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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@icsi.berkeley.edu>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

-- Design Note: -- It might be useful to have versions of these views which are -- pre-parametrized over $RO_DIGRAPH or $DIGRAPH for convenience -- These have been written and could be added, but it is not -- clear whether they help just confuse matters


class DIGRAPH_NODE_SET_VIEW{NTP,GTP<$RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}} < $RO_SET{NTP} is -- A view of the nodes of a digraph as a set. This is useful for -- looking at set properties of the nodes in the graph, for instance, -- finding the union or intersection of the nodes in two graphs -- Please see the notes in the module file include RO_SET_INCL{NTP}; private attr graph: GTP; create(g: GTP): SAME is res::=new; res.graph:=g; return res; end; -- Create a new view of the nodes of "g" copy: SAME is -- Return a copy of the nodes in this set return #SAME(graph); end; has(n: NTP): BOOL is return graph.has_node(n) end; -- Return true if the original graph has the node "n" size: INT is return graph.n_nodes end; -- Return the number of nodes in the orignal graph elt!: NTP is loop yield graph.node! end; end; -- Return the nodes of the original graph end;


class DIGRAPH_EDGE_SET_VIEW{NTP,GTP<$RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}} < $RO_SET{DIEDGE{NTP}} is -- View of the edges of a graph as a read-only set. -- Design Note: -- Letting this set be writable is interesting, but can lead to -- very confusing results due to aliasing. include RO_SET_INCL{DIEDGE{NTP}}; private attr graph: GTP; -- Holds a pointer to the actual graph being viewed create(g: GTP): SAME is res::=new;res.graph:=g;return res; end; -- Create a view of the set of edges of the digraph "g" has(e: DIEDGE{NTP}): BOOL is return graph.has_edge(e) end; -- Return true if the digraph contains the edge "e" size: INT is return graph.n_edges end; -- Returns the number of edges in the digraph elt!: DIEDGE{NTP} is loop yield graph.edge! end; end; -- Yields the edges of the digraph copy: SAME is return #(graph) end; -- Returns a copy of the original digraph end;


class DIGRAPH_INC_SET_VIEW{NTP,GTP<$DIGRAPH{NTP}} < $RO_SET{NTP} is -- View of the incoming edges into the node of a digraph. include RO_SET_INCL{NTP} has->, elt!->; private attr graph: GTP; -- A pointer to the original graph being viewed private attr dest: NTP; -- The node whose incoming edges are being viewed create(g: GTP,dest: NTP): SAME is -- Create a view of the set of incoming nodes to "dest" in the -- graph "g" res ::= new; res.graph := g; res.dest := dest; return res; end; has(n: NTP): BOOL is return graph.has_edge(#DIEDGE{NTP}(n,dest)) end; -- Return true if node "dest" has an incoming edge from "n" size: INT is return graph.n_incoming(dest) end; -- Return the number of incoming edges into "dest" elt!: NTP is loop yield graph.incoming!(dest) end; end; -- Yield the nodes which have edges to "dest" copy: SAME is return #(graph,dest) end; -- Return a copy of self end;


class DIGRAPH_OUTG_SET_VIEW{NTP,GTP<$RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}} < $RO_SET{NTP} is -- View of the outgoing edges into the node of a digraph. include RO_SET_INCL{NTP}; private attr graph: GTP; -- The graph being viewed private attr src: NTP; -- The node whose outgoing edges are being viewed create(g:GTP, src: NTP): SAME is return new.init(g,src); end; private init(g: GTP,s: NTP): SAME is graph := g; src:=s; return self end; has(n: NTP): BOOL is return graph.has_edge(#DIEDGE{NTP}(src,n)) end; size: INT is return graph.n_outgoing(src) end; elt!: NTP is loop yield graph.outgoing!(src) end; end; copy: SAME is return #(graph,src) end; -- Return a copy of self end;


class DIGRAPH_REV_DIGRAPH_VIEW{NTP,GTP<$DIGRAPH{NTP}} < $DIGRAPH{NTP} is -- A view of a digraph with all edges reversed. Unlike most other -- views, this view of the graph permits modification operations, -- which are translated into operations on the original graph. -- Care should be taken in operations that involved both the -- original graph and this view include DIGRAPH_INCL{NTP}; private attr source:GTP; create(m:GTP): SAME is -- Create a subgraph of "m" res ::= new; res.source := m; return(res); end; add_node: NTP is return source.add_node end; add_node(n: NTP): NTP is return source.add_node(n); end; connect(e: DIEDGE{NTP}) is source.connect(e.reverse); end; delete_node(n: NTP) is source.delete_node(n) end; disconnect(e: DIEDGE{NTP}) is source.disconnect(e.reverse) end; has_node(n: NTP): BOOL is return source.has_node(n) end; has_edge(e: DIEDGE{NTP}): BOOL is return source.has_edge(e.reverse) end; n_edges: INT is i ::= 0; loop n ::= node!; i := i + n_incoming(n); end; return i; end; n_nodes: INT is return(source.n_nodes) end; n_incoming(n: NTP): INT is return source.n_outgoing(n) end; n_outgoing(n: NTP): INT is return source.n_incoming(n) end; node!: NTP is loop yield source.node! end; end; edge!: DIEDGE{NTP} is loop n ::= node!; loop inc::= incoming!(n); yield #DIEDGE{NTP}(inc,n); end; end; end; incoming!(once n: NTP): NTP is loop yield source.outgoing!(n) end; end; outgoing!(once n: NTP): NTP is loop yield source.incoming!(n) end; end; end;


class FILTERGRAPH_DIGRAPH_VIEW{NTP,GTP<$RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}} < $RO_DIGRAPH{NTP} is -- View a graph through a node/edge filter predicate -- Only the nodes and edges that satisfy the predicates are visible -- as nodes and edges in this view. -- If the node predicate is "np" and the edge predicate is "ep", -- Nodes which satisfy "np" are in the graph -- Edges which satisfy "ep" and whose nodes are both satisfied by -- "np" are in the graph. include RO_DIGRAPH_INCL{NTP}; private attr source:GTP; private attr np: ROUT{NTP}: BOOL; private attr ep: ROUT{DIEDGE{NTP}}: BOOL; create(m:GTP,np:ROUT{NTP}:BOOL,ep:ROUT{DIEDGE{NTP}}:BOOL): SAME -- Create a subgraph of "m". It consists of nodes that pass the -- node filter "np" and edges that pass the edge filter, -- whose ends pass the node filter. -- Nodes n that belong to "m" and np.call(n) = true -- Edges e (1) m.has_edge(e) -- (2) np.call(e.first) and np.call(e.second) -- (3) ep.call(e) is res ::= new; res.source := m; res.np := np; res.ep := ep; return(res); end; create(m:GTP,np:ROUT{NTP}:BOOL): SAME is -- Create a subgraph of "m", which includes all nodes that pass -- the node filter "np" res ::= new; res.source := m; res.np := np; res.ep := void; return(res); end; has_node(n: NTP): BOOL is return source.has_node(n) and np.call(n) end; has_edge(e: DIEDGE{NTP}): BOOL is -- An edge exists here if and only if it exists in the source, -- both its end points pass the node filter and the edge itself -- passes the edge filter ef ::= e.first; es ::= e.second; if void(ep) then return source.has_edge(e) and np.call(ef) and np.call(es); else return source.has_edge(e) and np.call(ef) and np.call(es) and ep.call(e) end; end; n_nodes: INT is i ::= 0; loop n ::= node!; i := i + 1; end; return i; end; n_edges: INT is i ::= 0; loop n ::= node!; i := i + n_incoming(n); end; return i; end; n_incoming(n: NTP): INT is -- Compute the number of edges by actually iterating over the -- edges and returning the resulting number found i ::= 0; loop discard ::= incoming!(n); i := i + 1; end; return i; end; n_outgoing(n: NTP): INT is -- Compute the number of outgoing edges by actually iterating over them i ::= 0; loop discard ::= outgoing!(n); i := i + 1; end; return i; end; node!: NTP is -- Yield all the nodes in the source that pass the filter node predicate loop n ::= source.node!; if np.call(n) then yield n end; end; end; edge!: DIEDGE{NTP} is loop n ::= node!; loop inc::= incoming!(n); yield #DIEDGE{NTP}(inc,n); end; end; end; incoming!(once n: NTP): NTP pre has_node(n) post has_edge(#DIEDGE{NTP}(n,result)) -- Yield all the incoming nodes from node "n". Yield only nodes -- which pass the filter and are connected by an edge that passes the filter is loop inc ::= source.incoming!(n); if np.call(inc) and ep.call(#DIEDGE{NTP}(inc,n)) then yield inc end; end; end; outgoing!(once n: NTP): NTP -- Yield all the outgoing nodes from node "n". Yield only nodes -- which pass the filter and are connected by an edge that passes the filter pre has_node(n) post has_edge(#DIEDGE{NTP}(n,result)) is loop og ::= source.outgoing!(n); if np.call(og) and ep.call(#DIEDGE{NTP}(n,og)) then yield og end; end; end; end;
-- Note: -- Simplifications of corresponding class with the graph argument -- where the graph is assumed to be a generic $RO_DIGRAPH -- This version is convenient to use but may be considerably less -- efficient than the version with 2 parameters. -- If the type of the graph is known, the parametrized version -- has a strongly typed pointer to the actual graph, allowing -- many optimizations such as inlining, in addition to avoiding -- dispatching


class DIGRAPH_NODE_SET_VIEW{NTP} < $RO_SET{NTP} is -- Simplification of DIGRAPH_NODE_SET_VIEW which has a pointer -- to a generic $DIGRAPH{NTP}. Less efficient include DIGRAPH_NODE_SET_VIEW{NTP,$RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}}; end;


class DIGRAPH_EDGE_SET_VIEW{NTP} < $RO_SET{DIEDGE{NTP}} is -- Simplification of DIGRAPH_EDGE_SET_VIEW with 2 parameters include DIGRAPH_EDGE_SET_VIEW{NTP,$RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}}; end;


class DIGRAPH_INC_SET_VIEW{NTP} < $RO_SET{NTP} is -- Simplification of DIGRAPH_INC_SET_VIEW with 2 parameters include DIGRAPH_INC_SET_VIEW{NTP,$RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}}; end;


class DIGRAPH_OUTG_SET_VIEW{NTP} < $RO_SET{NTP} is -- Simplification of DIGRAPH_OUTG_SET_VIEW with 2 parameters include DIGRAPH_OUTG_SET_VIEW{NTP,$RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}}; end;