immutable class RAT < $IS_LT{RAT}, $STR
Rational numbers. A rational number is represented by by two integers u and v (numerator and denominator) and always normalized, i.e. u.gcd(v) = 1 and v > 0.



Readable Attributes
attr u, v: INTI;
**** numerator, denominator
attr u, v: INTI;
**** numerator, denominator

abs: SAME
ceiling: INTI
create (u: INT): SAME
create (u, v: INT): SAME
create (u: INTI): SAME
create (u, v: INTI): SAME
cube: SAME
div (y: SAME): SAME
float (n, b: INT): TUP{BOOL, INTI, INT, BOOL}
**** Returns the floating point number x = s * m * b^e that is closest to self. x is returned in form of a 4-tupel (s, m, e, a). n specifies the length of the mantissa m in no. of digits to the base b. The mantissa is either 0 (self = 0) or normalized, i.e. it holds: b^(n-1) <= mantissa < b^n. The sign s indicates a negative number. The flag a indicates that x is accurate (i.e. x = self). Rounding to the nearest is used; ties are broken by rounding to even (IEEE rounding).

The implementation is essentialy AlgorithmM described by W.D. Clinger in "How to Read Floating Point Numbers Accurately", PLDI 1990 proceedings, p. 92-101.
floor: INTI
is_eq (y: SAME): BOOL
is_eq(arg: $OB): BOOL
is_geq (y: SAME): BOOL
is_gt (y: SAME): BOOL
is_int: BOOL
is_leq (y: SAME): BOOL
is_lt (y: SAME): BOOL
is_neg: BOOL
is_neq (y: SAME): BOOL
is_pos: BOOL
is_zero: BOOL
minus (y: SAME): SAME
mod (y: SAME): SAME
negate: SAME
plus (y: SAME): SAME
pow (i: INT): SAME
**** Returns self raised to the power i. Returns 1 for i < 0.
sign: INT
square: SAME
str (n: INT): STR
**** Returns a string representation of self in decimal floating point form [sign] digit '.' {digit} ['e' [sign] digit {digit}] where n specifies the number of digits of the mantissa.
str: STR
**** Returns a string representation of self in the form u/v or u (if self.is_int).
times (y: SAME): SAME


attr u, v: INTI;
**** numerator, denominator
attr u, v: INTI;
**** numerator, denominator