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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
--,v 1.2 1995/11/29 14:07:59 gomes Exp
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.


class GUI_APP_END is -- The application-end code for the GUI. -- Though, the application programmer will normally use only -- GUI_UTIL and the Widget classes. shared debug: BOOL := false; -- Debug the sather code shared tcldebug: BOOL := false; -- Print out the tcl code sent in both -- directions shared is_done: BOOL := false; -- True when the application is done -- and must quit shared tcl_tk:TCL_TK; -- Set up to point to the interpreter startup is sather_home ::= UNIX::sather_home; deb("Starting tcl, initializing..."); TCL_TK_COMMANDS::sather_command := bind(exec_callback(_)); tcl_tk := #TCL_TK("SatherGui",sather_home+"/"); INIT_GUI::gui_setup(tcl_tk); INIT_GUI::gui_post_socket_init(tcl_tk); end; terminate is UNIX::exit(0); end; main_loop is tcl_tk.main_loop end; private init is deb("Done with init"); end; eval(s: STR): STR is res ::= tcl_tk.eval(s); if tcldebug then #ERR+s+"\n"; end; return res; end; eval(s: STR) is res ::= tcl_tk.eval(s); if tcldebug then #ERR+s+"\n"; end; if debug then deb("Sent string") end; end; exec_callback(argv: ARRAY{STR}) is -- Three special callbacks are -- "poll" Poll sather for more commands -- "debug" Turn on debugging flag -- "nodebug" Turn off debugging flag command_name ::= argv[1]; if command_name = "poll" then ; elsif command_name = "server_debug" then ; elsif command_name = "server_tcldebug" then ; else raw_args:ARRAY{STR}:= #(argv.size-2); widget_name: STR := command_name; i ::= 2; loop until!(i=argv.size); raw_args[i-2] := argv[i]; i := i + 1; end; if debug then deb("Executing callback with:"+arr_str(argv)); end; if widget_name="app_debug" then debval ::= raw_args[0]; if debval = "true" then debug:=true; deb("gui_app_end: turned on app debugging"); else deb("gui_app_end: turning off app debugging"); debug := false; end; elsif widget_name="app_tcldebug" then debval ::= raw_args[0]; if debval = "true" then tcldebug := true; deb("gui_app_end: turned on tcldebug debugging"); else deb("gui_app_end: turning off tcldebug debugging"); tcldebug := false; end; else if raw_args.size < 1 then raise "Not enough arguments!" end; if debug then deb("Converting id to int") end; action_id ::= to_int(raw_args[0]); if debug then deb("Action id is:"+action_id); end; widget: $TK_WIDGET := TK_WIDGET_MAP::get_widget(widget_name); if debug then deb("Calling command...") end; widget.act_on(action_id,raw_args); end; C_TCL_TK::Tcl_SetResult(tcl_tk.interpreter, "DontCare", C_TCL_TK::ConstTclVolatile); if debug then deb("Set tcl result to DontCare"); end; end; end; shutdown is UNIX::exit(0); end; private arr_str(a: ARRAY{STR}): STR is res ::= ""; loop res := res+" "+a.elt!; end; return res; end; private int_if_poss(s: STR,default: INT): INT is c ::= #STR_CURSOR(s); res ::=; if c.has_error then return default else return res end; end; private to_int(s: STR): INT is c ::= #STR_CURSOR(s); res ::=; if c.has_error then raise "Error in converting:"+s+" to int\n"; end; return res; end; deb(s: STR) is if debug then #ERR+"gui_server_end: "+s+"\n" end; end; end; -- class GUI_SERVER_END