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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- h_multimap.sa: Hash table based multimap
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id: h_multimap.sa,v 1.3 1996/04/09 10:05:05 borisv Exp $
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.


class H_MULTIMAP{K,E} < $MULTIMAP{K,E} is -- Multimap based on the DYNAMIC_DATABUCKET_TABLE private include DYNAMIC_DATABUCKET_TABLE{K,H_BAG{E}} map_key!->ind!,n_inds->n_inds,create->create; -- make public include MULTIMAP_INCL{K,E} elt!->,size->,ind!->,pair!->, n_targets->,n_inds->; readonly attr total_size: INT; size: INT is return total_size end; copy: SAME pre ~void(self) is res ::= map_copy; res.total_size := total_size; return res end; aset(k:K,e:E) pre ~void(self) is h ::= hash(k); loop b ::= bucket(h).list!; if elt_key_eq(b.item,k) then ssize ::= b.data.size; b.data.insert(e); if ssize < b.data.size then total_size := total_size + 1 end; return end end; newset ::= #H_BAG{E}; newset.insert(e); set_bucket(h,#DATABUCKET{K,H_BAG{E}}(k,newset,bucket(h))); total_size := total_size + 1; n_inds := n_inds + 1; update_insert end; n_targets(k:K): INT pre ~void(self) is loop b ::= bucket(hash(k)).list!; if elt_key_eq(k,b.item) then return b.data.size end end; return 0 end; has_ind(k:K): BOOL -- Return true if the multi-map (dictionary) has the index "k" pre ~void(self) is return n_targets(k) > 0 end; has(k:K,e:E): BOOL pre ~void(self) is loop b ::= bucket(hash(k)).list!; if elt_key_eq(k,b.item) then return b.data.has(e) end end; return false end; delete(k:K,e:E) -- Delete a single occurence of the key value pair(k,e) pre ~void(self) is h: INT; b,prev: DATABUCKET{K,H_BAG{E}}; h := hash(k); b := bucket(h); loop until!( void(b) ); if elt_key_eq(b.item,k) then if b.data.has(e) then total_size := total_size - 1; if b.data.size > 1 then b.data.delete(e) else if void(prev) then set_bucket(h,b.next) else prev.next(b.next) end; n_inds := n_inds - 1; update_delete end end; return end; prev := b; b := b.next end end; delete(k:K) -- Delete all elements associated with element "k" pre ~void(self) is dummy ::= map_delete(k); total_size := total_size - dummy.size end; target!(once k:K): E -- Return the values associated with "k" pre ~void(self) is loop b ::= bucket(hash(k)).list!; if elt_key_eq(k,b.item) then loop yield b.data.elt! end; quit end end end; elt!: E pre ~void(self) is loop b ::= bucket( 0.upto!(asize-1) ); loop bk ::= b.list!; loop yield bk.data.elt! end; end end end; pair!: TUP{K,E} pre ~void(self) is loop b ::= bucket( 0.upto!(asize-1) ); loop bk ::= b.list!; loop yield #(b.item,bk.data.elt!) end; end; end; end; end; -- H_MULTIMAP