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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- Copyright (C) International Computer Science Institute, 1994.  COPYRIGHT  --
-- NOTICE: This code is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and is subject --
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--------> Please email comments to sather-bugs@icsi.berkeley.edu. <----------

-- abstract.sa: Abstractions indicating the presence of features.
-- Bug fixes in equality. 
-- COMPARE{ETP}::elt_eq was using SYS::id instead of SYS::ob_eq
-- elt_hash was not testing for a void(e) or a value type "e"

-- $IS_EQ: Subtypes define "is_eq($OB):BOOL". -- $IS_LT{T}: Subtypes define "is_lt(T):BOOL". -- $HASH: Subtypes define "hash:INT". -- $NIL: Subtypes define "nil:SAME". -- $COPY: Subtypes define "copy:SAME" -- $STR: Subtypes define "str:STR". -- $ELT{T}: Subtypes define "elt!:T".

abstract class $IS_EQ

abstract class $IS_EQ is -- Subtypes of this define "is_eq:BOOL". Typically used in -- typecases to use instead of "=". Examples: INT < $IS_EQ, -- STR < $IS_EQ. -- NOTE: -- This equality should be an IMMUTABLE equality that is valid -- over the lifetime of the whole object. It should be possible -- to use this equality (and an associated hash value) to -- place an object in a hash table and then later retrieve it. is_eq(e:$OB):BOOL; -- True if self is equal arg for -- this element type. end;

abstract class $HASH < $IS_EQ

abstract class $HASH < $IS_EQ is -- Subtypes of this must provide a hash routine. This is the *new* -- $HASH class and is a subtype of $IS_EQ so that all subtypes must -- redefine both hash and is_eq. These two routines must work -- together - is_eq must refer to an immutable equality hash: INT; end;

abstract class $SUPPORTS_REHASH

abstract class $SUPPORTS_REHASH is -- A class that supports rehashing of its values, when its pointers -- have been changed (possibly mysteriously, such as by being restored -- from a string) rehash; end;

abstract class $IS_LT{T} < $IS_EQ

abstract class $IS_LT{T} < $IS_EQ is -- Subtypes of this define "is_lt(T):BOOL and is_eq($OB)". -- Typically used in typecases. -- Examples: INT < $IS_LT{INT}, STR < $IS_LT{INT}. -- -- Design Note: $IS_LT has the type parameter since objects are -- almost always comparable only with the same type. With the new -- rules, if is_lt were defined on e: $OB, then we would have to -- find some meaning for < with arbitrary objects. (you can't just -- return false - that makes >= be true!). -- Hence, objects will only define comparisons with themselves -- while the container classes can switch on $IS_LT{T} and then -- use the SYS::is_lt when the contained objects are not directly -- comparable is_lt(e:T):BOOL; -- True if self is less than arg for -- this element type. end;

abstract class $IS_NIL

abstract class $IS_NIL is -- Subtypes of this define "is_nil:BOOL". Typically used in typecases. -- Example: INT < $IS_NIL. is_nil:BOOL; -- Test whether a value is nil. -- This is necessary for types with unusual is_eq behavior (such -- as IEEE floats). end;

abstract class $NIL < $IS_NIL

abstract class $NIL < $IS_NIL is -- Inidicates that the subtype provides a nil value -- -- Designer's Note:The advantage of T over SAME is that in -- parametrized classes typecase e when $NILthen .... e.nil e.nil -- is now known to be of type T, whereas if it were SAME, you would -- need at least an extra level of typecase nil:SAME; end;

abstract class $COPY

abstract class $COPY is -- Indicates that a subtype provides a copy routine copy:SAME; -- Return a copy of self. end;

abstract class $STR

abstract class $STR is -- Subtypes of this define "str:STR". This should be a reasonable -- string representation of an object. str:STR; -- String form of object. end;

abstract class $ELT

abstract class $ELT is -- Subtypes will provide an elt! iterator that returns at least -- a $OB (it could be more specific). Most objects will actually -- subtype from $ELT{T} elt!: $OB; end;

abstract class $ELT{T} < $ELT

abstract class $ELT{T} < $ELT is -- Subtypes of this define "elt!:T". This is a stronger version of -- the generic $ELT routine elt!:T; -- Contained items. end;

partial class COMPARE{ETP}

partial class COMPARE{ETP} is -- Partial class that should be included by containers of elements of -- type ETP that need to provide an elt_eq and/or an elt_lt routine. elt_eq(e1,e2:ETP):BOOL is -- The "less than" relation used in the sorting routines. Compares -- the object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants. typecase e1 when $IS_EQ then return e1.is_eq(e2) else return SYS::ob_eq(e1,e2); end; end; elt_lt(e1,e2:ETP):BOOL is -- The "less than" relation used in the sorting routines. Compares -- the object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants. typecase e1 when $IS_LT{ETP} then return e1.is_lt(e2) else -- Void reference types cannot be compared for lt -- Void value types must be placed under $IS_LT and -- won't fall in this case assert ~void(e1) and ~void(e2); assert COMPARE_AUX::verify_ref_type(e1, "Provide is_lt and place under $IS_LT"); -- Can call SYS::id on value types return SYS::id(e1) < SYS::id(e2) end; end; elt_hash(e:ETP):INT is -- A hash value associated with an element. Must have the property -- that if "elt_eq(e1,e2)" then "elt_hash(e1)=elt_hash(e2)". Can -- be defined to always return 0, but many routines will then -- become quadratic. Uses object "id" by default. -- May be redefined in descendants. typecase e when $HASH then return e.hash else if void(e) then -- Handle the void case specially. Some reference -- types such as the F classes are valid when void -- and therefore require a valid hash function.. return 0 else assert COMPARE_AUX::verify_ref_type(e, "Provide hash and place under $HASH"); return SYS::id(e).hash; end; end; end; elt_nil: ETP is -- Return the nil value. If the element is under $NIL then -- return e.nil. Otherwise, return void -- e: ETP; typecase e when $NIL then -- Note: The double typecase is necessary since -- at this point we know that "e" is of type $NIL and -- $NIL::nil returns SAME, which is $NIL. -- We need the extra typecase to return an ETP. -- If ETP < $NIL, then the second typecase is not needed. -- Won't work for void reference classes. res ::= e.nil; typecase res when ETP then return res end; else return void end end; is_elt_nil(e:ETP):BOOL is typecase e when $IS_NIL then return e.is_nil; else return void(e); end; end; end;

partial class COMPARABLE

partial class COMPARABLE is -- Partial class that implements the generalized equality routine. -- Classes should provide an is_eq(SAME) and include this class to -- provide the more general versions stub is_eq(arg: SAME): BOOL; is_eq(arg: $OB): BOOL is typecase arg when SAME then return is_eq(arg) else return false end; end; end;


class COMPARE_AUX is -- These functions are separated out here so that they are not -- included into other classes, causing unnecessary conflicts verify_ref_type(e:$OB,msg:STR):BOOL is -- Check that "e" is not of an immutable type if SYS::tp(e) < 0 then ts:STR := SYS::str_for_tp(SYS::tp(e)); raise "Cannot use immutable class:"+ts+ " "+msg; else return true; end; end; end;