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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id: a_sort.sa,v 1.7 1996/06/01 21:36:12 gomes Exp $
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class A_SORT{ETP, ATP< $ARR{ETP}} is -- Algorithm class with various sorting routines. -- This class is a stateless collection of functions and may be used -- without instantiation. -- Sather has no way of distinguishing such modules currently -- -- Usage: -- a_sorter: A_SORT{FLT,ARRAY{FLT}}; -- a: ARRAY{FLT} := |1.0,2.0,3.0,1.0|; -- a_sorter.sort(a); -- is_sorted: BOOL := A_SORT{FLT,ARRAY{FLT}}::is_sorted(a); -- -- Define your own comparison function using a bound routine: -- comp(f1,f2: FLT): BOOL is -- if f1 < f2 then return true else return false end; -- end; -- b: ARRAY{FLT} := |1.0,3.0,2.0|; -- comp_fn: ROUT{FLT,FLT}:BOOL := bind(comp(_,_)); -- a_sorter.quicksort_by(b,comp_fn,0,b.size-1); -- include COMPARE{ETP}; is_sorted(a: ATP):BOOL is -- True if the elements of self are in sorted order according -- to `elt_lt'. Self may be void. return is_sorted(a,0,a.size-1); end; is_sorted(a: ATP,l,u: INT):BOOL -- True if the elements of self are in sorted order according -- to `elt_lt'. Self may be void. pre check_range(a,l,u) is loop i::=(l+1).upto!(u); if elt_lt(a[i],a[i-1]) then return false end end; return true end; is_sorted_by(a: ATP,lt: ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL): BOOL is return is_sorted_by(a,lt,0,a.size-1); end; is_sorted_by(a: ATP,lt: ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL,l,u: INT): BOOL -- Returns true if self is sorted using the comparison criterion "lt" pre check_range(a,l,u) is loop i::=(l+1).upto!(u); if lt.call(a[i],a[i-1]) then return false end end; return true end; is_sorted(a: ATP,order: ARRAY{INT},l,u: INT): BOOL -- Returns true if self is sorted using the indirect array "order" -- between indices "l" and "u" pre check_range(a,l,u) is loop i::=(l+1).upto!(u); if elt_lt(a[order[i]],a[order[i-1]]) then return false end end; return true end; is_sorted_by(a: ATP,lt: ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL,order: ARRAY{INT},l,u:INT): BOOL -- Returns true if self is sorted using the indirect array "order" -- between indices "l" and "u", by comparison criterion "lt" pre check_range(a,l,u) is loop i::=(l+1).upto!(u); if lt.call(a[order[i]],a[order[i-1]]) then return false end end; return true end; count_unique(a: ATP): INT pre is_sorted(a) is -- Return the number of unique elements. -- Assume that self is sorted res: INT := 1; i: INT := 1; prev ::= a[0]; loop until!(i >= a.size); curr::= a[i]; if ~elt_eq(prev,curr) then res := res+1; end; prev := curr; i := i + 1; end; return res; end; sort(a: ATP) is -- Default sorting uses quicksort and sorts the whole array quicksort(a,0,a.size-1) end; sort_by(a: ATP,lt: ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL) is -- Sort the whole array "a" using the comparison function "lt" quicksort_by(a,lt,0,a.size-1) end; sort_range(a: ATP,l,u: INT) is -- Sort the range of array elements in the index range from "l" to "u" quicksort(a,l,u); end; -- ------------------ Insertion sort -------------------------- insertion_sort(a: ATP) is insertion_sort(a,0,a.size-1) end; insertion_sort(a:ATP, l,u:INT) -- Stably sort the elements of self between `l' and `u' -- inclusive by insertion sort. `elt_lt' defines the ordering. pre check_range(a,l,u) post is_sorted(a,l,u) is i ::= l+1; loop until!(i>u); -- All indices < i are sorted so far -- Percolate a "hole" down, starting at elt [i] until preced < e e::=a[i]; -- Store the element at [i] in "e" j ::= i - 1; -- Location below the "hole" loop -- If the hole hits the bottom end - store e there if (j < l) then a[l]:=e; break!; -- If the location below the hole < e, then store e in hole elsif (elt_lt(a[j], e)) then a[j+1]:=e; break!; -- Otherwise keep moving hole downward else a[j+1]:=a[j]; end; j := j - 1; end; i := i + 1; end; end; insertion_sort_by(a:ATP, lt:ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL,l,u: INT) -- Stably sort the elements of self using `t' to define "less than". -- Self may be void. pre check_range(a,l,u) post is_sorted_by(a,lt,l,u) is i ::= l+1; loop until!(i>u); -- All indices < i are sorted so far e::=a[i]; -- Store the element at [i] in "e" j ::= i - 1; -- Location below the "hole" loop if (j < l) then a[l]:=e; break!; elsif (lt.call(a[j], e)) then a[j+1]:=e; break!; else a[j+1]:=a[j]; end; j := j - 1; end; i := i + 1; end; end; insertion_sort_by(a:ATP, lt: ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL, order:ARRAY{INT},l,u: INT) -- Indirect insertion sort. -- As a result of sorting "l" to "u", "order" will be rearranged -- to contain the indicies of the elements of self in sorted order pre order.size=a.size and check_range(a,l,u) post is_sorted_by(a,lt,order,l,u) is i ::= l+1; loop until!(i>u); order_i ::= order[i]; e::=a[order_i]; -- Store the element at [i] in "e" j ::= i - 1; -- Location below the "hole" loop if (j < l) then order[l] := order_i; break!; elsif (lt.call(a[order[j]], e)) then order[j+1]:=order_i; break!; else order[j+1] := order[j]; end; j := j - 1; end; i := i + 1; end; end; insertion_sort(a:ATP, order: ARRAY{INT},l,u: INT) -- Indirect insertion sort. -- As a result of sorting "l" to "u", "order" will be rearranged -- to contain the indicies of the elements of self in sorted order pre order.size=a.size and check_range(a,l,u) post is_sorted(a,order,l,u) is i ::= l+1; loop until!(i>u); order_i ::= order[i]; e::=a[order_i]; -- Store the element at [i] in "e" j ::= i - 1; -- Location below the "hole" loop if (j < l) then order[l] := order_i; break!; elsif (elt_lt(a[order[j]], e)) then order[j+1]:=order_i; break!; else order[j+1] := order[j]; end; j := j - 1; end; i := i + 1; end; end; -- ------------------ Quick sort -------------------------- private const quicksort_limit:INT:=10; -- When to stop the -- quicksort recursion and switch to insertion sort. quicksort(a: ATP,l,u:INT) -- Use quicksort to sort the elements of self from `l' to `u' -- inclusive according to `elt_lt'. pre check_range(a,l,u) post is_sorted(a,l,u) is t: ETP; if u-l>quicksort_limit then r::=RND::int(l,u); t := a[r]; swap(a,l,r); m::=l; -- Previous location that was "cleaned" i ::= l+1; -- Move through the list(i), gradually "cleaning" lower locs (m) -- by swapping them with values < partition value (t) loop until!(i>u); if elt_lt(a[i],t) then m:=m+1; -- The element that will now be cleaned swap(a,m,i); end; i := i + 1; end; -- Reuse t to swap the last "clean" location with the first -- (partition) element, so partition is at boundary between -- clean (< elements) and >= elements since we tested for < t := a[l]; swap(a,l,m); -- If last clean element is on or next to lowest elt,ignore bottom if l < m-1 then quicksort(a,l,m-1); end; -- If last clean element is adjacent to or at top, ignore top if m+1 < u then quicksort(a,m+1,u); end; else insertion_sort(a,l,u); end; end; quicksort_by(a: ATP, lt: ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL, l,u:INT) -- Quick pre check_range(a,l,u) post is_sorted_by(a,lt,l,u) is t: ETP; if u-l>quicksort_limit then r::=RND::int(l,u); t := a[r]; swap(a,l,r); m::=l; -- Previous location that was "cleaned" i ::= l+1; loop until!(i>u); if lt.call(a[i],t) then m:=m+1; swap(a,m,i); end; i := i + 1; end; t := a[l]; swap(a,l,m); if l < m-1 then quicksort_by(a,lt,l,m-1); end; if m+1 < u then quicksort_by(a,lt,m+1,u); end; else insertion_sort_by(a,lt,l,u); end; end; -- ------------------ Merge sort -------------------------- merge_sort(into: ATP, a1,a2: ATP) -- Merge a1 and a2 into the destination array "into" pre is_sorted(a1) and is_sorted(a2) and into.size = a1.size+a2.size post is_sorted(into) is if a1.size=0 then -- self <- a2 sz: INT := into.size.min(a2.size); m: INT:=0; loop until!(m >= sz); into[m] := a2[m]; m := m + 1; end; return; end; if a2.size=0 then -- self <- a1 sz: INT := into.size.min(a1.size); n: INT:=0; loop until!(n >= sz); into[n] := a1[n]; n := n + 1; end; return; end; i,j:INT; w:ETP; into_index: INT := 0; loop until!(into_index = into.size); if i=a1.size then w:=a2[j]; j:=j+1 elsif j=a2.size then w:= a1[i]; i:=i+1 elsif elt_lt(a1[i],a2[j]) then w:=a1[i]; i:=i+1 else w:=a2[j]; j:=j+1 end; into[into_index] := w; into_index := into_index+1; end; end; merge_sort_by(into: ATP, a1,a2: ATP,lt: ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL) pre is_sorted_by(a1,lt) and is_sorted_by(a2,lt) and into.size = a1.size+a2.size post is_sorted_by(into,lt) is if a1.size=0 then -- self <- a2 sz: INT := into.size.min(a2.size); m: INT:=0; loop until!(m >= sz); into[m] := a2[m]; m := m + 1; end; return; end; if a2.size=0 then -- self <- a1 sz: INT := into.size.min(a1.size); n: INT:=0; loop until!(n >= sz); into[n] := a1[n]; n := n + 1; end; return; end; i,j:INT; w:ETP; into_index: INT := 0; loop until!(into_index = into.size); if i=a1.size then w:=a2[j]; j:=j+1 elsif j=a2.size then w:= a1[i]; i:=i+1 elsif lt.call(a1[i],a2[j]) then w:=a1[i]; i:=i+1 else w:=a2[j]; j:=j+1 end; into[into_index] := w; into_index := into_index+1; end; end; private swap(a: ATP,i,j: INT) is tmp ::= a[i]; a[i] := a[j]; a[j] := tmp; end; private swap(a: ATP,order: ARRAY{INT},i,j: INT) is tmp ::= order[i]; order[i] := order[j]; order[j] := tmp; end; private check_range(a: ATP,l,u: INT): BOOL is if void(a) then #ERR+"The sort array is void!\n"; return false; end; if l.is_bet(0,a.size-1) and u.is_bet(l,a.size-1) then return true; else #ERR+"Can't sort the specified range:["+l+","+u+"]\n"; #ERR+"The array is of size:"+a.size; return false; end; end; end;