The raster widget provides a much faster, lower level way of drawing to the screen. It is not as sophisticated as the canvas widget, but since it avoids silly tcl string conversions, it can be orders of magnitude faster and is close to the speed of raw X lib calls



Readable Attributes
attr x0, y0: FLTD;
attr x0, y0: FLTD;

Writable Attributes
attr x0, y0: FLTD;
attr x0, y0: FLTD;

draw(raster: TK_RASTER, cb_info: TK_RASTER_CB)
gui_loop .. Included as gui_loop
**** If you use this version (rather than intermittent poll_gui calls) it should be possible to create a single process version of your user interface with the same functionality by replacing this call with the Tk main loop
main .. Included as main
make_demo(raster: TK_RASTER, dummy_info: TK_RASTER_CB)
packer: TK_PACK .. Included as packer
**** Look at pack info for the standard configurations
quit_routine: ROUT .. Included as quit_routine
root_window: TK_TOPLEVEL .. Included as root_window
save_coords(cb_info: TK_RASTER_CB)
startup_gui .. Included as startup_gui

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