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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- Copyright (C) International Computer Science Institute, 1994.  COPYRIGHT  --
-- NOTICE: This code is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and is subject --
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class UNIX

class UNIX is system(s:STR):INT is return C_UNIX::system(s);-- C_UNIX::system end; get_env(var:STR):STR is r::=C_UNIX::getenv(var);-- C_UNIX::getenv if void(r) then return void; else return STR::create_from_c_string(r);-- STR::create_from_c_string end; end; exit(code:INT) is C_UNIX::exit(code);-- C_UNIX::exit end; abort is C_UNIX::abort; end; execve(prog:STR, argv:ARRAY{STR}, envp:ARRAY{STR}):INT is -- Execute a file, by transforming the calling process into a -- new process. If `execve' returns to the calling process, -- the returned value will be -1, ie an error has occurred. -- `argv', `envp' should have a null pointer as the last pointer. new_argv: EXT_OB; if (argv.size /= 0) then argv_sz:INT := argv.asize; new_argv := RUNTIME::rt_create_astr(argv.size, STR::concat_all(argv)); end; -- if new_envp: EXT_OB; if (envp.size /= 0) then envp_sz:INT := envp.asize; new_envp := RUNTIME::rt_create_astr(envp.size, STR::concat_all(envp)); end; -- if return C_UNIX::execve(prog, new_argv, new_envp); end; -- execve end; -- UNIX

external class C_UNIX

external class C_UNIX is system(s:STR):INT; getenv(var:STR):EXT_OB; exit(code:INT); execve(prog:STR, argv:EXT_OB, envp: EXT_OB): INT; abort; end;