On leave from Department of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Furthermore, you are not allowed to have pointers directly to fields of structs.

Some other difference are named here because of completeness:
  • Value type must inherit from AVAL{T} instead of AREF{T}.

  • The writer routine takes different forms for reference and value types. For reference types, it takes a single argument whose type is the attribute's type and has no return value. Its effect is to modify the object by setting the value of the attribute. For value types, it takes a single argument whose type is the attribute's type, and returns a copy of the object with the attribute set to the specified new value, and whose type is the type of the object. This difference arises because it is not possible to modify value objects once they are constructed. Study the complex number library in file Library/cpx.sa.

An exception are arguments which have a trailing exclamation mark themselves. These are evaluated for every call of the iter. But since this kind of argument is not used in Sather Tutorial Chess, the reader is referred to the Sather Manual [] for further discussion.

Tue May 30 21:15:13 PDT 1995