Tcl_LinkVar, Tcl_UnlinkVar - link Tcl variable to C variable


#include <tcl.h>

Tcl_LinkVar(interp, varName, addr, type)

Tcl_UnlinkVar(interp, varName)


Tcl_Interp *interp (in)
Interpreter that contains varName. Also used by Tcl_LinkVar to return error messages.
char *varName (in)
Name of global variable.
char *addr (in)
Address of C variable that is to be linked to varName.
int type (in)
Type of C variable. Must be one of TCL_LINK_INT, TCL_LINK_DOUBLE, TCL_LINK_BOOLEAN, or TCL_LINK_STRING, optionally OR'ed with TCL_LINK_READ_ONLY to make Tcl variable read-only.


Tcl_LinkVar uses variable traces to keep the Tcl variable named by varName in sync with the C variable at the address given by addr. Whenever the Tcl variable is read the value of the C variable will be returned, and whenever the Tcl variable is written the C variable will be updated to have the same value. Tcl_LinkVar normally returns TCL_OK; if an error occurs while setting up the link (e.g. because varName is the name of array) then TCL_ERROR is returned and interp->result contains an error message.

The type argument specifies the type of the C variable, and must have one of the following values, optionally OR'ed with TCL_LINK_READ_ONLY:

The C variable is of type int. Any value written into the Tcl variable must have a proper integer form acceptable to Tcl_GetInt; attempts to write non-integer values into varName will be rejected with Tcl errors.
The C variable is of type double. Any value written into the Tcl variable must have a proper real form acceptable to Tcl_GetDouble; attempts to write non-real values into varName will be rejected with Tcl errors.
The C variable is of type int. If its value is zero then it will read from Tcl as ``0''; otherwise it will read from Tcl as ``1''. Whenever varName is modified, the C variable will be set to a 0 or 1 value. Any value written into the Tcl variable must have a proper boolean form acceptable to Tcl_GetBoolean; attempts to write non-boolean values into varName will be rejected with Tcl errors.
The C variable is of type char *. If its value is not null then it must be a pointer to a string allocated with malloc. Whenever the Tcl variable is modified the current C string will be freed and new memory will be allocated to hold a copy of the variable's new value. If the C variable contains a null pointer then the Tcl variable will read as ``NULL''.

If the TCL_LINK_READ_ONLY flag is present in type then the variable will be read-only from Tcl, so that its value can only be changed by modifying the C variable. Attempts to write the variable from Tcl will be rejected with errors.

Tcl_UnlinkVar removes the link previously set up for the variable given by varName. If there does not exist a link for varName then the procedure has no effect.


boolean, integer, link, read-only, real, string, variable
Copyright © 1993 The Regents of the University of California.
Copyright © 1994-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright © 1995 Roger E. Critchlow Jr.