but not thread safe. -- private shared buf:FSTR; -- Buffer for string output. str:STR is buf:FSTR; -- A decimal string version of self. buf.clear; buf:=str_in(buf); return buf.str-- FSTR::clear INT::str_in FSTR::str end; fmt( f: STR ): STR is return BASE_FORMAT::fmt_int(self,f) end; digit_char:CHAR -- A character representing self. If self is between 0 and 9, it -- returns a digit. If between 10 and 15, returns 'A' thru 'F'. pre self.is_bet(0,15) is-- INT::is_bet return "0123456789ABCDEF"[self]-- STR::aget end; -- Integer properties: is_even:BOOL is builtin INT_IS_EVEN; end; is_odd:BOOL is builtin INT_IS_ODD; end; is_pos:BOOL is -- True if self is greater than zero. return self>0 end; is_neg:BOOL is -- True if self is less than zero. return self<0 end; is_zero:BOOL is -- True if self is zero. return self=0 end; is_non_zero:BOOL is -- True if self is non-zero. return self/=0 end; is_non_neg:BOOL is -- True if self is non-negative. return self>=0 end; is_non_pos:BOOL is -- True if self is non-positive. return self<=0 end; sign:SAME is -- -1,0,1 depending on the sign of self. -- Steele, 304 if self<0 then return -1 elsif self>0 then return 1 else return 0 end end; is_bet(l,u:SAME):BOOL is builtin INT_IS_BETWEEN; end; -- True if self between l and u. Built-in. is_between(l,u:SAME):BOOL is builtin INT_IS_BETWEEN; end; -- True if self between l and u. Built-in. is_within(tolerance,val:SAME):BOOL is return (self-val).abs<=tolerance; end; is_eq(i1,i2:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self equals `i1' and `i2'. return self=i1 and self=i2 end; is_eq(i1,i2,i3:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self equals `i1', `i2', and `i3'. return self=i1 and self=i2 and self=i3 end; nil:SAME is -- The value to be used to represent no element in sets. -- The most negative value. return 1.lshift(asize-1)-- INT::lshift INT::asize INT::minus end; is_nil:BOOL is return self=1.lshift(asize-1); end;-- INT::is_eq INT::lshift INT::asize INT::minus -- Unsigned operations: uplus(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_UPLUS; end; -- The unsigned sum of self and `i'. Raises an exception on -- overflow, when enabled. Built-in. uminus(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_UMINUS; end; -- The unsigned difference between self and `i'. Raises an -- exception on overflow or if the result would be negative, -- when enabled. Built-in. utimes(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_UTIMES; end; -- The unsigned product of self and `i'. Raises an exception if the -- product can't be held in the result, when enabled. Built-in. udiv(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_UDIV; end; -- The unsigned quotient of self and `i'. Raises an exception when -- `i' is 0, when enabled. Built-in. umod(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_UMOD; end; -- Unsigned remainder of self divided by `i'. Raises an exception -- when `i' is 0, when enabled. Built-in. is_ult(lhs:SAME):BOOL is if self>=0 and lhs<0 then return true end; if self<0 and lhs>=0 then return false end; -- both (self and lhs) have the same sign return self<lhs; end; is_uleq(i:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self is less than or equal to `i' as unsigned integers. return is_ult(i) or self=i end; is_ugt(i:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self is greater than `i' as unsigned integers. return i.is_ult(self) end; is_ugeq(i:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self is greater than or equal to `i' as unsigned -- integers. return i.is_ult(self) or self=i end; umax(i:SAME):SAME is -- The larger of self and `i' as unsigned integers. if self.is_ugt(i) then return self else return i end end; umin(i:SAME):SAME is -- The smaller of self and `i' as unsigned integers. if self.is_ult(i) then return self else return i end end; evenly_divides(i:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self evenly divides `i'. return i%self=0 end; next_multiple_of(i:SAME):SAME -- The smallest value greater than or equal to self which is a -- multiple of `i'. pre i>0 is return ((self+i-1)/i)*i end; gcd(i:SAME):SAME is -- The greatest common divisor of self and `i'. -- The result is non-negative and `x.gcd(0)=x.abs'. -- Uses Euclidean algorithm. Geddes, et. al. p. 34. c::=abs; d::=i.abs; loop until!(d=0); r::=c.mod(d); c:=d; d:=r end; return c end; extended_gcd(i:SAME, out self_factor,out i_factor: SAME): SAME is -- The three parts of the return value `g', `g1', and `g2' are such -- that `g' is the greatest common divisor of self and `i' and -- `g1*self+g2*i=g'. -- Uses the extended Euclidean algorithm. Geddes, et. al. p. 36. c::=abs; d::=i.abs; c1::=1; d1::=0; c2::=0; d2::=1; loop until!(d=0); q::=c/d; r::=c-q*d; r1::=c1-q*d1; r2::=c2-q*d2; c:=d; c1:=d1; c2:=d2; d:=r; d1:=r1; d2:=r2 end; self_factor := c1/(abs*c.abs); i_factor := c2/(abs*c.abs); return c.abs; end; lcm(i:SAME):SAME is -- The least common multiple of self and `i'. -- Geddes, et. al. p. 28. return (self*i).abs/gcd(i) end; is_prime:BOOL is -- True if self is a prime number. -- Replace by a faster algorithm. if 2.evenly_divides(self) then return false end; loop d::=3.step!((self.sqrt+2)/2, 2); if d.evenly_divides(self) then return false end end; return true end; is_relatively_prime_to(i:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self is relatively prime to `i'. return gcd(i)=1 end; factorial:SAME is -- The factorial of self. -- Replace by faster algorithm. p::=1; loop p:=p*2.upto!(self) end; return p end; -- Operations modulo 2^asize: mplus(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MPLUS; end; -- The sum of self and `i' modulo 2^asize. Never raises -- an exception. Built-in. mminus(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MMINUS; end; -- The difference between self and `i' modulo 2^asize. Never -- raises an exception. Built-in. mnegate:SAME is builtin INT_MNEGATE; end; -- The additive inverse of self modulo 2^asize. Never raises an -- exception. mtimes(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MTIMES; end; -- The product of self and `i' modulo 2^asize. Never raises -- an exception. Built-in. mdiv(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MDIV; end; -- The unsigned quotient of self and `i'. Raises an exception when -- `i' is 0, when enabled. Built-in. mmod(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_MMOD; end; -- Unsigned remainder of self divided by `i'. Raises an exception -- when `i' is 0, when enabled. -- Bitwise operations: bnot:SAME is builtin INT_BNOT; end; -- The bitwise complement of self. band(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_BAND; end; -- The bitwise and of self and `i'. bor(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_BOR; end; -- The bitwise inclusive or of self and `i'. bxor(i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_BXOR; end; -- The bitwise exclusive or of self and `i'. bnand(i:SAME):SAME is -- The bitwise nand of self and `i'. return band(i).bnot end; bnor(i:SAME):SAME is -- The bitwise nor of self and `i'. return bor(i).bnot end; beqv(i:SAME):SAME is -- The bits of res are 1 in positions where self and `i' have the -- same bit values. return bxor(i).bnot end; boole(i:SAME, rule:INT):SAME -- The bits of res are combinations of the corresponding bits of -- self and `i' combined according to a rule specified by `rule'. -- This must be a value between 0 and 15. The low order bit says -- what to map a 0 in self and a 0 in `i' to, the second bit of -- `rule' says what to map 0,1 to, the third bit defines 1,0 and -- the fourth 1,1. pre rule.is_bet(0,15) is case rule when 0 then return 0 when 1 then return bor(i).bnot when 2 then return when 3 then return bnot when 4 then return band(i.bnot) when 5 then return i.bnot when 6 then return bxor(i) when 7 then return band(i).bnot when 8 then return band(i) when 9 then return bxor(i).bnot when 10 then return i when 11 then return bnot.bor(i) when 12 then return self when 13 then return bor(i.bnot) when 14 then return bor(i) when 15 then return -1 else raise "INT::boole(SAME,INT):SAME err." end end; bcount:INT is -- The number of bits in self which are set to 1. r:SAME; if asize=32 then -- 32 bit version: .uplus(self.urshift(1) .band(0b01010101010101010101010101010101)); .uplus(r.urshift(2).band(0b00110011001100110011001100110011)); .uplus(r.urshift(4).band(0b00001111000011110000111100001111)); r:=r+r.rshift(8); r:=(r+r.rshift(16)).band(0b111111); -- No need to mask the last two steps since the bits can't -- interfere. else -- General size. -- Semi-clever version (fast when sparse but slow for dense): x::=self; loop until!(x=0);; r:=r+1 end; end; return r end; lshift(i:INT):SAME is builtin INT_LSHIFT; end; -- The bits of self shifted left by `i' places with -- zeroes shifted in on the right. rshift(i:INT):SAME is builtin INT_RSHIFT; end; -- The bits of self shifted right by `i' places with -- bits equal to the first bit of self shifted in on the left. urshift(i:INT):SAME is builtin INT_URSHIFT; end; -- The bits of self shifted right by `i' places with -- zeroes shifted in on the left. lrotate(i:INT):SAME -- Left rotate the bits of self by `i' places. pre i.is_bet(0,asize)-- INT::is_bet INT::asize is return lshift(i).bor(urshift(asize-i))-- INT::lshift INT::bor INT::asize INT::minus end; rrotate(i:INT):SAME -- Right rotate the bits of self by `i' places. pre i.is_bet(0,asize) is return urshift(i).bor(lshift(asize-i)) end; bit(i:INT):BOOL is -- True if bit `i' of self is 1. return band(1.lshift(i))/=0 end; set_bit(i:INT,b:BOOL):SAME is -- Self with bit `i' set to b. if b then return set_bit(i) else return unset_bit(i) end end; set_bit(i:INT):SAME is -- Self with bit `i' set to 1. return bor(1.lshift(i)) end; unset_bit(i:INT):SAME is -- Self with bit `i' set to 0. return band((1.lshift(i)).bnot) end; octal_str:STR is -- The octal representation of self of the form "0o15". -- Self is interpreted as an unsigned integer. buf:FSTR; buf.clear; i::=self;-- FSTR::clear loop buf:=buf +; -- FSTR::plus INT::band INT::digit_char i:=i.urshift(3);-- INT::urshift until!(i=0)-- INT::is_eq end; buf:=buf + "o0"; -- FSTR::plus buf.to_reverse;-- FSTR::to_reverse return buf.str-- FSTR::str end; binary_str:STR is -- The binary representation of self of the form "0b100100". -- Self is interpreted as an unsigned integer. buf:FSTR; buf.clear; i::=self; loop buf := buf +; i:=i.urshift(1); until!(i=0) end; buf:=buf + "b0"; buf.to_reverse; return buf.str end; hex_str:STR is -- The hexadecimal representation of self of the form "0x5A". -- Self is interpreted as an unsigned integer. buf:FSTR; buf.clear; i::=self;-- FSTR::clear loop buf:=buf +; -- FSTR::plus INT::band INT::digit_char i:=i.urshift(4);-- INT::urshift until!(i=0)-- INT::is_eq end; buf:=buf + "x0"; -- FSTR::plus buf.to_reverse;-- FSTR::to_reverse return buf.str-- FSTR::str end; lowest_bit:INT is -- The position of the lowest non-zero bit of self. -1 if none. if self=0 then return -1 end; if asize=32 then -- 32 bit version: x::=self; r::=31; z::=x.lshift(16); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r-16 end; z:=x.lshift(8); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r-8 end; z:=x.lshift(4); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r-4 end; z:=x.lshift(2); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r-2 end; z:=x.lshift(1); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r-1 end; return r -- -- This implementation assumes that asize is a power of 2. -- if self=0 then return -1 end; -- x::=self; y::=asize/2; r:=asize-1; -- loop until(y=0); z::=x.lshift(y); -- if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r-y end; y:=y.rshift(1) end; return r end; -- else -- Straightforward way: loop i::=(asize-1).downto!(0); if lshift(i)/=0 then r::=asize-i-1; return r end end; return -1; end; end; highest_bit:INT is -- The position of the highest non-zero bit of self. -1 if none. if self=0 then return -1 end;-- INT::is_eq if asize=32 then-- INT::asize INT::is_eq -- 32 bit version: x::=self; z::=x.urshift(16); r:INT;-- INT::urshift if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r+16 end;-- INT::is_eq BOOL::not INT::plus z:=x.urshift(8); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r+8 end;-- INT::urshift INT::is_eq BOOL::not INT::plus z:=x.urshift(4); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r+4 end;-- INT::urshift INT::is_eq BOOL::not INT::plus z:=x.urshift(2); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r+2 end;-- INT::urshift INT::is_eq BOOL::not INT::plus z:=x.urshift(1); if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r+1 end;-- INT::urshift INT::is_eq BOOL::not INT::plus return r; else -- -- This implementation assumes that asize is a power of 2. -- if self=0 then return -1 end; -- x::=self; y::=asize/2; -- loop until(y=0); z::=x.urshift(y); -- if z/=0 then x:=z; r:=r+y end; y:=y.rshift(1) end; -- return r end; -- -- Straightforward way: loop i::=1.upto!(asize-1);-- INT::upto! INT::asize INT::minus if rshift(i)=0 then return i-1 end-- INT::rshift INT::is_eq INT::minus end; return asize-1;-- INT::asize INT::minus end; end; log2:INT pre self>0 is return self.highest_bit end; is_pow_of_2:BOOL is return is_exp2 end; is_exp2:BOOL is -- returns true iff self is positive and a power of two res:BOOL:=false; if self > 0 then res := self.lowest_bit = self.highest_bit end; return res; end; next_pow_of_2:INT is return next_exp2 end; next_exp2:INT is -- for self positive it returns the p so that the following holds: -- p.is_pow_of_2 and p>=self>(p/2) res:INT:=0; bit:INT:=self.highest_bit; if ~self.is_pow_of_2 then bit := bit + 1; end; return res.set_bit(bit); end; low_bits(i:INT):INT -- The low `i' bits of self with 0 in the higher positions. pre i.is_bet(0,asize) is return band(1.lshift(i).uminus(1)) end; high_bits(i:INT):INT is -- The high `i' bits of self with 0 in the lower positions. return band((1.lshift(asize-i).uminus(1)).bnot) end; aget(i:INT):BOOL is builtin INT_AGET; end; aset(i:INT,j:BOOL):INT is builtin INT_ASET; end; maxint:INT is builtin INT_MAXINT; end; minint:INT is builtin INT_MININT; end; const zero:INT := 0; -- See $NUMBER. maxval:INT is return maxint; end; -- See $NUMBER. minval:INT is return minint; end; -- See $NUMBER. -- Iters: times! pre self>=0 is builtin INT_TIMESB; end;-- INT::is_lt BOOL::not -- Yields self times without returning anything. times!:SAME pre self>=0 is builtin INT_TIMESB_INT; end;-- INT::is_lt BOOL::not -- Yield successive integers from 0 up to self-1. for!(once i:SAME):SAME -- Yields `i' successive integers starting with self. pre i>=0 is builtin INT_FORB;-- INT::is_lt BOOL::not end; up!:SAME is builtin INT_UPB; end; -- Yield successive integers from self up. upto!(once i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_UPTOB; end; -- Yield successive integers from self to `i' inclusive. downto!(once i:SAME):SAME is builtin INT_DOWNTOB; end; -- Yield successive integers from self down to `i' inclusive. step!(once num,once step:SAME):SAME -- Yield `num' integers starting with self and stepping by `step'. pre num>=0 is r::=self; last::=self+(num-1)*step; if step>0 then loop until!(r>last); yield r; r:=r+step end elsif step<0 then loop until!(r<last); yield r; r:=r+step end else loop num.times!; yield r end end end; stepto!(once to,once by:SAME): SAME -- Yield succeeding integers from self to `to' by step `by'. -- Might quit immediately if self is aleady `beyond'. pre by /= 0 is r ::= self; if by>0 then loop until!(r>to); yield r; r := r + by end else loop until!(r<to); yield r; r := r + by end end end; sum!(i:SAME):SAME is -- Yields the sum of all previous values of `i'. r:SAME; loop r:=r+i; yield r end end; product!(i:SAME):SAME is -- Yields the product of all previous values of `i'. r::=1; loop r:=r*i; yield r end end; end; -- class INT