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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------

class TCL_TK

class TCL_TK is -- The interface to Tcl/Tk readonly attr interpreter:EXT_OB; readonly attr main_window:EXT_OB; Ok: INT is return C_TCL_TK::ConstTclOk; end; Error: INT is return C_TCL_TK::ConstTclError; end; Volatile: EXT_OB is return C_TCL_TK::ConstTclVolatile end; create(basename, classname: STR): SAME is t ::= new; t.interpreter := C_TCL_TK::Tcl_CreateInterp; C_TCL_TK::init_tcl_tk(t.interpreter); main_window ::= t.create_main_window(basename, classname); C_TCL_TK::init_raster(t.interpreter); sather_home ::= UNIX::sather_home; file_name ::= sather_home+"/System/Platforms/tcltk/startup.tcl"; f: FILE := FILE::open_for_read(file_name); if void(f) or f.error then raise ("Can't source startup.tcl in:"+file_name+"\n"); end; f.close; discard ::= t.eval_file(file_name); return t; end; create_no_window(basename, classname: STR): SAME is t ::= new; t.interpreter := C_TCL_TK::Tcl_CreateInterp; C_TCL_TK::init_tcl_tk(t.interpreter); return t; end; private create_main_window(basename, classname: STR): EXT_OB is screen ::= UNIX::get_env("DISPLAY"); if void(screen) then screen := ":0.0" end; return C_TCL_TK::Tk_CreateMainWindow(interpreter, screen, basename, classname); end; eval(script: STR): STR is ret ::= C_TCL_TK::Tcl_Eval(interpreter, script); res ::= STR::create_from_c_string(C_TCL_TK::Tcl_GetResult(interpreter)); if ret /= Ok then raise "An error occurred in an eval. Error:"+res+"\n"+script; else return res; end; end; eval_file(file: STR): STR is ret ::= C_TCL_TK::Tcl_EvalFile(interpreter, file); res ::= STR::create_from_c_string(C_TCL_TK::Tcl_GetResult(interpreter)); if ret /= Ok then s ::="An error occurred in evaluating file:"+file.str +"\nResult="+res+"\n"; #ERR+s; raise s; else return res; end; end; main_loop is protect C_TCL_TK::Tk_MainLoop; -- infinitely when $STR then #ERR+"An error occurred!:"+exception.str+"\n"; raise exception.str end; end; to_array_str(cpp: EXT_OB): ARRAY{STR} is -- make array of STR from char ** -- must be terminated with NULL l ::= #FLIST{STR}; loop i ::= 0.up!; c_str ::= C_UTIL::str_ind(cpp, i); -- the i-th string until!(void(c_str)); l := l.push(STR::create_from_c_string(c_str)); end; return l.array; end; end; -- class TCL_TK


class TCL_TK_COMMANDS is -- Bound routines to be called by the callbacks -- "sather" calls the bound routine associated with -- sather_command. This bound routine is invoked -- when the "sather" command is used within Tcl. -- It receives as its argument an array of strings. -- -- Specifying this routine using a bound routines provides some -- isolation fom the Gui/Browser so that this module can remain -- independant of them. -- -- "tkkit_cb" calls the bound routine associated with -- tkkit_cb_command tkkit_cb is so named for historical reasons -- and should only be used by the browser. It may be renamed in -- a future release -- private shared private_sather_command:ROUT{ARRAY{STR}}; private shared private_tkkit_cb:ROUT{ARRAY{STR}}:INT; sather_command: ROUT{ARRAY{STR}} is -- Return the bound routine associated with the callback Tcl -- command "sather" if void(private_sather_command) then raise "TCL_TK_COMMANDS::sather_command bound routine not set"; end; return private_sather_command; end; sather_command(r:ROUT{ARRAY{STR}}) is private_sather_command := r; end; -- Set the bound routine associated with the callback Tcl command -- "sather" -- Historical tkkit_cb_command: ROUT{ARRAY{STR}}:INT is -- Used by the browser only if void(private_tkkit_cb) then raise "TCL_TK_COMMANDS::sather_command bound routine not set"; end; return private_tkkit_cb; end; tkkit_cb_command(r:ROUT{ARRAY{STR}}:INT) is private_tkkit_cb := r; end; -- Used by the browser only end;

external class C_TCL_TK

external class C_TCL_TK is -- Interface to basic tcl and tk functions -- Depends on the tcl.a, tk.a Tcl_CreateInterp: EXT_OB; -- create a new tcl-interpreter Tcl_Eval(interp: EXT_OB, cmd: STR): INT; Tcl_EvalFile(interp: EXT_OB, file: STR): INT; ConstTclOk: INT; ConstTclError: INT; ConstTclVolatile: EXT_OB; Tcl_SetResult(interp: EXT_OB, str: STR, free_proc: EXT_OB); Tcl_ResetResult(interp: EXT_OB); Tcl_GetResult(interp: EXT_OB): EXT_OB; Tk_CreateMainWindow(interp: EXT_OB, screenname, basename, classname: STR): EXT_OB; Tk_MapWindow(w: EXT_OB); Tk_DoOneEvent(i: INT); Tk_MainLoop; init_tcl_tk(interp: EXT_OB); -- Initialize the callbacks init_raster(interp: EXT_OB); -- Initialize the raster widget sather_cb(args: EXT_OB): INT is -- Callback into sather from tcl. sather_command:ROUT{ARRAY{STR}}:= TCL_TK_COMMANDS::sather_command; sather_command.call(TCL_TK::to_array_str(args)); -- GUI_APP_END::exec_callback(args); return C_TCL_TK::ConstTclOk; end; tkkit_cb(args: EXT_OB): INT is -- Same as "C_TCL_KIT::command" argv: ARRAY{STR} := TCL_TK::to_array_str(args); assert argv.size > 1; -- contains at least "tkkit_cb <callback_name>" return TCL_TK_COMMANDS::tkkit_cb_command.call(argv); end; end;

external class C_UTIL

external class C_UTIL is str_ind(cpp: EXT_OB, i: INT): EXT_OB; -- char *str_int(char **argv, int i) end;