Researchers Gather to Discuss Non-English Framenets

International FrameNet WorkshopApril 30, 2013
More than 30 people from around the world traveled to Berkeley on April 19 to take part in the International FrameNet Workshop, sponsored by Swedish FrameNet++. Attendees from Brazil, Germany, Japan, and Sweden discussed their experiences developing non-English framenets, machine-readable lexicons based on the original English FrameNet, which is housed at ICSI. Representatives from Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University, and Google also attended. ICSI's FrameNet Project has been in operation at ICSI since 1997. The work is based on the theory of frame semantics developed by Professor Charles Fillmore and his colleagues. Framenets group words according to the semantic frames - schematic representations of situation types, such as eating and removing - that they evoke. For more information, visit