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-- fft.sa: Sather 1.0 Radix-2 FFT routines.
-- Author: Jeff A. Bilmes <bilmes@icsi.berkeley.edu>
-- The fft routines themselves have been collected over the years
-- from various sources, but a primary source has been: 
-- "Discrete-Time Signal Processing" by Oppenheim and Schafer,
-- Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-216292-X

class FFT

class FFT is -- FFT class. Useful routines include: -- fft_basic: Radix-2 FFT, in-place and in-order. in-order result. -- fft_real : Radix-2 FFT, fft_basic, but optimized for real input data. -- fft_torl : Radix-2 iFFT, but optimized for real result data. -- dft: direct DFT routine. -- fft: various flavors of simplified radix-2 fft routines. -- fft_2dimensional : Image FFT, for real data. -- ifft_2dimensional: inverse of the above -- -- For those fft's that take a 'twid' argument (twiddle factors), -- you must first assign the complex exponential factors using the -- routine 'assign_basis(size)'. Some routines take a twid argument -- thereby optimizing for speed. private shared twiddles:FLIST{ARRAY{CPX}}; -- prestored twiddle factors. init is twiddles := #FLIST{ARRAY{CPX}}(1); end; -- Basic support routines. No real need to be private since they might -- be useful. pure_real(x:ARRAY{CPX},n:INT):BOOL is -- Query whether the data in x is all real. loop n.times!; if x.elt!.im /= 0.0 then return false; end; end; return true; end; is_power_of_two(n:INT):BOOL is -- Query whether n is a 2^k for some k loop while!(n>1); if n.mod(2) /= 0 then break! end; n := n.rshift(1); end; return (n = 1); end; find_table(n:INT):ARRAY{CPX} is -- search our list of existing twiddle arrays loop twid:ARRAY{CPX} := twiddles.elt!; if twid.size = n then return twid; end; end; return void; end; assign_basis(n:INT):ARRAY{CPX} is -- Return up the complex array to be the array -- of <cos,sin> pairs (i.e., twiddle factors) corresponding -- to the desired fft size 'n'. This routine allocates -- memory for you. expn:ARRAY{CPX}; i:INT; expn := find_table(n); if ~void(expn) then return expn; end; expn := #ARRAY{CPX}(n); i := 0; loop while!(i<n); a::= 2.0* FLT::pi * i.flt/n.flt; expn[i] := #CPX(a.cos,-(a.sin)); i := i + 1; end; -- loop twiddles := twiddles.push(expn); return expn; end; reverse_dig(x:ARRAY{CPX},n:INT,stride:INT) is -- bit reverse the elements in array x i,j,k,jj,ii:INT; tmp:CPX; i := 0; j := 0; loop while!(i<n-1); if i < j then jj := j * stride; ii := i * stride; tmp := x[jj]; x[jj] := x[ii]; x[ii] := tmp; end; k := n/2; loop while!(k<=j); j := j - k; k := k.rshift(1); end; j := j + k; i := i + 1; end; end; int_2_complex(s:ARRAY{INT},c:ARRAY{CPX}):ARRAY{CPX} is -- create a complex array fttable from an integer array i:INT; if void(c) then c := #ARRAY{CPX}(s.size); end; i :=0; loop while!(i<s.size); c[i] := #CPX(s[i].flt,0.0); i := i + 1; end; return c; end; conj_scale(x:ARRAY{CPX},n:INT,scale:FLT) is -- Conjugate and scale complex data (e.g. prior to IFFT by FFT) loop n.times!; x.set!(x.elt!.conjugate * scale); end; end; -- miscale:FLT := -scale; -- loop while!(n > 0); -- n := n-1; -- x[n] := #CPX(x[n].re * scale,x[n].im * miscale); -- end; end; -- The core fft routines. I.e., ones that a user probably won't use. reals(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT,sign:INT,twid:ARRAY{CPX}) is -- This routine separates out the reals from the result -- when we do a real n point fft using an n/2 point complex fft. -- 'sign' is 1 for FFT2real, -1 for torl. n:INT := x.size; half:INT := n/2; quarter:INT := n/4; m,mm:INT; a,b,s,t:CPX; half := half * stride; n := n * stride; if sign = 1 then x[half] := x[0]; end; -- only for Yc to Xr mm := 0; loop while!(mm <= quarter); m := mm * stride; s := #CPX( (1.0 + twid[mm].im) / 2.0, -sign.flt * twid[mm].re / 2.0); t := #CPX( 1.0 - s.re, -s.im); a := x[m]; b := x[half-m].conjugate; a := a * s; b := b * t; b := b + a; a := x[m].conjugate; x[m] := b; if m /= 0 then b := b.conjugate; x[n - m] := b; end; b := x[half - m]; a := a * (t.conjugate); b := b * (s.conjugate); b := b+a; x[half - m] := b; if m /= 0 then b := b.conjugate; x[half + m] := b; end; mm := mm + 1; end; end; fft_raw(x:ARRAY{CPX},n:INT,dilate:INT,stride:INT,twid:ARRAY{CPX}) is -- Data is x. -- Data size is n. -- 'dilate' means: library global expn is the (cos, -j sin) -- array, EXCEPT for effective data size n/dilate, -- stride is the offset of each successive data term, as -- in "fft" above. j,m,p,q,i,k,n2,n1:INT; tmp,tmp_twid:CPX; m := 1; n2 := n; loop while!(m < n); n1 := n2; n2 := n2.rshift(1); j := 0; q:= 0; loop while!(j < n2); tmp_twid := twid[q]; q := q + m*dilate; k := j; loop while!(k<n); p := (k + n2) * stride; i := k * stride; tmp := x[i] - x[p]; x[i] := x[i] + x[p]; x[p] := tmp_twid * tmp; k := k + n1; end; j := j + 1; end; m := m.lshift(1); end; end; ifft_stride(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT) is -- optimized for stride indexing. ex:ARRAY{CPX}; tmp:CPX; i:INT; j,k:INT; n::= x.size; ex := assign_basis(n); -- reverse direction of x i :=0; loop while!(i<n/2); j := (n - 1 - i) * stride; k := i * stride; tmp := x[j]; x[j] := x[k]; x[k] := tmp; i := i + 1; end; fft_basic(x,stride); -- now do final twiddle i:=0; loop while!(i<n); k := i * stride; x[k] := x[k]*ex[i] / n.flt; i := i + 1; end; end; -- The basic fft routines. fft_real(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT,twid:ARRAY{CPX}) pre is_power_of_two(x.size) is -- Perform FFT on real input data. -- Data must be arranged as {re, 0, re, 0, re, 0...}. -- So input data is assumed to be pure real. -- The full in-order complex result is left in x. -- This routine is optimized for real input data by -- doing an n/2-point complex FFT instead of an n-point -- complex FFT. See "Discrete-Time Signal Processing" -- by Oppenheim and Schafer, problem 9.31 on page 656 -- for a detailed description of this method. half:INT := x.size.rshift(1); m,mm:INT; if half.rshift(1) = 0 then return; end; -- pack length n real signal into length n/2 complex signal mm := 0; loop while!(mm < half); m := mm * stride; x[m] := #CPX(x[m.lshift(1)].re,x[m.lshift(1) + stride].re); mm := mm + 1; end; -- loop -- do n/2 length fft fft_raw(x,half,2,stride,twid); reverse_dig(x,half,stride); -- extract the length n result reals(x,stride,1,twid); end; -- fft_real fft_real(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT) is fft_real(x,stride,assign_basis(x.size)); end; fft_torl(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT,scale:FLT,twid:ARRAY{CPX}) pre is_power_of_two(x.size) is -- Performs FFT on data assumed complex conjugate symetric to give purely -- real result. This is essentially the inverse of FFT2real. half:INT := x.size.rshift(1); m,mm:INT; if half.rshift(1) = 0 then return; end; reals(x,stride,-1,twid); conj_scale(x, half + 1, 2.0 * scale); fft_raw(x, half, 2, stride, twid); reverse_dig(x, half, stride); mm := half-1; loop while!(mm >= 0); m := mm * stride; x[m*2] := x[m*2].re(x[m].re); -- We need to conjugate as we separate result for a true ifft. x[m*2+stride] := x[m*2+stride].re(-(x[m].im)); x[m*2] := x[m*2].im(0.0); x[m*2+stride] := x[m*2+stride].im(0.0); mm := mm - 1; end; end; fft_torl(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT,scale:FLT) is fft_torl(x,stride,scale,assign_basis(x.size)); end; -- fft_torl fft_basic(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT,twid:ARRAY{CPX}) pre is_power_of_two(x.size) is -- Perform FFT for n = a power of 2. -- Operate and modify array x in place. Result -- goes in x in order. -- The relevant data are the complex numbers -- x[0],x[stride],x[2*stride], ... fft_raw(x, x.size, 1, stride, twid); reverse_dig(x, x.size, stride); end; fft_basic(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT) is fft_basic(x,stride,assign_basis(x.size)); end; dft(data:ARRAY{CPX},res:ARRAY{CPX},twid:ARRAY{CPX}):ARRAY{CPX} is -- Perform direct Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). -- 'data' may be any length. j, k, m:INT; n:INT := data.size; if void(res) then res := #ARRAY{CPX}(data.size); end; j := 0; loop while!(j<n); res[j] := #CPX(0.0,0.0); k := 0; loop while!(k<n); m := (j * k) % n; res[j] := res[j] + data[k]*twid[m]; k := k + 1; end; j := j + 1; end; return res; end; -- dft -- Simplified FFT routine interface. -- for arbitrary complex input data. fft(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT) is -- complex data in x, complex result in x in order. ex:ARRAY{CPX}; ex := assign_basis(x.size); fft_basic(x,stride,ex); end; fft(x:ARRAY{CPX}) is fft(x,1); end; ifft(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT) is -- inverse fft, complex data in x, complex result in x. conj_scale(x,x.size,1.0/x.size.flt); fft(x,stride); conj_scale(x,x.size,1.0); -- alternatively, we could do: ifft_stride(x,stride); end; ifft(x:ARRAY{CPX}) is ifft(x,1); end; -- for real data fft(x:ARRAY{FLT},stride:INT):ARRAY{CPX} is -- real data in x, in-order result returned as a new array. res ::= #ARRAY{CPX}(x.size); loop res.set!(#CPX(x.elt!,0.0)); end; fft_real(res,stride); return res; end; fft(x:ARRAY{FLT}):ARRAY{CPX} is return fft(x,1); end; ifft_real(x:ARRAY{CPX},stride:INT) is -- assumped complex conj. sym. data in x, from real data. -- Produces a real result (i.e., .im attributes are all zeros). fft_torl(x,stride,1.0/x.size.flt); end; ifft_real(x:ARRAY{CPX}) is ifft_real(x,1); end; -- simple 2D routines. fft(x:ARRAY2{CPX}) is -- Perform 2D FFT on image (both dims must be powers of 2). -- We assume here that row order is fastest in 'x'. i:INT; tmp:ARRAY{CPX}; twid:ARRAY{CPX}; -- do rows tmp := #(x.nc); twid := assign_basis(x.nc); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.row_elt!(i)); end; fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_row!(i,tmp.elt!); end; end; -- do cols tmp := #(x.nr); twid := assign_basis(x.nr); i:=0; loop i := x.col_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.col_elt!(i)); end; fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_col!(i,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; ifft(x:ARRAY2{CPX}) is ifft_2dimensional(x); end; fft_2dimensional(x:ARRAY2{CPX}) is -- Perform 2D FFT on image (both dims must be powers of 2). -- IMAGE IS ASSUMED PURE-REAL (i.e., imaginary portions are zeros). -- If the image is not real, the 'fft_real' call should be change -- to 'fft_basic'. -- We assume here that row order is fastest in 'x'. i:INT; tmp:ARRAY{CPX}; twid:ARRAY{CPX}; -- do rows tmp := #(x.nc); twid := assign_basis(x.nc); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.row_elt!(i)); end; fft_real(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_row!(i,tmp.elt!); end; end; -- do cols tmp := #(x.nr); twid := assign_basis(x.nr); i:=0; loop i := x.col_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.col_elt!(i)); end; fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_col!(i,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; ifft_2dimensional(x:ARRAY2{CPX}) is -- Perform 2D inverse FFT on image (both dims must be powers of 2). -- Assume row indexing is the fastest varying index. i:INT; tmp:ARRAY{CPX}; twid:ARRAY{CPX}; -- do rows tmp := #ARRAY{CPX}(x.nc); twid := assign_basis(x.nc); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.row_elt!(i)); end; -- do the ifft over the row. conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0/tmp.size.flt); fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0); loop x.set_row!(i,tmp.elt!); end; end; -- do cols tmp := #(x.nr); twid := assign_basis(x.nr); i:=0; loop i := x.col_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.col_elt!(i)); end; -- do the ifft over the col. conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0/tmp.size.flt); fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0); loop x.set_col!(i,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; -- simple 3D routines. fft(x:ARRAY3{CPX}) is -- Perform 3D FFT on image (both dims must be powers of 2). -- We assume here that row order is fastest in 'x'. i,j:INT; tmp:ARRAY{CPX}; twid:ARRAY{CPX}; -- do rows tmp := #(x.nc); twid := assign_basis(x.nc); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.elem_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.row_elt!(i,j)); end; fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_row!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; -- do cols tmp := #(x.nr); twid := assign_basis(x.nr); i:=0; loop i := x.col_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.elem_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.col_elt!(i,j)); end; fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_col!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; -- do elements tmp := #(x.ne); twid := assign_basis(x.ne); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.col_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.elem_elt!(i,j)); end; fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_elem!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; end; ifft(x:ARRAY3{CPX}) is ifft_3dimensional(x); end; fft_3dimensional(x:ARRAY3{CPX}) is -- Perform 3D FFT on image (both dims must be powers of 2). -- IMAGE IS ASSUMED PURE-REAL (i.e., imaginary portions are zeros). -- If the image is not real, the 'fft_real' call should be change -- to 'fft_basic'. -- We assume here that row order is fastest in 'x'. i,j:INT; tmp:ARRAY{CPX}; twid:ARRAY{CPX}; -- do rows tmp := #(x.nc); twid := assign_basis(x.nc); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.elem_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.row_elt!(i,j)); end; fft_real(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_row!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; -- do cols tmp := #(x.nr); twid := assign_basis(x.nr); i:=0; loop i := x.col_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.elem_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.col_elt!(i,j)); end; fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_col!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; -- do elements tmp := #(x.ne); twid := assign_basis(x.ne); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.col_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.elem_elt!(i,j)); end; fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); loop x.set_elem!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; end; ifft_3dimensional(x:ARRAY3{CPX}) is -- Perform 3D inverse FFT on image (both dims must be powers of 2). -- Assume row indexing is the fastest varying index. i,j:INT; tmp:ARRAY{CPX}; twid:ARRAY{CPX}; -- do rows tmp := #ARRAY{CPX}(x.nc); twid := assign_basis(x.nc); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.elem_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.row_elt!(i,j)); end; -- do the ifft over the row. conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0/tmp.size.flt); fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0); loop x.set_row!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; -- do cols tmp := #(x.nr); twid := assign_basis(x.nr); i:=0; loop i := x.col_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.elem_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.col_elt!(i,j)); end; -- do the ifft over the col. conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0/tmp.size.flt); fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0); loop x.set_col!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; -- do elements tmp := #(x.ne); twid := assign_basis(x.ne); i:=0; loop i := x.row_ind!; j:=0; loop j := x.col_ind!; loop tmp.set!(x.elem_elt!(i,j)); end; -- do the ifft over the col. conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0/tmp.size.flt); fft_basic(tmp,1,twid); conj_scale(tmp,tmp.size,1.0); loop x.set_elem!(i,j,tmp.elt!); end; end; end; end; end; -- class FFT

class TEST_FFT

class TEST_FFT is const sig_length:INT := 16; main is real_sig:ARRAY{FLT}; real_sig_fft:ARRAY{CPX}; real_image:ARRAY2{CPX}; tmp:ARRAY{CPX}; cpx_sig:ARRAY{CPX}; i:INT; -- test real versions. #OUT+"Real array\n"; real_sig := #ARRAY{FLT}(sig_length); loop real_sig.set!(-7.0+15.0*(RND::uniform.flt)); end; loop #OUT+real_sig.elt!+" "; end; #OUT+"\n"; real_sig_fft := FFT::fft(real_sig); #OUT+"FFT of above\n"; loop #OUT+real_sig_fft.elt!.str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; FFT::ifft_real(real_sig_fft); #OUT+"iFFT of above\n"; loop #OUT+real_sig_fft.elt!.str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; -- test complex versions #OUT+"\nComplex array\n"; cpx_sig := #ARRAY{CPX}(sig_length); loop cpx_sig.set!(#CPX(15.0*(RND::uniform.flt)-7.0,15.0*(RND::uniform.flt)-7.0)); end; loop #OUT+cpx_sig.elt!.str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; FFT::fft(cpx_sig); #OUT+"FFT of above\n"; loop #OUT+cpx_sig.elt!.str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; tmp := #ARRAY{CPX}(sig_length); loop tmp.set!(cpx_sig.elt!); end; FFT::ifft(cpx_sig); #OUT+"iFFT of above\n"; loop #OUT+cpx_sig.elt!.str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; FFT::ifft_stride(tmp,1); #OUT+"iFFT_stride of above\n"; loop #OUT+tmp.elt!.str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; -- test dft #OUT+"\nDFT\n"; cpx_sig := #ARRAY{CPX}(sig_length+1); loop cpx_sig.set!(#CPX(15.0*(RND::uniform.flt)-7.0,15.0*(RND::uniform.flt)-7.0)); end; loop #OUT+cpx_sig.elt!.str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; cpx_sig := FFT::dft(cpx_sig,void,FFT::assign_basis(cpx_sig.size)); #OUT+"DFT of above\n"; loop #OUT+cpx_sig.elt!.str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; -- test 2d FFT real_image := #ARRAY2{CPX}(8,8); loop real_image.set!(#CPX(15.0*(RND::uniform.flt)-7.0,0.0)); end; #OUT+"\nImage array\n"; loop i := real_image.row_ind!; loop #OUT+real_image.row_elt!(i).str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; end; #OUT+"Transform of above\n"; FFT::fft_2dimensional(real_image); loop i := real_image.row_ind!; loop #OUT+real_image.row_elt!(i).str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; end; #OUT+"Inverse Transform of above\n"; FFT::ifft_2dimensional(real_image); loop i := real_image.row_ind!; loop #OUT+real_image.row_elt!(i).str+" " end; #OUT+"\n"; end; end; -- main end;