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-- Notes on getting the full thing working with changed pointer values.
-- Start out by creating the objects.
-- Create a "proper" value of each object in turn by creating a new
-- object and inserting all the elements of the existing object
-- It then copies the attributes of this newly created object
-- back into the existing object.
-- This has been implemented, but it is up to the user to mark
-- classes that need to be rehashed by putting them under
-- $SUPPORTS_REHASH.  Classes that cannot be rehashed may need
-- an additional supertype
-- This does not work if the object has a variable array portion that
-- is *different* for the rehashed object.  There is then no way to
-- copy objects back into their original location.  This could be
-- accomplished if rehashing could always *increase* the allocated
-- space. Then, after some number of passes through the system, it
-- would settle into a good solution

class STORE

class STORE is -- Used to store objects in an ascii readable way. -- Requires the -reflect compiler option -- -- Usage: -- ob1,ob2: FOO .... -- f: FILE := FILE::open_for_write("myfile"); -- store ::= #STORE(f); -- store+ob1; -- store+ob2; -- Or -- s: STR_STREAM := #; -- store2 ::= #STORE(s); -- store2+ob1; -- store2+ob2; -- #OUT+s.str; -- holds the string representation of ob1 and ob2 -- -- Objects are written out in the following form -- Each reference object has an integer index - starting at 0 and -- increasing. -- Object -> Reference | SeenBefore | Array -- Reference -> #<typename>( Objectfields) -- Objectfields -> <name = Object><,<name=Object>>* -- Array -> #[num array elts]<typename>(Object Fields)[ Arrayfields] -- Arrayfields -> <Object><,Object>* -- SeenBefore -> [object_index] -- Special kinds of objects: -- INT -> <digits> -- FLT -> <digits>.<digits> -- FLTD -> <digits>.<digits>d -- BOOL -> true|false -- STR -> " " -- CHAR -> ' -- void -> v private const debug: BOOL := false; private attr already_stored: H_MAP{$OB,$OB}; -- Mapping from objects -- that have already been stored to indices private attr cur_index: INT; -- Indicates the index of the next -- integer to be used as an id for a reference object. Problems -- could arise if too many reference objects are being stored -- causing the counter to cycle. -- Always access via "next_index", not directly private attr cur_indent: INT; readonly attr output: $OSTREAM; -- Stream onto which data is written create(o: $OSTREAM): SAME is -- Create a new store using the output stream "o" res ::= new; res.output := o; res.already_stored := #; res.cur_index := -1; res.cur_indent := 0; return res; end; plus(ob: $OB): SAME pre check_output is -- Append another object to the output stream self must exist. -- -- Limitations. Cannot store a "top level" void value. -- Particularly bad for immutable objects. Best to box up any -- immutable objects into some other top-level object for -- storage. Note that there is no problem with void values -- *within* the object. pack_object(ob); return self; end; plus(ob: $OB) pre check_output is discard ::= plus(ob) end; -- Append another object to the output stream private pack_object(ob: $OB) is -- Pack starting at a particular indent level -- Attributes are copied starting at this level if void(ob) then -- If a void reference or value type, -- If it is a value class, we need to determine what the type -- is. If it is a reference class, we can just store a void pointer. app(" v "); return; end; tp ::= SYS::tp(ob); assert tp/= 0; -- Implementation detail. No type should be equal to zero tp_str ::= SYS::str_for_tp(tp); if tp < 0 then -- Special things to do for basic value types typecase ob when INT then app(ob.str); return; when BOOL then app(ob.str); return; when CHAR then app("\'"+ob.str+"\'"); return; when FLT then fltstr: STR := ob.str; if ~fltstr.contains('.') then fltstr := fltstr+".0"; end; app(fltstr); return; when FLTD then -- Not sure that this works properly - must check FLTD::str -- to see if stuff like 128192891e34 are possible, in which -- case the following will be wrong fltstr: STR := ob.str; if ~fltstr.contains('.') then fltstr := fltstr+".0"; end; app(fltstr+'d'); return; else -- continue end; end; typecase ob when STR then app("\""+ob+"\""); return; else -- Continue; end; -- Don't register immutable objects... if SYS::tp(ob) > 0 then -- if is_reference then var_name: INT; if get_id(ob, out var_name) then -- Check to see whether the object was packed earlier. Just -- use reference app("[ "+var_name+ " ]"); return; end; end; n_attribs: INT := REFLECT::n_attribs(ob); arr_size: INT := REFLECT::array_size(ob); output+("#"); if arr_size >= 0 then output+("[ "+arr_size+" ]"); end; output+(tp_str+"("); -- Pack the attributes loop i ::= n_attribs.times!; if i /= 0 then app_nonl(","); end; nm ::= REFLECT::attrib_name(ob,i); val ::= REFLECT::attrib(ob,i); app_nonl(nm+" = "); upindent; pack_object(val); downindent; end; app(")"); do_newline; if arr_size > 0 then -- it's negative 1 if there's no array part app("["); loop aind ::= arr_size.times!;-- Index of array element if aind /= 0 then app_nonl(","); end; aelt ::= REFLECT::array_element(ob,aind); upindent; pack_object(aelt); downindent; end; app(" ]") end; end; private get_id(ob: $OB, out id: INT): BOOL is -- Return an identifier "id" for the object "ob" -- Returns true if the object has already been packed -- Otherwise return false assert ~void(ob); if already_stored.has_ind(ob) then id := CAST{INT}::from(already_stored[ob]); assert deb("Previously packed. Returning id:"+id); return true; else id := next_index; assert deb("New object. Assigning id:"+id); already_stored[ob] := id; return false; end; end; private next_index: INT is -- Return the next unique integer for this packing context cur_index := cur_index + 1; assert cur_index < INT::maxint; -- If this happens, we have wrap around return cur_index; end; private upindent is cur_indent := cur_indent+1; end; private downindent is if cur_indent > 0 then cur_indent := cur_indent - 1 end; end; private do_newline is output+"\n"; loop cur_indent.times!; output+" "; end; end; private app(s: STR) is output + s; do_newline; end; private app_nonl(s: STR) is output + s ; end; private deb(msg: STR): BOOL is if debug then #ERR+msg; end; return true; end; check_output: BOOL is if void(output) then raise STORE_EXC::no_output; else return true; end; end; end;

class RESTORE{T}

class RESTORE{T} is -- Recreate objects of type T from a string. A wrapper around RESTORE -- that expects to read objects of type "T" -- -- myfoo: FOO := .... -- f: FILE := FILE::open_for_write("foo"); -- store: STORE := #(f); -- store+myfoo; -- Store some arbitrary object onto the file "f" -- -- f: FILE := FILE::open_for_read("foo"); -- file_str:STR := f.get_str -- r: RESTORE{FOO} := #(file_str); -- foo: FOO; -- if r.next_object(out foo) then .. use foo -- else #ERR+"Bad object read from the string" end; readonly attr r: RESTORE; create(st: STR): SAME is res ::= new; res.r := #RESTORE(st); end; next_object(out res:T): BOOL pre ~void(r) is -- Return true if an object of type T was read. -- Else return false o: $OB; if r.next_object(out o) then typecase o when T then res := o; return true; else res := void; return false; end; else res := void; return false; end; end; check_restore: BOOL is if void(self) or void(r) then return false else return r.check_restore end; end; end;


class RESTORE is -- Restore an object from a string. -- Usage: -- myfoo: FOO := .... -- f: FILE := FILE::open_for_write("foo"); -- store: STORE := #(f); -- store+myfoo; -- Store some arbitrary object onto the file "f" -- -- f: FILE := FILE::open_for_read("foo"); -- file_str:STR := f.get_str -- r: RESTORE := #(file_str); -- ob: $OB; -- if r.next_object(out ob) then ... use ob -- else #ERR+"Bad object read" end; -- const debug: BOOL := false; private attr registry: H_MAP{$OB,$OB}; -- Mapping from ids to objects -- that have been read in private attr cur_object_index: INT; -- Index of the most recent object -- read or being read private attr sc: STR_CURSOR; -- String cursor on the current source create(st: STR): SAME is -- Create a new unpacking context res ::= new; res.registry := #; := st.cursor; res.cur_object_index := -1; return res; end; next_object(out ob: $OB): BOOL is -- Return true if the next object was found -- Store the next object in "ob" if one was found sc.skip_space; if sc.is_done then return false end; ob := parse_object; typecase ob when $SUPPORTS_REHASH then ob.rehash; else -- Do nothing end; return true; end; private next_int: INT is -- Generator of integers to indicate successive objects. Back references -- are done by indicating the integer index of the object -- This must essentially replicate the behavior on the "STORE" end cur_object_index := cur_object_index + 1; return cur_object_index; end; private parse_object: $OB pre check_restore is -- Restore from the string "st" -- start_index indicates where in the string to start reading from and -- fin_index is set to the last character consumed. res: $OB; sc.skip_space; next_char: CHAR := sc.item; assert deb("Reading next object. First char="+sc.item+"\n"); if parse_basic(out res) then return res; end; assert deb("Non basic type:"+next_char+" "); case next_char when '#' then assert deb("Array or object\n"); -- First get the class name, number of fields array size etc. discard ::= get_char(""); arr_size: INT := -1; -- Indicates no array case sc.item when '[' then discard := get_char("Eating [ of array size"); arr_size := sc.get_int; check_sc("Array size"); sc.skip_space; assert deb("Array of size:"+arr_size+"\n"); discard := get_char("Eating ] of array size"); else -- No array part end; class_name: STR := sc.get_str_upto('('); class_type_tag: INT := REFLECT::tp_for_str(class_name); if class_type_tag = 0 then raise err("Class:"+class_name+" does not exist.\n " "To fix this problem you might need to make sure that\n" " at least one instance of this class is reachable " "in your current program "); end; id: INT := next_int; assert deb("\nAssigning Identifier:"+id+" class_name:"+class_name+"\n"); -- All the information exists (n fields, array size).Create the object if arr_size >= 0 then res := REFLECT::create_object(class_type_tag,arr_size); else res := REFLECT::create_object(class_type_tag); end; register_ob(id,res); -- Object has been created. Now read the fields sc.skip_space; get_and_check_char('(',"Expecting ( of object"); no_more_fields: BOOL := false; loop until!(no_more_fields); field_name: STR := get_word("field name"); sc.skip_space; get_and_check_char('=',"Equal sign in field assignment"); object: $OB := parse_object; set_attrib_named(res,field_name,object); sc.skip_space; if sc.item = ')' then get_and_check_char(')',"Done with object fields"); no_more_fields := true; else get_and_check_char(',',"Next field"); end; end; if arr_size >= 0 then sc.skip_space; get_and_check_char('[',"Expected [. Reading array portion"); loop aind: INT := arr_size.times!; assert deb("Parsing array index:"+aind+"\n"); array_elt: $OB := parse_object; REFLECT::set_array_element(res,aind,array_elt); sc.skip_space; if aind /= (arr_size-1) then get_and_check_char(',',"Next array element"); end; end; sc.skip_space; get_and_check_char(']',"Expected ] Reading array portion"); end; when '[' then -- Reference to a previous object. Just find previous definition assert deb("\nReference to previous object\n"); get_and_check_char('[',""); id: INT := get_int("Identifier"); assert deb("Object index:"+id); get_and_check_char(']',"Expecting close paren"); res := get_registered_ob(id); when 'v' then -- Void object. get_and_check_char('v',""); assert deb("\nVoid object\n"); return void; else raise err("Unexpected char:"+next_char); end; return res; end; private get_and_check_char(c: CHAR,msg:STR) is sc.skip_space; ch ::= sc.get_char; if ch /= c then raise err("Unexpected character:"+ch +" Expecting char:"+c+"\n\t"+msg+"\n"); end; end; private parse_basic(out res:$OB): BOOL is next_char: CHAR := sc.item; case next_char when '\'' then discard ::= get_char("Reading CHAR open quote"); char_val: CHAR := get_char("Reading CHAR"); get_and_check_char('\'',"Reading CHAR close quote"); res := char_val; return true; when '\"' then -- String. Get upto closing quote str: STR := ""; -- Funny emacs indent... discard ::= get_char("Reading STR open quote"); ch ::= get_char("Reading string"); loop until!(ch='\"'); str := str+ch; ch := get_char("Reading string"); end; res := str; return true; when '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' then s: STR :=get_word("Reading INT, FLT or FLTD"); sc2: STR_CURSOR := s.cursor; if s.contains('.') then -- Either FLT or FLTD if s[s.size - 1] = 'd' then res := sc2.get_fltd; else res := sc2.get_flt; end; else -- INT res := end; if sc2.has_error then raise err("Bad INT, FLT or FLTD:"+s); end; return true; when 't' then val: STR := get_word("Reading BOOL(true)"); if val = "true" then res := true; return true; else raise err("Bad BOOL. True expected"+val); end; when 'f' then val: STR := get_word("Reading BOOL (false)"); if val = "false" then res := false; return true; else raise err("Bad BOOL. False expected"+val); end; else return false end; end; private get_char(msg: STR): CHAR is res ::= sc.get_char; if sc.has_error then raise err("Error getting the next character:"+msg); end; -- assert deb("["+res+"]"); return res; end; private get_int(msg: STR): INT is i: INT := sc.get_int; if sc.has_error then raise err("Bad INT:"+msg); end; return i; end; private get_word(msg: STR): STR is sc.skip_space; res ::= sc.get_word; if sc.has_error then raise err("Bad word:"+msg); end; return res; end; private get_registered_ob(id: INT): $OB is if ~registry.has_ind(id) then #ERR+"Registry has objects upto index:"+registry.size+"\n"; raise err("No object registered with id:"+id); else return registry[id] end; end; private register_ob(id: INT, ob: $OB) is -- If ob is not immutable, register it if SYS::tp(ob) > 0 then registry[id] := ob; end; end; private check_sc(msg: STR) is -- Raise an error if the string cursor has an error if sc.has_error then raise err(msg) end; end; private set_attrib_named(ob:$OB,field:STR,to:$OB) -- Set the field named "field" in the object "meta" to the value "ob" -- Error if no such field exists in the current object is n_attribs: INT := REFLECT::n_attribs(ob); loop attrib_ind: INT := n_attribs.times!; if REFLECT::attrib_name(ob,attrib_ind) = field then REFLECT::set_attrib(ob,attrib_ind,to); return; end; end; raise err("No such field:"+field); end; private deb(msg: STR): BOOL is if debug then #ERR+'\n'+sc.current_line_str+'\n'; #ERR+sc.current_loc_str('^')+'\n'; #ERR+msg; end; return true; end; private err(msg: STR): STORE_EXC is info ::= "Line:"+sc.line_no+"\n"; info := info+sc.current_line_str; info := info+"\n"+sc.current_loc_str('^'); return STORE_EXC::parse_err(msg+" \nAt location:\n"+info); end; check_restore: BOOL is if void(self) then raise STORE_EXC::no_restore_context; else return true; end; end; end;

class STORE_EXC < $STR

class STORE_EXC < $STR is -- Packing exceptions const no_output_str: STR := "Cannot use a store without an output string"; const no_restore_context_str: STR := "RESTORE is void. Cannot restore a string without a context"; const past_end_of_str: STR := "RESTORE went past end of string..."; const parse_err_str: STR := "RESTORE encountered a parsing error."; readonly attr str: STR; readonly attr msg: STR; -- Additional message private create(s: STR,msg: STR): SAME is -- Create a new store exception res ::= new; res.str := s; res.msg := msg; -- Print out the error message anyhow - in case it is not caught #ERR+"\n*********************************************\n"; #ERR+ "A packing error occurred\n"+s+"\n"+"Message:"+msg+"\n"; return res; end; no_output: SAME is return create(no_output_str,""); end; no_restore_context: SAME is return create(no_restore_context_str,""); end; past_end_of_str(msg:STR): SAME is return create(past_end_of_str,msg); end; parse_err(msg:STR): SAME is return create(parse_err_str,msg); end; end;