Berkeley C++ Meetup, Advent of Code, Part B

In this edition of our monthly Berkeley C++ Meetup, Arthur O'Dwyer will host another Advent of Code session after the popular December Meetup in San Francisco.

  • When: Wednesday, January 4, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
  • Where: International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) 1947 Center St, Ste 600, Berkeley, CA 94704 6th floor, lecture hall
  • Title: Advent of Code, Part B

Abstract: December's Advent of Code meetup in SF went so well, we're bringing it to Berkeley! Bring your laptop and we'll all work together to solve a programming puzzle from 2016's Advent of Code. Lessons learned from last time: - We'll try to start coding promptly at 7:00. - We'll work in "sprints" of 20 minutes each; even so, solving one puzzle may take two or three sprints. - Between sprints, we'll do a quick "standup" where people can share progress and talk about their approach to the problem. - During a 20-minute sprint, people will work singly or in groups, however they want to. Someone will be live-coding on the projector screen. We'll rotate this honor depending on how many people want it. - Each time the group is ready to declare victory or defeat on a given puzzle, we'll take a short break for "lightning talks" from anyone who solved the puzzle, or who tried an interesting avenue of attack (even if it didn't solve the puzzle). - Do I have to sign up for AoC in order to participate? No, we'll make sure there's a sample input and output available for people to test against. - What if I've completely solved all of AoC 2016? Then you'll be a valuable asset to the group! (If this actually becomes an issue, we could always grab a puzzle from AoC 2015 instead.) Level of Expertise: Beginner to Expert Speaker: Arthur O'Dwyer spent five years in the compiler group at Green Hills Software. He has presented at CppCon, C++Now, and Silicon Valley Code Camp. He currently works for Mixpanel in San Francisco.

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