
Generated by gen_html_sa_files from ICSI. Contact gomes@icsi.berkeley.edu for details
---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- widget_config.sa: 
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- widget_config.sa,v 1.1 1995/11/15 03:36:55 gomes Exp
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

abstract class $TK_WIDGET_CFG

abstract class $TK_WIDGET_CFG is -- General widget configuration str: STR; end;


class TK_WIDGET_CFG_INCL is -- Used by inclusion with all widget configurations. -- It includes all the standard -- widget options - please see the Tk man page on "options" -- for the meaning and useful values of each of these options -- In any particular widget, the relevant options will be made -- public during inclusion private attr option_table: FMAP{STR,STR}; private config(attrib_name: STR,val: $STR) is option_table := option_table.insert(attrib_name,val.str); end; private deconfig(attrib_name: STR) is -- Remove the attribute from the table if option_table.test(attrib_name) then option_table := option_table.delete(attrib_name); end; end; create: SAME is return new; end; std: SAME is return new end; str: STR is res ::= #FSTR(" "); loop p ::= option_table.pair!; res := res + "-"+p.t1+" "+p.t2+" "; end; return res.str; end; private quote(s:STR): STR is return "{"+s+"}" end; -- Only the applicable functions will be made public in descendant private relief_none is deconfig("relief"); end; private relief_raised is config("relief","raised") end; private relief_sunken is config("relief","sunken") end; private relief_flat is config("relief","flat"); end; private relief_ridge is config("relief","ridge"); end; private relief_groove is config("relief","groove"); end; private relief_none:SAME is relief_none; return self; end; private relief_raised:SAME is relief_raised; return self; end; private relief_sunken:SAME is relief_sunken; return self; end; private relief_flat:SAME is relief_flat; return self; end; private relief_ridge:SAME is relief_ridge; return self; end; private relief_groove:SAME is relief_groove; return self; end; -- Text justification private justify_left is config("justify","left") end; private justify_right is config("justify","right") end; private justify_center is config("justify","center") end; private justify_left:SAME is justify_left; return self; end; private justify_right:SAME is justify_right; return self; end; private justify_center:SAME is justify_center; return self; end; private font(f: STR) is config("font",f) end; private font(f: STR): SAME is font(f); return self end; private height(h: FLT) is config("height",h) end; private width(w: FLT) is config("width",w) end; private char_height(i: INT) is config("height",i) end; private char_width(i: INT) is config("width",i) end; private padx(w: FLT) is config("padx",w) end; private pady(w: FLT) is config("pady",w) end; private borderwidth(f: FLT) is config("borderwidth",f); end; private foreground(f: STR) is config("foreground",f); end; private background(f: STR) is config("background",f); end; private highlightcolor(f: STR) is config("highlightcolor",f); end; private highlightbackground(f: STR) is config("highlightbackground",f);end; private highlightthickness(f: FLT) is config("highlightthickness",f); end; private disabledforeground(f: STR) is config("disabledforeground",f); end; private activeforeground(f: STR) is config("activeforeground",f); end; private activebackground(f: STR) is config("activebackground",f); end; private activeborderwidth(f: FLT) is config("activeborderwidth",f); end; private selectforeground(f: STR) is config("selectforeground",f); end; private selectbackground(f: STR) is config("selectbackground",f); end; private selectborderwidth(f: FLT) is config("selectborderwidth",f); end; private insertforeground(f: STR) is config("insertforeground",f); end; private insertbackground(f: STR) is config("insertbackground",f); end; private insertontime(i: INT) is config("insertontime",i); end; private insertofftime(i: INT) is config("insertofftime",i); end; private insertwidth(f: FLT) is config("insertwidth",f); end; private insertborderwidth(f: FLT) is config("insertborderwidth",f); end; private text(f: STR) is config("text",quote(f)); end; private wraplength(f: FLT) is config("wraplength",f); end; private height(f: FLT): SAME is height(f); return self; end; private width(f: FLT): SAME is width(f); return self; end; private char_height(i: INT): SAME is char_height(i); return self end; private char_width(i: INT): SAME is char_width(i); return self end; private padx(f: FLT): SAME is padx(f); return self; end; private pady(f: FLT): SAME is pady(f); return self; end; private borderwidth(f: FLT):SAME is borderwidth(f); return self; end; private foreground(f: STR):SAME is foreground(f); return self; end; private background(f: STR): SAME is background(f); return self; end; private highlightcolor(f: STR): SAME is highlightcolor(f); return self; end; private highlightbackground(f:STR):SAME is highlightbackground(f); return self; end; private highlightthickness(f: FLT): SAME is highlightthickness(f); return self; end; private disabledforeground(f: STR): SAME is disabledforeground(f); return self; end; private activeforeground(f:STR):SAME is activeforeground(f); return self end; private activebackground(f: STR): SAME is activebackground(f); return self; end; private activeborderwidth(f: FLT): SAME is activeborderwidth(f); return self; end; private selectforeground(f: STR): SAME is selectforeground(f); return self; end; private selectbackground(f: STR): SAME is selectbackground(f); return self; end; private selectborderwidth(f: FLT): SAME is selectborderwidth(f); return self; end; private insertforeground(f: STR): SAME is insertforeground(f); return self; end; private insertbackground(f: STR): SAME is insertbackground(f); return self; end; private insertwidth(f: FLT): SAME is insertwidth(f); return self; end; private insertborderwidth(f: FLT): SAME is insertborderwidth(f); return self; end; private insertontime(i: INT):SAME is insertontime(i); return self end; private insertofftime(i: INT):SAME is insertofftime(i); return self end; private text(f: STR): SAME is text(f); return self; end; private wraplength(f: FLT): SAME is wraplength(f); return self; end; private disable is config("state","disabled") end; private normal is config("state","normal") end; private active is config("state","active") end; private disable: SAME is disable; return self; end; private normal: SAME is normal; return self end; private active: SAME is active; return self end; end;