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-- File:
-- Author: Holger Klawitter <>
-- Date: 6/12/96

-- Demonstration program for the Sather Gui. -- Simulating a pizza ordering tool. -- Compile with -- cs -gui -main PIZZA_MAIN -o pizza


class TOPPING < $TK_WIDGET -- Toppings are mainly buttons on which van click to select that -- topping for your pizza. They also store the name of the topping -- the the value factor. is include TK_CHECK create->private create; readonly attr name: STR; private attr var: TK_VAR; create(frame:$TK_WIDGET,n:STR,updfunc:ROUT): SAME -- Creates a new topping button in the frame 'frame'. 'n' is the name -- of the topping. 'updfunc' will be called when the button is pressed. is screenname: STR; variable: TK_VAR; -- If the topping has double value, it will be displayed with a star. if PIZZA_DATA::topping_factor(n) /= 1.0 then screenname := n + "*" else screenname := n end; variable := #TK_VAR; res ::= create(frame, TK_CHECK_CFG::std.text(screenname).variable(variable), TK_PACK::top.anchor(TK_ANCHOR::w) ); res.command(updfunc); := n; res.var := variable; return res end; price: FLT is return PIZZA_DATA::price(name); end; -- Returns the price for this topping on the current pizza. is_selected: BOOL is return var.query = "1"; end; -- Returns true if button is selected. end; -- class TOPPING


class PIZZA_MAIN is include GUI_UTIL; private shared pizzalist: TK_LISTBOX; -- Listbox with specials. private shared toppingframe: TK_FRAME; -- Master frame for list of toppings. shared size: TK_VAR; -- TK variable containing the size of the pizza. shared price: TK_LABEL; -- Area to display the price. shared extras: TK_ENTRY; -- Area to enter extra requests. shared toppingboxes: SET{TOPPING}; -- List of all toppings. init -- The main program of this application. -- Sets up display. is -- First get all data for the application from the model class -- PIZZA_DATA. specialnames: ARRAY{STR} := void; toppingnames: SET{STR} := void; PIZZA_DATA::init(out specialnames,out toppingnames); dummy: $OB := void; radio: TK_RADIO := void; TK_WINDOW_MGR::title(root_window,"The Sather Pizza Blitz"); -- 1.) The top line top ::= #TK_FRAME(root_window, TK_PACK::top); -- 1.1.) The Pizza Specials selector box with title and listbox. pizzaframe ::= #TK_FRAME(top, TK_PACK::left); dummy := #TK_LABEL(pizzaframe, TK_LABEL_CFG::std.text("Select a pizza") .justify_left, TK_PACK::top_grow_horiz); pizzalist := #TK_LISTBOX(pizzaframe, TK_LISTBOX_CFG::std.height(5.0).width(40.0), TK_PACK::top_grow_horiz ); loop pizzalist.insert(1.up!,specialnames.elt!); end; pizzalist.bind_event(TK_BUTTON_EVENT::B1,bind(select_pizza(_))); -- 1.2.) The list of sizes size := #TK_VAR; sizeframe ::= #TK_FRAME(top, TK_PACK::right); dummy := #TK_LABEL(sizeframe, TK_LABEL_CFG::std.text("Select pizza size"), TK_PACK::top); -- 1.2.1.) Left column sizeleft ::= #TK_FRAME(sizeframe,TK_PACK::left); radio := #TK_RADIO(sizeleft, TK_RADIO_CFG::std.variable(size) .text("12\"").justify_left.val("12"), TK_PACK::top); radio.command(bind(compute_price)); -- Remember radio for 14 to select it later. size14 ::= #TK_RADIO(sizeleft, TK_RADIO_CFG::std.variable(size) .text("14\"").justify_left.val("14"), TK_PACK::top); size14.command(bind(compute_price)); -- 1.2.2.) Right column sizeright ::= #TK_FRAME(sizeframe,TK_PACK::right); radio := #TK_RADIO(sizeright, TK_RADIO_CFG::std.variable(size) .text("16\"").justify_left.val("16"), TK_PACK::top); radio.command(bind(compute_price)); radio := #TK_RADIO(sizeright, TK_RADIO_CFG::std.variable(size) .text("18\"").justify_left.val("18"), TK_PACK::top); radio.command(bind(compute_price)); -- 2.) In the middle there go the toppings. toppingframe := #TK_FRAME(root_window, TK_PACK::top); toppingboxes := #; init_toppings(toppingnames); -- 3.) The line for extra requests extraframe ::= #TK_FRAME(root_window, TK_PACK::top); -- 3.1.) A label for it extralbl ::= #TK_LABEL(extraframe, TK_LABEL_CFG::std.text("Extra requests ? :"), TK_PACK::left); -- 3.2.) The user can enter the text here extras := #TK_ENTRY(extraframe, TK_ENTRY_CFG::std.variable(#TK_VAR) .width(40.0), TK_PACK::right); extras.set_text("none"); -- 4.) Bottom line bottom ::= #TK_FRAME(root_window, TK_PACK::bot_grow_horiz); -- 4.1.) The 'Order' button order ::= #TK_BUTTON(bottom, TK_BUTTON_CFG::std.text("Order(quits)"), TK_PACK::left); order.command(quit_routine); -- The quit_routine is included from GUI_UTIL -- 4.2.) The 'Clear' button clear ::= #TK_BUTTON(bottom, TK_BUTTON_CFG::std.text("Unselect toppings"), TK_PACK::left); clear.command(bind(unselect_all)); -- 4.3.) The price information price := #TK_LABEL(bottom, TK_LABEL_CFG::std .justify_right .font("-*-screen-*-r-*-*-*-160-*-*-*-*-*-*"), TK_PACK::right); -- 4.4.) Some fixed text for the price information dummy := #TK_LABEL(bottom, TK_LABEL_CFG::std.text("This Pizza costs: "), TK_PACK::right); -- Selecting some defaults. size14.invoke; pizzalist.set_selection(0); end; -- init private init_toppings(toppings:SET{STR}) -- Puts the set of toppings vertically alphabetically (4 columns) -- into the toppingframe. is -- Create the frames for the columns. subframes: ARRAY{TK_FRAME} := #(4); loop subframes[0.upto!(3)] := #TK_FRAME(toppingframe,TK_PACK::left_grow_vert); end; -- Sort the list of toppings. n ::= toppings.size; sorted_top ::= #ARRAY{STR}(n); loop sorted_top.set!(toppings.elt!) end; sorted_top.sort; -- Put them vertiacally sorted in the colums. bound ::= (n/4)*4; if n%4>0 then bound := bound + 4; end; loop cur ::= 0.upto!(bound); tp ::= sorted_top.elt!; toppingboxes.insert( #TOPPING(subframes[cur*4/bound], tp, bind(compute_price) )); end; end;
-- EVENTS unselect_all -- Turns all topping buttons off. is loop toppingboxes.elt!.deselect end; extras.set_text("none"); compute_price; end; compute_price(e:TK_EVENT_INFO) is compute_price end; -- A hook for 'compute_price' without argument. select_pizza(e:TK_EVENT_INFO) -- Routine being called when Mouse is pressed in the -- list of pizza specials. Looks whether there is a selection -- (there shouldn't be more than one -- as the list is a browse list) -- and selects the toppings of this pizza. is x: INT := 0; y: INT := 0; if pizzalist.curselection.size = 0 then return end; e.mouse_coordinates(out x,out y); select_pizza(pizzalist.index_at(x.flt,y.flt)); end;
-- ACTIONS: compute_price -- Will be called whenever something happens which changes the -- value of the pizza and computes the new price. is newprice: FLT := PIZZA_DATA::baseprice; loop toppingbox ::= toppingboxes.elt!; if toppingbox.is_selected then newprice := newprice + toppingbox.price; end end; price.configure (TK_LABEL_CFG::std.text(#FMT("$<##.##>",newprice).str)); end; select_pizza(newpizza:INT) -- When a speical is selected, this function changes the topping -- buttons to match the recipe. is loop toppingbox ::= toppingboxes.elt!; if PIZZA_DATA::has_topping(newpizza, then; else toppingbox.deselect; end end; compute_price; end; end; -- class PIZZA_MAIN


class PIZZA_DATA -- This class stores all prices and selections of Sathers Pizza Blitz. is private shared specials: ARRAY{STR}; private shared special_count: INT; -- List of all specials. private shared pizzatoppings: ARRAY{ARRAY{STR}}; -- List of toppings on special number `i'. private shared doubletoppings: ARRAY{STR} := | "Clams","Green Olives","Pastrami","Pesto Sauce", "Marinated Chicken","Shrimp","Sun Dried Tomatoes" |; -- List of toppings with double value. private shared toppings: SET{STR}; -- List of all topping names. init(out specialnames: ARRAY{STR},out toppingnames: SET{STR}) -- Sets the recepies for the speical pizzas which are available -- from a specials list. The toppings mentioned in this list will -- be used to generate the list of toppings. is toppings := #; pizzatoppings := #(16); specials := #(16); special_count := 0; addpizza( "Pizza with Sauche and Cheese", #ARRAY{STR}(0) ); addpizza( "The Mission Special", |"Salami","Pepperoni","Mushrooms","Sausage"| ); addpizza( "Mr Pizza Man Special", |"Salami","Pepperoni","Mushrooms","Onions","Bell Peppers", "Sausage" | ); addpizza( "Vegetarian Special", | "Mushrooms","Onions","Bell Peppers","Sliced Tomatos", "Olives" | ); addpizza( "Meat Only Special", | "Salami","Pepperoni","Linguica","Beef","Canadian Bacon", "Sausage" | ); addpizza( "Aloha Special", | "Ham","Canadian Bacon","Pineapple" | ); addpizza( "Fiesta Special", | "Ground Beef","Onions","Linguica","Jalapenos", "Mushrooms"| ); addpizza( "Ol' West Cattlemans's", | "Salami","Pepperoni","Beef","Ham","Linguica", "Mushrooms","Onions" | ); addpizza( "Pesto Special", | "Pesto Sauce","Spinach","Onions","Feta Cheese" | ); addpizza( "Seafood Special", | "Clams", "Garlic" | ); addpizza( "Zorba the Greek", |"Salami","Pepperoni","Mushrooms","Onions","Bell Peppers", "Sausage","Feta Cheese","Canadian Bacon" | ); addpizza( "Guadalajara Special", |"Guadalajara Sauce","Green Olives","Beef","Onions", "Jalapenos","Linguica","Ranchero Cheese"| ); addpizza( "Vegi Deluxe", | "Pesto Sauce","Artichoke Hearts","Black Olives","Mushrooms", "Garlic","Mozzarella" | ); addpizza( "Quatro Stagioni", | "Ham","Artichoke Hearts","Black Olives","Mushrooms" | ); addpizza( "The Bird Special", | "Marinated Chicken","Mushrooms" | ); addpizza( "Gurmet Vegetarian", | "Pesto Sauce","Roasted Red Peppers","Pine Nuts", "Zucchini","Broccoli","Eggplant" | ); specialnames := specials; toppingnames := toppings; end; private addpizza( name:STR, thistoppings: ARRAY{STR} ) -- Function sued for initialzing. Adds a special with the name 'name' -- and the list of toppings on that special. is specials[special_count] := name; pizzatoppings[special_count] := thistoppings; loop toppings.insert(thistoppings.elt!) end; special_count := special_count + 1; end; has_topping(special_nr:INT,topping:STR): BOOL -- Returns 'true' if the special number 'special_nr' has the given -- topping. is return pizzatoppings[special_nr].has(topping) end; baseprice: FLT -- Computes the base price for a pizza of the currently selected size. is s: STR := PIZZA_MAIN::size.query; case s when "12" then return 7.16 when "14" then return 8.52 when "16" then return 10.62 when "18" then return 12.1 else raise "unknown pizza size " + s; end; end; topping_factor(topping:STR): FLT -- Computes the relative price for a topping. is if doubletoppings.has(topping) then return 2.0 end; return 1.0; end; price(topping:STR): FLT -- Computes the price for the given topping. Considers expensice toppings -- and the pizza size. is val_factor: FLT := topping_factor(topping); case PIZZA_MAIN::size.query when "12" then return 0.95 * val_factor when "14" then return 1.10 * val_factor when "16" then return 1.30 * val_factor when "18" then return 1.45 * val_factor else raise "unknown pizza size" end end; end; -- PIZZA_VALUES