% $Header: /n/hop/da/bilmes/.public_html/phipac/paperrefs.bib,v 1.2 1997/05/08 22:18:32 bilmes Exp $ @Misc{phipacwww, author = {J. Bilmes and K. Asanovi\'c and J. Demmel and D. Lam and C.W. Chin}, title = {The {PHiPAC} {WWW} Home Page}, note = {{\tt http://www.icsi.\linebreak[0]berkeley.edu/\verb+~+bilmes/phipac}}, } @TechReport{bilmes96a, author = {J. Bilmes and K. Asanovi\'c and J. Demmel and D. Lam and C.W. Chin}, title = {{PHiPAC}: A Portable, High-Performance, {ANSI} {C} Coding Methodology and its application to Matrix Multiply}, institution = {University of Tennessee}, year = {1996}, type = {{LAPACK} Working Note 111}, } @InProceedings{bilmes97a, author = {Jeff Bilmes and Krste Asanovi\'c and Chee-whye Chin and Jim Demmel}, title = {Using \mbox{PHiPAC} to speed Error Back-Propagation Learning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ICASSP}, year = {1997}, volume = {5}, pages = {4153-4157}, month = {April}, address = {Munich, Germany} } @InProceedings{bilmes97b, author = {Jeff Bilmes and Krste Asanovi\'c and Chee-whye Chin and Jim Demmel}, title = {Optimizing Matrix Multiply using \mbox{PHiPAC}: a {P}ortable, {H}igh-{P}erformance, \mbox{ANSI} {C} Coding Methodology}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Supercomputing}, year = {1997}, month = {July}, address = {Vienna, Austria} } @Misc{IPM, author = {K. Asanovi\'c}, title = {The {IPM} {WWW} Home Page}, note = {{\tt http://www.icsi.\linebreak[0]berkeley.\linebreak[0]edu/\verb+~+krste/IPM.html}}, } @Misc{RPRF, author = {K. Asanovi\'c}, title = {The {RPRF} {WWW} Home Page}, note = {{\tt http://www.icsi.\linebreak[0]berkeley.\linebreak[0]edu/\verb+~+krste/RPRF.html}}, }