Publication Details

Title: Route Bazaar: Automatic Interdomain Contract Negotiation
Author: I. Castro, A. Panda, B. Raghavan, S. Shenker, and S. Gorinsky
Bibliographic Information: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XV), Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland
Date: May 2015
Research Area: Networking and Security
Type: Article in conference proceedings
PDF: [Not available online]

While it is widely acknowledged that the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) has many flaws, most of the proposed fixes focus solely on improving the stability and security of its path computation. However, because interdomain routing involves contracts between Autonomous Systems (ASes), this paper argues that contractual and routing issues should be tackled jointly. We propose Route Bazaar, a backward-compatible system for flexible Internet connectivity. Inspired by the decentralized construction of trust in cryptocurrencies, Route Bazaar uses a decentralized public ledger and cryptography to provide ASes with automatic means to form, establish, and verify end-to-end connectivity agreements.

Bibliographic Reference:
I. Castro, A. Panda, B. Raghavan, S. Shenker, and S. Gorinsky. Route Bazaar: Automatic Interdomain Contract Negotiation. Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XV), Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland, May 2015