% % LaTeX report style for ICSI tech reports % % A. Stolcke , 3/31/90 % - fixed footnoterule, icsihead with doubleside, 1/9/91 % - changed footnote numbering to symbolic for \thanks, 5/15/91 % - added comment about twoside, introduced \abstractname, % fixed page numbering for front matter, % ommits TR number if not defined (but still gives warning), 6/28/91 % - text dimensions adjusted for readability, 6/28/91 % - let long abstracts spill properly onto next page, 12/4/91 % - cosmetics on missing \tr warning message, 12/30/91 % - center Abstract header properly using \noindent, 4/13/92 % \typeout{Document Style `icsitr' <13 Apr 92>.} % % HOW TO USE THIS STYLE % % `icsitr' can be used with the standard LaTeX style `report' and `article' % to produces a title page that fits the window in the cover of ICSI's % tech reports. % % Optionally, it also displays the ICSI letterhead and logo on the title page, % to produce copies that can be distributed without a cover. % % `icsitr' SHOULD also be used with the `twoside' option since TRs are printed % two-sided. % % The only change required to a standard LaTeX document is adding the style % option `icsitr' and declaring the TR number with the \tr{...} command. % The ICSI logo is printed by putting a \thispagestyle{icsihead} right after % the \maketitle command. % % NOTE: It is recommended that you put icsitr first in the list of style % options. In particular, the new LaTeX (nlatex) seems to give trouble if % icsitr is preceeded by a point size option (e.g., 12pt). % % The current month and year are automatically included in the title. % To override this use LaTeX's \date declaration. % % Titlepage footnotes can be generated using LaTeX's \thanks mechanism. % % \author should include only authors' names. Additional affiliations can be % given in a \thanks annotation. % % Your paper must include an abstract (using the standard LaTeX `abstract' % environment). % % icsitr uses 1 inch margins all around, which fits more text on a page than % the LaTeX default margins. Of course you may redefine your own layout % dimensions in the usual way. This will possibly affect the layout of the % abstract on the title page, but it shouldn't change the way things are % typeset inside the cover window. % % One more thing: Short abstracts will appear on the titlepage, centered in % the space underneath the title. Long abstract will start there and spill % over to the following page(s), which will be numbered with small roman % numerals. To force the abstract to start on page ii, put a \pagebreak % right before the \begin{abstract}. % % Enjoy! % % % SAMPLE INPUT % % \documentstyle[icsitr,twoside,11pt]{article} % % \begin{document} % % \title{How to write an ICSI technical report} % \author{Ai C. Ess-Ai\thanks{This work wouldn't have been possible % without the coffee and cookies generously served during ICSI's % Tuesday and Thursday tea time breaks!} % % \tr{90-000} % % \maketitle % % \thispagestyle{icsihead} % leave this out if no ICSI logo wanted % % \begin{abstract} % The title says it all, doesn't it? % \end{abstract} % % Body of report ... % % \end{document} % % cover window \newlength{\windowwid} \windowwid 4.125truein % window is 4 1/8in wide \newlength{\windowht} \windowht 2.625truein % ... and 2 5/8in high \newlength{\windowtop} \windowtop 1.375truein % window starts 2 3/8in from top \newlength{\windowmargin} \windowmargin 1.125truein % ... and 2 1/8in from left paper edge % horizontal dimensions \textwidth 6.0truein \oddsidemargin 0.25truein \evensidemargin 0.25truein \columnsep 0.3truein % paragraphs %\parindent 0truept %\parskip 3pt plus .3pt % vertical dimensions \topmargin 0.0truein \headheight 12truept \headsep 0.25truein \advance\headsep -\headheight \textheight 8.5truein % from icsiletter.sty % % NOTE: ICSI letterhead is intended primarily as an identification on % reports distributed electronically and to be printed at other sites. % Hence don't make use of PostScript fonts to ensure compatibility with local % dvi printing software. Use standard TeX Sans-Serif fonts instead. % A. Stolcke, 4/22/90 %% Helvetica Narrow and Palatino for letterhead %\font\smallheadfont=Palatino-Roman at 9.5truept %\font\largeheadfont=Helvetica-Narrow at 15.5truept %% use these if your PostScript printer knows only the basic PS fonts %\font\smallheadfont=Times-Roman at 9.5truept %\font\largeheadfont=Helvetica at 15.5truept %% use these if you don't have PostScript fonts \font\smallheadfont=cmss9 \font\largeheadfont=cmss17 %% ICSI logo (METAFONT source due to Mark Fanty) \font\logofont=icsi scaled 7500 \newdimen\logoindentation \logoindentation=5.625truein % 5 5/8in \newdimen\letterheadwidth \letterheadwidth=6.5truein \def\icsiphone{(510) 643-9153} \def\icsifax{(510) 643-7684} \def\icsiletterhead{% \parbox[t]{\letterheadwidth}{% \baselineskip 0pt % control all \vskips by hand \vskip -\topmargin % taking \topmargin int account \vskip -13truept % start 15/16in below top of sheet \hrule width \logoindentation \hfill \vskip 18truept \raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\largeheadfont INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER SCIENCE INSTITUTE \hfill} \raisebox{-25pt}[0pt][0pt]{\hskip \logoindentation {\logofont I} \hfill} \vskip 5truept \hrule width \logoindentation \hfill \vskip 17truept \raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\smallheadfont 1947~Center St.\ $\bullet$ Suite~600 $\bullet$ Berkeley,~California~94704-1198 $\bullet$ \icsiphone\ $\bullet$ FAX \icsifax \hfill}}} % IMPORTANT: % % use \thispagestyle{icsihead} after \maketitle to put ICSI logo on first page % \def\ps@icsihead{\typeout{Inserting ICSI letterhead.}% \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@oddhead{\hskip -\oddsidemargin\hbox{\parindent 0pt\vbox to 0pt{\icsiletterhead\vss}}\hfil\hbox{}} \let\@evenhead\@oddhead \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot} % omit day from date \def\today{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space\number\year} % TR number declaration \def\tr#1{\def\trnumber{#1}} % change footnote counter to use symbols for titlepage \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}} % titlepage modified to fit cover window \def\maketitle{\titlepage % fix titlepage fonts at sizes corresponding to 10pt style \def\@normalsize{\@setsize\normalsize{12pt}\xpt\@xpt} \def\small{\@setsize\small{11pt}\ixpt\@ixpt} \def\scriptsize{\@setsize\scriptsize{8pt}\viipt\@viipt} \def\tiny{\@setsize\tiny{6pt}\vpt\@vpt} \def\LARGE{\@setsize\LARGE{22pt}\xviipt\@xviipt} \def\Large{\@setsize\Large{18pt}\xivpt\@xivpt} \def\large{\@setsize\large{14pt}\xiipt\@xiipt} % this code is mostly from titlepage.sty % leave footnote rule 'cause we can't reset it later %\let\footnotesize\small \let\footnoterule\relax \setcounter{page}{1} \pagenumbering{roman} \null \vskip \windowtop \vskip -\topmargin \vskip -\headheight \vskip -\headsep \noindent\hskip -\oddsidemargin \hskip \windowmargin % \fbox{\parbox{\windowwid}{\centering % for debugging \parbox{\windowwid}{\centering \vbox to \windowht{\vfil \vfil\vfil \LARGE\bf \@title \par \vfil \vfil {\large \lineskip .75em \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author \end{tabular}\par} \ifx\trnumber\undefined \typeout{ } \typeout{*** ICSITR Warning: You forgot to specify a TR number!} \typeout{*** Contact ICSI staff to obtain a TR number and } \typeout{*** specify as \protect\tr{number} before \protect\maketitle.} \else \vfil {\large TR-\trnumber \par} \fi \vfil {\large \@date \par} \vfil\vfil}}\\ % \vfil\vfil}}}\\ % for debugging \@thanks \vfil \setcounter{footnote}{0} \let\thanks\relax \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\maketitle\relax \def\thefootnote{\arabic{footnote}}} % define the `Abstract' string here in case it isn't already defined by some % language style option. \ifx\undefined\abstractname \def\abstractname{Abstract}\fi \def\abstract{ \vfil \large % set abstract in 12pt \par\noindent \hfil{\bf \abstractname}\hfil \par\noindent} \def\endabstract{\par \vfil \null \endtitlepage \cleardoublepage \setcounter{page}{1} \pagenumbering{arabic}} % compatibility with cogsci bibstyle \let\shortcite\cite