Formatting numbers.

Flattened version is here



digit( i: INT ): CHAR
**** Print the digit represented be 'i'. Negative digits are considered as 'insignificant' digits and printed as zeros.
flt_fixed( f: $FLT, w: INT, d: INT, dotch: CHAR,
flt_fixed_exp( f: $FLT, w: INT, d: INT, force_sign: BOOL,
flt_free( f: $FLT, dotch: CHAR, force_sign: BOOL ): STR
**** Prints the number in standard representation as precise as possible. Uses at least width digits for the integer part of the number and prints a '+' sign if force_sign = true and the number positive.
flt_free_exp( f: $FLT, dotch: CHAR, force_sign: BOOL,
int_normal( int: INT, width: INT, anchor: INT, base: INT,
int_precision( int: INT, width: INT,


const INTsize := INT::asize;
**** Number of bits in an INT.
const co_rel, co_nrm, co_abs;
**** Rounding modes for formatter.
const co_rel, co_nrm, co_abs;
**** Rounding modes for formatter.
const co_rel, co_nrm, co_abs;
**** Rounding modes for formatter.
cutoffadj( inout Mm: INTI, inout Mp: INTI, inout roundup: BOOL,
dragon4!(once e: INT,once f: INTI,once p: INT,
flt_data( f: $FLT, out s: BOOL, out e: INT, out m: INTI,
**** Initalizing shareds only once.
lshift( i: INTI, n: INT ): INTI
**** Shift infinte integer 'i' 'n' binary positions to the left. Poor implementation as bitshift operations of INTI are not implemented.
make_exp( expt: INT, force_exp_sign: BOOL, exp_width: INT ): STR
**** Prints the exponent `expt'.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.
shared zero,one,two,nine,ten: INTI;
**** Predefined infinite integers.

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