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-- $Id: hashtab.sa,v 1.7 1996/07/16 04:38:14 holger Exp $
-- Author: Holger Klawitter <holger@math.uni-muenster.de>
-- hashtab.sa:
--   The dynamic hash table used as basis for container classes 
--   Unlike normal hash tables a dynamic hash table can do fast shrinking.
--   See: Per-Ake Larson; Communications of the ACM Vol.31 (1988) P.446-457
--   Implementation of the cell contents of the dynamic hashs table. BUCKETs
--   are not used in the interface of the hash table.
--   Type bound for buckets in a dynamic hash table.


class DYNAMIC_BUCKET_TABLE{E,BUCKET<$BUCKET{E,BUCKET}} is -- Data structure used to implement a hash table. -- Per-Ake Larson; Communications of the ACM Vol.31 (1988) P.446-457 -- The directory/segment structure is changed in favor of a dymnamically -- changing array as storage area. include COMPARE{E} elt_eq->elt_key_eq,elt_hash->elt_key_hash, elt_nil->elt_key_nil,elt_lt->,is_elt_nil->; private shared lower_fill_ratio: FLT := 0.800; private shared upper_fill_ratio: FLT := 1.000; -- For fast access one needs a low ratio between number of elements in the -- and number of cells. For efficient memory usage one needs a high ratio. -- The ratio should always be between these two bounds (unless the table -- is really small; where the ratio can get even lower.) private attr store: AREF{BUCKET}; -- Here is the data being stored. private attr doubles: INT; -- Number of times the initial table size has been doubled. private attr split_pos: INT; -- Position of the next bucket to split. private attr bound: INT; -- Upper bound for split_pos. Is always initial_size * 2.pow(doubles) private attr asize: INT; -- The size of the fraction of the store which is currently in use. -- Array access beyond this bound is illegal. private attr minsize: INT; -- Lower bound for the store size. readonly attr n_inds: INT; -- Returns the number of elements (resp. indices) in the table. private hash(e:E): INT pre ~void(self) is -- Returns the bucket to store e. This number will be -- generated from the hash-value and be normailzed through -- the actual size of the set. h,res: INT; h := elt_key_hash(e); res := h % bound; if res >= split_pos then return res end; return h % ( bound.lshift(1) ) end; set_bucket(i:INT,l:BUCKET) pre 0 <= i and i < asize and ~void(self) is store[i]:=l end; bucket(i:INT): BUCKET pre 0 <= i and i < asize and ~void(self) is return store[i] end; create: SAME is if void(self) then return create_sized(16) end; return create_sized(minsize.rshift(1)) end; create_sized(initial_size:INT): SAME -- Creating a table with another minimal size. This might be useful to avoid -- shrinking of large table which might get very empty. pre initial_size.is_even and initial_size > 0 is res ::= new; res.store := #AREF{BUCKET}(initial_size.lshift(2)); res.bound := initial_size; res.asize := initial_size.lshift(1); res.minsize := initial_size.lshift(1); return res end; map_copy: SAME pre ~void(self) is -- Returns a copy of self with all properties set like self. res ::= new; res.store := store.create(store.asize); res.asize := asize; res.n_inds := n_inds; res.minsize := minsize; res.bound := bound; res.doubles := doubles; res.split_pos := split_pos; loop i ::= 0.upto!(asize-1); res.store[i] := store[i].copy_list; end; return res end; -- The functions changing the size of the bucket table: -- They are split into three steps. -- 1.) Splitting the next bucket into two (update_*) -- 2.) Resizing the storage area. (shrink/grow) -- 3.) Using the next storage cell for the new bucket. (update_*) private grow pre ~void(self) is -- Increases the size of the array by one. -- The functions changing the size of the bucket table: -- They are split into two parts. -- 1.) Splitting the next bucket into two. (update_*) -- 2.) Resizing the storage area. (shrink/grow) if store.asize = asize then news ::= store.create(asize.lshift(1)); loop news.aset!(store.aelt!) end; store := news end; asize := asize + 1; end; private shrink pre ~void(self) is -- Decreases the size of the array by one. -- Resizes the storage area, if neccessary. if asize = minsize then return end; if store.asize = asize.lshift(1) then news ::= store.create(asize); loop news.aset!(store.aelt!) end; store := news end; asize := asize - 1; end; private update_insert is -- Checks the actual fill ratio of the set. -- Adds a bucket to the hash table if the ratio is high enough. -- The functions changing the size of the bucket table -- are split into two parts. -- 1.) Splitting the next bucket into two. (update_*) -- 2.) Resizing the storage area. (shrink/grow) if n_inds.flt / (bound+split_pos).flt < upper_fill_ratio then return end; cur ::= bucket(split_pos); prev ::= cur; prev := void; -- This is an ugly hack to make prev to have the same type -- like cur. loop until!( void(cur) ); if elt_key_hash(cur.item) % ( bound.lshift(1) ) = split_pos then -- keep in the old bucket prev := cur; cur := cur.next; else -- put into new bucket if void(prev) then -- the first one for new bucket set_bucket(split_pos, cur.next); cur.next( bucket(bound + split_pos) ); set_bucket( bound + split_pos, cur ); cur := bucket( split_pos ) else prev.next(cur.next); cur.next( bucket( bound + split_pos )); set_bucket( bound + split_pos, cur ); cur := prev.next end end end; grow; split_pos := split_pos + 1; if split_pos = bound then split_pos := 0; doubles := doubles + 1; bound := bound.lshift(1); end end; -- update_insert private update_delete is -- Checks the actual fill ratio of the set. -- Removes a bucket from the hash table if the ratio is low enough. if n_inds.flt / (bound+split_pos).flt > lower_fill_ratio then return end; -- to_merge ::= bucket(split_pos); -- if void(to_merge) then -- just get the other bucket -- set_bucket( split_pos, bucket( bound + split_pos )) -- else -- to_merge.append( bucket( bound + split_pos ) ) -- end; -- set_bucket( bound + split_pos, void ); -- shrink; split_pos := split_pos - 1; if split_pos < 0 then if doubles = 0 then split_pos := 0 else doubles := doubles - 1; bound := bound.rshift(1); split_pos := bound - 1; end end; shrink; to_merge ::= bucket(split_pos); if void(to_merge) then -- just get the other bucket set_bucket( split_pos, bucket( bound + split_pos )) else to_merge.append( bucket( bound + split_pos ) ) end; set_bucket( bound + split_pos, void ); end; -- update_delete dbg: STR -- Returns an interal string representation of the hashtable. -- For debugging only. is res:STR; res := "split_pos=" + split_pos + ", bound=" + bound + ", asize=" + asize + ", size=" + n_inds + ", minsize=" + minsize + "\n"; loop l ::= store.aelt!; bkt: STR := ""; itemstr: STR; item ::= l.list!.item; typecase item when $STR then itemstr := item.str else itemstr := SYS::id(item).str; end; loop bkt := bkt + ",".separate!(itemstr) end; res := res + ", ".separate!(0.up!.str+"="+bkt); end; return res+"\n"; end; -- dbg end; -- DYNAMIC_BUCKET_TABLE


class DYNAMIC_DATABUCKET_TABLE{K,E} -- This version of a DYNAMIC_BUCKET_TABLE does not simply store elements, -- it stores datas and keys seperately in each bucket, instead. -- Used in H_BAG, H_MAP and H_MULTIMAP. is include DYNAMIC_BUCKET_TABLE{K,DATABUCKET{K,E}}; private data_nil: E is e: E; typecase e when $NIL then temp::= e.nil; typecase temp when E then return temp end; else return void end end; map_aset(k:K,e:E) pre ~void(self) is -- Over-ride data if 'k' exists. -- Otherwise grow the bucket chain associated with hash(k) h ::= hash(k); loop b ::= bucket(h).list!; if elt_key_eq(b.item,k) then b.data := e; return end end; set_bucket( h, #DATABUCKET{K,E}(k,e,bucket(h)) ); n_inds := n_inds + 1; update_insert end; map_delete(k:K): E pre ~void(self) is -- Removes an element from the set. -- Does nothing if there is no such element. h ::= hash(k); b ::= bucket(h); prev ::= b; prev := void; -- NASTY HACK to force type inference on prev. loop until!( void(b) or elt_key_eq(b.item,k) ); prev := b; b := b.next end; if void(b) then return data_nil end; res ::= b.data; if void(prev) then set_bucket( h, b.next ) else prev.next(b.next) end; n_inds := n_inds - 1; update_delete; return res end; -- map_delete map_has_ind(k:K): BOOL pre ~void(self) is loop if elt_key_eq(bucket(hash(k)).list!.item,k) then return true end end; return false end; map_aget(k:K): E pre ~void(self) is -- Returns the element equal to 'e' from the set. -- Returns void or T::nil if there is no such element. -- Self may not be void. loop b ::= bucket(hash(k)).list!; if elt_key_eq(b.item,k) then return b.data end end; return data_nil end; map_key!: K pre ~void(self) is loop b ::= bucket( 0.upto!(bound+split_pos-1) ); loop yield b.list!.item end end end; map_elt!: E pre ~void(self) is loop b ::= bucket( 0.upto!(bound+split_pos-1) ); loop yield b.list!.data end end end; map_pair!: TUP{K,E} pre ~void(self) is loop b ::= bucket( 0.upto!(bound+split_pos-1) ); loop bk ::= b.list!; yield #TUP{K,E}(bk.item,bk.data) end end end; end; -- DYNAMIC_DATABUCKET_TABLE

abstract class $BUCKET{E,ME<$BUCKET{E,ME}} < $NEXT{ME}

abstract class $BUCKET{E,ME<$BUCKET{E,ME}} < $NEXT{ME} is item: E; copy_list: SAME; list!: SAME; end; -- $BUCKET{E,SELF}


class BUCKET{E} < $BUCKET{E,BUCKET{E}} is -- Mainly this class adds an item to NEXT and gives some handy constructors. include NEXT{SAME}; attr item: E; create(e:E): SAME is -- Create a link containing e. res ::= new; res.item := e; return res end; create(e:E,n:SAME): SAME is -- Create a link containig e and prepending the link n. -- n may be void. res ::= new; res.item := e; res.next := n; return res end; copy_list: SAME is -- Returns a copy of self and all following links. The -- objects will not be 'copy'ed. -- Self may be void. if void(self) then return void end; return #SAME(item,next.copy_list) end; list!: SAME is -- Yields all subsequent elements in the list. b ::= self; loop until!( void(b) ); yield b; b := b.next end end; end;


class DATABUCKET{K,E} < $BUCKET{K,DATABUCKET{K,E}} is -- An addition to BUCKET{K} this class also adds data. include NEXT{SAME}; attr item: K; attr data: E; create(k:K): SAME is res ::= new; res.item := k; return res end; create(k:K,e:E): SAME is res ::= new; res.item := k; res.data := e; return res end; create(k:K,e:E,n:SAME): SAME is res ::= new; res.item := k; res.data := e; res.next := n; return res end; copy_list: SAME is if void(self) then return void end; return #SAME(item,data,next.copy_list) end; list!: SAME is -- Yields all subsequent elements in the list. b ::= self; loop until!( void(b) ); yield b; b := b.next end end; end; -- DATABUCKET{K,E}