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-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id: wtd_digraph_alg.sa,v 1.6 1996/07/13 05:42:12 gomes Exp $
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
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class WTD_DIGRAPH_ALG{NTP<$STR,WT<$NUMBER{WT},GTP<$LBLD_DIGRAPH{NTP,WT,WT}} is -- NTP, -- Node type -- WT<$NUMBER{WT}, -- Weight type -- GTP<$LBLD_DIGRAPH{NTP,WT,WT} -- Labelled Graph type -- Largely translated from the LEDA library -- -- Usage: -- It is simplest to use these algorithms by including -- them using WTD_DIGRAPH_INCL. For instance, see WTD_DIGRAPH{STR,FLT}, -- You can also directly call thes routines See TEST_WTD_DIGRAPH -- If you have to use this class directly, keep the parameters straight! include COMPARE{NTP}; shared debug: BOOL := false; maxval: WT is return WT::maxval end; zero: WT is return WT::zero end; bellman_ford(g:GTP,s:NTP,out d:MAP{NTP,WT},out p:MAP{NTP,NTP}): BOOL -- Computes the source shortest paths from "s" using a queue and -- breadth first search. On return, "d" holds a mapping from -- nodes to their distances for "src" and "pred" holds a mapping -- from each node to its parent node in the shortest paths -- tree. Returns true if no negative cycle was found -- -- -- Implementation: Note that bellman_ford works even in cyclic -- graphs, provided there is no cycle with negative weight (in -- which case the min weight to any of the nodes in the cycle -- can be arbitrarily decreased) If such a negative weight cycle -- is found, the routine quits and returns false - it can -- therefore also be used as a reliable detector of negative -- cycles. -- is if ~g.are_all_edges_labelled then raise #GRAPH_EXC(g,"bellman_ford","","").missing_edge_labels; end; src ::= s; dist:MAP{NTP,WT} := #; pred:MAP{NTP,NTP} := #; q: QUEUE{NTP} := #; in_q: MAP{NTP,BOOL} := #; -- Is a node in the queue? count: MAP{NTP,INT} := #; -- Number of times visited loop n ::= g.node!; dist[n] := maxval; pred[n] := void; end; dist[src] := zero; q.enq(src); -- deb2("Original q:"+q); in_q[src] := true; loop while!(~q.is_empty); -- deb2("Queue:"+q.str+"Distance:"+dist.str); u ::= q.remove; in_q[u] := false; count[u] := count[u]+1; if count[u] > g.n_nodes then return false; end; -- A Negative cycle cost_u: WT := dist[u]; cost_u_v:WT;cost_v: WT; loop v ::= g.outgoing!(u, out cost_v,out cost_u_v); cost_v := cost_u+cost_u_v; if cost_v < dist[v] then -- If we are now on the shortest path to "v", then revise -- the prev of "v" and its cost --deb2("Updating cost of:"+v.str+" to:"+cost_v); dist[v] := cost_v; pred[v] := u; if ~in_q[v] then q.enq(v); in_q[v] := true; end; end; -- If new short path to v end; -- Go through neighbors of u end; -- While the queue is not empty -- Assign out arguments d := dist; p := pred; return true; end; dijkstra(g:GTP,s:NTP,out dist:MAP{NTP,WT},out pred:MAP{NTP,NTP}) -- Please see the comment at WTD_DIGRAPH_ALG{_,_,_,_}::dijkstra -- Computes single source shortest paths from "src" for a -- non-negative graph i.e. one without negative cycles. Returns -- the distance from "src" to all other nodes in "dist" and the -- predecessor of each node of "g" in the shortest paths tree in -- "pred" -- -- Usage: -- See bellman_ford pre g.are_all_edges_labelled is pq: A_PQ{PQMINWT{NTP,WT}} := #; -- Note that pq_elts has a mapping into the actual "weight" -- objects stored in "pq", thus allowing us to externally -- change the weight associated with an item using the element pq_elts: MAP{NTP,PQMINWT{NTP,WT}} := #; dist := #; pred := #; loop n ::= g.node!; dist[n] := maxval; pred[n] := void end; dist[s] := zero; e ::= #PQMINWT{NTP,WT}(s,zero); pq_elts[s]:= e; pq.insert(e); loop while!(~pq.is_empty); -- deb2("PQ:"+pq.str+"Distance:\n:"+dist); uel ::= pq.remove; u:NTP := uel.element; du: WT := dist[u]; -- deb2("du:"+du.str+"\n"); -- deb2("u:"+u.str+"\n"); cost_u_v:WT;cost_v: WT; loop v ::= g.outgoing!(u,out cost_v, out cost_u_v); -- Returns the set of outgoing edges cost_v := du+cost_u_v; if cost_v < dist[v] then -- If this is the shortest path to "v" then update cost to v -- deb2("Revising cost of:"+v.str+" to"+cost_v.str+"\n"); if dist[v] = maxval then -- Since v is not initialized, add it to pq et::=#PQMINWT{NTP,WT}(v,zero); pq_elts[v]:= et; pq.insert(et); else -- This changes the weight in the actual priority queue -- as well, since it uses the same elements pq_elts[v].weight := cost_v; end; dist[v] := cost_v; pred[v] := u; end; end; end; end; max_weight_path_node!(once g: GTP,once src,once sink: NTP): NTP -- Computes the maximum node-weight path from "src" to "sink" in -- the graph "g", returning a list of nodes in that maximum weight -- path that starts with "src" and ends with "sink" Fully -- considered only for DAGs: May have problems with other types of -- graphs pre g.are_all_nodes_labelled is -- This algorithm deals with node weights, rather than edge -- weights. Return nodes on the maximum weight (critical) path -- from "src" to "sink" -- Current maximum weight to a node max_weight: FMAP{NTP,WT} := #; -- Incoming node with the maximum weight to a node max_in_node: FMAP{NTP,NTP} := #; -- Number of incoming edges that have been seen already n_edges_considered: FMAP{NTP,INT} := #; loop n ::= g.node!; max_weight := max_weight.insert(n,-WT::maxval); n_edges_considered := n_edges_considered.insert(n,0); end; consider ::= #FLIST{NTP}; n_considered ::= 1; consider := consider.push(src); src_weight ::= g.node_label(src); -- Start with the source node max_weight := max_weight.insert(src,src_weight); new_consider: FLIST{NTP} := #; loop until!(consider.size = 0); -- "consider" holds the list of nodes whose children's -- weights must be recomputed assert deb("L1:w:"+max_weight+"consider:"+consider.str); loop -- Go through all the nodes to consider parent ::= consider.elt!; parent_wt ::= max_weight.get(parent); assert deb("Parent:"+parent.str+" Max wt:"+str(parent_wt)); loop child ::= g.outgoing!(parent); child_wt ::= g.node_label(child); -- Get the child weight assert deb("Child:"+child.str+" node weight:"+str(child_wt)); n_in ::= n_edges_considered.get(child); n_edges_considered := n_edges_considered.insert(child,n_in+1); if n_in+1 = g.n_incoming(child) then -- If all incoming edges to the child have been -- considered then the child's weight is recomputes new_consider := new_consider.push(child); end; max_wt::=max_weight.get(child); -- Get the maxwt to the child new_max_wt ::= parent_wt+child_wt; -- Compute the new max assert deb("Old max wt:"+str(max_wt)+" new"+str(new_max_wt)); if new_max_wt > max_wt then -- Update the max wt assert deb("Changed wt:"+child.str+" new"+str(new_max_wt)); max_weight := max_weight.insert(child,new_max_wt); max_in_node := max_in_node.insert(child,parent); end; end; -- Loop over all elements to consider end; -- Loop until "consider" is empty consider.clear; tmp ::= consider; consider := new_consider; new_consider := tmp; end; -- Now trace the max path backwards from the dest n ::= sink; path: LIST{NTP} := #; loop until!(elt_eq(n,src)); assert deb("next mwp node:"+node_str(n)); yield n; if ~max_in_node.test(n) then #ERR+"*****Maximum weight source not found!!!****\n"; #ERR+"Maximum weight table:\n"+max_weight.str+"\n"; #ERR+"Maximum in node:\n"+max_in_node.str+"\n"; #ERR+"N edges considered:\n"+n_edges_considered.str+"\n"; raise "Maximum path sink was not reached from source!\n"; end; n := max_in_node.get(n); end; yield src; end; private deb(s: STR): BOOL is if debug then #ERR+s+"\n"; end; return true; end; private deb2(s: STR) is #ERR+s+"\n"; end; private node_str(n: NTP): STR is typecase n when $STR then return n.str else return SYS::id(n).str; end; end; private str(e: $OB): STR is typecase e when $STR then return e.str else if ~void(e) then return SYS::id(e).str; else return "Void" end; end; end; end; -- class WTD_DIGRAPH_ALG