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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- gap_list.sa<2>: Gap lists
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Translated from the original by S. Omohundro
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id: fgap_list.sa,v 1.4 1996/06/01 21:36:19 gomes Exp $
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

class FGAP_LIST{T} < $STR

class FGAP_LIST{T} < $STR is -- An array replacement for linked lists. -- The class `GAP_LIST{T}' is an array based list structure like `LIST{T}' -- but it supports insertions and deletions from the middle of the list -- as well as the end. This structure consists of an extensible array -- with a "gap" region in the middle. When an insertion or deletion is -- required, the gap is first moved to the proper location by moving -- elements around. Element access is by index and skips over the gap -- wherever it may lie. As long as most insertions and deletions are -- fairly close in location to the preceding one, the movement of -- elements accross the gap will not be extensive. Algorithms which are -- based on doubly linked lists often have a single pointer which moves -- up and down the list inserting and deleting elements as it moves. Such -- algorithms will also operate efficiently with gap lists. Sometimes -- this structure is refered to as a "double stack" since it may be -- viewed as two stack which approach one another. It has found wide use -- in text editors (such as GNU Emacs) and turns out to be much more -- efficient in practice than more obvious structures such as a linked -- list of strings for each line. private include COMPARE{T}; private include AREF{T}; private attr gap_start,gap_size: INT; -- Start of gap and size of gap. -- ------ Initialization/Duplication ------ create: SAME is -- A new `GAP_LIST' with default `size=5'. res ::= new(5); res.gap_size := 5; return res; end; -- create create(a: $ELT{T}): SAME is res ::= #SAME; loop res := res.append(a.elt!) end; return res; end; create_sized(n: INT): SAME is -- A new `GAP_LIST' with `size=n'. res ::= new(n); res.gap_size := n; return res; end; -- create_sized -- ------ Insertion/Removal --------------- append(e: T): SAME is return insert(size,e) end; insert(i: INT, e: T): SAME pre 0 <= i and i <= size is -- Insert element `e' at location `i' pushing later elements forward. -- Elements may be inserted anywhere in the list or at the very end -- of the list res ::= self; if gap_size = 0 then -- no gap, so double size res := new(2 * asize); res.gap_start := asize; res.gap_size := res.asize - res.gap_start; loop res.set!(elt!) end; clear; -- help the garbage collector end; -- if res.move_gap(i); res[i] := e; res.gap_start := res.gap_start + 1; res.gap_size := res.gap_size - 1; return res; end; -- insert delete(i: INT): SAME pre has_ind(i) is -- Delete the `i'th element. move_gap(i); gap_size := gap_size + 1; return self; end; -- delete replace(i: INT, e: T) pre has_ind(i) is -- Replace the `i'th element by `e'. if i < gap_start then [i] := e else [gap_size + i] := e end; end; -- replace clear is -- Clear the list. i: INT := 0; loop until!(i=asize); [i] := elt_nil; i := i + 1 end; -- loop gap_start := 0; gap_size := asize; end; -- clear -- ------ Access/Measurement -------------- get(i: INT): T is -- Retrieve the `i'th element. if i < gap_start then return [i] else return [gap_size + i] end; end; -- get set(i: INT,val: T) is -- Set the ith element if i < gap_start then [i] := val else [gap_size + i] := val; end; end; -- get size: INT is -- The total number of elements. return asize - gap_size; end; -- size -- ------ Queries/Comparison -------------- is_empty: BOOL is -- True if `self' is empty. return (gap_size = asize); end; -- is_empty has_ind(i: INT): BOOL is return (0 <= i and i < size) end; equals(e: $ARR{T}): BOOL is if e.size /= size then return false end; loop if ~elt_eq(e.elt!,elt!) then return false end; end; return true; end; -- ------ Cursor -------------------------- elt!: T is i ::= 0; sz ::= size; loop until!(i = sz); yield get(i); i := i + 1; end; end; set!(e: T) is i ::= 0; sz ::= size; loop until!(i = sz); [i] := e; yield; i := i + 1; end; end; str: STR is -- Prints out a string version of the flist of the components -- that are under $STR res ::= #FSTR("{"); loop e ::= elt!; typecase e when $STR then res := res+",".separate!(e.str); else -- do nothing end; end; res := res+"}"; return(res.str); end; -- ------ Implementation ------------------ private move_gap(l: INT) pre l <= size is -- Move the gap to start at `l'. Must have `l<=size'. if l <= gap_start then b: INT := l + gap_size; i: INT := gap_start + gap_size - 1; loop until!(i < b); [i] := [i - gap_size]; i := i - 1 end; -- loop else i: INT := gap_start; loop until!(i = l); [i] := [i + gap_size]; i := i + 1 end; -- loop end; -- if gap_start := l; end; -- move_gap end; --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~