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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- Author: Matthias Ernst <tisi@beutlin.desy.de>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id: raster.sa,v 1.4 1996/09/04 06:16:43 gomes Exp $
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.


class TK_RASTER_CFG < $TK_WIDGET_CFG is -- Raster configuration widget. Allows the setting of the -- height, width etc. -- include TK_WIDGET_CFG_INCL height->height, width->width, relief_none->relief_none,relief_raised->relief_raised, relief_sunken->relief_sunken, relief_flat->relief_flat,relief_ridge->relief_ridge, relief_groove->relief_groove, borderwidth->borderwidth, background->background -- cursor->cursor, ; double_buffer(b: BOOL) is -- config("dbl", b.str) if b then config("dbl", "true") else config("dbl", "false") end; end; double_buffer(b: BOOL): SAME is double_buffer(b); return self end; end; -- class TK_RASTER_CFG


class TK_RASTER < $TK_WIDGET is -- Raster Widget. This is meant for fast, pixel-level drawing. It -- has a direct interface to C using arrays of FLTD, and currently -- will only work with the SingleProcessGui (the arrays would have -- to be converted into strings to make use of the current socket -- interface, thus loosing all the speed benefits). For more elaborate -- drawing, where speed is not a big issue, consider using the -- TK_CANVAS widget: it supports treating drawn elements as objects -- and manipulating them in various ways. -- -- Implementation of Drawing: contrary to all other widgets, these -- directly call the C functions for the sake of efficiency -- -- Implementation of Refresh: Don't know if this is intended by the -- authors (...) the C functions __don't__ redisplay the widget so -- one may set widget.auto_display to true then this is done after -- every drawing call or one may 'manually' call widget.display -- This required one patch to the raster sources -- -- Implementation of Coordination Transforms: These do have -- problems or I misinterpret their intended functionality -- ----------------------------------------------------------- include TK_WIDGET_INCL{TK_RASTER_CFG} create->private widget_create; private attr c_raster: EXT_OB; -- a pointer to this widget's tkRaster structure private const tk_widget_type: STR := "raster"; private attr callbacks: TK_WIDGET_CALLBACKS{ROUT{TK_RASTER_CB}}; -- all defined callbacks attr auto_display: BOOL; -- if true, the raster is redrawn after every operation private auto_display is if auto_display then display; end; end; create(parent: $TK_WIDGET, np: STR, cf: TK_RASTER_CFG, pack: TK_PACK) : SAME is res ::= widget_create(parent, np, cf, pack); res.callbacks := #; assert ~void(GUI_APP_END::tcl_tk); assert ~void(GUI_APP_END::tcl_tk.interpreter); res.c_raster := C_RASTER::raster_give_raster(GUI_APP_END::tcl_tk.interpreter, res.path_name); -- obtain raster pointer res.current_env := #(res, 0); -- default drawing environment return res; end;
-- Drawing environments
readonly attr current_env: TK_RASTER_ENV; -- denotes the current environment create_env: TK_RASTER_ENV is -- Create a new drawing environment (similar to a GC) new_index: INT := #(GUI_APP_END::eval(widget_name + " envcreate")); return #(self, new_index); end; set_env(env: TK_RASTER_ENV) pre SYS::ob_eq(env.raster, self) -- precondition checks if this environment is ours ? -- you may as well use env.activate -- with the effect that the precondition will never be broken is GUI_APP_END::eval(widget_name + " envset " + env.index); end; -- Drawing commands clear is C_RASTER::raster_clear(c_raster); auto_display; end; draw_lines(coords: ARRAY{FLTD}) pre coords.size.is_even is -- Draw directly using an array of coods C_RASTER::raster_draw_lines(c_raster, coords, coords.size/2); auto_display; end; draw_point(x, y: FLTD) is -- the raster inconsistently defines x, y as integers C_RASTER::raster_draw_point(c_raster, x, y); auto_display; end; draw_points(coords: ARRAY{FLTD}) pre coords.size.is_even is C_RASTER::raster_draw_points(c_raster, coords, coords.size/2); auto_display; end; draw_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1: FLTD) is C_RASTER::raster_draw_rectangle(c_raster, x0, y0, x1, y1); auto_display; end; fill_polygon(coords: ARRAY{FLTD}) pre coords.size.is_even is C_RASTER::raster_fill_polygon(c_raster, coords, coords.size/2); auto_display; end; fill_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1: FLTD) is C_RASTER::raster_fill_rectangle(c_raster, x0, y0, x1, y1); auto_display; end; -- Coordinate transformation set_world(wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1: FLTD) is C_RASTER::raster_set_world(c_raster, wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1); end; world_to_raster(wx, wy: FLTD, out rx, out ry: FLTD) is C_RASTER::raster_world_to_raster(c_raster, wx, wy, out rx, out ry); end; raster_to_world(rx, ry: FLTD, out wx, out wy: FLTD) is C_RASTER::raster_raster_to_world(c_raster, rx, ry, out wx, out wy); end; display is C_RASTER::raster_display(c_raster); end; -- bindings bind_action(event: $TK_EVENT,action:ROUT{TK_RASTER_CB}) is -- Bind an event "event" to the action bound routine "action" action_id ::= callbacks.register(action,"entryaction"); eval("bind",widget_name,event.str, quote("sather "+widget_name+" "+action_id+" %b %x %y")); end; act_on(id: INT, args: ARRAY{STR}) is if args.size /= 4 then raise "Bad arguments to callback. Num args="+args.size +" "+args.str+"\n"; end; deb("Raster callback: " + id + " " + args.str); TK_RASTER_CB ::= callback_info(args); rout ::= callbacks.get_action(id); if ~void(rout) then rout.call(TK_RASTER_CB); end; end; callback_info(args: ARRAY{STR}): TK_RASTER_CB is -- Create a callback out of the "args". This is used -- internally by the gui mechanism button ::= #INT(args[1]); x_r ::= #FLTD(args[2]); y_r ::= #FLTD(args[3]); x_w, y_w: FLTD; raster_to_world(x_r, y_r, out x_w, out y_w); return #TK_RASTER_CB(button, x_w, y_w); end; end; -- class TK_RASTER


class TK_RASTER_ENV is -- A raster drawing environment, essentially a graphics context. -- Similar in some ways to a configuration, but provides drawing -- defaults. Every option is realized as a function -- <option_name>(new_value), both with no return value or self, to -- enable option chaining. Options taking magic strings as options -- are realized as sets of option_value procedures i.e. to enable -- solid linestyle call 'linestyle_solid' this applies to capstyle, -- fillstyle, function, linestyle and joinstyle. disadvantage: -- bloated interface -- -- Usage: -- env.background("yellow").foreground("blue").linewidth(10); readonly attr raster: TK_RASTER; -- the associated raster readonly attr index: INT; -- the env index create(raster: TK_RASTER, index: INT): SAME is env ::= new; env.raster := raster; env.index := index; return env; end;
private configure(option, val: STR) is GUI_APP_END::eval(raster.widget_name + " envconfigure " + index + " " + option + " " + val); end; activate is raster.set_env(self); end;
background(val: STR) is configure("-background", val) end; background(val: STR): SAME is background(val); return self; end; bg(val: STR) is background(val) end; bg(val: STR): SAME is return background(val) end;
private capstyle(val: STR) is configure("-capstyle", val); end; capstyle_round is capstyle("round"); end; capstyle_round: SAME is capstyle_round ; return self; end; capstyle_projecting is capstyle("projecting"); end; capstyle_projecting: SAME is capstyle_projecting ; return self; end; capstyle_butt is capstyle("butt"); end; capstyle_butt: SAME is capstyle_butt ; return self; end;
private fillstyle(val: STR) is configure("-fillstyle", val); end; fillstyle_solid is fillstyle("solid"); end; fillstyle_solid: SAME is fillstyle_solid; return self end; fillstyle_stippled is fillstyle("stippled"); end; fillstyle_stippled: SAME is fillstyle_stippled; return self end; fillstyle_opaquestippled is fillstyle("opaquestippled"); end; fillstyle_opaquestippled: SAME is fillstyle_opaquestippled; return self end;
foreground(val: STR) is configure("-foreground", val); end; foreground(val: STR): SAME is foreground(val); return self; end; fg(val: STR) is foreground(val) end; fg(val: STR): SAME is return foreground(val) end;
-- this is a bit heavy --- 15 possible vals private function(val: STR) is configure("-function", val); end; function_clear is function("clear"); end; function_clear: SAME is function_clear ; return self ; end ; function_and is function("and"); end; function_and: SAME is function_and ; return self ; end ; function_andreverse is function("andreverse"); end; function_andreverse: SAME is function_andreverse ; return self ; end ; function_copy is function("copy"); end; function_copy: SAME is function_copy ; return self ; end ; function_andinverted is function("andinverted"); end; function_andinverted: SAME is function_andinverted ; return self ; end ; function_noop is function("noop"); end; function_noop: SAME is function_noop ; return self ; end ; function_xor is function("xor"); end; function_xor: SAME is function_xor ; return self ; end ; function_or is function("or"); end; function_or: SAME is function_or ; return self ; end ; function_nor is function("nor"); end; function_nor: SAME is function_nor ; return self ; end ; function_equiv is function("equiv"); end; function_equiv: SAME is function_equiv ; return self ; end ; function_invert is function("invert"); end; function_invert: SAME is function_invert ; return self ; end ; function_orreverse is function("orreverse"); end; function_orreverse: SAME is function_orreverse ; return self ; end ; function_copyinverted is function("copyinverted"); end; function_copyinverted: SAME is function_copyinverted ; return self ; end ; function_nand is function("nand"); end; function_nand: SAME is function_nand ; return self ; end ; function_set is function("set"); end; function_set: SAME is function_set ; return self ; end ;
private linestyle(val: STR) is configure("-linestyle", val); end; linestyle_solid is linestyle("solid"); end; linestyle_solid: SAME is linestyle_solid ; return self ; end ; linestyle_doubledash is linestyle("doubledash"); end; linestyle_doubledash: SAME is linestyle_doubledash ; return self ; end ; linestyle_onoffdash is linestyle("onoffdash"); end; linestyle_onoffdash: SAME is linestyle_onoffdash ; return self ; end ;
linewidth(val: INT) is configure("-linewidth", val.str); end; linewidth(val: INT): SAME is linewidth(val); return self; end;
private joinstyle(val: STR) is configure("joinstyle", val); end; joinstyle_bevel is joinstyle("bevel"); end; joinstyle_bevel: SAME is joinstyle_bevel ; return self ; end ; joinstyle_miter is joinstyle("miter"); end; joinstyle_miter: SAME is joinstyle_miter ; return self ; end ; joinstyle_round is joinstyle("round"); end; joinstyle_round: SAME is joinstyle_round ; return self ; end ; -- stipple(val: STR) is configure("-stipple", val); end; -- stipple(val: STR): SAME is stipple(val); return self; end; end; -- class TK_RASTER_ENV

immutable class TK_RASTER_CB

immutable class TK_RASTER_CB is attr button: INT; attr x, y: FLTD; -- in world coordinates create(b: INT, w_x, w_y: FLTD): SAME is return button(b).x(w_x).y(w_y); end; end;

external class C_RASTER

external class C_RASTER is -- tkRaster.c Sather/C glue raster_give_raster(interp: EXT_OB, path: STR): EXT_OB; raster_clear(c_raster: EXT_OB); raster_draw_lines(c_raster: EXT_OB, coords: ARRAY{FLTD}, npoints: INT); raster_draw_point(c_raster: EXT_OB, x: FLTD, y: FLTD); raster_draw_points(c_raster: EXT_OB, coords: ARRAY{FLTD}, npoints: INT); raster_draw_rectangle(c_raster: EXT_OB, x0, y0, x1, y1: FLTD); raster_fill_polygon(c_raster: EXT_OB, coords: ARRAY{FLTD}, npoints: INT); raster_fill_rectangle(c_raster: EXT_OB, x0, y0, x1, y1: FLTD); raster_set_world(c_raster: EXT_OB, wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1: FLTD); raster_world_to_raster(c_raster: EXT_OB, wx, wy, out rx, out ry: FLTD); raster_raster_to_world(c_raster: EXT_OB, rx, ry, out wx, out wy: FLTD); raster_display(c_raster: EXT_OB); end; -- class C_RASTER