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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- text.sa: Text widget
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- text.sa,v 1.1 1995/11/15 03:36:50 gomes Exp
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

--Classes -- TK_TEXT Text widget that consists of an outer frame + optional -- scrollbars + an actual text widget -- TK_TEXT_TAG Tag used for annotating sections of text -- TK_TEXT_TAG_CFG Specification of text characterists that are -- associated with a particular text tag. -- TK_TEXT_CB Structure that is passed to callback routines that are -- associated with a text widget -- TK_INDEX Text index used to denote a particular location in the text


class TK_TEXT_CFG is include TK_WIDGET_CFG_INCL background->background, foreground->foreground, char_height->char_height, char_width->char_width, -- cursor->cursor, font->font, borderwidth->borderwidth, padx->padx, pady->pady, justify_left->justify_left,justify_right->justify_right, justify_center->justify_center, relief_none->relief_none,relief_raised->relief_raised, relief_sunken->relief_sunken, relief_flat->relief_flat,relief_ridge->relief_ridge, relief_groove->relief_groove, normal->normal,disable->disable, insertwidth->insertwidth, insertborderwidth->insertborderwidth, highlightbackground->highlightbackground, highlightcolor->highlightcolor, highlightthickness->highlightthickness, selectborderwidth->selectborderwidth, selectforeground->selectforeground, selectbackground->selectbackground; attr hscroll,vscroll: BOOL; -- Treated differently hscroll(v: BOOL): SAME is hscroll := v; return self end; vscroll(v: BOOL): SAME is vscroll := v; return self end; no_wrap is config("wrap","none") end; char_wrap is config("wrap","char") end; word_wrap is config("wrap","word") end; no_wrap:SAME is no_wrap; return self; end; char_wrap: SAME is char_wrap; return self; end; word_wrap:SAME is word_wrap; return self; end; std: SAME is return new.hscroll(true).vscroll(true) end; end;


class TK_TEXT < $TK_WIDGET is -- A text widget that corresponds to a TK text widget -- The widget must first be created, either using the default create -- routine, or the full creation routine that supplies a -- parent widget, text configuration options and packing information -- -- Eg: t ::= #TK_TEXT(#TK_ROOT_WINDOW,"mytext",#TK_TEXT_CFG,#TK_PACK); -- -- Once created, text may be inserted into the widget at locations -- that are specified using TINDEX es. -- A TINDEX indicates a location in the text widget in a number -- of ways - see the interface to TINDEX. -- -- Eg. t.insert_at(TINDEX::at(1,0,"text"); -- -- Ranges of text may also be tagged using a TEXT_TAG, either -- at insertion or later on by specifying positions -- -- Callbacks, basically bound routines, may then be associated -- with a particular text tag -- -- mytag ::= #TK_TEXT_TAG("mytag"); -- t.bind(mytag,EVENT_INCLUDE::enter,bind(myput(_))); -- -- The callback routine myput is of the form -- myput(arg: TEXT_CB) is -- -- do something with arg -- -- end; -- It is best to use TK_TEXT widgets by first including GUI_UTIL -- which makes many commonly used functions conveniently accessible. -- Implementation -- Creates a text widget called <text name> -- embedded in a frame with the name "frame"+<text name> -- There may be auxilliary scrollbars as well. include TK_SCROLL_WIDGET_INCL{TK_TEXT_CFG}; private attr tag_callbacks: TK_WIDGET_CALLBACKS{ROUT{TK_TEXT_CB}}; private const tk_widget_type: STR := "text"; private default_init(c: TK_TEXT_CFG) is -- By default, use scrollbars tag_callbacks := #; if c.vscroll then vscroll end; if c.hscroll then hscroll end; end; plus(text: $STR) is insert_at(TK_INDEX::end_pos,text.str); see(TK_INDEX::end_pos) end; plus(text: $STR):SAME is plus(text); return self; end; configure_tag(t: TK_TEXT_TAG,c: TK_TEXT_TAG_CFG) is -- Configure the text associated with the tag "t" to have the -- properties specified by the configuration "c". eval(actual_widget_name," tag configure ",t.str,c.str); end; insert_tagged(position: TK_INDEX,text: STR, tags: ARRAY{TK_TEXT_TAG}) is -- Insert text "text" with the tags "tags" at the location indicated -- by "position" eval(actual_widget_name,"insert", position.str,quote(text),tag_str(tags)) end; insert_at(position: TK_INDEX,text:STR) is -- Insert untagged text at "position" eval("textInsert",actual_widget_name,position.str,quote(text)); end; delete(from,to: TK_INDEX) is eval(actual_widget_name,"delete",from.str,to.str); end; get(from,to: TK_INDEX): STR is return GUI_APP_END::eval(actual_widget_name+" get "+from.str+" "+to.str); end; see(index: TK_INDEX) is -- Make index visible eval(actual_widget_name,"see",index.str); end; add_tag(t: TK_TEXT_TAG,from,to: TK_INDEX) is -- Add a tag "t" to the text from "from" to "to" eval(actual_widget_name,"tag add",t.str,from.str,to.str); end; bind_event(t: TK_TEXT_TAG,event: $TK_EVENT, action: ROUT{TK_TEXT_CB}) is action_id ::= tag_callbacks.register(action,"textaction"); eval(actual_widget_name,"tag bind",t.str,quote(event.str), quote("sather "+actual_widget_name+" "+action_id+" %b %x %y ")); end; -- ------------------- INTERNAL DETAILS -------------------------- act_on(id: INT,cb: ARRAY{STR}) is -- Internal GUI interface. Do not use explicitly -- Go through the args - convert them into a TEXT_CB and then -- call the appropriate function -- 0 = id 1 = button 2 = x 3 = y if cb.size < 4 then raise "Not enough arguments to canvas cb!" end; res: TK_TEXT_CB := #; rout:ROUT{TK_TEXT_CB} := tag_callbacks.get_action(id); res.button_number := int_if_poss(cb[1],-1); res.x := int_if_poss(cb[2],-1); res.y := int_if_poss(cb[3],-1); if debug then deb("Calling rout:"+res.str); end; rout.call(res); if debug then deb("Called rout"); end; end; private tag_str(tags: ARRAY{TK_TEXT_TAG}): STR is tag_list ::= " { "; loop tag_list := tag_list+" "+tags.elt!.str; end; tag_list := tag_list+" }"; return tag_list end; end; -- class TK_TEXT

class TK_TEXT_CB

class TK_TEXT_CB is -- Structure that is passed to all text callback routines. -- Not all these fields will be valid for all types of events. -- See the tk documentation for "bind" attr button_number: INT; attr x: INT; attr y: INT; create: SAME is return new end; str: STR is return "button_number="+button_number+",x="+x+",y="+y; end; end;

immutable class TK_TEXT_TAG

immutable class TK_TEXT_TAG is -- A tag used to indicate a region of characters in a TK_TEXT widget -- Text tags are used in binding callbacks include TK_TAG_INCL; end;


class TK_TEXT_TAG_CFG is -- Specify configuration options for the text associated with a particular -- text tag private attr relief,justify,font: STR; private attr overstrike_str,underline_str: STR; -- The following attributes may be set directly attr background,foreground: STR; attr borderwidth: FLT; -- The following may be used, but don't yet have "function" versions -- that return self... attr lmargin,lmargin2,rmargin,rmargin2,spacing1,spacing2,spacing3: FLT; attr offset: FLT; -- No interface as yet private attr bgstipple,fgstipple,tabs: STR; create: SAME is -- Give all options either uninitialized (nil) or default values. res ::= new; fnil ::= FLT::nil; res.borderwidth := fnil; res.lmargin := fnil; res.lmargin2 := fnil; res.rmargin := fnil; res.rmargin2 := fnil; res.spacing1 := fnil; res.spacing2 := fnil; res.spacing3 := fnil; res.offset := fnil; res.borderwidth := fnil; return res; end; foreground(s: STR): SAME is foreground := s; return self end; background(s: STR): SAME is background := s; return self end; borderwidth(i: FLT): SAME is borderwidth(i); return self end; font(f: STR): SAME is font(f); return self end; justify_right is justify := "right" end; justify_left is justify := "left" end; -- Default justify_center is justify := "center" end; justify_right: SAME is justify_right; return self; end; justify_left: SAME is justify_left; return self end; justify_center: SAME is justify_center; return self; end; private relief_none is relief := " none" end; private relief_raised is relief := " raised" end; private relief_sunken is relief := " sunken" end; private relief_flat is relief := " flat" end; private relief_ridge is relief := " ridge" end; private relief_groove is relief := " groove" end; private relief_none:SAME is relief_none; return self; end; private relief_raised:SAME is relief_raised; return self; end; private relief_sunken:SAME is relief_sunken; return self; end; private relief_flat:SAME is relief_flat; return self; end; private relief_ridge:SAME is relief_ridge; return self; end; private relief_groove:SAME is relief_groove; return self; end; overstrike(b:BOOL) is if b then overstrike_str:="true" else overstrike_str:="false" end; end; underline(b:BOOL) is if b then underline_str:="true" else underline_str:="false" end; end; overstrike(b:BOOL):SAME is overstrike(b); return self end; underline(b:BOOL):SAME is underline(b); return self end; str: STR is return "" +pair("background",background) +pair("foreground",foreground) +pair("borderwidth",borderwidth) +pair("relief",relief) +pair("justify",justify) +pair("overstrike",overstrike_str) +pair("underline",underline_str) +pair("offset",offset) +pair("rmargin",rmargin) +pair("rmargin2",rmargin2) +pair("spacing1",spacing1) +pair("spacing2",spacing2) +pair("spacing3",spacing3) +pair("lmargin1",lmargin) +pair("lmargin2",lmargin2) --+pair("-bgstipple",bgstipple) +pair("-fgstipple ",fgstipple) --+pair("-tabs",tabs) end; pair(nm:STR,val: STR): STR is if ~void(val) then return (#FSTR(" ")+"-"+nm+" "+val.str+" ").str; else return " "; end; end; pair(nm:STR,val: FLT): STR is if ~val.is_nil then return (#FSTR(" ")+"-"+nm+" "+val.str+" ").str; else return " "; end; end; end;

class TK_INDEX

class TK_INDEX is -- A text index indicates a particular position in a text widget readonly attr internal_str: STR; str: STR is return "\""+internal_str+"\""; end; private create(s: STR): SAME is res ::= new; res.internal_str := s; return res; end; -- Index associated with position on line "line" and character "ch" first(tag: TK_TEXT_TAG): SAME is return #(tag.str+".first"); end; last(tag: TK_TEXT_TAG): SAME is return #(tag.str+".last") end; -- Error if no characters currently have this "tag" at_location(x,y: INT): SAME is return #("@"+x+","+y); end; -- The character that covers the pixel with coods (x,y) in the text mark: SAME is return #(" mark") end; end_pos: SAME is return #("end") end; at(line,ch: INT): SAME is return #(line.str+"."+ch); end; -- Line counting starts at "1" and character counting starts at "0" -- I dislike this, but I think it is better to remain consistent with -- the Tk documentation forward_chars(n: INT): SAME pre n >= 0 is return m(" + "+n+" chars"); end; backward_chars(n: INT): SAME pre n >= 0 is return m(" - "+n+" chars"); end; forward_lines(n: INT): SAME pre n>=0 is return m(" + "+n+" lines"); end; backward_lines(n: INT): SAME pre n>=0 is return m(" - "+n+" lines"); end; line_start: SAME is return m(" linestart") end; line_end: SAME is return m(" lineend") end; word_start: SAME is return m(" wordstart") end; word_end: SAME is return m(" wordend") end; private m(modifier_str: STR): SAME is return #(internal_str+" "+modifier_str); end; end; -- class TK_INDEX