Berkeley C++ Meetup #9: Advent of Code

In this edition of our monthly Berkeley C++ Meetup we will host
another interactive hands-on session, similar to our January meetup.


        Wednesday, March 1
        7:00 - 8:30 PM


        International Computer Science Institute (ICSI)
        1947 Center St, Ste 600, Berkeley, CA 94704
        6th floor, lecture hall


        We'll be collectively working on Advent of Code day 10,
        "Balance Bots" [1].

        Arthur O'Dwyer will give a short lightning talk on
        std::experimental::future and how it might be used to solve
        "Balance Bots".

        Matthias Vallentin will lead the collective coding session.

        Level of Expertise: All

    RSVP & Details: