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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- Copyright (C) International Computer Science Institute, 1994.  COPYRIGHT  --
-- NOTICE: This code is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and is subject --
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-- Author: Kennel <>


class MAT{ET<$NFE{ET},VT<$VEC{ET,VT}} < $MAT{ET,VT,MAT{ET,VT}} is -- This is a purely Sather implementation of the generic dense -- concrete matrix class, with *COLUMN-MAJOR* (fortran-style) -- layout. First index changes most rapidly in stepping thru storage. -- This was written before iterator optimizations - a more natural -- style using the ind! and other iterators which are now built-in -- could be adopted. At the time it was written, the compiler -- did not dod these optimizations. -- Original note from Matt:n -- Because iters are not yet optimized or inlined in the compiler I -- will become a compromise for speed and write out operations with -- boring conventional loops. Implementation will tend to use extra -- index variabless to avoid integer multiplication inside the loop. -- This may rely on assumed column major ordering. Also I will -- attempt to use local variables and not attributes in loops. private include AREF{ET} aclear->aclear,aget->aget,aset->aset; -- makes those named features public, others stay private. readonly attr nr:INT; -- number of rows readonly attr nc:INT; -- number of columns -- built in feature inherited from AREF{*}, asize = nr*nc. size: INT is return asize end; size1:INT is return nr end; size2:INT is return nc end; element_zero:ET is return ET::zero; end; element_one:ET is return ET::one; end; -- These may need be redefined for MATCPX et al. This is a hack. Zero -- and one should really be features in in ET < $RING_ELT, where -- $RING_ELT gives additive and multiplicative identity. is_same_shape(arg:SAME):BOOL is -- useful in preconditions. Is arg dimensioned the same as self? if void(arg) or void(self) then return false; elsif arg.asize /= asize or /= nr then return false; else return true; end; end; is_same_shape_trans(arg:SAME):BOOL is -- does arg^T conform to 'self'? if void(arg) or void(self) then return false; elsif arg.asize /= asize or /= nc then return false; else return true; end; end; fits(arg:SAME):BOOL is -- will the contents of 'arg' fit into self, ignoring tranposition. if void(arg) or void(self) or arg.asize /= asize then return false; else return true end; end; is_eq(m: SAME): BOOL pre ~void(self) and ~void(m) and is_same_shape(m) is loop if elt!/=m.elt! then return false end; end; return true end; reshape(r,c:INT) pre r*c = asize is -- Reshape 'self' to have 'r' rows and 'c' columns but keeping -- actual data, as laid out in one dimension, in the same place. -- This only changes the bounds, the data will logically move -- rows and columns keeping column major layout. -- Example: [a d] -- m1=[b e] -- [c f]. -- = 3, = 2. After m1.reshape(2,3): -- [a c e] -- m1=[b d f] -- -- This feature is NOT in the abstract supertype because it is -- representation dependent. nc := c; nr := r; end; create(r,c:INT):SAME pre (r>0) and (c>0) is -- Create a matrix with r rows and c columns res::=new(r*c); := r; := c; return(res); end; create(arg:SAME):SAME pre ~void(arg) is -- Creates a new matrix with the same dimensions (but -- not the same values) as arg res::=new(arg.asize); :=; :=; return(res); end; create(a: ARRAY{ARRAY{ET}}): SAME -- Create a new array with the same dimensions and values as -- a, which is an array of arrays(rows). -- Assume that all the rows of "a" have the same number of elements pre a.size > 0 and a[0].size > 0 is sz1 ::= a.size; sz2 ::= a[0].size; res ::= #SAME(sz1,sz2); loop r::=sz1.times!; loop c::=sz2.times!; res[r,c] := a[r][c]; end end; return(res); end; str:STR is -- The string form of self represented as a list of rows, -- eg. "||1.00,2.33|,|4.5,2.8|,|9.7,3.2||". sc::=#FSTR + "|"; loop r::=nr.times!; if r/=0 then sc := sc+ "," end; sc := sc + "|"; loop c::=nc.times!; if c/=0 then sc := sc+"," end; sc := sc + [r,c].str; end; -- #OUT+r+","+c+":"+sc+"\n"; end; sc := sc+ "|" end; sc := sc+"|"; return(sc.str) end; dimension_str:STR is -- useful for debugging, prints out "nr =, nc =" return "nr = " + + ", nc = " +; end; copy:SAME is -- make a value copy. res ::= create(self); res.inplace_contents(self); return(res); end; contents(arg:SAME) is inplace_contents(arg) end; inplace_contents(arg:SAME) pre is_same_shape(arg) is -- copy the contents of arg into self. sz ::= asize; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[i] := arg[i]; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_contents_from_function(function:ROUT{INT,INT}:ET) is -- Set the contents of the matrix from the function "function" loop i1 ::= col_ind!; loop i2 ::= row_ind!; [i1,i2] :=,i2); end; end; end; inplace_portion_of_arg(a: SAME) is -- Copy into self as much of arg as will fit and return it. Don't -- alter other elements. nrows: INT := nr.min(; loop r::= nrows.times!; loop set_row!(r,a.row_elt!(r)) end end end; ident:SAME is -- Create an identity matrix of the same shape as self res ::= create(self); -- here we can assume that entries are already set to 0 via create d ::= nc.min(nr); i ::= 0; loop while!(i<d); res[i,i] := element_one; i := i+1; end; return res; end; inplace_ident is -- Should work for non rectangular matrices too, non -- square portion will be set to zero. sz ::= asize; i::=0; r::=0; c::=0; lnr ::= nr; loop while!(i<sz); if (r = c) then [i] := element_one; else [i] := element_zero; end; r := r+1; if (r >= lnr) then r := 0; c := c+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; trans:SAME is -- Create a new matrix that is the transpose of self lnc ::= nc; res ::= #SAME(lnc,nr); -- reverse columns and rows return new value. sz ::= asize; j::=0; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); res[j] := self[i]; j := j+lnc; diff ::= j-sz; if (diff>=0) then j:=diff+1; end; i := i+1; end; return res; end; inplace_trans is -- make self = transpose of self. if (nr = nc) then -- can do it in place! d ::= nr; sz ::= asize; i ::= 1; j::=d; c::=0; -- Count through lower diagonal indexes and corresponding -- upper diagonal indexes in this non-obvious but efficient -- manner k ::= 0; -- diagonal index. loop while!(i < sz); tmp ::= [j]; [j] := [i]; [i] := tmp; -- flip i and i transpose i := i+1; j:= j+d; if j>=sz then k := k+d+1; i := k+1; -- one down j := k+d; -- one to the right end; end; else tmp ::= self.trans; -- create temporary. :=; :=; self.inplace_contents(tmp); end; end; inplace_arg_trans(arg:SAME) pre fits(arg) is -- self <- arg^T lnc ::=; nc :=; nr := lnc; -- reverse columns and rows return new value. sz ::= asize; j::=0; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[j] := arg[i]; j := j+lnc; diff ::= j-sz; if (diff>=0) then j:=diff+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; times_elt(s:ET):SAME is -- Return a new matrix that is self * scalar s -- Self is unchanged return(scaled_by(s)); end; inplace(s:ET) is -- Set all elements to have the value "s" sz ::= asize; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); [i] := s; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_zero is -- Set all elements to zero inplace(ET::zero); end; scaled_by(s:ET):SAME is res ::= #SAME(self); sz ::= asize; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); res[i] := s*self[i]; i := i+1; end; return res; end; inplace_scaled_by(s:ET) is sz ::= asize; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); [i] := s*[i]; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_elements(s:ET) is sz ::= asize; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); [i] := s; i := i+1; end; end; aget(i1,i2:INT):ET pre (i1 >=0) and (i1 <= nr) and (i2>=0) and (i2<=nc) is -- The element with indices `[i1,i2]'. return([i1+i2*nr]) end; aset(i1,i2:INT,val:ET) pre (i1 >=0) and (i1 <= nr) and (i2>=0) and (i2<=nc) is -- Set the element with indices `[i1,i2]' to val. [i1+i2*nr]:=val end; plus(arg:SAME):SAME is return(plus_arg(arg)); end; plus_arg(arg:SAME):SAME pre is_same_shape(arg) is res ::= #SAME(self); res.inplace_arg_plus_arg(self,arg); return(res); end; minus(arg:SAME):SAME is return(minus_arg(arg)); end; minus_arg(arg:SAME):SAME pre is_same_shape(arg) is res ::= #SAME(self); res.inplace_arg_minus_arg(self,arg); return(res); end; inplace_plus_arg(arg:SAME) pre is_same_shape(arg) is self.inplace_arg_plus_arg(self,arg); end; inplace_minus_arg(arg:SAME) pre is_same_shape(arg) is self.inplace_arg_minus_arg(self,arg); end; plus_arg_trans(arg:SAME):SAME pre is_same_shape_trans(arg) is res ::= #SAME(self); res.inplace_arg_plus_arg_trans(self,arg); return res; end; minus_arg_trans(arg:SAME):SAME pre is_same_shape_trans(arg) is res ::= #SAME(self); res.inplace_arg_minus_arg_trans(self,arg); return res; end; inplace_plus_arg_trans(arg:SAME) pre is_same_shape_trans(arg) is self.inplace_arg_plus_arg_trans(self,arg); end; inplace_minus_arg_trans(arg:SAME) pre is_same_shape_trans(arg) is self.inplace_arg_minus_arg_trans(self,arg); end; -- Three way operations: self <- arg1^{T} (+/-) arg2{^T} -- can write others in terms of these. inplace_arg_plus_arg(arg1,arg2:SAME) pre is_same_shape(arg1) and arg1.is_same_shape(arg2) is sz ::= asize; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[i] := arg1[i] + arg2[i]; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_minus_arg(arg1,arg2:SAME) pre is_same_shape(arg1) and arg1.is_same_shape(arg2) is sz ::= asize; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[i] := arg1[i] - arg2[i]; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_plus_arg_trans(arg1,arg2:SAME) pre fits(arg1) and arg1.is_same_shape_trans(arg2) and ~SYS::ob_eq(self,arg2) is lnc ::=; nc := lnc; nr :=; sz ::= asize; j::=0; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[i] := arg1[i] + arg2[j]; j := j+lnc; diff ::= j-sz; if (diff>=0) then j:=diff+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_minus_arg_trans(arg1,arg2:SAME) pre fits(arg1) and arg1.is_same_shape_trans(arg2) and ~SYS::ob_eq(self,arg2) is lnc ::=; nc := lnc; nr :=; sz ::= asize; j::=0; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[i] := arg1[i] - arg2[j]; j := j+lnc; diff ::= j-sz; if (diff>=0) then j:=diff+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_trans_plus_arg_trans(arg1,arg2:SAME) pre fits(arg1) and arg1.is_same_shape(arg2) and ~SYS::ob_eq(self,arg1) and ~SYS::ob_eq(self,arg2) is lnc ::=; nr := lnc; nc :=; sz ::= asize; j::=0; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[j] := arg1[i] + arg2[i]; j := j+lnc; diff ::= j-sz; if (diff>=0) then j:=diff+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_trans_minus_arg_trans(arg1,arg2:SAME) pre fits(arg1) and arg1.is_same_shape(arg2) and ~SYS::ob_eq(self,arg1) and ~SYS::ob_eq(self,arg2) is lnc ::=; nr := lnc; nc :=; sz ::= asize; j::=0; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[j] := arg1[i] - arg2[i]; j := j+lnc; diff ::= j-sz; if (diff>=0) then j:=diff+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; -- with scaling, euphemisms for elementary 3 way operations. plus_scaled_arg(s:ET,arg:SAME):SAME is res ::= #SAME(self); res.inplace_arg_plus_scaled_arg(self,s,arg); return res; end; inplace_plus_scaled_arg(s:ET,arg:SAME) is self.inplace_arg_plus_scaled_arg(self,s,arg); end; plus_scaled_arg_trans(s:ET,arg:SAME):SAME is res ::= #SAME(self); res.inplace_arg_plus_scaled_arg_trans(self,s,arg); return(res); end; inplace_plus_scaled_arg_trans(s:ET,arg:SAME) is self.inplace_arg_plus_scaled_arg_trans(self,s,arg); end; -- with scaling, 3 way operations. inplace_arg_plus_scaled_arg(arg1:SAME,s:ET,arg2:SAME) pre is_same_shape(arg1) and arg1.is_same_shape(arg2) is sz ::= asize; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[i] := arg1[i] + s*arg2[i]; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_plus_scaled_arg_trans(arg1:SAME,s:ET,arg2:SAME) pre fits(arg1) and arg1.is_same_shape_trans(arg2) and ~SYS::ob_eq(self,arg2) is lnc ::=; nc := lnc; nr :=; sz ::= asize; j::=0; i::=0; loop while!(i<sz); self[i] := arg1[i] + s*arg2[j]; j := j+lnc; diff ::= j-sz; if (diff>=0) then j:=diff+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; -- -- Matrix Multiplication. -- times(arg:SAME):SAME pre nc = is res ::= #SAME(nr,; res.inplace_arg_times_arg(self,arg); return res; end; trans_times_arg(arg:SAME):SAME pre nr = is res ::= #SAME(nc,; res.inplace_arg_trans_times_arg(self,arg); return res; end; times_arg_trans(arg:SAME):SAME pre nc = is res ::= #SAME(nr,; res.inplace_arg_times_arg_trans(self,arg); return res; end; trans_times_arg_trans(arg:SAME):SAME pre nr = is res ::= #SAME(nc,; res.inplace_arg_trans_times_arg_trans(self,arg); return res; end; -- in place versions: inplace_arg_times_arg(arg1,arg2:SAME) pre nr = and nc = and = is -- self := arg1 * arg2. -- For all i,j, self[i,j] = sum(k) arg1[i,k] * arg2[k,j] selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; a1nr ::=; a1nc ::=; a2nr ::=; a2nc ::=; -- This is what you need to do to get reasonable performance on -- matrix codes: take out of the loop the array index multiplication, -- i.e. the definition of [i,j] -> [i+j*nr] -- Eventually the compiler will figure this out. Note that -- this is not as trivial as you might disdainfully think, as in -- Sather, and unlike Fortran, the size of the array could conceivably -- change during a loop through any call that might modify nr or nc. -- The array reference itself might change as well. Sather 1.0.8 and -- above ought to have dataflow optimizations that can do this in -- most cases, but I'd rather be safe than sorry here. -- -- The following routine seems to generate assembly code identical -- to a naive C language implementation for its inner loops with GNU -- CC for ET=FLT. i::=0; loop while!(i<selfnr); j::=0; loop while!(j<selfnc); sum ::= element_zero; k::=0; loop while!(k < a1nc); sum := sum+arg1[i+k*a1nr]*arg2[k+j*a2nr]; k := k+1; end; [i+j*selfnr] := sum; j := j+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_times_arg_fast(arg1,arg2:SAME) -- self := arg1 * arg2. -- Basic algorithm: -- For all i,j, self(i,j) = sum(k) arg1[i,k] * arg2[k,j] -- t1 = i+j*nr, index through "self". 0 .. asize-1 -- t2 =*k 0 .. arg1.asize-1 -- t3 = k+j* pre nr = and nc = and = is lnr ::= nr; lnc ::= nc; sz ::= asize; szarg1 ::= arg1.asize; lk ::=; -- lk is the bounds of the innermost loop. j::=0; idx0 ::= 0; idx2init ::= 0; loop while!(j<lnc); i::=0; loop while!(i<lnr); sum ::= element_zero; idx1 ::= i; idx2 ::= idx2init; -- was "j*lk" assert(idx2init = j*lk); k::=lk-1; -- do innermost loop lk times. loop while!(k >= 0); sum := sum+arg1[idx1]*arg2[idx2]; idx1 := idx1+lnr; -- lnr is = idx2 := idx2+1; k := k-1; end; -- [i+j*nr] := sum; [idx0] := sum; assert (i+j*lnr = idx0); idx0 := idx0+1; i := i+1; end; j := j+1; idx2init := idx2init + lk; end; end; inplace_arg_trans_times_arg(arg1,arg2:SAME) -- self := arg1^T * arg2. -- For all i,j, self[i,j] = sum(k) arg1[k,i] * arg2[k,j] -- Likely faster than arg * arg, as inner loop is unit stride -- for both arrays. pre nr = and nc = and = is selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; a1nr ::=; a1nc ::=; a2nr ::=; a2nc ::=; i::=0; loop while!(i<selfnr); j::=0; loop while!(j<selfnc); sum ::= element_zero; k::=0; loop while!(k < a1nr); sum := sum+arg1[k+i*a1nr]*arg2[k+j*a2nr]; k := k+1; end; [i+j*selfnr] := sum; j := j+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_times_arg_trans(arg1,arg2:SAME) -- self := arg1 * arg2^T. -- For all i,j, self[i,j] = sum(k) arg1[i,k] * arg2[j,k] pre nr = and nc = and = is selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; a1nr ::=; a1nc ::=; a2nr ::=; a2nc ::=; i::=0; loop while!(i<selfnr); j::=0; loop while!(j<selfnc); sum ::= element_zero; k::=0; loop while!(k < a1nc); -- would be better to rearrange loop sum := sum+arg1[i+k*a1nr]*arg2[j+k*a2nr]; k := k+1; end; [i+j*selfnr] := sum; j := j+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_arg_trans_times_arg_trans(arg1,arg2:SAME) -- self := arg1^T * arg2^T. -- For all i,j, self[i,j] = sum(k) arg1[k,i] * arg2[j,k] pre nr = and nc = and = is selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; a1nr ::=; a1nc ::=; a2nr ::=; a2nc ::=; i::=0; loop while!(i<selfnr); j::=0; loop while!(j<selfnc); sum ::= element_zero; k::=0; loop while!(k < a1nr); sum := sum+arg1[k+i*a1nr]*arg2[j+k*a2nr]; k := k+1; end; [i+j*selfnr] := sum; j := j+1; end; i := i+1; end; end; inplace_times_diagonal(v1:VT) is -- Set self to be the product of itself with a diagonal matrix whose -- diagonal entries are the components of v1 truncated or extended -- with zeroes to be the correct size. -- Scale the columns of self with the elements of v1 -- Self <- Self*v1 (as diagonal of a matrix) loop c::=nc.min(v1.dim).times!; loop set_col!(c,v1[c]*col_elt!(c)) end end; loop c::=v1.dim.upto!(nc-1); loop set_col!(c,ET::zero) end; end; end; -- -- MATRIX/VECTOR operations -- -- create a new argument times_vec(arg:VT):VT pre arg.dim = is -- This is a syntactical sugar expressions (m*v) so it -- doesn't follow the naming convention. res:VT := #VT(nr); times_vec_into_vec(arg,res); return res; end; trans_times_vec(arg:VT):VT pre arg.dim = is res:VT := #VT(nc); trans_times_vec_into_vec(arg,res); return res; end; -- in place times_vec_into_vec(arg,dest:VT) pre arg.dim = and dest.dim = is selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; i ::= 0; loop while!(i<selfnr); sum ::= element_zero; j::= 0; loop while!(j<selfnc); sum := sum + self[i,j]*arg[j]; j := j+1; end; dest[i] := sum; i:=i+1; end; end; trans_times_vec_into_vec(arg,dest:VT) pre arg.dim = and dest.dim = is selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; i ::= 0; loop while!(i<selfnc); sum ::= element_zero; j::= 0; loop while!(j<selfnr); sum := sum + self[j,i]*arg[j]; j := j+1; end; dest[i] := sum; i:=i+1; end; end; times_scaled_vec_into_vec(s:ET,arg,dest:VT) pre arg.dim = and dest.dim = is selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; i ::= 0; loop while!(i<selfnr); sum ::= element_zero; j::= 0; loop while!(j<selfnc); sum := sum + self[i,j]*arg[j]; j := j+1; end; dest[i] := s*sum; i:=i+1; end; end; trans_times_scaled_vec_into_vec(s:ET,arg,dest:VT) pre arg.dim = and dest.dim = is selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; i ::= 0; loop while!(i<selfnc); sum ::= element_zero; j::= 0; loop while!(j<selfnr); sum := sum + self[j,i]*arg[j]; j := j+1; end; dest[i] := s*sum; i:=i+1; end; end; inplace_plus_scaled_vec_times_vec(s:ET,v1,v2:VT) -- self := self + s*v1*v2^T -- (Add scaled outer product of v1 and v2 to self. A BLAS operation) -- pre v1.dim = nr and v2.dim = nc is selfnr ::= nr; selfnc ::= nc; i ::= 0; loop while!(i<selfnc); j::= 0; loop while!(j<selfnr); [j,i] := [j,i] +s*v1[j]*v2[i]; j := j+1; end; i:=i+1; end; end; -- -- MATRIX/VECTOR MANIPULATION -- create_col_matrix(arg:VT):SAME is d ::= arg.dim; res ::= create(d,1); i ::= 0; loop while!(i<d); res[i] := arg[i]; i:=i+1; end; end; create_row_matrix(arg:VT):SAME is d ::= arg.dim; res ::= create(1,d); i ::= 0; loop while!(i<d); res[i] := arg[i]; i := i+1; end; end; col(i:INT):VT is selfnr ::= nr; res:VT := #VT(selfnr); j::=0; loop while!(j<selfnr); res[j] := [j,i]; j := j+1; end; end; row(i:INT):VT is selfnc ::= nc; res:VT := #VT(selfnc); j::=0; loop while!(j<selfnc); res[j] := [i,j]; j := j+1; end; end; col(i:INT,v:VT) pre v.dim = nr is d ::= v.dim; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); [j,i] := v[j]; j:= j+1; end; end; row(i:INT,v:VT) pre v.dim = nc is d ::= v.dim; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); [i,j] := v[j]; j:= j+1; end; end; inplace_scaled_col(s:ET,i:INT) pre i.is_bet(0,nc-1) is d ::= nr; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); [j,i] := [j,i]*s; j:= j+1; end; end; inplace_scaled_row(s:ET,i:INT) pre i.is_bet(0,nr-1) is d ::= nc; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); [i,j] := [i,j]*s; j:= j+1; end; end; inplace_col_plus_scaled_vec(i:INT,s:ET,v:VT) pre i.is_bet(0,nc-1) and v.dim = nr is d ::= nr; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); [j,i] := [j,i] + s*v[j]; j:= j+1; end; end; inplace_row(i: INT,v: VT) pre i.is_bet(0,nr-1) and v.dim = nc is d ::= nc; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); [i,j] := v[j]; j:= j+1; end; end; inplace_row_plus_scaled_vec(i:INT,s:ET,v:VT) pre i.is_bet(0,nr-1) and v.dim = nc is d ::= nc; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); [i,j] := [i,j] + s*v[j]; j:= j+1; end; end; inplace_swapped_col(i:INT,v:VT) pre i.is_bet(0,nc-1) and v.dim = nr is d ::= nr; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); t ::= [j,i]; [j,i] := v[j]; v[j] := t; j:= j+1; end; end; inplace_swapped_row(i:INT,v:VT) pre i.is_bet(0,nr-1) and v.dim = nc is d ::= nc; j ::= 0; loop while!(j < d); t ::= [i,j]; [i,j] := v[j]; v[j] := t; j:= j+1; end; end; submatrix(lr,ur:INT, lc,uc:INT):SAME pre 0 <= lr and lr <= ur and ur < nr and 0 <= lc and lc <= uc and uc < nr is -- return a submatrix rnr ::= ur-lr+1; rnc ::= uc-lc+1; res ::= #SAME(rnr,rnc); j::=0; loop while!(j<rnc); i ::= 0; loop while!(i<rnr); res[i,j] := [i+lr,j+lc]; i := i+1; end; j := j+1; end; return res; end; inplace_submatrix_to_arg(lr,ur:INT, lc,uc:INT,arg:SAME) -- Set the submatrix of self given by [lr..ur,lc..uc] to be arg. -- with proposed syntax extension: -- m.submatrix(1,3,2,4) := m2; pre 0 <= lr and lr <= ur and ur < nr and 0 <= lc and lc <= uc and uc < nr and = ur-nr+1 and = uc-lc+1 is anr ::=; anc ::=; j::=0; loop while!(j<anc); i ::= 0; loop while!(i<anr); [i+lr,j+lc] := arg[i,j]; i := i+1; end; j := j+1; end; end; inplace_swapped(arg:SAME) pre is_same_shape(arg) is -- Swap the elements of "arg" with self sz ::= asize; i ::= 0;loop while!(i<sz); t ::= arg[i]; arg[i] := [i]; [i] := t; i:=i+1; end; end; ind1!: INT is -- Yield each value of the first index in order. The rows loop yield(size1.times!); end end; ind2!:INT is -- Yield each value of the second index in order. The columns loop yield(size2.times!); end end; row_ind!: INT is -- Yield each value of the first index in order. The rows loop yield(size1.times!); end end; col_ind!:INT is -- Yield each value of the second index in order. The columns loop yield(size2.times!); end end; inds!:TUP{INT,INT} is -- Yield tuples of the indices of self in lexicographical order. loop row ::=size1.times!; loop yield(#TUP{INT,INT}(row,size2.times!)); end end end; elt!: ET pre ~void(self) is -- Yield all elements in row major order loop yield(aelt!) end; end; inplace_elt!(val:ET) is -- Set all elements in row major order loop aset!(val); yield; end end; row_elt!(once row:INT):ET pre ~void(self) is -- Yield elements by varying index 2 and holding index 1 at `row'. -- The elements of a row "row" loop yield(aelt!(row,size2,size1)); end end; col_elt!(once col:INT):ET pre ~void(self) is -- Yield elements by varying index 1 and holding index 2 at `col'. -- The elements of a "column" col loop yield(aelt!(col*size1,size1,1)); end end; set_row!(once i1:INT, val:ET) pre ~void(self) is -- Set to val elements with varying index 2 and index 1 fixed at `i1'. -- i.e. setting the row i1 loop aset!(i1,size2,size1,val); yield end end; set_col!(once i2:INT, val:ET) pre ~void(self) is -- Set to val elements with varying index 1 and index 2 fixed at `i2'. -- i.e. setting the column i2 loop aset!(i2*size1,size1,val); yield end end; inplace_row!(once row:INT, val:ET) pre ~void(self) is -- Set to val elements with varying index 2 and index 1 fixed at `row'. -- i.e. setting a row "row" loop aset!(row,size2,size1,val); yield end end; inplace_col!(once col:INT, val:ET) pre ~void(self) is -- Set to val elements with varying index 1 and index 2 fixed at `col'. -- i.e. setting the column col loop aset!(col*size1,size1,val); yield end end; diag_elt!: ET pre ~void(self) is -- Yield values along the diagonal (square in smaller dimension) loop ind ::= (size1.min(size2)).times!; yield([ind,ind]) end; end; inplace_diag_elt!(val:ET) pre ~void(self) is -- Set values along the diagonal (square in smaller dimension) loop id ::= (size1.min(size2)).times!; [id,id] := val; yield; end; end; elt1!(once i1:INT):ET pre ~void(self) is -- Yield elements by varying index 2 and holding index 1 at `i1'. -- The elements of a row "i1" -- this is the same as row_elt! loop yield(aelt!(i1,size2,size1)); end end; elt2!(once i2:INT):ET pre ~void(self) is -- Yield elements by varying index 1 and holding index 2 at `i2'. -- The elements of a "column" i2 -- this is the same as col_elt! loop yield(aelt!(i2*size1,size1,1)); end end; set1!(once i1:INT, val:ET) pre ~void(self) is -- Set to val elements with varying index 2 and index 1 fixed at `i1'. -- i.e. setting the row i1 -- this is the same as set_row! loop aset!(i1,size2,size1,val); yield end end; set2!(once i2:INT, val:ET) pre ~void(self) is -- Set to val elements with varying index 1 and index 2 fixed at `i2'. -- i.e. setting the column i2 -- this is the same as set_col! loop aset!(i2*size1,size1,val); yield end end; end;


class NUMERIC_MAT{ET<$NUMBER{ET},VT<$VEC{ET,VT}} < $MAT{ET,VT,NUMERIC_MAT{ET,VT}} is -- Functions that don't work on complex numbers but do work on -- reals include MAT{ET,VT}; destructive_invert: SAME pre nr=nc is -- Destructive invert self, return a new matrix. Similar to the -- Gaussian algorithm. Raise "Division by Zero" for singular -- matrices. The Gaussian algorithm is from Sedgewick: -- "Algorithms", pp 57-65. -- eliminate A::=create(nr,nr); A.inplace_ident; loop i::=0.upto!(nr-1); max::=i; loop j::=(i+1).upto!(nr-1); if [j,i].abs > [max,i].abs then max:=j end; end; -- loop loop k::=i.upto!(nr-1); t::=[i,k]; [i,k]:=[max,k]; [max,k]:=t; end; -- loop loop t::=A.row_elt!(i); A.set_row!(i,A.row_elt!(max)); A.set_row!(max,t); end; -- loop loop j::=(i+1).upto!(nr-1); loop A.set_row!(j, A.row_elt!(j) - A.row_elt!(i)*[j,i]/[i,i]); end; -- loop loop k::=(nr-1).downto!(i); [j,k] := [j,k] - [i,k]*[j,i]/[i,i]; end; -- loop end; -- loop end; -- loop -- substitute loop j::=(nr-1).downto!(0); loop col::=A.col_ind!; t::=ET::zero; loop k::=(j+1).upto!(nr-1); t := t + [j,k]*A[col,k]; end; -- loop A[j,col] := (A[j,col]-t)/[j,j]; end; -- loop end; -- loop return A end; -- ninv invert: SAME pre nr=nc is return copy.destructive_invert end; -- Non-destructive inversion destructive_det: ET pre nr=nc is -- Destructive determinant of self. Similar to the Gaussian algorithm. -- The Gaussian algorithm is from Sedgewick: "Algorithms", pp 57-65. -- eliminate loop i::=0.upto!(nr-1); max::=i; loop j::=(i+1).upto!(nr-1); if [j,i].abs > [max,i].abs then max:=j end; end; -- loop loop k::=i.upto!(nr-1); t::=[i,k]; [i,k]:=[max,k]; [max,k]:=t; end; -- loop loop j::=(i+1).upto!(nr-1); loop k::=(nr-1).downto!(i); [j,k] := [j,k] - [i,k]*[j,i]/[i,i]; end; -- loop end; -- loop end; -- loop res::=ET::one; loop res:=res*diag_elt!; end; return res end; -- destructive_det det: ET pre nr=nc is return copy.destructive_det end; -- Non destructive determinant routine destructive_gauss(x:VT) pre nc=nr and x.dim=nc is -- Solve linear equations. Result in x. self is changed. -- Raise "Division by Zero" for singular matrices. -- This algorithm is from Sedgewick: "Algorithms", pp 57-65. -- eliminate loop i::=0.upto!(nc-1); max::=i; loop j::=(i+1).upto!(nc-1); if [j,i].abs > [max,i].abs then max:=j end; end; -- loop loop k::=i.upto!(nc-1); t::=[i,k]; [i,k]:=[max,k]; [max,k]:=t; end; -- loop t::=x[i]; x[i]:=x[max]; x[max]:=t; loop j::=(i+1).upto!(nc-1); x[j] := x[j] - x[i]*[j,i]/[i,i]; loop k::=(nc-1).downto!(i); [j,k] := [j,k] - [i,k]*[j,i]/[i,i]; end; -- loop end; -- loop end; -- loop -- substitute loop j::=(nc-1).downto!(0); t::=ET::zero; loop k::=(j+1).upto!(nc-1); t := t + [j,k]*x[k]; end; -- loop x[j] := (x[j]-t)/[j,j]; end; -- loop end; -- destructive_gauss gauss(x:VT):VT pre nc=nr and x.dim=nc is -- Non destructive gaussian routine y::=x.copy; copy.destructive_gauss(y); return y end; end;


class MAT < $MAT{FLT,VEC,MAT} is -- Includes some functions that only work with FLTs -- Generalizing these functions is possible, but would require definitions -- of machine epsilon in the numeric classes include NUMERIC_MAT{FLT,VEC}; inplace_uniform_random is -- Become self's entries uniform in `[0.,1.)' loop r::=row_ind!; loop [r,col_ind!] := RND::uniform.flt; end; end; end; -- inplace_uniform_random svd_in(a:MAT, w:VEC, v:MAT) -- Computes the singular value decomposition of `self = a w v^T'. -- `a' must be `max(nr,nc)' by `nc', `w' length `nc', `v' is `nc' by -- `nc'. `Self' is unchanged, `a', `w', `v' are altered. pre and and w.dim=nc and and is -- fill in a with self and extra zero rows if necessary a.inplace_zero; a.inplace_portion_of_arg(self); NR_SVD::svd(a,w,v); -- Start with Numerical Recipes version. -- Eventually use a better algorithm. end; -- svd_in svd_back_sub(u:MAT, w:VEC, v:MAT, b,x:VEC) -- Solves `a.x=b' for `x' when `a=u.d.v^T' is the svd of `a'. pre and and and and is tmp::=#VEC(; j:INT; loop until!(; -- calculate u^T.b in tmp s:FLT:=0.0; if w[j].abs>=0.000001 then -- nonzero only if w_j is nonzero i:INT:=0; loop until!(; s:=s+u[i,j]*b[i]; i:=i+1; end; -- loop s:=s/w[j]; end; -- if tmp[j]:=s; j:=j+1; end; -- loop j:=0; loop until!(; s:FLT:=0.0; jj:INT:=0; loop until!(; s:=s+v[j,jj]*tmp[jj]; jj:=jj+1 end; -- loop x[j]:=s; j:=j+1; end; -- loop end; -- svd_back_sub inplace_linear_fit_of(vin,vout:ARRAY{VEC}):MAT -- Fill vin `self' to be the least squares best linear approximation -- relating `vin' to `vout' by: `out[i]=self.act_on(in[i])'. -- Return `self'. pre nr=vout[0].dim and nc=vin[0].dim and vout.size=vin.size is it:MAT:=create(vin.size,vin[0].dim); i:INT; loop until!(i=vin.size); it.inplace_row(i,vin[i]); i:=i+1; end; u:MAT:=create(,; v:MAT:=create(,; w:VEC:=w.create(; it.svd_in(u,w,v); wmax:FLT:=w.max_value; wmin:FLT:=wmax*(0.000001); i:=0; loop until!(; if w[i]<=wmin then w[i]:=0.0 end; i:=i+1; end; -- loop x:VEC:=x.create(nc); b:VEC:=b.create(vout.size); i:=0; loop until!(i=vout[0].dim); -- get each row of self j:INT:=0; loop until!(j=vout.size); b[j]:=vout[j][i]; j:=j+1 end; it.svd_back_sub(u,w,v,b,x); inplace_row(i,x); i:=i+1; end; -- loop return self; end; -- inplace_linear_fit_of inplace_affine_fit_of(vin,vout:ARRAY{VEC}) -- Fill vin `self' to be the best least squares affine map relating -- `in' to `out' by: `out[i]=self.affine_act_on(vin[i])'. pre nr=vout[0].dim and nc=vin[0].dim+1 and vout.size=vin.size is it:MAT:=create(vin.size,vin[0].dim+1); i:INT; loop until!(i=vin.size); it.inplace_row(i,vin[i]); it[i,vin[0].dim]:=1.0; -- put in affine piece i:=i+1; end; u:MAT:=create(,; v:MAT:=create(,; w:VEC:=w.create(; it.svd_in(u,w,v); wmax:FLT:=w.max_value; wmin:FLT:=wmax*(0.000001); i:=0; loop until!(; if w[i]<=wmin then w[i]:=0.0 end; i:=i+1; end; -- loop x:VEC:=x.create(nc); b:VEC:=b.create(vout.size); i:=0; loop until!(i=vout[0].dim); -- get each row of self j:INT:=0; loop until!(j=vout.size); b[j]:=vout[j][i]; j:=j+1 end; it.svd_back_sub(u,w,v,b,x); inplace_row(i,x); i:=i+1; end; -- loop end; -- inplace_linear_fit_of inplace_weighted_linear_fit_of(vin,vout:ARRAY{VEC}, wt:ARRAY{FLT}) -- Fill in `self' to be the least squares best linear approximation -- relating `vin' to `vout' by: `vout[i]=self.act_on(vin[i])'. `wt[i]' -- gives the weight which should be given to the ith example. -- (typically in `[0.,1.]' (`0.' means ignore, `1.' means full weight). pre nr=vout[0].dim and nc=vin[0].dim and vout.size=vin.size and wt.size=vin.size is it:MAT:=create(vin.size,vin[0].dim); i:INT; loop until!(; it.inplace_row(i,vin[i]); i:=i+1; end; i:=0; loop until!(; -- scale by wt j:INT:=0; loop until!(; it[i,j]:=it[i,j]*wt[i]; j:=j+1 end; i:=i+1; end; -- loop u:MAT:=create(,; v:MAT:=create(,; w:VEC:=w.create(; it.svd_in(u,w,v); wmax:FLT:=w.max_value; wmin:FLT:=wmax*(0.000001); i:=0; loop until!(; if w[i]<=wmin then w[i]:=0.0 end; i:=i+1; end; -- loop x:VEC:=x.create(nc); b:VEC:=b.create(vout.size); i:=0; loop until!(i=vout[0].dim); -- get each row of self j:INT:=0; loop until!(j=vout.size); b[j]:=vout[j][i]*wt[j]; j:=j+1 end; it.svd_back_sub(u,w,v,b,x); inplace_row(i,x); i:=i+1; end; -- loop end; -- inplace_weighted_linear_fit_of inplace_weighted_affine_fit_of(vin,vout:ARRAY{VEC}, wt:ARRAY{FLT}) pre nr=vout[0].dim and nc=vin[0].dim+1 and vout.size=vin.size and wt.size=vin.size is -- Fill in `self' to be the least squares best affine approximation -- relating `in' to `vout' by: `vout[i]=self.affine_act_on(in[i])'. -- `wt[i]' gives the weight which should be given to the `i'th example. -- (typically in `[0.,1.]' (`0.' means ignore, `1.' means full weight). it:MAT:=create(vin.size,vin[0].dim+1); i:INT; loop until!(; it.inplace_row(i,vin[i]); it[i,vin[0].dim]:=wt[i]; i:=i+1; end; -- loop i:=0; loop until!(; -- scale by wt j:INT:=0; loop until!(; it[i,j]:=it[i,j]*wt[i]; j:=j+1 end; i:=i+1; end; -- loop u:MAT:=create(,; v:MAT:=create(,; w:VEC:=w.create(; it.svd_in(u,w,v); wmax:FLT:=w.max_value; wmin:FLT:=wmax*(0.000001); i:=0; loop until!(; if w[i]<=wmin then w[i]:=0.0 end; i:=i+1; end; -- loop x:VEC:=x.create(nc); b:VEC:=b.create(vout.size); i:=0; loop until!(i=vout[0].dim); -- get each row of self j:INT:=0; loop until!(j=vout.size); b[j]:=vout[j][i]*wt[j]; j:=j+1 end; it.svd_back_sub(u,w,v,b,x); inplace_row(i,x); i:=i+1; end; -- loop end; -- inplace_weighted_affine_fit_of end;