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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- test_format.sa: Formatting a string a la printf
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@icsi.berkeley.edu>
-- Author: Holger Klawitter <holger@icsi.berkeley.edu>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id: test_format.sa,v 1.13 1996/08/30 21:59:33 borisv Exp $
-- For documentation see:
--    http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~holger/Sather/format.html
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

class TEST_FMT

class TEST_FMT is include TEST; main is class_name("FMT"); protect test( "int", #FMT("*%+3d+%-3d=%04d%%", 3, 4, 7), "* +3+4 =0007%" ); test( "escaping", #FMT( "%% %< <> %> %d", 3, 4 ), "% < 3 > 4" ); test( "flt and str", #FMT("%10s is less than %8.3f", "(%)", 3.14159), " (%) is less than 3.142" ); test( "char and fltd", #FMT("%5c foo %g", 'x', 1.234d), " x foo 1.234" ); test( "arg mixing", #FMT("%2$d %1$d", 3, 4 ), "4 3" ); test( "arg mixing args implicit order", #FMT("%2$d %d %1$d %d", 1, 2, 3), "2 3 1 2" ); FMT_ERROR::raise_exceptions := true; raise_test( "wrong types error", bind(FMT::create("%s",7)), "INT needs \"diouxX\" but got 's'." ); raise_test( "end of format error I", bind(FMT::create("%==")), "Unexpected end of format in \"%==\"." ); raise_test( "end of format error II", bind(FMT::create("+%")), "Unexpected end of format in \"+%\"." ); raise_test( "bad argument number I", bind(FMT::create("%1$d %3$d",1,2)), "Illegal argument number '3'." ); raise_test( "bad argument number II", bind(FMT::create("%2$d %d %d",1,2,3)), "Illegal argument number '4'." ); test( "INT", #FMT( "<###>+<^##>=<#^#>", 1, 2, 3 ), " 1+2 = 3 " ); test( "FLT precision exhausing", #FMT( "<###.##>=<####>=<1:+>*<3:#.##########>", 3.1551, 3.22222, 4.0/3.0 ), " 3.16= 3=+3.1551*1.3333334000" ); test( "rounding fixed point", #FMT( "<#.#>$<#.##>$<#.###>$<#.####>$<#.##>", 0.9995, 0.9995, 0.9996, 0.9995, 0.096 ), "1.0$1.00$1.000$0.9995$0.10" ); test( "INT precision", #FMT( "<###.##>$<.##>$<+###.>$<-###.>$<-.##>", 7, 8, 9, -10, -11 ), " 7 $8 $ +9 $ -10 $-11 " ); raise_test( "using anchor and precision in INT", bind(FMT::create("<^##.##>",7)), "Decimal char and `^' cannot be used together." ); test( "FLTD", #FMT( "<-#.#######################>", 3.1234567890123456789012d ), " 3.12345678901234570000000" ); test( "anchors", #FMT( "<###^##>*<###^##>*<###^##>*<###^##>*<###^##>*<##^##>", 12,123,1234,12345,123456,12 ), " 12 * 123 * 1234 * 12345*123456* 12 " ); test( "bases", #FMT( "<hex####>*<bin####>*<oct####>", 140, 12, 130 ), " 8C*1100* 202" ); -- test( "CPX", -- #FMT( "<##.#> @<polar##.#;#.###> @<##.###;>", -- #CPX(1.0,1.0),#CPX(0.0,1.0),#CPX(11.0,2.222) ), -- " 1.0+ 1.0i @ 1.0*e^1.571i @11.000+2.222i" ); test( "string", #FMT( "<>$<^##>$<F.###>$<F*##^##>", "xx", "yy", "yy", "zzz" ), "xx$yy $.yy$*zzz*" ); test( "bool and char", #FMT( "<#####^#>$<F&#^##>", false, '%' ), " false$&%&&" ); test( "decimal dots", #FMT( "<#> <.> <,> <#.> <#,>", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ), "1 2.0 3,0 4. 5," ); FMT_ERROR::raise_exceptions := false; -- this is the default ! test( "returning string exceptions", #FMT( "<> <^.> <>", 7,8,9 ), "7 Decimal char and `^' cannot be used together. 9"); when $STR then #ERR + "[" + exception.str + "]\n"; test("Happens never","true","false"); else raise exception end; finish; end; -- main end; -- TEST_FMT