Strings are represented as arrays of characters. Every character is significant.
References: Gonnet and Baeza-Yates, "Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures", Addison Wesley, 1991. Make modification routines private.



**** copy "n" chars from "s" into "self". Built-in.
**** copy "n" chars from "s" into "self". Built-in.
aget(ind:INT):T .. Included as aget
**** The element of self with index `ind'. Built-in.
**** A new string obtained by appending `s' to self. Either self or `s' may be void.
**** A new string obtained by appending args to self. Any of the strings may be void.
**** A new string obtained by appending args to self. Any of the strings may be void.
**** A new string obtained by appending args to self. Any of the strings may be void.
**** A new string obtained by appending args to self. Any of the strings may be void.
**** A new string obtained by appending args to self. Any of the strings may be void.
append_destroy(s:SAME, destroy:BOOL):SAME
**** appends s to self and destroys s if possible
**** Returns the string described by self assuming it is in "string literal" form. This means it must begin and end with double quotes and must not contain any non-printing characters. The returned string eliminates the initial and final double quotes and converts any escape codes to the corresponding characters. self may consist of several double-quote enclosed strings separated by whitespace. In this case the strings are concatenated together. If self is not in correct string literal format, returns void.
**** A copy of self with each word capitalized. Self may be void.
center(i:INT): SAME
**** A string of at least `i' characters in which self is centered and padded with spaces on the left and right. Returns self if i<=size.
**** The character at index `i' of self.
concat_all(a: ARRAY{SAME}): SAME
**** Concatinate all array of STRING. Separator is '\0'.
**** True if `c' appears in self. Self may be void.
**** True if any of the characters in self are contained in `s'. Either may be void.
**** The number of times `c' appears in self. Self may be void.
**** The number of times a character in `s' appears in self. Self may be void.
**** The number of characters in self which are contained in `s'. Either may be void.
**** String containing the single character 'c'.
**** An empty string. (Occasionally useful in constructs like `#STR + foo').
**** Create a Sather string from a C pointer. Needless to say, use this with caution.
**** Open the file named `nm' in the current directory, create a string containing its contents and then close the file. Return void if there is no such file.
**** Open the file named `nm' in the current directory, create a string containing `sz' characters starting at `st'. Fill in the remainder with '\0' if the file is too small. Return void if there is no such file.
**** Create a Sather string from a memory area of size 'len' bytes starting at 's'. Needless to say, use this with caution.
cursor: STR_CURSOR
escape(esc:CHAR, elist:SAME):SAME
**** return self w/ each occurance of esc & of all chars in elist preceded by esc (Rob)
fmt( f: STR ): STR
**** A new string with the characters currently held in `s'. Returns empty string if emtpy. Modified MBK.
**** An FSTR with the same characters as self.
**** The first `i' characters of self. Self may be void if i=0.
**** True if self has no characters. Self may be void.
**** True if `s' equals self. Either may be void.
is_eq(arg: $OB): BOOL .. Included as is_eq
**** True if self is lexicographically before `s' or equal to it. Either may be void.
**** True if each alphabetic character of self is lower case. Self may be void.
**** True if self is lexicographically before `s'. Void is taken to be before everything else.
**** true is s is a prefix of self.
**** True if each alphabetic character of self is upper case. Self may be void.
left(i:INT): SAME
**** A string of at least `i' characters in which self is left-justified and padded with spaces on the right. Returns self if i<=size.
**** The number of characters in self. 0 if self is void. Another name for `size'.
**** A copy of self with each character in lower case. Self may be void.
**** return self with the first instance of s deleted if any (Rob)
**** return self with the first instance of s after start deleted if any
**** The index of the first character of self which differs from `s'. -1 if self is a prefix of `s'. Either may be void.
**** A new string obtained by appending `sarg' to self. Either self or `s' may be void. Sped up, MBK et al.
**** Pretty print self. This surrounds the string with a pair of double quotes. Any non-printing characters or double quotes are replaced by their special codes or the octal representation.
**** Self with all occurances of `c' removed. Self may be void.
**** Self with all characters which are contained in `s' removed. Either may be void.
**** Self repeated `i' times. Self may be void.
**** A new string with each occurance of `o' replaced by `n'. Self may be void.
**** A new string with character contained in `set' replaced by `n'. Self may be void.
**** A string whose characters are the reverse of those in self. Self may be void.
right(i:INT): SAME
**** A string of at least `i' characters in which self is right-justified and padded with spaces on the left. Returns self if i<=size.
**** The index of the first appearance of `c' in self or -1 if absent. Self may be void.
**** The index of the first appearance of `c' at location `st' or greater in self or -1 if absent. Self may be void.
**** The index of the leftmost substring of self which matches `s'. -1 if none. Uses simple algorithm which has good performance unless the strings are special (eg. many repeated values). Either string may be void. (Void matches void at 0).
search(s:SAME, st:INT):INT
**** the index of the first appearance of `s' at location `st' or greater in self or -1 if not found. Self may be void.
**** The index of the last appearance of `c' in self or -1 if absent. Self may be void.
**** The index of the last appearance of `c' in self before st,or -1 if absent. Self may be void.
**** The index of the first appearance in self of a character contained in `s' or -1 if none. Self or `s' may be void.
**** The number of characters in self. 0 if self is void.
substring(beg:INT): SAME
**** The substring with `num' charcters whose first character has index `beg'. Self may be void if beg=0 and num=0.
**** The last `i' characters of self. Self may be void if i=0.
**** A copy of self with each character in upper case. Self may be void.

chunk!(chunk_size: INT): STR
**** Yield successive chunks of self, defined by the chunk size "size"
elt!(once beg:INT):CHAR
**** Yield the characters of self in order starting at `beg'. Self may be void. Modified (ben)
elt!(once beg,once num:INT):CHAR
**** Yield 'num' characters of self in order starting at `beg'. Self may be void. Modified (ben)
**** Yield the characters of self in order. Self may be void. Modified (ben)
**** Yield the indices of the characters of self in order. Self may be void. Modified (ben)
**** On the first iteration just outputs `s', on successive iterations it outputs self followed by `s'. Useful for forming lists,
split!(once c: CHAR): STR
**** Yield successive substrings that are separated by the character "c"
The "c" characters will occur at the end of each string


aclear .. Included as aclear
**** Set each element of self to nil. Built-in.
acopy(beg,num,srcbeg:INT, src:SAME) .. Included as acopy
**** Copy `num' elements from `src' to self starting at index `beg' of self and index `srcbeg' of `src'. Built-in.
acopy(beg,num:INT, src:SAME) .. Included as acopy
**** Copy `num' elements from `src' to self starting at index `beg' of self.
acopy(beg:INT, src:SAME) .. Included as acopy
**** Copy as many elements from `src' to self as will fit when starting at index `beg' of self.
acopy(src:SAME) .. Included as acopy
**** Copy as many elements from `src' to self as will fit. Built-in.
aelt!(once beg:INT):T .. Included as aelt!
**** Yield each element of self starting at `beg'. Built-in.
aelt!(once beg,once num:INT):T .. Included as aelt!
**** Yield `num' successive elements of self starting at index `beg'. Built-in.
aelt!(once beg,once num,once step:INT):T .. Included as aelt!
**** Yield `num' elements of self starting at `beg' and stepping by `step' which must not be zero. Built-in.
aelt!:T .. Included as aelt!
**** Yield each element of self in order. Built-in.
aind!:INT .. Included as aind!
**** Yield the indices of self in order.
array_ptr:C_PTR .. Included as array_ptr
aset!(val:T) .. Included as aset!
**** Set successive elements of self to the values `val'. Built-in.
aset!(once beg:INT,val:T) .. Included as aset!
**** Set successive elements of self starting at `beg' to the values `val'.
aset!(once beg,once num:INT,val:T) .. Included as aset!
**** Set `num' successive elements of self starting at `beg' to the values `val'.
aset!(once beg,once num,once step:INT, val:T) .. Included as aset!
**** Set `num' elements of self starting at `beg' stepping by `step' to the values `val'. `step' must not be zero.
aset(ind:INT, val:T) .. Included as aset
**** Set the element of self with index `ind' to `val'. Built-in.
asize:INT .. Included as asize
**** The number of elements in self. Classes which inherit this may replace this by a constant to get constant sized objects (and the compiler may optimize certain operations in this case). Built-in.
shared buf:FSTR;
**** Character buffer.
shared buf:FSTR;
**** Character buffer.
create(n:INT):SAME .. Included as create
**** A new array with `n' elements.
**** Matt Kennel, INLS. The reason for this function's existence is that it will be overridden by "memcmp" in MACROS.
is_legal_aelts_arg( beg, num, step:INT) :BOOL .. Included as is_legal_aelts_arg
**** True if the arguments are legal values for `aelts'.

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