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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- widget.sa: Widget abstract and helper classes
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

abstract class $TK_WIDGET

abstract class $TK_WIDGET is -- Widget abstraction. Most widgets correspond directly to their -- Tk equivalents, but some consist of a frame + the Tk widget + optional -- scroll bars. The standard widgets get their functionality from -- TK_WIDGET_INCL, whereas these scrollable widgets use SCOLLABLE_WIDGET_INCL widget_name: STR; -- The name of the widget itself. With one exception, the widget name -- and the path name are the same. The exception is the root window -- "." Its widget name is "." but the path used by its children is "" -- Beware of this difference when destroying windows, binding events -- to windows etc. path_name: STR; -- The name of the path to the widget, including the widget itself. -- Used for creating children of a widget act_on(id: INT,args: ARRAY{STR}); -- Internal working of the widget - this routine is called by GUI_APP_END -- whenever the widget gets a callback end; -- abstract class $TK_WIDGET


class TK_GEN_WIDGET < $TK_WIDGET is -- Widget used as a handle for tk widgets that don't have a full -- fledged sather version readonly attr widget_name: STR; readonly attr path_name: STR; create(widget_name,path_name: STR): SAME is res ::= new; res.widget_name := widget_name; res.path_name := path_name; return res; end; act_on(id: INT,args: ARRAY{STR}) is raise("No actions may be performed on TK_GEN_WIDGETS"); end; end;


partial class TK_WIDGET_INCL{CFGINFO < $TK_WIDGET_CFG} is -- Note that SatherGui widgets may consist of an outer frame -- and some auxilliary widgets (such as scroll bars) in addition -- to the "actual_widget" -- -- path_name refers to the path to the outermost frame -- widget_name is the sams as the path name except for the root window -- in which case the widget name is "." and the path name is "" -- actual_widget_name refers to the widget proper - the actual -- text widget or canvas widget (for example) to which all -- configuration options must apply. private attr bindings: A_LIST{ROUT{TK_EVENT_INFO}}; -- Store the bindings readonly attr parent: $TK_WIDGET; readonly attr path_name: STR; -- refers to the path to the outermost frame -- which may contain scrollbars etc. readonly attr name: STR; -- name of the full path to the widget proper -- ------------------- Descendants sould redefine ----------------- stub tk_widget_type: STR; -- Specifies the tk name of the widget private default_init(c: CFGINFO) is end; -- Default initialization hook private default_packing: TK_PACK is return TK_PACK::top_grow_horiz_n_vert end; -- Default packing private default_config: CFGINFO is return CFGINFO::std end; -- Default configuration information -- ------------------- ------------------------------------------ widget_name: STR is return path_name end; -- In the default case the path and widget names are the same private actual_widget_name: STR is return widget_name end; -- Sometimes the "real" tk widget is nested within an outer -- frame. Configuration options must then be passed to the -- "actual" widget. -- Different versions of the create routine create: SAME is -- Create a new widget with default options under the root window parent ::= TK_TOPLEVEL::root_window; res ::= #SAME(parent); return res; end; create(parent: $TK_WIDGET): SAME is -- Create a new widget, specifying a particular parent widget/window. return create(parent,default_packing); end; create(parent: $TK_WIDGET,np: STR): SAME is -- Create a new widget, specifying a particular parent and a -- name for the widget. The name "np" controls what tcl name is -- used and is only useful just for debugging purposes return create(parent,np,default_packing); end; create(parent: $TK_WIDGET,cf: CFGINFO): SAME is -- Create a new widget -- Arg parent specifies the parent window/widget. This could -- be a #TK_ROOTWINDOW or a TK_TOPLEVEL -- toplevel_win ::= #TK_TOPLEVEL; -- this_win := #<some widget class>(toplevel_win, -- Arg cf specifies a configuration option that should be used -- by this widget. This routine is declared in TK_WIDGET_INCL -- where the type of the configuration option is a type parameter -- CFGINFO, which is usually set to <widget_name>TK__CFG return create(parent,"widget",cf,default_packing); end; create(parent: $TK_WIDGET,pack: TK_PACK): SAME is -- Create a new widget -- Arg parent specifies the container parent window/widget -- Arg pack specifies the location of the widget within the -- parent (packing). return create(parent,"widget",default_config,pack); end; create(parent: $TK_WIDGET,cf: CFGINFO,pack: TK_PACK): SAME is -- Create a new widget. -- Arg parent specifies the container parent window/widget -- Arg cf specifies configuration options (a parameter of -- TK_WIDGET_INCL) -- Arg pack specifies the packing options return create(parent,"widget",cf,pack); end; create(parent: $TK_WIDGET,np: STR, pack: TK_PACK): SAME is -- Create a new widget. -- Arg parent specifies the container parent window/widget -- Arg np is used to specify a widget name for debugging -- Arg pack specifies the packing options return create(parent,np,default_config,pack); end; create(parent:$TK_WIDGET,np:STR,cf: CFGINFO,pack:TK_PACK): SAME is -- Actual widget creation routine. All the rest are wrappers. -- Arg parent specifies the container parent window/widget -- Arg np is used to specify a widget name for debugging -- Arg cf specifies configuration options (a parameter of -- TK_WIDGET_INCL) -- Arg pack specifies the packing options -- Returns a configured, packed widget res ::= new; res.bindings := #; name ::= fix_tcl_name(np)+'u'+UNIQ::next; deb("Creating widget named:"+name+" specfied name:"+np); res.init(parent,name,cf); res.register; eval(res.actual_widget_name,"configure", cf.str); if pack.str.size > 3 then -- If packing is explicitly set to a short empty string, -- don't pack eval("pack",res.widget_name,pack.str); end; return res; end; private init(prnt: $TK_WIDGET,nm: STR,cf: CFGINFO) is parent := prnt; name := nm; if ~void(parent) then path_name := parent.path_name+"."+nm; else path_name := "."+nm end; eval(tk_widget_type,path_name); default_init(cf); end; is_eq(o:$TK_WIDGET): BOOL is return SYS::ob_eq(self,o); end; configure(cf: CFGINFO) is -- Reconfigure the widget with the new configuration "cf" -- Unstated parameters of "cf" remain unchanged eval(actual_widget_name,"configure",cf.str); end; destroy is -- Destroy the widget associated with self eval("destroy ",widget_name); end; bind_event(event: $TK_EVENT,action: ROUT{TK_EVENT_INFO}) is -- Bind the event "event" to the action "action", a bound -- routine which takes an EVENT_INFO as an argument -- The first argument to the callback is an index in to -- the list of bindings that corresponds to this "action" action_index: INT := bindings.size; -- = Index of the next binding deb("Binding an action with index:"+action_index+"\n"); bindings.append(action); eval("bind "+widget_name+' '+event.str+' '+" \" sather " +widget_name+" " +action_index+" "+event.cb_str+"\""); end; act_on(id: INT,args: ARRAY{STR}) is -- Peform the action associated with the index "id". if id >= bindings.size then raise "Internal error in widget! Binding "+id+" is out of range"; else deb("Acting on:"+id+" in widget:"+widget_name); func ::= bindings[id]; event_info ::= #TK_EVENT_INFO(args); deb("Event info:"+event_info.str); func.call(event_info); end; end; private fix_tcl_name(s: STR): STR is -- SEF:Eliminate problems with tcl name, returning the empty -- string if necessary. res ::= #FSTR(""); loop c ::= s.elt!; if c.is_alpha then res := res+c.lower; end; end; return res.str; end; private register is -- Register this widget with the widget map so that subsequent -- callbacks that belong to this widget may be directed here. TK_WIDGET_MAP::register(actual_widget_name,self); end; private err(s: STR) is -- Print out an error message. #ERR+"**************************************************\n"; #ERR+s+"\n"; #ERR+"In widget:"+widget_name+"\n"; #ERR+"**************************************************\n"; end; private deb(s: STR) is GUI_APP_END::deb(s) end; -- Print out a debugging message private debug: BOOL is return GUI_APP_END::debug end; -- Return the value of the debug flag private int_if_poss(s: STR,default: INT): INT is -- Convert the string "s" to an integer and return it, if possible. -- If an error occurs in the conversion, return the "default" value c ::= #STR_CURSOR(s); res ::= c.int; if c.has_error then return default else return res end; end; private flt_if_poss(s: STR,default: FLT): FLT is -- Convert the string "s" to a float and return it, if possible. -- If an error occurs in the conversion, return the "default" value c ::= #STR_CURSOR(s); res ::= c.get_flt; if c.has_error then return default else return res end; end; private arr_str(a: ARRAY{STR}): STR is -- Print out an array version of the string, since ARRAY -- does not have a .str routien in the standar library. res ::= ""; loop res := res+" "+a.elt!; end; return res; end; -- Wrapper routines to make it easier to perform an eval private eval(a1: $STR) is GUI_APP_END::eval(a1.str); end; private eval(a1,a2: $STR) is GUI_APP_END::eval(a1.str.append(" ",a2.str)); end; private eval(a1,a2,a3: $STR) is GUI_APP_END::eval(a1.str.append(" ",a2.str," ",a3.str)); end; private eval(a1,a2,a3,a4: $STR) is GUI_APP_END::eval(a1.str.append(" ",a2.str," ",a3.str," ",a4.str)); end; private eval(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5: $STR) is GUI_APP_END::eval(a1.str+" "+a2.str+" "+a3.str+" "+a4.str+" "+a5.str); end; private quote(s:STR): STR is return "{".append(s,"}") end; -- Return a (tcl) quoted version of the string "s" private join(a1,a2: $STR): STR is res ::= #FSTR(""); if ~void(a1) then res := res + " " + a1.str; end; if ~void(a2) then res := res + " " + a2.str; end; return res.str; end; end;


partial class TK_SCROLL_WIDGET_INCL{CFGINFO < $TK_WIDGET_CFG} is -- Include class for widgets that have an "outer" frame in addition -- to the widget proper. The outer frame can hold scrollbars, if -- needed. include TK_WIDGET_INCL{CFGINFO}; readonly attr frame: TK_FRAME; -- Outer frame that holds widget + scrolls readonly attr actual_widget_name: STR; -- Name of the actual widget readonly attr hscroll_name,vscroll_name: STR; -- Scroll bar names actual_widget: TK_GEN_WIDGET is return #TK_GEN_WIDGET(actual_widget_name,actual_widget_name); end; -- All "widget" behavior refers to the frame, not the widget itself. -- To refer to the widget itself, use "actual_widget" widget_name: STR is return frame.path_name end; private init(a_parent: $TK_WIDGET,name:STR,cfg: CFGINFO) is -- Creation of the widget and its frame parent := a_parent; init_frame_name ::= name+"frame"; frame := #TK_FRAME(parent,init_frame_name, TK_FRAME_CFG::std,TK_PACK::none); path_name := frame.path_name; actual_widget_name := frame.path_name+"."+name; eval(tk_widget_type,actual_widget_name); -- Create the widget proper -- eval(actual_widget_name,"mark set insert 0.0"); eval("pack",actual_widget_name,"-side top -fill both -expand true"); default_init(cfg); end; bind_event(event: $TK_EVENT,action: ROUT{TK_EVENT_INFO}) -- Bind the event "event" to the action "action", a bound -- routine which takes an EVENT_INFO as an argument -- The first argument to the callback is an index in to -- the list of bindings that corresponds to this "action" is action_index: INT := bindings.size; -- = Index of the next binding bindings.append(action); eval("bind "+actual_widget_name+' '+event.str+' '+" \" sather " +actual_widget_name+" " +action_index+" "+event.cb_str+"\""); end; hscroll: SAME is hscroll; return self end; vscroll: SAME is vscroll; return self end; hscroll is -- Create a horizontal scrollbar if ~void(hscroll_name) then return end; hscroll_name := widget_name+".hscroll"; eval("scrollbar",hscroll_name, "-orient horiz -command "+quote(actual_widget_name+" xview")); eval(actual_widget_name,"configure","-xscrollcommand", quote(hscroll_name+" set")); eval("pack",hscroll_name, "-before "+actual_widget_name+" -side bottom -fill x"); end; vscroll is -- Add a vertical scrollbar if ~void(vscroll_name) then return end; vscroll_name ::= widget_name+".vscroll"; eval("scrollbar",vscroll_name,"-command "+ quote(actual_widget_name+" yview")); eval(actual_widget_name,"configure","-yscrollcommand", quote(vscroll_name+" set")); eval("pack",vscroll_name, "-before "+actual_widget_name+" -side right -fill y"); end; end;


class TK_WIDGET_MAP is -- Mapping between widget names and widgets -- that is used by the callback mechanism to identify the appropriate -- target widget of a callback private shared window_map: FMAP{STR,$TK_WIDGET}; register(window_name: STR, object: $TK_WIDGET) is if GUI_APP_END::debug then GUI_APP_END::deb("Registering window:"+window_name) end; if void(window_map) then window_map := #; end; window_map := window_map.insert(window_name,object); end; get_widget(window_name: STR): $TK_WIDGET is if window_map.test(window_name) then return window_map.get(window_name); else raise "Window not registered:"+window_name; end; end; end;


class TK_WIDGET_CALLBACKS{ROUT_ARG} is -- Used by widgets to hold a mapping from a callback to -- an integer "id". -- Mapping from ids to callbacks. -- Widgets use one of these to hold their callback information private attr action_map: FLIST{ROUT_ARG}; private attr action_name: FLIST{STR}; create: SAME is res ::= new; res.action_map := #; res.action_name := #; return res; end; register(action: ROUT_ARG): INT is -- Register the action "action" and assign it an integer -- id which can be used to later look up the action. return register(action,"noname"); end; register(action: ROUT_ARG,name:STR): INT is -- Same as the register procedure, but also registers -- an optional name for the callback which may be helpful -- during debugging. if void(action_map) then action_map := # end; if void(action_name) then action_name := #; end; action_map := action_map.push(action); action_name := action_name.push(name); return (action_map.size); end; get_action(id: INT): ROUT_ARG is -- Returns the bound routine associated with the action identifier "id" id := id-1; if id < 0 or id >= action_map.size then raise "Error: Action id not known!"+id+"\n"; else action ::= action_map[id]; if GUI_APP_END::debug then GUI_APP_END::deb("Callback found action for:"+id); GUI_APP_END::deb("Action name:"+action_name[id]); end; return action; end; end; get_action_name(id: INT): STR is -- Return the debuggin name associated with the action identifier "id" return action_name[id]; end; end;


class TK_ARG_UTIL is -- Utility for binding argument names and values. -- Key point: If the value is void, then no string is generated. -- this is a convenient way to not specify an option pair(nm:STR,val: STR): STR is if ~void(val) then return (#FSTR(" ")+"-"+nm+" "+val.str+" ").str; else return ""; end; end; pair(nm:STR,val: FLT): STR is if ~val.is_nil then return (#FSTR(" ")+"-"+nm+" "+val.str+" ").str; else return ""; end; end; pair(nm: STR,val: TK_ANCHOR): STR is if ~val.is_nil then return (#FSTR(" ")+"-"+nm+" "+val.str+" ").str; else return ""; end; end; end;

class UNIQ

class UNIQ is -- Generate unique integers to make strings unique so that -- we don't rely on string names in sather private shared gen: INT := 0; next: INT is gen := gen+1; return gen; end; end;

immutable class TK_TAG_INCL

immutable class TK_TAG_INCL is -- Partial TAG class readonly attr str: STR; create: SAME is return(#("Unnamed")) end; create(name: STR): SAME is -- Generates unique tags. The "name" is just for debugging purposes res: SAME; return res.str("tag"+UNIQ::next+name); end; end;