Bound routine or iter creation expression. bound up arguments in order.

Flattened version is here



Readable Attributes
attr bnd_args:ARRAY{INT};
**** The indices of the arguments which are bound up in order. 0 is self. which are not bound in order. 0 is self. a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster
attr clst:STR;
**** string that represents the variable that stores the remote cluster
attr fun:SIG;
**** The routine to bind up. which are bound up in order. 0 is self. which are not bound in order. 0 is self. a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster
attr is_remote:BOOL;
**** true if this bound routine is used for a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster
attr tp_at:$TP;
**** The type of the bound expression. a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster
attr unbnd_args:ARRAY{INT};
**** The indices of the arguments which are not bound in order. 0 is self. a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster

Writable Attributes
attr bnd_args:ARRAY{INT};
**** The indices of the arguments which are bound up in order. 0 is self. which are not bound in order. 0 is self. a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster
attr clst:STR;
**** string that represents the variable that stores the remote cluster
attr fun:SIG;
**** The routine to bind up. which are bound up in order. 0 is self. which are not bound in order. 0 is self. a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster
attr is_remote:BOOL;
**** true if this bound routine is used for a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster
attr tp_at:$TP;
**** The type of the bound expression. a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster
attr unbnd_args:ARRAY{INT};
**** The indices of the arguments which are not bound in order. 0 is self. a remote procedure call in pSather stores the remote cluster

create(nargs:INT, source:SFILE_ID):SAME
**** A new definition for a routine or iter with `nargs' arguments (including self).

