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-- Author: Holger Klawitter <holger@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id: llist.sa,v 1.4 1996/07/18 01:00:29 davids Exp $
-- LLIST{T} a single connected list containing elements of type T.
-- LL_NODE{T} helper class for LLIST{T}
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

class LLIST{T}

class LLIST{T} is -- An implemenation of a linked list. -- The list has a build in "position" which can be advanced by calling -- "advance" and reset to the first element by calling "rewind" -- Elements can be inserted and deleted after the current position -- using "insert_after", "insert_before" -- Elements may also be inserted at the head of the list by calling -- "insert_head" -- Elements may be deleted by calling "delete" which deletes the current -- object and advances to the next item -- This list can be read with elt!. -- Implementation: -- The linked list uses a header object (LLIST) to avoid -- hassles with empty lists. -- Data is stored in links, which are LL_NODE{T}s which hold pointers -- to the data and the next element. LL_NODEs are not given out by -- this class. ---------- ATTRIBUTES readonly attr size: INT; -- Returns the number of elements stored in the list. private attr first,prev,cur,last: LL_NODE{T}; ---------- CONSTRUCTION create: SAME is -- Returns a new linked list. return new; end; ---------- PREDICATES is_empty: BOOL -- Returns 'true' if empty. pre ~void(self) is return size = 0 end; at_last: BOOL -- Returns true, if the current element is the last element. pre ~void(self) and ~is_empty is return last = cur end; at_end: BOOL -- Returns 'true' if the list is empty or the last -- next reached the end of the list. pre ~void(self) is return void(cur) end; ---------- TRAVERSING rewind -- Sets the current position to the first element; pre ~void(self) is cur := first; prev := void end; current: T -- Returns the current element. Not allowed when -- at_end is true or list is empty. pre ~void(self) and ~is_empty and ~at_end is return cur.data end; advance -- Advances the current position. pre ~void(self) and ~is_empty and ~at_end is prev := cur; cur := cur.next; end; elt!: T -- Yields all elements stored in the list in order. -- Is re-entrant. pre ~void(self) is c ::= first; loop until!(void(c)); yield c.data; c := c.next end end; ---------- INSERTING insert_after(t:T) -- Inserts the item t after the current element. -- Does not change current. pre ~void(self) and ~is_empty and ~at_end is if void(cur.next) then assert cur = last; last := #LL_NODE{T}(t,void); cur.next := last; else cur.next := #LL_NODE{T}(t,cur.next); end; size := size + 1 end; insert_before(t:T) -- Inserts the item t before the current element. -- Does not change current. -- This is allowed even if at_end is 'true'. pre ~void(self) is if is_empty then first := #LL_NODE{T}(t,void); last := first; prev := first; -- cur := void; -- is done! elsif void(prev) then assert first = cur; first := #LL_NODE{T}(t,cur); prev := first; else prev.next := #LL_NODE{T}(t,cur); prev := prev.next; end; if void(cur) then last := prev; end; size := size + 1; end; insert_front(t:T) -- Insert an element at the beginning of the list. pre ~void(self) is if void(first) then assert void(last) and void(cur); first := #LL_NODE{T}(t,void); last := first; cur := first else first := #LL_NODE{T}(t,first); if void(prev) then assert cur = first; prev := first end; end; size := size + 1 end; insert_back(t:T) -- Insert an element at the end of the list. pre ~void(self) is if void(last) then assert void(first); last := #LL_NODE{T}(t,void); first := last; cur := last else last.next := #LL_NODE{T}(t,void); last := last.next; end; size := size + 1; end; ---------- DELETING delete -- Deletes the current object. Advances to the next -- item in the list. -- Not allowed when no current object available. pre ~void(self) and ~is_empty and ~at_end is at_last ::= cur = last; if void(prev) then assert first = cur; first := cur.next; cur := first; else cur := cur.next; prev.next := cur; end; if at_last then last := prev; end; size := size - 1; end; delete_all -- Deletes all elements from the list. pre ~void(self) post is_empty and at_end is first := void; cur := void; last := void; prev := void; size := 0; end; ---------- DEBUGGING dbg_state: STR is if void(self) then return "self=void" end; count ::= 0; loop dummy ::= elt!; count := count + 1 end; if size /= count then return "size/=count" end; if ~void(prev) then if prev.next /= cur then return "prev.next/=cur" elsif void(last) then return "last=void" elsif ~void(last.next) then return "last.next/=void" elsif void(first) then return "first=void" end elsif ~void(first) then if cur/=first then return "cur/=first" elsif void(last) then return "last=void" elsif ~void(last.next) then return "last.next/=void" end else if ~void(cur) then return "cur/=void" elsif ~void(last) then return "last/=void" end end; return "ok" end; end; -- LLIST{T}

class LL_NODE{T}

class LL_NODE{T} is -- Private to LLIST{T} -- A node in a linked list which can hold data of type T. -- Implementation: -- Holds a pointer to the next element and a pointer to the data attr data: T; attr next: SAME; create(t:T,n:SAME): SAME is res ::= new; res.data := t; res.next := n; return res end; is_eq(l:SAME): BOOL is return SYS::ob_eq(self,l) end; end; -- LL_NODE{T}