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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- a_queue.sa: Array based queue
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <gomes@samosa.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
-- Copyright (C) 1995, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id: a_queue.sa,v 1.4 1996/06/01 21:36:09 gomes Exp $
-- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
-- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the
-- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI,
-- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

class QUEUE{T} < $QUEUE{T} is include A_QUEUE{T}; end;

class A_QUEUE{T} < $QUEUE{T}

class A_QUEUE{T} < $QUEUE{T} is -- An array-based queue that expands using amortized doubling. include COMPARE{T}; private attr buf: ARRAY{T}; private attr head: INT; -- Index of head private attr tail: INT; -- Index of next insert -- ------ Initialization/Duplication ------ create: SAME is return(create_capacity(1)); end; create(a: $ELT{T}): SAME is -- Create from an ordered container of elements "a" -- Insert all the elements in "a" into the queue -- such that the last element of "a" will also be the last -- element of the queue res ::= #SAME; loop res.enq(a.elt!) end; return res; end; create_from(a: ARRAY{T}): SAME is -- Create from elements of the array "a". Convenient to -- specify the queue using an array literal as argument return #SAME(a); end; create_capacity(allocate: INT): SAME is -- Create, allocating for "allocate" elements. Can grow later return(new.build(allocate)); end; copy: SAME is res ::= #SAME(self); return res; end; private build(sz: INT): SAME is buf := #(sz); head := 0; tail := 0; return(self); end; -- ------ Insertion/Removal --------------- enq(e: T) pre ~void(self) is -- Enqueue the element "e" into the tail of the queue if ((tail+1).mod(buf.size) = head) then -- #OUT+"Doubling queue\n"; -- Queue is full, need to expand the buffer r: ARRAY{T} := #ARRAY{T}(2*buf.size); -- Copy from the head to the end of the original buffer i ::= head; loop until!(i = buf.size); r[i] := buf[i]; i := i + 1; end; -- Copy the wrap around portion (which must fit, due to the doubling) if (tail < head) then dest ::= buf.size; i := 0; loop until!(i = tail); r[dest] := buf[i]; i := i + 1; dest := dest + 1; end; tail := buf.size+tail; end; buf := r; end; -- New insertion position buf[tail] := e; tail := (tail+1).mod(buf.size); end; remove: T pre ~is_empty is -- Error if the queue is empty res ::= buf[head]; -- erik: Invalidate the pointer, for the sake of the gc. -- (could be omitted for value types) buf[head] := void; head := (head+1).mod(buf.size); return(res) end; -- ------ Access/Measurement -------------- current: T is return top end; top: T pre ~is_empty is -- Return the top most elemetn of the queue return(buf[head]); end; size: INT is -- Return the number of elements in the queue if (tail >= head) then return(tail - head) else return((buf.size-head)+tail); end; end; -- ------ Queries/Comparison -------------- is_empty: BOOL pre ~void(self) is return(head=tail) end; has(el: T): BOOL is loop e ::= elt!; if elt_eq(e,el) then return true end; end; return false; end; -- ------ Cursor -------------------------- elt!: T pre ~void(self) is -- Return the elements in the queue in their normal order without -- changing the queue. Starts with the head of the queue -- and works downward if (head = tail) then quit; end; i ::= head; loop until!(i = tail); yield(buf[i]); i := (i + 1).mod(buf.size); end; end; str: STR pre ~void(self) is res ::=""; res := res+"["+head+","+tail+","+buf.size+"]"; loop f ::= elt!; fstr: STR; typecase f when $STR then fstr := f.str else fstr := "?" end; res := res+",".separate!(fstr); end; return(res); end; end; -- class QUEUE