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-- Transformation of code from AS to AM form.

-- Code transformation is partitioned into two pieces, one for -- serial translation and one for pSather. To simplify things -- STRANS uses some calls from PTRANS. -- The other stages of the compiler use TRANS. Here it points -- to PTRANS, but it could also be compiled to leave the pSather -- stuff out by pointing to STRANS alone.

class TRANS

class TRANS is include PTRANS; end;

class STRANS

class STRANS is -- The context for a code transformation from AS form to AM form. include CS_COMPONENT; -- we redefine err, such that it gives a little bit more information err(s:STR) is if void(self) or void(self.cur_rout) or void(self.cur_rout.sig) then prog.err(s);-- TRANS::cur_rout TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig TRANS::prog PROG::err else s:=self.cur_rout.sig.str+":"+s;-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::str STR::plus STR::plus prog.err(s);-- TRANS::prog PROG::err end; end; attr impl:IMPL; -- The implementation structure for the -- type within which this transformation appears. attr tp_con:TP_CONTEXT; -- The type context for interpreting -- type specifiers. attr cur_rout:AM_ROUT_DEF; -- The current routine or iter. attr cur_loop:AM_LOOP_STMT; -- Current loop if any. attr cur_yield_ind:INT; -- Index of the current yield. attr active_locals:FLIST{AM_LOCAL_EXPR}; -- Locals in scope. attr in_pre:BOOL; -- True if inside a `pre' clause. attr in_post:BOOL; -- True if this code is inside -- a "post" clause (and so can have initial expressions). attr in_protect_body:BOOL; -- True if inside a `protect' body. attr in_protect_then:BOOL; -- True if inside a `protect' `then' or -- `else' clause. attr in_protect_but_not_loop:BOOL; -- True if inside a `protect', but not inside a `loop'. attr ex_tp:$TP; -- Type of exception expr. attr in_invariant:BOOL; -- True if inside an invariant body. attr in_initial:BOOL; -- True if inside an `initial' expr. attr init_stmts:$AM_STMT; -- The initial statments if any. attr in_external:BOOL; -- True if inside an external class. attr in_constant:BOOL; -- True if inside a constant or shared -- initialization expression. attr cur_se:SE_CONTEXT; -- set of side_effects for this translation -- invariants or postconditions to be emitted before a return, -- if any. attr inv_stmt:AM_INVARIANT_STMT; attr post_stmt:AM_POST_STMT;
-- The following dummy routines are necessary to allow STRANS to be used -- without additional pSather stuff. These routines are redefined in PTRANS is_in_par_or_fork:BOOL is return false end; is_in_lock:BOOL is return false end; transform_pSather_stmt(as:$AS_STMT):$AM_STMT is return void; end; transform_pSather_rout_elt_stuff(as:AS_ROUT_DEF) is end; transform_pSather_assign_stmt_err(as:AS_ASSIGN_STMT) is end; -- transform_pSather_protect_when_stuff(tp:$TP,wp:AS_PROTECT_WHEN, -- as:AS_PROTECT_STMT) is end; -- transform_pSather_protect_else_stuff(as:AS_PROTECT_STMT) is end; transform_pSather_expr(e:$AS_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is return void; end; check_pSather_stmt_for_return(as:$AS_STMT) is end; sys_closure_self(sig:SIG) is end; sys_closure_nest(ncs:$AM_EXPR) is end; transform_pSather_local_assign(loc:AM_LOCAL_EXPR,s:AS_ASSIGN_STMT) is end;
create(e:ELT):SAME -- Create a new transformation context for the element e. pre ~void(e) is-- BOOL::not r::=new; r.prog:=e.prog; -- TRANS::prog ELT::prog r.impl:=e.impl;-- TRANS::impl ELT::impl r.tp_con:=e.con; -- TRANS::tp_con ELT::con r.cur_se:=#(r.prog,e.sig);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::create TRANS::prog ELT::sig --r.iter_sig_am_rout_def := #; if void(r.impl) or void(r.tp_con) then return void end;-- TRANS::impl TRANS::tp_con return r; end;
is_iter:BOOL is -- True if we are working on an iter. if void(cur_rout) then return false end;-- TRANS::cur_rout return cur_rout.is_iter; -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::is_iter end;
local_with_name(n:IDENT):AM_LOCAL_EXPR -- The local with the name `n', if any. Void otherwise. pre ~void(cur_rout) is-- TRANS::cur_rout BOOL::not loop r::=cur_rout.elt!;-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::elt! if void(r) then #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::local_with_name, void local.";-- OUT::create OUT::plus return void end; if then return r.expr end end;-- AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name IDENT::is_eq AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr loop r::=active_locals.elt!;-- TRANS::active_locals FLIST{1}::elt! if void(r) then #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::local_with_name, void local.";-- OUT::create OUT::plus return void end; if -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name IDENT::is_eq then return r end end; return void; end;
add_local(l:AM_LOCAL_EXPR) is -- Add the local variable `l'. if void(cur_rout) then -- TRANS::cur_rout #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::add_local, cur_rout=void.";-- OUT::create OUT::plus return end; cur_rout.locals:=cur_rout.locals.push(l);-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::locals TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::locals FLIST{1}::push if ~void( then active_locals:=active_locals.push(l) end;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name BOOL::not TRANS::active_locals TRANS::active_locals FLIST{1}::push end;
tp_of(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC):$TP -- The type object corresponding to the type specifier `t' in -- this context. pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not return tp_con.tp_of(t); -- TRANS::tp_con TP_CONTEXT::tp_of end;
special_inline(call:AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR):$AM_EXPR is -- Here we deal only with special purpose inlining -- general purpose inlining is done during the optimization phase -- If `call' can be inlined, return the inlining expression, -- otherwise just return it. if ~prog.all_reached then-- TRANS::prog PROG::all_reached BOOL::not -- Make sure it's been generated. prog.generate_am.output_sig(; -- TRANS::prog PROG::generate_am AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun end; -- Don't inline constant initializations -- It happens only once, so overhead is little -- It makes main more readable, and lowers the -- complexity of inlining considerably -- Actually, this was only a problem when the general -- inlining was done here too. As now the general -- inlining has been moved to the optimizer, -- it should work OK again. If not, remove the comments -- (and don't compile with -O2, gcc is broken) -- if in_constant then -- return call; -- end; am::=prog.inliner.special_inline(call);-- TRANS::prog PROG::inliner -- Ivin - The statements may use local variables and call other routines. typecase am when AM_STMT_EXPR then -- Do not change active_locals to avoid name clashes. cur_rout.calls:=cur_rout.calls.concat(am.calls);-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::concat AM_STMT_EXPR::calls cur_rout.locals:=cur_rout.locals.concat(am.locals);-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::locals TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::locals FLIST{1}::concat AM_STMT_EXPR::locals else end; return am end;
-- Ivin - same for iterators. special_inline(call:AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR):$AM_EXPR is -- Here we deal only with special purpose inlining -- general purpose inlining is done during the optimization phase -- If `call' can be inlined, return the inlining expression, -- otherwise just return it. if ~prog.all_reached then-- TRANS::prog PROG::all_reached BOOL::not -- Make sure it's been generated. prog.generate_am.output_sig(; -- TRANS::prog PROG::generate_am AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun end; am::=prog.inliner.special_inline(call);-- TRANS::prog PROG::inliner typecase am when AM_STMT_EXPR then -- Do not change active_locals to avoid name clashes. cur_rout.calls:=cur_rout.calls.concat(am.calls);-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::concat AM_STMT_EXPR::calls cur_rout.locals:=cur_rout.locals.concat(am.locals);-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::locals TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::locals FLIST{1}::concat AM_STMT_EXPR::locals cur_loop.its:=cur_loop.its.concat(am.its);-- TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::its TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::its FLIST{1}::concat AM_STMT_EXPR::its cur_loop.bits:=cur_loop.bits.concat(am.bits);-- TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::bits TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::bits FLIST{1}::concat AM_STMT_EXPR::bits cur_loop.firsts:=cur_loop.firsts.concat(am.firsts);-- TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::firsts TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::firsts FLIST{1}::concat AM_STMT_EXPR::firsts else end; return am end;
gen:GENERATE_AM is -- The GENERATE_AM object controlling translation. gen::=prog.generate_am;-- TRANS::prog PROG::generate_am typecase gen when GENERATE_AM then return gen; end; end;
transform_elt(e:ELT):AM_ROUT_DEF -- Transform the element `e' into AM form. Ignores self. -- Should not be applied to void. -- If there is a problem, returns void. pre ~void(e) is-- BOOL::not t:SAME:=#(e); if void(t) then return void end;-- TRANS::create;-- ELT::as r:AM_ROUT_DEF; typecase as when AS_CONST_DEF then r:=t.transform_const_elt(e,as)-- TRANS::transform_const_elt when AS_SHARED_DEF then r:=t.transform_shared_elt(e,as)-- TRANS::transform_shared_elt when AS_ATTR_DEF then r:=t.transform_attr_elt(e,as)-- TRANS::transform_attr_elt when AS_ROUT_DEF then r:=t.transform_rout_elt(e,as);-- TRANS::transform_rout_elt if t.prog.psather and ~void(t.cur_se) then-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not t.cur_se.has_import:=t.cur_se.has_import or (r.sig.is_builtin and r.sig.builtin_info.does_import);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_import TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_import AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::is_builtin AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::does_import t.cur_se.has_export:=t.cur_se.has_export or (r.sig.is_builtin and r.sig.builtin_info.does_export);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_export TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_export AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::is_builtin AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::does_export end; end; -- register this se_context with the t.cur_se.register;-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::register SYS::destroy(t);-- SYS::destroy return r; end;
transform_const_elt(e:ELT,as:AS_CONST_DEF):AM_ROUT_DEF is -- Transform the element `e' into AM form. r:AM_ROUT_DEF:=#AM_ROUT_DEF(1,as.source); cur_rout:=r;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::create AS_CONST_DEF::source TRANS::cur_rout r.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::srcsig ELT::srcsig r.sig:=e.sig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig ELT::sig r.sig.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::srcsig ELT::srcsig sl::=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source,IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident,,e.as_tp);-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_CONST_DEF::source IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident ELT::tp ELT::as_tp r[0] := #AM_FORMAL_ARG(sl);-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset AM_FORMAL_ARG::create g:AM_GLOBAL_EXPR:=gen.global_tbl.get(,;-- TRANS::gen GENERATE_AM::global_tbl GLOBAL_TBL::get ELT::name TRANS::impl IMPL::tp if void(g) then g:=#AM_GLOBAL_EXPR(as.source);;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::create AS_CONST_DEF::source AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::name ELT::name g.as_type := e.as_tp;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::as_type ELT::as_tp g.tp_at:=e.ret;; g.is_const:=true;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::tp_at ELT::ret AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::class_tp TRANS::impl IMPL::tp AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::is_const in_constant:=true;-- TRANS::in_constant g.init:=transform_expr(as.init,g.tp_at); -- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::init TRANS::transform_expr AS_CONST_DEF::init AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::tp_at in_constant:=false;-- TRANS::in_constant gen.global_tbl.insert(g) end;-- TRANS::gen GENERATE_AM::global_tbl GLOBAL_TBL::insert ar::=#AM_RETURN_STMT(as.source); ar.val:=g;-- AM_RETURN_STMT::create AS_CONST_DEF::source AM_RETURN_STMT::val r.code:=ar; r.is_clean:=true; -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code AM_ROUT_DEF::is_clean return r; end;
transform_shared_elt(e:ELT,as:AS_SHARED_DEF):AM_ROUT_DEF is -- Transform the element `e' into AM form. sl, l1: AM_LOCAL_EXPR; if e.is_shared_reader then -- Shared reader.-- ELT::is_shared_reader r::=#AM_ROUT_DEF(1,as.source); cur_rout:=r;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source TRANS::cur_rout r.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::srcsig ELT::srcsig sl:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source, -- Local for self.-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident,, e.as_tp);-- IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident ELT::tp ELT::as_tp r[0] := #AM_FORMAL_ARG(sl);-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset AM_FORMAL_ARG::create r.sig:=e.sig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig ELT::sig r.sig.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::srcsig ELT::srcsig g:AM_GLOBAL_EXPR:=gen.global_tbl.get(,;-- TRANS::gen GENERATE_AM::global_tbl GLOBAL_TBL::get ELT::name TRANS::impl IMPL::tp if void(g) then g:=#AM_GLOBAL_EXPR(as.source);;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::name ELT::name g.as_type := e.as_tp;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::as_type ELT::as_tp g.tp_at:=e.ret;; -- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::tp_at ELT::ret AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::class_tp TRANS::impl IMPL::tp in_constant:=true;-- TRANS::in_constant g.init:=transform_expr(as.init,; -- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::init TRANS::transform_expr AS_SHARED_DEF::init AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::tp in_constant:=false;-- TRANS::in_constant gen.global_tbl.insert(g) end;-- TRANS::gen GENERATE_AM::global_tbl GLOBAL_TBL::insert g.tp_at:=e.sig.ret;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::tp_at ELT::sig SIG::ret cur_se.mark_se(g,false);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_se ar::=#AM_RETURN_STMT(as.source); ar.val:=g;-- AM_RETURN_STMT::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source AM_RETURN_STMT::val r.code:=ar; r.is_clean:=true; -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code AM_ROUT_DEF::is_clean return r else -- Shared writer. r::=#AM_ROUT_DEF(2,as.source); cur_rout:=r;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source TRANS::cur_rout r.srcsig:=e.srcsig; -- AM_ROUT_DEF::srcsig ELT::srcsig sl:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source, -- Local for self.-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident,, e.as_tp);-- IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident ELT::tp ELT::as_tp r[0] := #AM_FORMAL_ARG(sl);-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset AM_FORMAL_ARG::create if void(e.sig.args) then-- ELT::sig SIG::args err("Compiler error, TRANS::transform_shared_elt, " "e.sig.args=void."); return void end; -- TRANS::err l1:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source,, e.sig.args[0].tp);-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source ELT::name ELT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp r[1] := #AM_FORMAL_ARG(l1);-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset AM_FORMAL_ARG::create r.sig:=e.sig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig ELT::sig r.sig.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::srcsig ELT::srcsig g:AM_GLOBAL_EXPR:=gen.global_tbl.get(,;-- TRANS::gen GENERATE_AM::global_tbl GLOBAL_TBL::get ELT::name TRANS::impl IMPL::tp if void(g) then g:=#AM_GLOBAL_EXPR(as.source);;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::name ELT::name g.as_type := e.as_tp;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::as_type ELT::as_tp;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::class_tp TRANS::impl IMPL::tp in_constant:=true;-- TRANS::in_constant g.init:=transform_expr(as.init,; -- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::init TRANS::transform_expr AS_SHARED_DEF::init AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::tp in_constant:=false;-- TRANS::in_constant gen.global_tbl.insert(g) end;-- TRANS::gen GENERATE_AM::global_tbl GLOBAL_TBL::insert g.tp_at:=e.sig.args[0].tp;-- AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::tp_at ELT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp cur_se.mark_se(g,true);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_se ar::=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(as.source); -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source ar.dest:=g; ar.src:=r[1].expr;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src AM_ROUT_DEF::aget AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr inv:AM_INVARIANT_STMT; if ~e.is_private and ~in_invariant then-- ELT::is_private BOOL::not TRANS::in_invariant BOOL::not isig:SIG:=impl.invariant_sig;-- TRANS::impl IMPL::invariant_sig if ~void(isig) then-- BOOL::not inv:=#AM_INVARIANT_STMT(as.source); -- AM_INVARIANT_STMT::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source inv.sig:=isig;-- AM_INVARIANT_STMT::sig icall::=#AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(1,as.source);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun cur_se.mark_context(icall);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_context r.calls:=r.calls.push(icall) end end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::calls AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::push r.code:=ar; -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code if void(r.code) then r.code:=inv-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code AM_ROUT_DEF::code else r.code.append(inv) end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code r.is_clean:=false; -- AM_ROUT_DEF::is_clean return r; end; end;
transform_attr_elt(e:ELT,as:AS_ATTR_DEF):AM_ROUT_DEF is -- Transform the element `e' into AM form. sl, l1, l2:AM_LOCAL_EXPR; r:AM_ROUT_DEF; if e.is_attr_reader then -- Attribute reader.-- ELT::is_attr_reader r:=#AM_ROUT_DEF(1,as.source); -- AM_ROUT_DEF::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source r.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::srcsig ELT::srcsig sl:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source,IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident, -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident, e.as_tp);-- ELT::tp ELT::as_tp r[0] := #AM_FORMAL_ARG(sl);-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset AM_FORMAL_ARG::create r.sig:=e.sig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig ELT::sig r.sig.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::srcsig ELT::srcsig ae::=#AM_ATTR_EXPR(as.source); -- AM_ATTR_EXPR::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source ae.as_type := e.as_tp;-- AM_ATTR_EXPR::as_type ELT::as_tp ae.ob:=r[0].expr;;-- AM_ATTR_EXPR::ob AM_ROUT_DEF::aget AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr AM_ATTR_EXPR::self_tp AM_ATTR_EXPR::ob; ae.tp_at:=tp_of(;-- AM_ATTR_EXPR::at ELT::name AM_ATTR_EXPR::tp_at TRANS::tp_of AS_ATTR_DEF::tp if void(ae.tp_at) then -- AM_ATTR_EXPR::tp_at err_loc(; err("Cannot translate type.");-- TRANS::err_loc AS_ATTR_DEF::tp TRANS::err return void end; cur_se.mark_se(ae,false);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_se if ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_fatal_error:=true; end;-- TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error ar::=#AM_RETURN_STMT(as.source); -- AM_RETURN_STMT::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source ar.val:=ae; r.code:=ar; r.is_clean:=true; -- AM_RETURN_STMT::val AM_ROUT_DEF::code AM_ROUT_DEF::is_clean else -- Attribute writer. r:=#AM_ROUT_DEF(2,as.source); -- AM_ROUT_DEF::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source r.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::srcsig ELT::srcsig sl:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source, IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident, -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident, e.as_tp);-- ELT::tp ELT::as_tp r[0] := #AM_FORMAL_ARG(sl);-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset AM_FORMAL_ARG::create if void(e.sig.args) then-- ELT::sig SIG::args err("Compiler error, TRANS::transform_attr_elt, " "e.sig.args=void."); return void end; -- TRANS::err l1:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source,,e.sig.args[0].tp);-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source ELT::name ELT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp r[1] := #AM_FORMAL_ARG(l1);-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset AM_FORMAL_ARG::create r.sig:=e.sig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig ELT::sig r.sig.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::srcsig ELT::srcsig if tp_con.same.kind=TP_KIND::val_tp then -- Value type.-- TRANS::tp_con TP_CONTEXT::same TP_CLASS::kind INT::is_eq TP_KIND::val_tp av::=#AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR(as.source);-- AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source av.ob:=r[0].expr;; av.val:=r[1].expr;-- AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR::ob AM_ROUT_DEF::aget AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR::at ELT::name AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR::val AM_ROUT_DEF::aget AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr av.real_tp:=tp_of(;-- AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR::real_tp TRANS::tp_of AS_ATTR_DEF::tp cur_se.mark_se(av,true);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_se if ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_fatal_error:=true; end;-- TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error ar::=#AM_RETURN_STMT(as.source);-- AM_RETURN_STMT::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source ar.val:=av; r.code:=ar;-- AM_RETURN_STMT::val AM_ROUT_DEF::code else -- Reference type. ae::=#AM_ATTR_EXPR(as.source); -- AM_ATTR_EXPR::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source ae.as_type := e.as_tp;-- AM_ATTR_EXPR::as_type ELT::as_tp ae.ob:=r[0].expr;;-- AM_ATTR_EXPR::ob AM_ROUT_DEF::aget AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr AM_ATTR_EXPR::self_tp AM_ATTR_EXPR::ob; ae.tp_at:=tp_of(;-- AM_ATTR_EXPR::at ELT::name AM_ATTR_EXPR::tp_at TRANS::tp_of AS_ATTR_DEF::tp if void(ae.tp_at) then -- AM_ATTR_EXPR::tp_at err_loc(; err("Cannot translate type.");-- TRANS::err_loc AS_ATTR_DEF::tp TRANS::err return void end; cur_se.mark_se(ae,true);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_se if ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_fatal_error:=true; end;-- TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error ar::=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(as.source); -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source ar.dest:=ae; ar.src:=r[1].expr; r.code:=ar; -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src AM_ROUT_DEF::aget AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr AM_ROUT_DEF::code end; inv:AM_INVARIANT_STMT; if ~e.is_private and ~in_invariant then-- ELT::is_private BOOL::not TRANS::in_invariant BOOL::not isig:SIG:=impl.invariant_sig;-- TRANS::impl IMPL::invariant_sig if ~void(isig) then-- BOOL::not inv:=#AM_INVARIANT_STMT(as.source); -- AM_INVARIANT_STMT::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source inv.sig:=isig;-- AM_INVARIANT_STMT::sig icall::=#AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(1,as.source);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun cur_se.mark_context(icall);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_context r.calls:=r.calls.push(icall) end end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::calls AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::push if void(r.code) then r.code:=inv -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code AM_ROUT_DEF::code else r.code.append(inv) end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code r.is_clean:=false; end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::is_clean return r; end;
transform_rout_elt(e:ELT,as:AS_ROUT_DEF):AM_ROUT_DEF is -- Transform the element `e' into AM form. if e.is_invariant then in_invariant:=true else-- ELT::is_invariant TRANS::in_invariant in_invariant:=false end;-- TRANS::in_invariant if as.is_abstract then -- AS_ROUT_DEF::is_abstract if e.is_external or then return void -- ELT::is_external ELT::tp -- Don't do anything special for -- abstract sigs in external and partial classes else err_loc(as); -- TRANS::err_loc err("Compiler error, TRANS::tranform_rout_elt given " "abstract"); return void -- TRANS::err end end; check_return(as);-- TRANS::check_return r::=#AM_ROUT_DEF(1+e.sig.args.size,as.source); -- AM_ROUT_DEF::create INT::plus ELT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size AS_ROUT_DEF::source r.srcsig:=e.srcsig; r.sig:=e.sig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::srcsig ELT::srcsig AM_ROUT_DEF::sig ELT::sig r.sig.srcsig:=e.srcsig;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::srcsig ELT::srcsig if e.is_external then r.is_external:=true end;-- ELT::is_external AM_ROUT_DEF::is_external sl::=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source,IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident,, e.as_tp);-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source IDENT_BUILTIN::self_ident ELT::tp ELT::as_tp r[0] := #AM_FORMAL_ARG(sl);-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset AM_FORMAL_ARG::create if e.sig.has_ret then -- ELT::sig SIG::has_ret r.rres:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source,IDENT_BUILTIN::ret_ident,e.ret); -- For return.-- AM_ROUT_DEF::rres AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source IDENT_BUILTIN::ret_ident ELT::ret r.locals:=r.locals.push(r.rres); -- AM_ROUT_DEF::locals AM_ROUT_DEF::locals FLIST{1}::push AM_ROUT_DEF::rres end; i:INT:=0; na:AS_ARG_DEC:=as.args_dec;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec if na.size/=e.sig.args.size then-- AS_ARG_DEC::size INT::is_eq ELT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not err_loc(as); -- TRANS::err_loc err("Compiler error, TRANS::transform_rout_elt size bug.");-- TRANS::err return void end; loop while!(i<e.sig.args.size);-- INT::is_lt ELT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size l::=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(as.source,, e.sig.args[i].tp,;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source AS_ARG_DEC::name ELT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp AS_ARG_DEC::tp r[i+1]:=#AM_FORMAL_ARG(l, MODE::create_from_as(na.mode));-- AM_ROUT_DEF::aset INT::plus AM_FORMAL_ARG::create MODE::create_from_as AS_ARG_DEC::mode i:=i+1; end; -- INT::plus AS_ARG_DEC::next cur_rout:=r;-- TRANS::cur_rout if prog.psather then transform_pSather_rout_elt_stuff(as) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather TRANS::transform_pSather_rout_elt_stuff pres:AM_PRE_STMT; if ~void(as.pre_e) then-- AS_ROUT_DEF::pre_e BOOL::not if prog.pre_checks and ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_fatal_error:=true; end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::pre_checks TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error in_pre:=true;-- TRANS::in_pre pres:=#AM_PRE_STMT(as.source);-- AM_PRE_STMT::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source;-- AM_PRE_STMT::tp TRANS::impl IMPL::tp pres.test:=transform_expr(as.pre_e,TP_BUILTIN::bool);-- AM_PRE_STMT::test TRANS::transform_expr AS_ROUT_DEF::pre_e TP_BUILTIN::bool if void(pres.test) then pres:=void end;-- AM_PRE_STMT::test in_pre:=false end;-- TRANS::in_pre --posts:AM_POST_STMT; post_stmt:=void;-- TRANS::post_stmt if ~void(as.post_e) then-- AS_ROUT_DEF::post_e BOOL::not in_post:=true;-- TRANS::in_post if prog.post_checks and ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_fatal_error:=true; end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::post_checks TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error post_stmt:=#AM_POST_STMT(as.source);-- TRANS::post_stmt AM_POST_STMT::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source;-- TRANS::post_stmt AM_POST_STMT::tp TRANS::impl IMPL::tp post_stmt.test:=transform_expr(as.post_e,TP_BUILTIN::bool);-- TRANS::post_stmt AM_POST_STMT::test TRANS::transform_expr AS_ROUT_DEF::post_e TP_BUILTIN::bool if void(post_stmt.test) then post_stmt:=void end; -- TRANS::post_stmt AM_POST_STMT::test TRANS::post_stmt in_post:=false end;-- TRANS::in_post --inv:AM_INVARIANT_STMT; inv_stmt:=void;-- TRANS::inv_stmt if ~e.is_private and ~in_invariant then-- ELT::is_private BOOL::not TRANS::in_invariant BOOL::not isig:SIG:=impl.invariant_sig;-- TRANS::impl IMPL::invariant_sig if ~void(isig) then-- BOOL::not inv_stmt:=#AM_INVARIANT_STMT(as.source); -- TRANS::inv_stmt AM_INVARIANT_STMT::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source inv_stmt.sig:=isig;-- TRANS::inv_stmt AM_INVARIANT_STMT::sig icall::=#AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(1,as.source);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun cur_se.mark_context(icall);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_context r.calls:=r.calls.push(icall) end end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::calls AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::push code:$AM_STMT; -- if is_array_sig(e.srcsig) then -- code:=transform_array_body(e); -- else code:=transform_stmt_list(as.body);-- TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_ROUT_DEF::body -- end; r.code:=init_stmts; -- First do the initial statments.-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code TRANS::init_stmts if void(r.code) then -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code r.code:=pres -- Then the pre statement.-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code else r.code.append(pres) end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code if void(r.code) then -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code r.code:=code -- Then the body statement.-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code else r.code.append(code) end; -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code if void(as.ret_dec) then-- AS_ROUT_DEF::ret_dec -- if there's no return value, emit the post and invariant -- checks at the end; otherwise, they will be emitted with -- before the return. if void(r.code) then-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code r.code:=post_stmt -- Then the post statement. -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code TRANS::post_stmt else r.code.append(post_stmt) end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code TRANS::post_stmt if void(r.code) then-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code r.code:=inv_stmt -- Then the invariant statement. -- AM_ROUT_DEF::code TRANS::inv_stmt else r.code.append(inv_stmt) end;-- AM_ROUT_DEF::code TRANS::inv_stmt end; return r; end;
private is_some_array_sig(s:SIG):BOOL is -- True if `s' is a function/iter in AVAL or AREF. if void(s) then return false end;; typecase stp when TP_CLASS then if and then return false end; if void(stp.params) then return false end; if stp.params.size/=1 then return false end; return true else return false; end; end; private is_array_sig(s:SIG):BOOL is -- True if `s' is `aset' or `aget' in AVAL or AREF. if void(s) then return false end;; typecase stp when TP_CLASS then if and then return false end; if void(stp.params) then return false end; if stp.params.size/=1 then return false end; if and then return false end; return true else return false; end; end; is_aget_sig(s:SIG):BOOL is -- True if `s' is`aget' if void(s) then return false end;;-- SIG::tp typecase stp when TP_CLASS then -- note that external array classes may have no parameters, -- but internal ones must have a single parameter -- This may need to be changed later when the multidimensional -- array story for external classes is clear (and it is decided -- whether external classes should be built in or not) -- Another solution is to have, say, AREF{F_INTEGER} instead of -- F_INTEGER_ARR - then external arrays will behave similar to intern. if ~void(stp.params) then -- TP_CLASS::params BOOL::not if stp.params.size/=1 then return false end;-- TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq BOOL::not end; if then return false end;-- SIG::name IDENT::is_eq IDENT_BUILTIN::aget_ident BOOL::not return true; else return false; end; end;
transform_stmt_list(l:AS_STMT_LIST):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements all the statements in -- the source list `l'. if void(l) then return void end; s : $AS_STMT := l.stmts; if void(s) then return void end; osize:INT; if ~void(active_locals) then osize:=active_locals.size end; r:$AM_STMT; loop while!(~void(s)); if void(r) then r:=transform_stmt(s) else r.append(transform_stmt(s)) end; end; -- Close off the scope: if ~void(active_locals) then loop while!(active_locals.size>osize); ignore::=active_locals.pop end; end; return r; end;
transform_stmt(s:$AS_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. if void(s) then return void end; r:$AM_STMT; typecase s when AS_DEC_STMT then r:= transform_dec_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_dec_stmt when AS_ASSIGN_STMT then r:= transform_assign_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_assign_stmt when AS_IF_STMT then r:= transform_if_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_if_stmt when AS_LOOP_STMT then r:= transform_loop_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_loop_stmt when AS_RETURN_STMT then r:= transform_return_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_return_stmt when AS_YIELD_STMT then r:= transform_yield_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_yield_stmt when AS_QUIT_STMT then r:= transform_quit_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_quit_stmt when AS_CASE_STMT then r:= transform_case_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_case_stmt when AS_TYPECASE_STMT then r:= transform_typecase_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_typecase_stmt when AS_ASSERT_STMT then r:= transform_assert_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_assert_stmt when AS_PROTECT_STMT then r:= transform_protect_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_protect_stmt when AS_RAISE_STMT then r:= transform_raise_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_raise_stmt when AS_EXPR_STMT then r:= transform_expr_stmt(s)-- TRANS::transform_expr_stmt else if prog.psather then r := transform_pSather_stmt(s) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather TRANS::transform_pSather_stmt end; return r; end;
transform_dec_stmt(s:AS_DEC_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. l:AM_LOCAL_EXPR:=local_with_name(;-- TRANS::local_with_name AS_DEC_STMT::name err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc if ~void(l) then -- BOOL::not err("This local variable declaration is in the scope of " +-- TRANS::err + ":" + l.tp_at.str +-- STR::plus AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name IDENT::str STR::plus STR::plus AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at " which has the same name."); return void end;-- STR::plus the_tp:$TP := tp_of(;-- TRANS::tp_of AS_DEC_STMT::tp if the_tp.is_partial and ( /= AS_TYPE_SPEC::same) then-- AS_DEC_STMT::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::same BOOL::not err("Partial classes cannot be instantiated.");-- TRANS::err end; l:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(s.source,, the_tp,; -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_DEC_STMT::source AS_DEC_STMT::name AS_DEC_STMT::tp l.needs_init:=true; -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::needs_init add_local(l);-- TRANS::add_local return void; end;
transform_assign_stmt(s:AS_ASSIGN_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. if void(s.lhs_expr) then -- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::lhs_expr r::=transform_assign_dec_stmt(s);-- TRANS::transform_assign_dec_stmt return r; end; lhs:$AS_EXPR:=s.lhs_expr; err_loc(lhs); -- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::lhs_expr TRANS::err_loc typecase lhs when AS_CALL_EXPR then if lhs.is_array then -- AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array r::=transform_array_assign_stmt(lhs,s);-- TRANS::transform_array_assign_stmt return r; else r::= transform_call_assign_stmt(lhs,s);-- TRANS::transform_call_assign_stmt return r; end; when AS_SELF_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to `self'.");-- TRANS::err when AS_VOID_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to `void'.");-- TRANS::err when AS_IS_VOID_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a `void' test expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_ARRAY_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to an array expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_CREATE_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a creation expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a bound create expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_AND_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to an `and' expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_OR_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to an `or' expression."); -- TRANS::err when AS_EXCEPT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to an `exception' expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_NEW_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a `new' expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_INITIAL_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to an `initial' expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_BREAK_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a `break!' expression."); -- TRANS::err when AS_RESULT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a `result' expression."); -- TRANS::err when AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a boolean literal."); -- TRANS::err when AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a character literal."); -- TRANS::err when AS_STR_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a string literal."); -- TRANS::err when AS_INT_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to an integer literal."); -- TRANS::err when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to a floating point literal.");-- TRANS::err when AS_CLUSTER_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to an `cluster' expression.");-- TRANS::err when AS_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR then err("It is illegal to assign to an `cluster_size' expression."); -- TRANS::err else if prog.psather then transform_pSather_assign_stmt_err(s) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather TRANS::transform_pSather_assign_stmt_err end; return void; end;
transform_assign_dec_stmt(s:AS_ASSIGN_STMT):$AM_STMT -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. -- This is an assignment which declares a local variable and -- assigns to it. pre void(s) or void(s.lhs_expr) is-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::lhs_expr if void(s) then return void end; l:AM_LOCAL_EXPR:=local_with_name(;-- TRANS::local_with_name AS_ASSIGN_STMT::name err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc if ~void(l) then -- BOOL::not err("This local variable declaration is in the scope of " +-- TRANS::err + ":" + l.tp_at.str +-- STR::plus AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name IDENT::str STR::plus STR::plus AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at " which has the same name."); return void end;-- STR::plus l:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(s.source,,void); -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_ASSIGN_STMT::source AS_ASSIGN_STMT::name if in_protect_body then l.is_volatile:=true end;-- TRANS::in_protect_body AM_LOCAL_EXPR::is_volatile r:AM_ASSIGN_STMT; if ~void( then -- Explicitly specified type ":FOO:="-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::tp BOOL::not l.tp_at:=tp_of(;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at TRANS::tp_of AS_ASSIGN_STMT::tp if l.tp_at.is_partial and ( /= AS_TYPE_SPEC::same) then-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at AS_ASSIGN_STMT::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::same BOOL::not err("Partial classes cannot be instantiated.");-- TRANS::err end; l.as_type :=;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type AS_ASSIGN_STMT::tp if void(l.tp_at) then -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Compiler error, TRANS::transform_assign_dec_stmt, " "bad type."); -- TRANS::err return void end; add_local(l); -- Add it here since type is known.-- TRANS::add_local r:=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(s.source); r.dest:=l; -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_ASSIGN_STMT::source AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest r.src:=transform_expr(s.rhs,;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src TRANS::transform_expr AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp if void(r.src) then return void end;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src return r end; -- If you get here, then the declared type is inferred. rhs:$AS_EXPR:=s.rhs; err_loc(s.rhs);-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs TRANS::err_loc AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs typecase rhs when AS_VOID_EXPR then err("The right hand side of `::=' may not be `void'.");-- TRANS::err return void; when AS_CREATE_EXPR then if void( then-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp err("Creation expressions on the right hand side " "of `::=' must explicitly specify a type."); return void end;-- TRANS::err if tp_of( and -- TRANS::tp_of AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp ( /= AS_TYPE_SPEC::same) then-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::same BOOL::not err("Partial classes cannot be instantiated."); -- TRANS::err end; when AS_ARRAY_EXPR then err("The right hand side of `::=' may not be an array " "creation expression."); return void-- TRANS::err else end; r:=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(s.source); r.dest:=l; -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_ASSIGN_STMT::source AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest r.src:=transform_expr(s.rhs,void);-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src TRANS::transform_expr AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs if void(r.src) then -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src l.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob; add_local(l); return void end;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob TRANS::add_local; -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src add_local(l); -- TRANS::add_local if prog.psather then-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather rhsam ::= r.src;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src typecase rhsam when AM_LOCAL_EXPR then l.as_type := rhsam.as_type-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type when AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then l.as_type := rhsam.as_type-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::as_type when AM_GLOBAL_EXPR then l.as_type := rhsam.as_type-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::as_type when AM_ATTR_EXPR then l.as_type := rhsam.as_type-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type AM_ATTR_EXPR::as_type else end; end; return r; end;
transform_array_assign_stmt(l:AS_CALL_EXPR,s:AS_ASSIGN_STMT):$AM_STMT -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. -- This is an assignment to the call expression `l' which has -- `is_array' equal to true. So we know it is one of the forms: -- "[a,b,c]:=d" or "e[a,b,c]:=d" and should become "aset(a,b,c,d)" -- or "e.aset(a,b,c,d)". pre l.is_array=true is-- AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array BOOL::is_eq -- We change the call object by giving it the name "aset" adding -- on the righthand side as an extra argument, transform it and -- then change it back. r::=#AM_EXPR_STMT(l.source);-- AM_EXPR_STMT::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source; l.is_array:=false; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::aset_ident AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array if void(l.args) then -- AS_CALL_EXPR::args l.args:=s.rhs; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::args AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs -- Set the modes of newly create args a ::= l.args;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args loop while!(~void(a));-- BOOL::not mode::=#AS_ARG_MODE(AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_ARG_MODE::create AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode if void(l.modes) then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes l.modes := mode;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes else l.modes.append(mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes AS_ARG_MODE::append end;; end; r.expr:=transform_call_expr(l,void,false); -- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr TRANS::transform_call_expr l.args:=void; l.modes:=void;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args AS_CALL_EXPR::modes else lst::=l.args;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args modes::=l.modes;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes loop until!(void(;;;-- AS_ARG_MODE::next end; added_args::=s.rhs;-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs added_modes:AS_ARG_MODE; --set modes for newly added args loop while!(~void(added_args));-- BOOL::not mode::=#AS_ARG_MODE(AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_ARG_MODE::create AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode if void(added_modes) then added_modes:=mode; else added_modes.append(mode);-- AS_ARG_MODE::append end;; end;;-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs;-- AS_ARG_MODE::next r.expr:=transform_call_expr(l,void,false); -- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr TRANS::transform_call_expr; end;; l.is_array:=true;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array if ~void(r.expr) then return r else return void end; -- Ivin. -- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr BOOL::not end;
transform_call_assign_stmt(l:AS_CALL_EXPR,s:AS_ASSIGN_STMT):$AM_STMT -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. -- This is an assignment to the call expression `l' which has -- `is_array' equal to false. pre l.is_array=false is -- AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array BOOL::is_eq if ~void(l.args) then -- One of the forms: -- AS_CALL_EXPR::args BOOL::not -- "a(5):=foo", "x.a(5):=foo", or "A::a(5):=foo" err_loc(l);-- TRANS::err_loc err("It is illegal to assign to a call with arguments."); -- TRANS::err return void end; if void(l.ob) and void( then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::tp -- "a:=foo", This is the case that might be a local variable. loc:AM_LOCAL_EXPR:=local_with_name(;-- TRANS::local_with_name AS_CALL_EXPR::name if ~void(loc) then r::=transform_local_assign_stmt(loc,s);-- BOOL::not TRANS::transform_local_assign_stmt return r; end end; -- At this point we are either of the form "a:=foo" and not a -- local, "x.a:=foo" or "A::x:=foo". -- We change the call object by adding on the righthand side as an -- argument, transform it and then put it back to void: l.args:=s.rhs;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs -- It is important to set modes of newly created args a ::= l.args;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args loop while!(~void(a));-- BOOL::not mode::=#AS_ARG_MODE(AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_ARG_MODE::create AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode if void(l.modes) then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes l.modes := mode;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes else l.modes.append(mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes AS_ARG_MODE::append end;; end; r::=#AM_EXPR_STMT(l.source);-- AM_EXPR_STMT::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source r.expr:=transform_call_expr(l,void,false);-- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr TRANS::transform_call_expr l.args:=void; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::args if ~void(r.expr) then return r else return void end; -- Ivin.-- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr BOOL::not end;
transform_local_assign_stmt(loc:AM_LOCAL_EXPR, s:AS_ASSIGN_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source assignment -- `s'. At this point we know it is an assignment to the local -- variable `loc'. if loc.no_assign then-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::no_assign err_loc(s); -- TRANS::err_loc err("It is illegal to assign to the typecase variable.");-- TRANS::err return void; end; r::=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(s.source);-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_ASSIGN_STMT::source -- Does the assignment to the local. r.dest:=loc; -- Make the local be the destination.-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest if in_protect_body then loc.is_volatile:=true end;-- TRANS::in_protect_body AM_LOCAL_EXPR::is_volatile r.src:=transform_expr(s.rhs,;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src TRANS::transform_expr AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp if void(r.src) then return void end; -- Type error.-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src if prog.psather then transform_pSather_local_assign(loc,s) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather TRANS::transform_pSather_local_assign return r; end;
transform_if_stmt(s:AS_IF_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. r::=#AM_IF_STMT(s.source); r.test:=transform_expr(s.test, TP_BUILTIN::bool); if void(r.test) then return void end; -- Not a boolean. r.if_true:=transform_stmt_list(s.then_part); r.if_false:=transform_stmt_list(s.else_part); return r; end; ----------- transform_loop_stmt(s:AS_LOOP_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. ol:AM_LOOP_STMT:=cur_loop; -- Save the old loop object, if any.-- TRANS::cur_loop r::=#AM_LOOP_STMT(s.source); -- AM_LOOP_STMT::create AS_LOOP_STMT::source cur_loop:=r; -- Any enclosed iters will add themselves.-- TRANS::cur_loop old_in_protect_but_not_loop:BOOL:=in_protect_but_not_loop;-- TRANS::in_protect_but_not_loop in_protect_but_not_loop:=false;-- TRANS::in_protect_but_not_loop r.body:=transform_stmt_list(s.body);-- AM_LOOP_STMT::body TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_LOOP_STMT::body in_protect_but_not_loop:=old_in_protect_but_not_loop;-- TRANS::in_protect_but_not_loop if ~void(ol) and ~void(r) then-- BOOL::not BOOL::not ol.has_yield:=ol.has_yield or r.has_yield; -- Prop "has_yield".-- AM_LOOP_STMT::has_yield AM_LOOP_STMT::has_yield AM_LOOP_STMT::has_yield end; cur_loop:=ol; -- Restore the old loop object, if any.-- TRANS::cur_loop if prog.prolix and ~prog.loops_seen.test(s.source) then-- TRANS::prog PROG::prolix TRANS::prog PROG::loops_seen FSET{1}::test AS_LOOP_STMT::source BOOL::not -- Number of iters, not including break!, while! or until!. num::=r.its.size;-- AM_LOOP_STMT::its FLIST{1}::size -- Number with hot arguments hots::=0; loop sig::=r.its.elt!.fun;-- AM_LOOP_STMT::its FLIST{1}::elt! AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun if ~void( then-- SIG::hot BOOL::not loop if! then-- SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! hots:=hots+1;-- INT::plus break!; end end end end; -- Make sure there's a place for the statistics if void(prog.itercounts) then prog.itercounts:=#(10) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::itercounts TRANS::prog PROG::itercounts ARRAY{1}::create if void(prog.hotcounts) then prog.hotcounts:=#(10) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::hotcounts TRANS::prog PROG::hotcounts ARRAY{1}::create -- Update the histograms prog.itercounts[num]:=prog.itercounts[num]+1;-- TRANS::prog PROG::itercounts ARRAY{1}::aset TRANS::prog PROG::itercounts ARRAY{1}::aget INT::plus prog.hotcounts[hots]:=prog.hotcounts[hots]+1;-- TRANS::prog PROG::hotcounts ARRAY{1}::aset TRANS::prog PROG::hotcounts ARRAY{1}::aget INT::plus -- Make sure never update stats for this one again prog.loops_seen:=prog.loops_seen.insert(s.source);-- TRANS::prog PROG::loops_seen TRANS::prog PROG::loops_seen FSET{1}::insert AS_LOOP_STMT::source end; if ~void(cur_se) and INT::maxint-cur_se.weight>10 then cur_se.weight:=cur_se.weight+10; end;-- TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not INT::maxint TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::weight INT::is_lt TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::weight TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::weight INT::plus return r; end;
transform_return_stmt(s:AS_RETURN_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. if is_iter then return_in_iter_err(s); return void end;-- TRANS::is_iter TRANS::return_in_iter_err --pSather if is_in_par_or_fork then return_in_par_fork_err(s); return void; end;-- TRANS::is_in_par_or_fork TRANS::return_in_par_fork_err if ~void( then stmts_after_return_err(s) end;-- AS_RETURN_STMT::next BOOL::not TRANS::stmts_after_return_err rtp:$TP:=cur_rout.sig.ret; -- The return type if any. -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::ret res:$AM_STMT; if void(s.val) then -- No return value specified.-- AS_RETURN_STMT::val if ~void(rtp) then -- BOOL::not missing_return_value_err(s,rtp); return void end;-- TRANS::missing_return_value_err res:=#AM_RETURN_STMT(s.source);-- AM_RETURN_STMT::create AS_RETURN_STMT::source else -- with return value. a::=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(s.source);-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_RETURN_STMT::source a.dest:=cur_rout.rres;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::rres if void(rtp) then extra_return_value_err(s, cur_rout.sig); return void end;-- TRANS::extra_return_value_err TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig r::=#AM_RETURN_STMT(s.source); -- AM_RETURN_STMT::create AS_RETURN_STMT::source;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::next r.val:=cur_rout.rres;-- AM_RETURN_STMT::val TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::rres a.src:=transform_expr(s.val,rtp);-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src TRANS::transform_expr AS_RETURN_STMT::val if void(a.src) then return void end; -- wrong type.-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src res:=a; end; if ~void(inv_stmt) then-- TRANS::inv_stmt BOOL::not stmt::=inv_stmt.copy;-- TRANS::inv_stmt AM_INVARIANT_STMT::copy;; end; if ~void(post_stmt) then-- TRANS::post_stmt BOOL::not stmt::=post_stmt.copy;-- TRANS::post_stmt AM_POST_STMT::copy;; end; return res; end; return_in_iter_err(s:AS_RETURN_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`return' statements may not appear in iters."); -- TRANS::err end; stmts_after_return_err(s:AS_RETURN_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("No statements may follow `return' in a statment list.");-- TRANS::err end; missing_return_value_err(s:AS_RETURN_STMT, tp:$TP) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("A return value of type: " + tp.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " must be specified."); -- STR::plus end; extra_return_value_err(s:AS_RETURN_STMT, sig:SIG) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("No return value should be provided for the signature: " + -- TRANS::err sig.str + "."); -- STR::plus SIG::str STR::plus end; return_in_par_fork_err(s:AS_RETURN_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`return' statements may not appear in `par', `parloop', or `fork'.") -- TRANS::err end;
transform_yield_stmt(s:AS_YIELD_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. if ~is_iter then yield_in_rout_err(s); return void end;-- TRANS::is_iter BOOL::not TRANS::yield_in_rout_err if in_protect_body then yield_in_protect_err(s); return void end;-- TRANS::in_protect_body TRANS::yield_in_protect_err if in_protect_then then yield_in_protect_err(s); return void end;-- TRANS::in_protect_then TRANS::yield_in_protect_err --pSather if is_in_par_or_fork then yield_in_par_fork_err(s); return void end;-- TRANS::is_in_par_or_fork TRANS::yield_in_par_fork_err if is_in_lock and ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_yield_in_lock:=true; end;-- TRANS::is_in_lock TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_yield_in_lock rtp:$TP:=cur_rout.sig.ret; -- The return type if any. -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::ret if void(s.val) then -- No return value specified.-- AS_YIELD_STMT::val if ~void(rtp) then -- BOOL::not missing_yield_value_err(s,rtp); return void end;-- TRANS::missing_yield_value_err y::=#AM_YIELD_STMT(s.source); -- AM_YIELD_STMT::create AS_YIELD_STMT::source cur_yield_ind:=cur_yield_ind+1; y.ret:=cur_yield_ind; -- TRANS::cur_yield_ind TRANS::cur_yield_ind INT::plus AM_YIELD_STMT::ret TRANS::cur_yield_ind cur_rout.num_yields:=cur_rout.num_yields+1;-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::num_yields TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::num_yields INT::plus if ~void(cur_loop) then cur_loop.has_yield:=true end;-- TRANS::cur_loop BOOL::not TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::has_yield return y else -- with return value. if void(rtp) then extra_yield_value_err(s, cur_rout.sig); return void end;-- TRANS::extra_yield_value_err TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig r::=#AM_YIELD_STMT(s.source);-- AM_YIELD_STMT::create AS_YIELD_STMT::source r.val:=transform_expr(s.val,rtp);-- AM_YIELD_STMT::val TRANS::transform_expr AS_YIELD_STMT::val if void(r.val) then return void end; -- wrong type. -- AM_YIELD_STMT::val cur_yield_ind:=cur_yield_ind+1; r.ret:=cur_yield_ind; -- TRANS::cur_yield_ind TRANS::cur_yield_ind INT::plus AM_YIELD_STMT::ret TRANS::cur_yield_ind cur_rout.num_yields:=cur_rout.num_yields+1; -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::num_yields TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::num_yields INT::plus if ~void(cur_loop) then cur_loop.has_yield:=true end; -- TRANS::cur_loop BOOL::not TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::has_yield return r; end; end; yield_in_rout_err(s:AS_YIELD_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`yield' statements may not appear in routines."); -- TRANS::err end; yield_in_par_fork_err(s:AS_YIELD_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`yield' statements may not appear in `par', `parloop', or `fork'."); -- TRANS::err end; yield_in_protect_err(s:AS_YIELD_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`yield' statements may not appear in `protect'."); -- TRANS::err end; missing_yield_value_err(s:AS_YIELD_STMT, tp:$TP) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("A yield value of type: " + tp.str + " must be specified."); -- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus end; extra_yield_value_err(s:AS_YIELD_STMT, sig:SIG) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("No yield value should be provided for the signature: "+sig.str+"."); -- TRANS::err STR::plus SIG::str STR::plus end;
transform_quit_stmt(s:AS_QUIT_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. --pSather if is_in_par_or_fork then quit_in_par_fork_err(s); return void; end;-- TRANS::is_in_par_or_fork TRANS::quit_in_par_fork_err if ~is_iter then quit_in_rout_err(s); return void end;-- TRANS::is_iter BOOL::not TRANS::quit_in_rout_err if ~void( then stmts_after_quit_err(s) end;-- AS_QUIT_STMT::next BOOL::not TRANS::stmts_after_quit_err r::=#AM_RETURN_STMT(s.source);-- AM_RETURN_STMT::create AS_QUIT_STMT::source return r; end; quit_in_par_fork_err(s:AS_QUIT_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`quit' statements may not appear in `par', `parloop', or `fork'.") -- TRANS::err end; quit_in_rout_err(s:AS_QUIT_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`quit' statements may not appear in routines."); -- TRANS::err end; stmts_after_quit_err(s:AS_QUIT_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("No statements may follow `quit' in a statment list."); -- TRANS::err end;
transform_case_stmt(s:AS_CASE_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. if void(s) then return void end; if ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_fatal_error:=true; end; r::=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(s.source); -- Assign test to a local variable. r.src:=transform_expr(s.test,void); if void(r.src) then return void end; l::=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(s.source,void,; add_local(l); r.dest:=l;,s.when_part,l); return r; end; private const_to_switch(e:$AM_EXPR):$AM_CONST is -- returns a constant expression that can be used in a -- when clause of an AM_CASE_STMT, or void if it cannot -- be used. if void(e) then return void; end; typecase e when AM_CHAR_CONST then return e; when AM_INT_CONST then return e; when AM_GLOBAL_EXPR then return const_to_switch(e.init);-- TRANS::const_to_switch AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::init else return void; end; end; transform_case_when(s:AS_CASE_STMT, cw:AS_CASE_WHEN, l:AM_LOCAL_EXPR):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the list of "when" clauses -- and else clause in `s' starting at `cw'. `l' is the local variable -- with the value to test against. This will generate -- AM_CASE_STMT's for constants and AM_IF_STMT's otherwise. if void(cw) then -- Just do the else clause. if s.no_else then-- AS_CASE_STMT::no_else r::=#AM_CASE_STMT(s.source);-- AM_CASE_STMT::create AS_CASE_STMT::source r.test:=l; r.no_else:=true; -- AM_CASE_STMT::test AM_CASE_STMT::no_else return r; else r::= transform_stmt_list(s.else_part);-- TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_CASE_STMT::else_part return r; end; end; err_loc(cw); -- In case of error.-- TRANS::err_loc ct:$CALL_TP:=call_tp_of_expr(cw.val); -- Call type of test expr.-- TRANS::call_tp_of_expr AS_CASE_WHEN::val v:$AM_EXPR; -- The value of test expr. if void(ct) then v:=transform_expr(cw.val,void); -- TRANS::transform_expr AS_CASE_WHEN::val if void(v) then return void end; -- Error! cv:$AM_CONST:=const_to_switch(v);-- TRANS::const_to_switch if ~void(cv) then-- BOOL::not r::=#AM_CASE_STMT(cw.source);-- AM_CASE_STMT::create AS_CASE_WHEN::source r.test:=l;-- AM_CASE_STMT::test last_then:$AS_STMT:=cw.then_part.stmts;-- AS_CASE_WHEN::then_part AS_STMT_LIST::stmts ls:FLIST{$AM_CONST}; ls:=ls.push(cv);-- FLIST{1}::push r.tgts:=r.tgts.push(ls);-- AM_CASE_STMT::tgts AM_CASE_STMT::tgts FLIST{1}::push r.stmts:=r.stmts.push(transform_stmt_list(cw.then_part));-- AM_CASE_STMT::stmts AM_CASE_STMT::stmts FLIST{1}::push TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_CASE_WHEN::then_part loop;-- AS_CASE_WHEN::next if void(cw) then if s.no_else then r.no_else:=true -- AS_CASE_STMT::no_else AM_CASE_STMT::no_else else r.else_stmts:=transform_stmt_list(s.else_part) end;-- AM_CASE_STMT::else_stmts TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_CASE_STMT::else_part return r end; if ~void(call_tp_of_expr(cw.val)) then -- Do an if in else.-- TRANS::call_tp_of_expr AS_CASE_WHEN::val BOOL::not r.else_stmts:=transform_case_when(s,cw,l); -- AM_CASE_STMT::else_stmts TRANS::transform_case_when return r end; v:=transform_expr(cw.val,void);-- TRANS::transform_expr AS_CASE_WHEN::val if void(v) then return void end; -- Error! cv:=const_to_switch(v);-- TRANS::const_to_switch if ~void(cv) then-- BOOL::not if SYS::ob_eq(last_then,cw.then_part) then -- SYS::ob_eq AS_CASE_WHEN::then_part -- add to same stmt ls:=r.tgts.pop; ls:=ls.push(cv); -- AM_CASE_STMT::tgts FLIST{1}::pop FLIST{1}::push r.tgts:=r.tgts.push(ls);-- AM_CASE_STMT::tgts AM_CASE_STMT::tgts FLIST{1}::push else -- Start a new "when" list ls:=void; ls:=ls.push(cv); r.tgts:=r.tgts.push(ls);-- FLIST{1}::push AM_CASE_STMT::tgts AM_CASE_STMT::tgts FLIST{1}::push r.stmts:=r.stmts.push(transform_stmt_list(cw.then_part));-- AM_CASE_STMT::stmts AM_CASE_STMT::stmts FLIST{1}::push TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_CASE_WHEN::then_part end; else -- Do an if and put it in else. r.else_stmts:=transform_case_when(s,cw,l); -- AM_CASE_STMT::else_stmts TRANS::transform_case_when return r end; -- if end; -- loop end; -- if end; -- if -- At this point we need to generate an `if'. One of `ct' and -- `v' is void, the other non-void. cs::=#CALL_SIG;-- CALL_SIG::create;;-- CALL_SIG::tp AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at CALL_SIG::name IDENT_BUILTIN::is_eq_ident cs.has_ret:=true; -- CALL_SIG::has_ret cs.args:=#ARRAY{CALL_ARG}(1); -- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create if ~void(ct) then cs.args[0]:=#(ct) else cs.args[0]:=#( end;-- BOOL::not CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aset CALL_ARG::create CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aset CALL_ARG::create sig:SIG:=cs.lookup(; -- Arg true if in this class.-- CALL_SIG::lookup TRANS::tp_con TP_CONTEXT::same TP_CLASS::is_eq CALL_SIG::tp if void(sig) then return void end; -- Error! if sig.ret/=TP_BUILTIN::bool then-- SIG::ret TP_BUILTIN::bool BOOL::not err("The `is_eq' routine corresponding to a `case' branch " "must return a boolean."); return void end;-- TRANS::err if void(v) then v:=transform_expr(cw.val,sig.args[0].tp) end;-- TRANS::transform_expr AS_CASE_WHEN::val SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp if void(v) then return void end; -- Error! -- Create the call on the routine `is_eq'. arc::=#AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(2,cw.source);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CASE_WHEN::source; arc[0]:=#(l); arc[1]:=#(v);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create r::=#AM_IF_STMT(cw.source); -- AM_IF_STMT::create AS_CASE_WHEN::source cur_se.mark_context(arc);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_context r.test:=special_inline(arc); -- AM_IF_STMT::test TRANS::special_inline r.if_true:=transform_stmt_list(cw.then_part);-- AM_IF_STMT::if_true TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_CASE_WHEN::then_part r.if_false:=transform_case_when(s,,l); -- AM_IF_STMT::if_false TRANS::transform_case_when AS_CASE_WHEN::next return r; end;
transform_typecase_stmt(s: AS_TYPECASE_STMT): $AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. l ::= local_with_name(; -- TRANS::local_with_name AS_TYPECASE_STMT::name if void(l) then typecase_local_err(s); return void end;-- TRANS::typecase_local_err if cur_rout.local_is_hot(l) then -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::local_is_hot typecase_hot_local_err(s);-- TRANS::typecase_hot_local_err return void end; old_no_assign ::= l.no_assign; -- Old value (if currently in typecase).-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::no_assign l.no_assign:=true; -- Freeze it for the current typecase.-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::no_assign ltp:$; -- The declared type of the local.-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp las_type:AS_TYPE_SPEC:=l.as_type; -- The declared tye of the local.-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type r ::= #AM_TYPECASE_STMT(s.source); -- the likely result-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::create AS_TYPECASE_STMT::source r.test:=l;-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::test r.no_else := true;-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else r.has_void_stmts := false;-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::has_void_stmts wp ::= s.when_part;-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::when_part if ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_fatal_error:=true; end;-- TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error loop while!(~void(wp));-- BOOL::not tp:$TP:=tp_of(; -- Type to compare against. -- TRANS::tp_of AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::tp if ltp.is_subtype(tp) then -- this will definitely match r.no_else := false;-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else r.else_stmts := transform_stmt_list(wp.then_part);-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::else_stmts TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::then_part r.has_void_stmts := true;-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::has_void_stmts -- at this point, else_stmts contain void statements to -- be called even if the object is void (no tag) -- possibly issue a warning about never-reached when-parts break! elsif ltp.is_abstract then -- local is abstract, this requires a typetest l.tp_at:=tp;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at l.as_type :=; -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::tp r.tgts:=r.tgts.push(tp);-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::tgts AM_TYPECASE_STMT::tgts FLIST{1}::push r.stmts:=r.stmts.push(transform_stmt_list(wp.then_part));-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::stmts AM_TYPECASE_STMT::stmts FLIST{1}::push TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::then_part l.tp_at:=ltp; -- Change the declared type back.-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp_at l.as_type := las_type; -- Change the declared type back.-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::as_type else -- typecase that can never ever match -> warning ? end; AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::next end; l.no_assign := old_no_assign;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::no_assign if r.no_else and ~s.no_else then -- no matching branch found-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else AS_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else BOOL::not r.no_else := false;-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else r.else_stmts := transform_stmt_list(s.else_part);-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::else_stmts TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_TYPECASE_STMT::else_part r.has_void_stmts := true;-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::has_void_stmts -- else_stmts at this point also contain statements to -- be executed for void (i.e. untagged) argument end; if void(r.stmts) then -- no typetest to be made-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::stmts if r.no_else then -- no match at all-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else typecase_no_branch_err(s);-- TRANS::typecase_no_branch_err return r; -- return void ? else return r.else_stmts-- AM_TYPECASE_STMT::else_stmts end; end; return r; end; typecase_local_err(s:AS_TYPECASE_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("The name `" + + "' isn't a local variable."); -- TRANS::err STR::plus AS_TYPECASE_STMT::name IDENT::str STR::plus end; typecase_hot_local_err(s:AS_TYPECASE_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("The typecase test local `" + +-- TRANS::err STR::plus AS_TYPECASE_STMT::name IDENT::str "' must not be a `!' argument to an iter."); -- STR::plus end; typecase_no_branch_err(s:AS_TYPECASE_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("There are no matching branches in this typecase."); -- TRANS::err end;
transform_assert_stmt(s:AS_ASSERT_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. r::=#AM_ASSERT_STMT(s.source);-- AM_ASSERT_STMT::create AS_ASSERT_STMT::source r.test:=transform_expr(s.test, TP_BUILTIN::bool);-- AM_ASSERT_STMT::test TRANS::transform_expr AS_ASSERT_STMT::test TP_BUILTIN::bool if void(r.test) then return void end; -- Not a boolean.-- AM_ASSERT_STMT::test if prog.assert_checks and ~void(cur_se) then cur_se.has_fatal_error:=true; end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::assert_checks TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error return r; end;
transform_protect_stmt(s:AS_PROTECT_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. -- Since registers are restored after a longjump, we have to make -- sure that no local variables which could have been changed in -- the protect and are used later are held in registers. We are -- a bit conservative here and make any locals which are assigned -- to in the protect body be volatile. r::=#AM_PROTECT_STMT(s.source);-- AM_PROTECT_STMT::create AS_PROTECT_STMT::source old_in_protect_body:BOOL:=in_protect_body; -- TRANS::in_protect_body in_protect_body:=true;-- TRANS::in_protect_body old_in_protect_but_not_loop:BOOL:=in_protect_but_not_loop;-- TRANS::in_protect_but_not_loop in_protect_but_not_loop:=true;-- TRANS::in_protect_but_not_loop r.body:=transform_stmt_list(s.body);-- AM_PROTECT_STMT::body TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_PROTECT_STMT::body in_protect_body:=old_in_protect_body;-- TRANS::in_protect_body wp:AS_PROTECT_WHEN:=s.when_part;-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::when_part loop while!(~void(wp));-- BOOL::not tp:$TP:=tp_of(; -- Type to compare against.-- TRANS::tp_of AS_PROTECT_WHEN::tp oex_tp:$TP:=ex_tp; ex_tp:=tp; -- TRANS::ex_tp TRANS::ex_tp old_in_protect_then:BOOL:=in_protect_then; in_protect_then:=true;-- TRANS::in_protect_then TRANS::in_protect_then r.tgts:=r.tgts.push(tp);-- AM_PROTECT_STMT::tgts AM_PROTECT_STMT::tgts FLIST{1}::push -- if prog.psather then transform_pSather_protect_when_stuff(tp,wp,s) end; r.stmts:=r.stmts.push(transform_stmt_list(wp.then_part));-- AM_PROTECT_STMT::stmts AM_PROTECT_STMT::stmts FLIST{1}::push TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_PROTECT_WHEN::then_part in_protect_then:=old_in_protect_then;-- TRANS::in_protect_then ex_tp:=oex_tp; -- Change exception type back.-- TRANS::ex_tp end;-- AS_PROTECT_WHEN::next if s.no_else then -- Raise the same exception.-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::no_else r.no_else:=true;-- AM_PROTECT_STMT::no_else else -- Do the else statements. oex_tp:$TP:=ex_tp; ex_tp:=TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob;-- TRANS::ex_tp TRANS::ex_tp TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob old_in_protect_then:BOOL:=in_protect_then; in_protect_then:=true;-- TRANS::in_protect_then TRANS::in_protect_then -- if prog.psather then transform_pSather_protect_else_stuff(s) end; r.else_stmts:=transform_stmt_list(s.else_part);-- AM_PROTECT_STMT::else_stmts TRANS::transform_stmt_list AS_PROTECT_STMT::else_part in_protect_then:=old_in_protect_then;-- TRANS::in_protect_then ex_tp:=oex_tp; end;-- TRANS::ex_tp in_protect_but_not_loop:=old_in_protect_but_not_loop;-- TRANS::in_protect_but_not_loop return r; end;
transform_raise_stmt(s:AS_RAISE_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. if ~void( then stmts_after_raise_err(s) end;-- AS_RAISE_STMT::next BOOL::not TRANS::stmts_after_raise_err --pSather if is_in_par_or_fork and ~in_protect_body then-- TRANS::is_in_par_or_fork TRANS::in_protect_body BOOL::not unprotected_raise_in_par_fork_warning(s);-- TRANS::unprotected_raise_in_par_fork_warning end; r::=#AM_RAISE_STMT(s.source);-- AM_RAISE_STMT::create AS_RAISE_STMT::source if ~void(cur_se) then-- TRANS::cur_se BOOL::not cur_se.has_raise:=true;-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::has_raise end; r.val:=transform_expr(s.val,void);-- AM_RAISE_STMT::val TRANS::transform_expr AS_RAISE_STMT::val if void(r.val) then return void end; -- AM_RAISE_STMT::val return r; end; stmts_after_raise_err(s:AS_RAISE_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("No statements may follow `raise' in a statment list."); -- TRANS::err end; unprotected_raise_in_par_fork_warning(s:AS_RAISE_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc warning("Inside of `par', `parloop', or `fork' this `raise' "+-- TRANS::warning "should be inside of a `protect'."); -- STR::plus end;
transform_expr_stmt(s:AS_EXPR_STMT):$AM_STMT is -- A list of AM_STMT's which implements the source statement `s'. e:$AS_EXPR:=s.e; -- The expression.-- AS_EXPR_STMT::e typecase e when AS_BREAK_EXPR then if void(cur_loop) then break_not_in_loop_err(s); return void end;-- TRANS::cur_loop TRANS::break_not_in_loop_err r::= #AM_BREAK_STMT(s.source);-- AM_BREAK_STMT::create AS_EXPR_STMT::source return r; when AS_CALL_EXPR then r::=#AM_EXPR_STMT(s.source); -- AM_EXPR_STMT::create AS_EXPR_STMT::source r.expr:=transform_call_expr(e,void,false);-- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr TRANS::transform_call_expr if ~void( then, TP_BUILTIN::int); end;-- AS_EXPR_STMT::at BOOL::not AM_EXPR_STMT::at TRANS::transform_expr AS_EXPR_STMT::at TP_BUILTIN::int if ~void(r.expr) then return r else return void end; -- Ivin.-- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr BOOL::not when AS_AT_EXPR then r::=#AM_AT_EXPR(e.source);-- AM_AT_EXPR::create AS_AT_EXPR::source ce::=e.e;-- AS_AT_EXPR::e typecase ce when AS_CALL_EXPR then r.e := transform_call_expr(ce,void,false);-- AM_AT_EXPR::e TRANS::transform_call_expr end; if void(r.e) then return void end; -- Type Error.-- AM_AT_EXPR::e := transform_expr(, TP_BUILTIN::int);-- AM_AT_EXPR::at TRANS::transform_expr AS_AT_EXPR::at TP_BUILTIN::int if void( then return void end; -- Type Error-- AM_AT_EXPR::at r2::=#AM_EXPR_STMT(s.source); -- AM_EXPR_STMT::create AS_EXPR_STMT::source r2.expr:=r;-- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr return r2; else expr_stmt_err(s); -- TRANS::expr_stmt_err return void; end; end; break_not_in_loop_err(s:AS_EXPR_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`break!', `while!' and `until!' calls must appear " "inside loops."); -- TRANS::err end; expr_stmt_err(s:AS_EXPR_STMT) is err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Expressions used as statements may not have return " "values."); -- TRANS::err end;
call_tp_of_expr(e:$AS_EXPR):$CALL_TP is -- Returns the call type of an expression, if it is one of the -- special cases. Otherwise it returns void. (To get the -- actual type, you have to do `transform_expr'. if void(e) then #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::call_tp_of_expr(void).";-- OUT::create OUT::plus return void end; typecase e when AS_VOID_EXPR then return #CALL_TP_VOID-- CALL_TP_VOID::create when AS_CREATE_EXPR then if void( then return #CALL_TP_CREATE -- AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp CALL_TP_CREATE::create else return void end when AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR then -- what do we do if partial specification is allowed? (Boris) return #CALL_TP_BOUND_CREATE; -- CALL_TP_BOUND_CREATE::create when AS_ARRAY_EXPR then return #CALL_TP_ARRAY-- CALL_TP_ARRAY::create when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then tua::=#CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE; -- CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE::create -- typed "underscore" case if ~void( then end; -- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::tp BOOL::not CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE::tp TRANS::tp_of AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::tp return tua else return void; end; end;
transform_expr(e:$AS_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Return an expression which evaluates `e'. If `tp' is not void -- then use it as the inferred type. Print an error message if -- if is not a supertype of the expression type. In this case -- return void. If `tp' is void then the expression must determine -- its own type. if void(e) then return void end; r:$AM_EXPR; typecase e when AS_SELF_EXPR then r:= transform_self_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_self_expr when AS_CALL_EXPR then r:= transform_call_expr(e,tp,true)-- TRANS::transform_call_expr -- This is special since we need to know whether a return -- value is used to resolve overloading. The only way the -- return value won't be used is in an expression statement. -- If we get to it from here, the value must be used. when AS_VOID_EXPR then r:= transform_void_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_void_expr when AS_IS_VOID_EXPR then r:= transform_is_void_expr(e,tp) -- TRANS::transform_is_void_expr when AS_ARRAY_EXPR then r:= transform_array_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_array_expr when AS_CREATE_EXPR then r:= transform_create_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_create_expr when AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR then r:= transform_bound_create_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_bound_create_expr when AS_AND_EXPR then r:= transform_and_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_and_expr when AS_OR_EXPR then r:= transform_or_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_or_expr when AS_EXCEPT_EXPR then r:= transform_except_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_except_expr when AS_NEW_EXPR then r:= transform_new_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_new_expr when AS_INITIAL_EXPR then r:= transform_initial_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_initial_expr when AS_BREAK_EXPR then r:= transform_break_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_break_expr when AS_RESULT_EXPR then r:= transform_result_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_result_expr when AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR then r:= transform_bool_lit_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_bool_lit_expr when AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR then r:= transform_char_lit_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_char_lit_expr when AS_STR_LIT_EXPR then r:= transform_str_lit_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_str_lit_expr when AS_INT_LIT_EXPR then r:= transform_int_lit_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_int_lit_expr when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR then r:= transform_flt_lit_expr(e,tp) -- TRANS::transform_flt_lit_expr when AS_CLUSTER_EXPR then r:= transform_cluster_expr(e,tp)-- TRANS::transform_cluster_expr when AS_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR then r:= transform_cluster_size_expr(e,tp) -- TRANS::transform_cluster_size_expr else if prog.psather then r := transform_pSather_expr(e,tp) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather TRANS::transform_pSather_expr end; return r; end;
transform_self_expr(e:AS_SELF_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if in_constant then self_const_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::self_const_err sl:AM_LOCAL_EXPR:=cur_rout.self_local;-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::self_local if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if then-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp BOOL::not self_context_err(e,,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::self_context_err AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp return sl; end; self_const_err(e:AS_SELF_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`self' may not appear in a shared or constant " "initialization expression."); -- TRANS::err end; self_context_err(e:AS_SELF_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of self: " + stp.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_call_expr(e:AS_CALL_EXPR, tp:$TP, has_ret:BOOL):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. `has_ret' says -- whether the return value is used. if void(cur_rout) and ~in_constant then-- TRANS::cur_rout TRANS::in_constant BOOL::not #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::transform_call_expr, "-- OUT::create "cur_rout=void."; return void end;-- OUT::plus if void(e) then return void end; r:$AM_EXPR; err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc if ~void( then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp BOOL::not if void(e.ob) and tp_of( then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob TRANS::tp_of AS_CALL_EXPR::tp err("No calls into partial classes allowed.");-- TRANS::err end; end; r:=call_expr_check_local(e,tp); -- TRANS::call_expr_check_local if ~void(r) then -- BOOL::not return r end; stup:TUP{$AM_EXPR,$TP}:=call_self(e); -- TRANS::call_self if void(stup) then return void end; -- Fail self_val:$AM_EXPR:=stup.t1; self_tp:$TP:=stup.t2;-- TUP{2}::t1 TUP{2}::t2 if void(self_tp) then return void end; -- Failure. in_class:BOOL; if self_tp=tp_con.same then in_class:=true end;-- TRANS::tp_con TP_CONTEXT::same call_sig::=#CALL_SIG; call_sig.has_ret:=has_ret;-- CALL_SIG::create CALL_SIG::has_ret;;-- CALL_SIG::name TRANS::call_expr_rout_name CALL_SIG::tp args:ARRAY{AM_CALL_ARG}; nargs:INT:=e.args_size;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args_size if ~void(e.args) then args:=#ARRAY{AM_CALL_ARG}(nargs);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args BOOL::not ARRAY{1}::create call_sig.args:=#ARRAY{CALL_ARG}(nargs) end; -- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create sig:SIG:=call_expr_get_sig(e,call_sig,args,in_class);-- TRANS::call_expr_get_sig if prog.psather then sys_closure_self(sig) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather TRANS::sys_closure_self if void(sig) then return void end; cr:$AM_CALL_EXPR; er:AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR; ir:AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR; rr:AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR; brr:AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR; bir:AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR; --AJ- call_check_out_args(e);-- TRANS::call_check_out_args typecase self_tp when TP_CLASS then if self_tp.is_external then-- TP_CLASS::is_external if in_constant then ext_call_const_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::ext_call_const_err im:IMPL:=self_tp.impl;-- TP_CLASS::impl if void(im) then #OUT + "Compiler err, TRANS::transform_call_expr, "-- OUT::create "im=void."; return void end;-- OUT::plus el:ELT:=im.elt_with_sig(sig);-- IMPL::elt_with_sig if void(el) then #OUT + "Compiler err, TRANS::transform_call_expr, "-- OUT::create "el=void.";-- OUT::plus return void end; er:=#AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR(nargs+1,e.source,name_for_ext(el)); -- AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::create INT::plus AS_CALL_EXPR::source TRANS::name_for_ext er[0]:=#(self_val);;-- AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::fun if ~void(args) then-- BOOL::not i:INT:=0; loop while!(i<nargs); er[i+1]:=args[i]; i:=i+1 end;-- INT::is_lt AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::aset INT::plus ARRAY{1}::aget INT::plus end; cr:=er; elsif then -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT::is_iter if in_protect_but_not_loop then -- TRANS::in_protect_but_not_loop iter_in_protect_err(e); return void;-- TRANS::iter_in_protect_err end; ir:=#AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR(nargs+1,e.source); -- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::create INT::plus AS_CALL_EXPR::source ir[0]:=#(self_val);;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun if ~void(args) then-- BOOL::not i:INT:=0; loop while!(i<nargs); ir[i+1]:=args[i]; i:=i+1 end;-- INT::is_lt AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aset INT::plus ARRAY{1}::aget INT::plus end; cr:=call_fix_iter(ir);-- TRANS::call_fix_iter else rr:=#AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(nargs+1,e.source); -- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create INT::plus AS_CALL_EXPR::source rr[0]:=#(self_val);;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun if ~void(args) then-- BOOL::not i:INT:=0; loop while!(i<nargs); rr[i+1]:=args[i]; i:=i+1 end;-- INT::is_lt AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset INT::plus ARRAY{1}::aget INT::plus -- If it came from a ">" or "<=" sugar, need to flip -- self and the first argument evaluations. DPS if e.flip then t::=rr[0]; rr[0]:=rr[1]; rr[1]:=t; end;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::flip AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset end; cr:=rr; if prog.psather and in_class then-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather -- Find AS-form of return type. Type is needed for attributes. im:IMPL:=self_tp.impl;-- TP_CLASS::impl if void(im) then #OUT + "Compiler err, TRANS::transform_call_expr, "-- OUT::create "im=void."; return void end;-- OUT::plus el:ELT:=im.elt_with_sig(sig);-- IMPL::elt_with_sig if void(el) then #OUT + "Compiler err, TRANS::transform_call_expr, "-- OUT::create "el=void.";-- OUT::plus return void end; -- #OUT+"Call of elt:"+el.sig.str+"\n"; -- #OUT+"Type: "; AS_OUT::AS_TYPE_SPEC_out(el.as_tp); #OUT+"\n"; rr.as_type := el.as_tp;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::as_type ELT::as_tp end; end; when TP_ROUT then if in_constant then bnd_rout_call_const_err; return void end;-- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::bnd_rout_call_const_err brr:=#AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(nargs,e.source); -- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source; -- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::br brr.br_tp:=self_tp; -- Have to do this in case it's in a typecase-- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::br_tp if ~void(args) then-- BOOL::not loop i::=args.ind!;-- ARRAY{1}::ind! brr[i]:=args[i];-- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset ARRAY{1}::aget end; end; cr:=brr; when TP_ITER then if in_protect_but_not_loop then-- TRANS::in_protect_but_not_loop iter_in_protect_err(e); return void;-- TRANS::iter_in_protect_err end; bir:=#AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR(nargs,e.source); -- AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source;-- AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::bi bir.bi_tp:=self_tp; -- Have to do this in case it's in a typecase-- AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::bi_tp if ~void(args) then-- BOOL::not i:INT:=0; loop while!(i<nargs); -- INT::is_lt bir[i]:=args[i]; i:=i+1;-- AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aset ARRAY{1}::aget INT::plus end; end; cr:=call_fix_bnd_iter(bir,sig) -- move once args-- TRANS::call_fix_bnd_iter end; if void(cr) then return void end; if ~void(tp) and ~void( then-- BOOL::not BOOL::not if then-- BOOL::not call_context_err(e,,tp);-- TRANS::call_context_err return void end end; -- may need to do some fixups for attributes and array elements -- passed as out/inout parameters ncr:$AM_EXPR:=cr; if call_need_fix_out_args(cr) then-- TRANS::call_need_fix_out_args ncr := call_fix_out_args(cr);-- TRANS::call_fix_out_args else cur_se.mark_context(cr);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_context -- Try inlining. typecase cr when AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then ncr:=special_inline(cr);-- TRANS::special_inline when AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR then ncr:=special_inline(cr);-- TRANS::special_inline typecase ncr when AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR then cur_loop.its:=cur_loop.its.push(ncr);-- TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::its TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::its FLIST{1}::push else end; else end; end; if prog.psather then sys_closure_nest(cr) end;-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather TRANS::sys_closure_nest -- see if still an $AM_CALL_EXPR and add to list if so if ~void(cur_rout) then -- TRANS::cur_rout BOOL::not typecase ncr when $AM_CALL_EXPR then cur_rout.calls:=cur_rout.calls.push(ncr);-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::push -- inform the optimizer about out/inout args, if any loop i::=0.upto!(ncr.asize-1);-- INT::upto! INT::minus if ncr[i].mode = MODES::out_mode or ncr[i].mode = MODES::inout_mode-- AM_CALL_ARG::mode MODES::out_mode AM_CALL_ARG::mode MODES::inout_mode then cur_se.mark_se(ncr[i].expr,true);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_se AM_CALL_ARG::expr end; end; else end; end; return ncr; end; iter_in_protect_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("An iter call may not occur in a protect statement without an enclosing loop.")-- TRANS::err end;
call_need_fix_out_args(cr:$AM_CALL_EXPR): BOOL is -- attributes and array elements passed as out and inout parameters -- need very special treatment. The same goes for attributes. -- Return true is these are present loop i::=0.upto!(cr.asize-1);-- INT::upto! INT::minus a::=cr[i]; ae ::=a.expr;-- AM_CALL_ARG::expr typecase ae when AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then if SYS::ob_eq(a.mode, MODES::out_mode) or-- SYS::ob_eq AM_CALL_ARG::mode MODES::out_mode SYS::ob_eq(a.mode, MODES::inout_mode) then-- SYS::ob_eq AM_CALL_ARG::mode MODES::inout_mode if is_aget_sig( then-- TRANS::is_aget_sig AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun -- array element as out/inout arg argument return true elsif then -- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::is_reader_sig -- handles a case when attribute accesses could -- not be inlined due to, say, dispatching -- attribute as out/inout argument return true; end; end; when AM_ATTR_EXPR then -- simple (not dispatched) attribute accesses might -- have already been inlined if SYS::ob_eq(a.mode, MODES::out_mode) or-- SYS::ob_eq AM_CALL_ARG::mode MODES::out_mode SYS::ob_eq(a.mode, MODES::inout_mode) then-- SYS::ob_eq AM_CALL_ARG::mode MODES::inout_mode return true; end; else end; end; return false; end; -- fix bound iter part call_fix_out_args(cr:$AM_CALL_EXPR): $AM_EXPR is -- attributes and array elements passed as out and inout parameters -- need very special treatment. First, they must be evaluated into -- a temporary (reader, aget), a temporary is passed as out/inout, -- then they are set (writer, aset) -- For now make things simple: evaluate every argument into a -- temporary! Will fix when have time res:AM_STMT_EXPR; args:ARRAY{AM_CALL_ARG}; res := #AM_STMT_EXPR(cr.source);-- AM_STMT_EXPR::create args := #(cr.asize);-- ARRAY{1}::create start:INT:=0; typecase cr when AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then start := 1; args[0] := cr[0].copy;-- ARRAY{1}::aset AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::copy when AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR then start := 1; args[0] := cr[0].copy;-- ARRAY{1}::aset AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::copy else end; loop i::=start.upto!(cr.asize-1);-- INT::upto! INT::minus a::=cr[i].copy;-- AM_CALL_ARG::copy ae ::=a.expr;-- AM_CALL_ARG::expr typecase ae when $AM_CONST then args[i] := a;-- ARRAY{1}::aset else -- do the copying l:AM_LOCAL_EXPR := #AM_LOCAL_EXPR(cr.source, void,;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create stmt ::= #AM_ASSIGN_STMT(cr.source);-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create stmt.src := ae;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src add_local(l);-- TRANS::add_local stmt.dest := l;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest if void(res.stmts) then-- AM_STMT_EXPR::stmts res.stmts := stmt;-- AM_STMT_EXPR::stmts else res.stmts.append(stmt);-- AM_STMT_EXPR::stmts end; args[i] := #AM_CALL_ARG(l, a.mode); -- ARRAY{1}::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create AM_CALL_ARG::mode end; end; -- now, generate a call that has only newly created locals as -- arguments new_call_stmt:$AM_STMT; new_res:AM_LOCAL_EXPR; ret_tp:$TP; -- return type of the call ncr:$AM_EXPR; typecase cr when AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then nr ::= #AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(cr.asize);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::asize :=;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun loop i::=0.upto!(cr.asize-1);-- INT::upto! AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::asize INT::minus nr[i] := args[i];-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset ARRAY{1}::aget end; ret_tp :=;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::ret -- try inlinining cur_se.mark_context(nr); -- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_context ncr := special_inline(nr);-- TRANS::special_inline when AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR then ni ::= #AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR(cr.asize);-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::create AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::asize :=;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun ni.init := cr.init;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init ni.lp := cr.lp;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::lp AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::lp ni.init_before_loop := cr.init_before_loop;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init_before_loop AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init_before_loop loop i::=0.upto!(cr.asize-1);-- INT::upto! AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::asize INT::minus ni[i] := args[i];-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aset ARRAY{1}::aget end; ret_tp :=;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::ret --try inlining cur_se.mark_context(ni); -- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_context ncr := special_inline(ni);-- TRANS::special_inline -- update enclosing loop if inlining did not work! typecase ncr when AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR then cur_loop.its := cur_loop.its.push(ncr);-- TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::its TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::its FLIST{1}::push else end; when AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then nb ::= #AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(cr.asize);-- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::asize :=;-- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::br AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::br nb.br_tp := cr.br_tp;-- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::br_tp AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::br_tp loop i::=0.upto!(cr.asize-1);-- INT::upto! AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::asize INT::minus nb[i] := args[i];-- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset ARRAY{1}::aget end; ncr:=nb; ret_tp :=;-- AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::tp when AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR then -- bound iters are not implemented yet -- nbi ::= cr.copy; -- no inout stuff yet for iters when AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR then ne ::= #AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR(cr.asize);-- AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::create AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::asize :=;-- AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::fun AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::fun ne.nm := cr.nm;-- AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::nm AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::nm loop i::=0.upto!(cr.asize-1);-- INT::upto! AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::asize INT::minus ne[i] := args[i];-- AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::aset ARRAY{1}::aget end; ncr := ne; ret_tp :=;-- AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::ret end; if void(ret_tp) then expr_stmt ::= #AM_EXPR_STMT(cr.source);-- AM_EXPR_STMT::create expr_stmt.expr := ncr;-- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr new_call_stmt := expr_stmt; else ass_stmt ::= #AM_ASSIGN_STMT(cr.source);-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create new_res := #AM_LOCAL_EXPR(cr.source, void, ret_tp);-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create add_local(new_res);-- TRANS::add_local ass_stmt.src := ncr;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src ass_stmt.dest := new_res;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest res.expr := new_res;-- AM_STMT_EXPR::expr new_call_stmt := ass_stmt; end; -- append the call statement res.stmts.append(new_call_stmt);-- AM_STMT_EXPR::stmts -- all we need to do is to copy back all inout/out args -- note the way attributes and array elements are handled! loop i ::= start.upto!(cr.asize-1);-- INT::upto! INT::minus a::=cr[i].copy;-- AM_CALL_ARG::copy ae::=a.expr;-- AM_CALL_ARG::expr if SYS::ob_eq(a.mode, MODES::out_mode) or-- SYS::ob_eq AM_CALL_ARG::mode MODES::out_mode SYS::ob_eq(a.mode, MODES::inout_mode) then-- SYS::ob_eq AM_CALL_ARG::mode MODES::inout_mode typecase ae when AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then if is_aget_sig( then-- TRANS::is_aget_sig AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun if ae[0] then-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr err("It is illegal to pass elements of immutable arrays as out/inout arguments.");-- TRANS::err end; aset_call ::= #AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(ae.size+1);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::size INT::plus aset_call_sig ::= #CALL_SIG;-- CALL_SIG::create aset_call_sig.args:=#ARRAY{CALL_ARG}(ae.size);-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::size :=; -- type on which the call is made-- CALL_SIG::tp AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::tp := IDENT_BUILTIN::aset_ident;-- CALL_SIG::name IDENT_BUILTIN::aset_ident aset_call_sig.has_ret:=false; -- aset has no return-- CALL_SIG::has_ret loop aset_call_sig.args.set!(#CALL_ARG(!.tp));-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::set! CALL_ARG::create AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp -- type of index end; aset_call_sig.args[ae.size-1] := #(;-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aset AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::size INT::minus CALL_ARG::create AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::ret -- type of held element :=;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::tp IFC::sig_for_call if void( then-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun err("Passing array element as out/inout argument: aset not found.");-- TRANS::err else loop aset_call.set!(ae.elt!);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::set! AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::elt! end; aset_call[aset_call.size-1] := #(args[i].expr);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::size INT::minus AM_CALL_ARG::create ARRAY{1}::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr cur_rout.calls:=cur_rout.calls.push(aset_call); -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::push expr_stmt ::= #AM_EXPR_STMT(cr.source);-- AM_EXPR_STMT::create expr_stmt.expr := aset_call;-- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr res.stmts.append(expr_stmt);-- AM_STMT_EXPR::stmts end; elsif then-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::is_reader_sig if ae[0] then-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr err("It is illegal to pass attributes of immutable objects as out/inout parameters.");-- TRANS::err end; writer_call ::= #AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(2);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create writer_call_sig ::= #CALL_SIG;-- CALL_SIG::create writer_call_sig.args := #ARRAY{CALL_ARG}(1);-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create :=;-- CALL_SIG::tp AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::tp :=;-- CALL_SIG::name AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::name writer_call_sig.has_ret := false; -- ref attr writer-- CALL_SIG::has_ret writer_call_sig.args[0] := #(;-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aset CALL_ARG::create AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::ret :=;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::tp IFC::sig_for_call if void( then-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun err("Passing an attribute as out/inout argument: writer not found");-- TRANS::err else writer_call[0] := ae[0];-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget writer_call[1] := #(args[i].expr.copy);-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create ARRAY{1}::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr cur_rout.calls:=cur_rout.calls.push(writer_call); -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::push expr_stmt ::= #AM_EXPR_STMT(cr.source);-- AM_EXPR_STMT::create expr_stmt.expr := writer_call;-- AM_EXPR_STMT::expr res.stmts.append(expr_stmt);-- AM_STMT_EXPR::stmts end; end; else -- simple copy stmt:AM_ASSIGN_STMT; stmt:=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(cr.source);-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create stmt.src := args[i].expr.copy; -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src ARRAY{1}::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr stmt.dest := cr[i].expr.copy;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest AM_CALL_ARG::expr res.stmts.append(stmt); -- AM_STMT_EXPR::stmts end; end; end; return res; end; call_check_out_args(as_call:AS_CALL_EXPR) is e:$AS_EXPR; m:AS_ARG_MODE; e:=as_call.args;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args m:=as_call.modes;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes loop while!(~void(e));-- BOOL::not if (m.mod = AS_ARG_MODE::out_mode) or -- AS_ARG_MODE::mod INT::is_eq AS_ARG_MODE::out_mode (m.mod = AS_ARG_MODE::inout_mode) then-- AS_ARG_MODE::mod INT::is_eq AS_ARG_MODE::inout_mode typecase e when AS_SELF_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass `self' as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_VOID_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass `void' as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_IS_VOID_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass `void' test expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_ARRAY_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass array expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_CREATE_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a creation expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR then err("It is illegal pass a bound create expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_AND_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass an `and' expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_OR_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass `or' expression as out/inout argument."); -- TRANS::err when AS_EXCEPT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a `exception' expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_NEW_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a `new' expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_INITIAL_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass an `initial' expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_BREAK_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a `break!' expression as out/inout argument."); -- TRANS::err when AS_RESULT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a result' expression as out/inout argument."); -- TRANS::err when AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a boolean literal as out/inout argument."); -- TRANS::err when AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a character literal as out/inout argument."); -- TRANS::err when AS_STR_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a string literal as out/inout argument."); -- TRANS::err when AS_INT_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass an integer literal as out/inout argument."); -- TRANS::err when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a floating point literal as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_CLUSTER_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a `cluster' expression as out/inout argument.");-- TRANS::err when AS_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR then err("It is illegal to pass a `cluster_size' expression as out/inout argument."); -- TRANS::err when AS_CALL_EXPR then if e.is_array=false and ~void(e.args) then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array BOOL::is_eq AS_CALL_EXPR::args BOOL::not err("It is illegal to pass a call with arguments as out/inout parameter.");-- TRANS::err end; else end; end; e :=; m :=;-- AS_ARG_MODE::next end; end; call_local_context_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of this local variable: " + stp.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; call_const_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR) is err_loc(e); err("Illegal call for a shared or constant initialization " "expression."); end; call_expr_check_local(e:AS_CALL_EXPR,tp:$TP):AM_LOCAL_EXPR is -- Check if the call `e' is a local variable reference. -- If it is return the local. if in_constant then return void end; -- No locals in initializers.-- TRANS::in_constant if void(e) then err("Compiler error, TRANS::call_expr_check_local on void.");-- TRANS::err return void end; self_as:$AS_EXPR:=e.ob; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob r:AM_LOCAL_EXPR; if void(self_as) and void( and void(e.args) and -- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp AS_CALL_EXPR::args e.is_array=false -- AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array BOOL::is_eq then -- check for local. r:=local_with_name(;-- TRANS::local_with_name AS_CALL_EXPR::name if ~void(r) then-- BOOL::not if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if then-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp BOOL::not call_local_context_err(e,,tp); return void-- TRANS::call_local_context_err AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp end end; end; end; return r; end; call_self(e:AS_CALL_EXPR):TUP{$AM_EXPR,$TP} -- Return an expression for self and the type of self for the -- call `e'. pre ~void(e) is-- BOOL::not self_as:$AS_EXPR:=e.ob;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob if ~void(self_as) then -- Call made on an expr.-- BOOL::not typecase self_as when AS_VOID_EXPR then call_self_void_err(e); return void-- TRANS::call_self_void_err when AS_CREATE_EXPR then if void( then -- AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp call_self_create_err(e); return void-- TRANS::call_self_create_err else self_val:$AM_EXPR:=transform_expr(self_as,void); -- TRANS::transform_expr if void(self_val) then return void end; return #TUP{$AM_EXPR,$TP}(self_val, end;-- TUP{2}::create when AS_ARRAY_EXPR then call_self_array_err(e); return void-- TRANS::call_self_array_err when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then call_self_underscore_err(e); return void-- TRANS::call_self_underscore_err else self_val:$AM_EXPR:=transform_expr(self_as,void);-- TRANS::transform_expr if void(self_val) then return void end; return #TUP{$AM_EXPR,$TP}(self_val,; -- TUP{2}::create end; elsif ~void( then -- Double colon call.-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp BOOL::not av::=#AM_VOID_CONST(e.source);-- AM_VOID_CONST::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source av.tp_at:=tp_of(;-- AM_VOID_CONST::tp_at TRANS::tp_of AS_CALL_EXPR::tp return #TUP{$AM_EXPR,$TP}(av,av.tp_at)-- TUP{2}::create AM_VOID_CONST::tp_at else -- Call on self. self_val:$AM_EXPR; if in_constant then -- Self is void in initializers.-- TRANS::in_constant av::=#AM_VOID_CONST(e.source);-- AM_VOID_CONST::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source av.tp_at:=tp_con.same; self_val:=av;-- AM_VOID_CONST::tp_at TRANS::tp_con TP_CONTEXT::same else self_val:=cur_rout.self_local end;-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::self_local if void(self_val) then #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::call_self, self_val=void.";-- OUT::create OUT::plus return void end; return #TUP{$AM_EXPR,$TP}(self_val, end end;-- TUP{2}::create call_self_void_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Calls may not be made directly on `void'."); -- TRANS::err end; call_self_create_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Calls may not be made on create expressions which " "don't specify the type of object being created."); -- TRANS::err end; call_self_array_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Calls may not be made on array expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; call_self_underscore_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Underscore arguments may not appear in this position.") -- TRANS::err end; call_context_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of the call: " + stp.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; ext_call_const_err(e:AS_CALL_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("External calls may not appear in shared or constant " "initialization expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; call_expr_get_sig(e:AS_CALL_EXPR, call_sig:CALL_SIG, args:ARRAY{AM_CALL_ARG},in_class:BOOL):SIG is -- Get the signature of the call with `call_sig' and if there -- are arguments, put their expressions in `args'. If anything fails, -- return void. If `in_class' is true then look at private routines -- as well as public ones. if void(args) then if ~void(e.args) then -- AS_CALL_EXPR::args BOOL::not err("Compiler error, TRANS::call_expr_get_sig, args size.");-- TRANS::err return void end; elsif args.size/=e.args_size or -- ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq AS_CALL_EXPR::args_size BOOL::not call_sig.args.size/=e.args_size then-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq AS_CALL_EXPR::args_size BOOL::not err("Compiler error, TRANS::call_expr_get_sig, args size.");-- TRANS::err return void end; a:$AS_EXPR:=e.args; m:AS_ARG_MODE:=e.modes; i:INT:=0;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args AS_CALL_EXPR::modes ce:$AM_EXPR; md:$MODE; loop while!(~void(a));-- BOOL::not ct:$CALL_TP:=call_tp_of_expr(a);-- TRANS::call_tp_of_expr if void(ct) then ce:=transform_expr(a,void); -- TRANS::transform_expr if void(ce) then return void else end; else ce:=void end; md := MODE::create_from_as(m);-- MODE::create_from_as call_sig.args[i]:=#(ct,md); args[i]:=#(ce,md); -- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aset CALL_ARG::create ARRAY{1}::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create;; i:=i+1 end;-- AS_ARG_MODE::next INT::plus err_loc(e); r::=call_sig.lookup(in_class);-- TRANS::err_loc CALL_SIG::lookup if void(r) then return void end; -- Failure. if r.args.size/=e.args_size then-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq AS_CALL_EXPR::args_size BOOL::not err("Compiler error, TRANS::call_expr_get_sig, res size.");-- TRANS::err return void end; a:=e.args; m:=e.modes; i:=0;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args AS_CALL_EXPR::modes loop while!(~void(a));-- BOOL::not ce:=args[i].expr; at:$TP:=r.args[i].tp;-- ARRAY{1}::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp if void(ce) then ce:=transform_expr(a,at) end;-- TRANS::transform_expr if void(ce) then return void end; args[i]:=#(ce,MODE::create_from_as(m)); -- ARRAY{1}::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create MODE::create_from_as;; i:=i+1 end;-- AS_ARG_MODE::next INT::plus return r; end; call_expr_rout_name(e:AS_CALL_EXPR):IDENT -- The name of the routine being called. pre ~void(e) is-- BOOL::not if e.is_array then return IDENT_BUILTIN::aget_ident-- AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array IDENT_BUILTIN::aget_ident else return end; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name end; call_fix_iter(ir:AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR):AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR -- Move the once args out in the iter call `ir'. pre ~void(ir) is-- BOOL::not if in_constant then iter_call_const_err; return void end; -- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::iter_call_const_err if void(cur_loop) then iter_call_out_of_loop_err; return void end;-- TRANS::cur_loop TRANS::iter_call_out_of_loop_err ir.lp:=cur_loop;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::lp TRANS::cur_loop if void(ir[0].expr) then -- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::call_fix_iter, ir[0]=void."; -- OUT::create OUT::plus return void end; if void( then -- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::call_fix_iter,"; -- OUT::create OUT::plus return void end; if contains_iter_call(ir[0].expr) then -- iter in self expression.-- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr iter_call_in_once_arg_err(0); return void end; -- TRANS::iter_call_in_once_arg_err nl::=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(ir.source, void, ir[0]; -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::source AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr add_local(nl); -- TRANS::add_local ass::=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(ir.source); -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::source ass.dest:=nl;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest ass.src:=ir[0].expr; ir[0].expr:=nl; ir.init:=ass;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init i:INT:=0; loop while!(i<ir.size-1);-- INT::is_lt AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::size INT::minus if void(ir[i+1].expr) then-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::expr #OUT + "Compiler error, TRANS::call_fix_iter, ir[" + (i+1) +-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus INT::plus "].expr=void."; return void end; -- OUT::plus aonce:BOOL:=false; if void( then aonce:=true -- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::hot elsif[i] then aonce:=true end;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::aget BOOL::not if aonce then if contains_iter_call(ir[i+1].expr) then-- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::expr iter_call_in_once_arg_err(i+1); return void end;-- TRANS::iter_call_in_once_arg_err INT::plus nl:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(ir.source,void, ir[i+1];-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::source AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::expr add_local(nl); -- TRANS::add_local ass:=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(ir.source); ass.dest:=nl;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::source AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest ass.src:=ir[i+1].expr; ir[i+1].expr:=nl; -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::expr AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::expr if void(ir.init) then ir.init:=ass-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init else ir.init.append(ass) end end; -- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init i:=i+1 end;-- INT::plus -- Moved(ivin) cur_loop.its:=cur_loop.its.push(ir); return ir; end; iter_call_const_err is err("Iter calls may not appear in shared or constant " "initialization expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; iter_call_out_of_loop_err is err("Iters may only be called within loop statements."); end; contains_iter_call(e:$AM_EXPR):BOOL is -- True if `e' contains an iter call. This is used to check for -- iter calls in the expressions for once iter arguments. if void(e) then return void end; typecase e when AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then loop if contains_iter_call(e.elt!.expr) then return true end end;-- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::elt! AM_CALL_ARG::expr when AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR then return true when AM_ARRAY_EXPR then loop if contains_iter_call(e.elt!) then return true end end;-- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_ARRAY_EXPR::elt! when AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR then loop if contains_iter_call(e.elt!.expr) then return true end end; -- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::elt! AM_CALL_ARG::expr when AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then loop if contains_iter_call(e.elt!.expr) then return true end end;-- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::elt! AM_CALL_ARG::expr when AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR then return true when AM_IF_EXPR then if contains_iter_call(e.test) or -- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_IF_EXPR::test contains_iter_call(e.if_true) or-- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_IF_EXPR::if_true contains_iter_call(e.if_false) then return true end -- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_IF_EXPR::if_false when AM_IS_VOID_EXPR then if contains_iter_call(e.arg) then return true end -- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_IS_VOID_EXPR::arg when AM_NEW_EXPR then if contains_iter_call(e.asz) then return true end -- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_NEW_EXPR::asz when AM_ATTR_EXPR then if contains_iter_call(e.ob) then return true end -- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_ATTR_EXPR::ob when AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR then loop if contains_iter_call(e.elt!.expr) then return true end end; -- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR::elt! AM_CALL_ARG::expr else end; return false; end; iter_call_in_once_arg_err(i:INT) is if i=0 then-- INT::is_eq err("The expression specifying `self' in this iter call, " "itself contains an iter call.")-- TRANS::err else err("The expression for argument number " + i +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " in this iter call, itself contains an iter call."); -- STR::plus end; end; bnd_rout_call_const_err is err("Bound routine calls may not appear in shared or " "constant initialization expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; call_fix_bnd_iter(bir:AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR, sig:SIG):AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR is -- Move the once args out in the bound iter call `bir' with -- signature `sig'. if void(bir) or void(sig) then return void end; if in_constant then bnd_iter_call_const_err; return void end; -- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::bnd_iter_call_const_err if void(cur_loop) then -- TRANS::cur_loop bnd_iter_call_out_of_loop_err; return void end;-- TRANS::bnd_iter_call_out_of_loop_err bir.lp:=cur_loop;-- AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::lp TRANS::cur_loop i:INT:=0; loop while!(i<bir.size);-- INT::is_lt AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::size if void(bir[i].expr) then err_loc(bir);-- AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr TRANS::err_loc err("Compiler error, TRANS::call_fix_bnd_iter, bir[" +-- TRANS::err i + "].expr=void."); return void end;-- STR::plus STR::plus aonce:BOOL:=false; if void( then aonce:=true-- SIG::hot elsif[i] then aonce:=true end;-- SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::aget BOOL::not if aonce then if contains_iter_call(bir[i].expr) then-- TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr bnd_iter_call_in_once_err(i); return void end;-- TRANS::bnd_iter_call_in_once_err nl::=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(bir.source,void,bir[i];-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::source AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr add_local(nl); -- TRANS::add_local ass::=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(bir.source); -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::source ass.dest:=nl;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest ass.src:=bir[i].expr; bir[i].expr:=nl; -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr if void(bir.init) then bir.init:=ass-- AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init else bir.init.append(ass) end end;-- AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::init i:=i+1 end;-- INT::plus cur_loop.bits:=cur_loop.bits.push(bir); -- TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::bits TRANS::cur_loop AM_LOOP_STMT::bits FLIST{1}::push return bir; end; bnd_iter_call_const_err is err("Bound iter calls may not appear in shared or constant " "initialization expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; bnd_iter_call_out_of_loop_err is err("Bound iters may only be called inside loop statements.");-- TRANS::err end; bnd_iter_call_in_once_err(i:INT) is err("Argument " + i + " of this bound iter call is " +-- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus "a once argument, but an iter call appears in its expression."); -- STR::plus end;
transform_void_expr(e:AS_VOID_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. r::=#AM_VOID_CONST(e.source); -- AM_VOID_CONST::create AS_VOID_EXPR::source if void(tp) then err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Compiler error, no type for void."); return void end;-- TRANS::err r.tp_at:=tp; -- AM_VOID_CONST::tp_at return r; end;
transform_is_void_expr(e:AS_IS_VOID_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~TP_BUILTIN::bool.is_subtype(tp) then-- TP_BUILTIN::bool TP_CLASS::is_subtype BOOL::not err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("Void test expressions return BOOL objects which " "are not subtypes of " + tp.str + "."); return void end end;-- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus r::=#AM_IS_VOID_EXPR(e.source); -- AM_IS_VOID_EXPR::create AS_IS_VOID_EXPR::source r.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::bool; err_loc(e.arg);-- AM_IS_VOID_EXPR::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::bool TRANS::err_loc AS_IS_VOID_EXPR::arg earg::=e.arg;-- AS_IS_VOID_EXPR::arg typecase earg when AS_VOID_EXPR then err("void(void) is not allowed."); return void-- TRANS::err when AS_CREATE_EXPR then if void( then -- AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp err("void() on create expression without type."); -- TRANS::err return void end; when AS_ARRAY_EXPR then err("void() on array creation expression."); return void-- TRANS::err when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then err("void(_) is illegal."); return void-- TRANS::err else end; r.arg:=transform_expr(e.arg,void); -- AM_IS_VOID_EXPR::arg TRANS::transform_expr AS_IS_VOID_EXPR::arg if void(r.arg) then return void end;-- AM_IS_VOID_EXPR::arg return r; end;
transform_array_expr(e:AS_ARRAY_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if void(tp) then array_tp_void_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::array_tp_void_err pt:$TP; typecase tp when TP_CLASS then if -- TP_CLASS::name IDENT::is_eq IDENT_BUILTIN::ARRAY_ident or tp.params.size/=1 then-- BOOL::not TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq BOOL::not array_wrong_tp_err(e,tp); return void end;-- TRANS::array_wrong_tp_err pt:=tp.params[0]; -- The parameter type.-- TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::aget else array_wrong_tp_err(e,tp); return void end;-- TRANS::array_wrong_tp_err r::=#AM_ARRAY_EXPR(e.elts_size, e.source); -- AM_ARRAY_EXPR::create AS_ARRAY_EXPR::elts_size AS_ARRAY_EXPR::source r.tp_at:=tp;-- AM_ARRAY_EXPR::tp_at ae:$AS_EXPR:=e.elts; i:INT:=0;-- AS_ARRAY_EXPR::elts loop while!(~void(ae));-- BOOL::not tae:$AM_EXPR:=transform_expr(ae,pt);-- TRANS::transform_expr if void(tae) then return void end; r[i]:=tae;-- AM_ARRAY_EXPR::aset; i:=i+1 end;-- INT::plus return r; end; array_tp_void_err(e:AS_ARRAY_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of this array creation expression cannot be " "inferred from context."); -- TRANS::err end; array_wrong_tp_err(e:AS_ARRAY_EXPR, tp:$TP) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("The inferred type: " + tp.str + " for this array " +-- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus "creation expression is not of the form `ARRAY{T}'."); -- STR::plus end;
transform_create_expr(e:AS_CREATE_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. at:$TP; if in_constant then create_const_err(e); return void end; -- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::create_const_err if ~void( then-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp BOOL::not at:=tp_of(;-- TRANS::tp_of AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~at.is_subtype(tp) then -- BOOL::not create_context_err(e,at,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::create_context_err elsif void(tp) then create_tp_spec_err(e); return void-- TRANS::create_tp_spec_err else at:=tp end; -- Now `at' has the type we are creating. if at.is_abstract then err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Creation expressions may not specify abstract types.");-- TRANS::err return void end; na:INT:=e.elts_size; -- Number of arguments.-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::elts_size r::=#AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR(na+1,e.source); -- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::create INT::plus AS_CREATE_EXPR::source r.as_type :=;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::as_type AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp av::=#AM_VOID_CONST(e.source); av.tp_at:=at;-- AM_VOID_CONST::create AS_CREATE_EXPR::source AM_VOID_CONST::tp_at r[0]:=#(av); -- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create cs::=#CALL_SIG; -- CALL_SIG::create if na>0 then cs.args:=#ARRAY{CALL_ARG}(na) end;-- INT::is_lt CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create;;-- CALL_SIG::tp CALL_SIG::name IDENT_BUILTIN::create_ident cs.has_ret:=true; -- Creation expressions always return vals.-- CALL_SIG::has_ret ce:$AS_EXPR:=e.elts; i:INT:=0;-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::elts m:AS_ARG_MODE:=e.modes;-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::modes loop while!(~void(ce));-- BOOL::not cs.args[i]:=#(call_tp_of_expr(ce), MODE::create_from_as(m));-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aset CALL_ARG::create TRANS::call_tp_of_expr MODE::create_from_as if void(cs.args[i].tp) then -- Not a type inference case.-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget CALL_ARG::tp -- Compute arg expr. r[i+1]:=#(transform_expr(ce,void),MODE::create_from_as(m));-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::create TRANS::transform_expr MODE::create_from_as if void(r[i+1].expr) then return void end;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::expr cs.args[i].tp:=r[i+1]; -- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget CALL_ARG::tp AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::expr cs.args[i].mode := r[i+1].mode;-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget CALL_ARG::mode AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::mode end; -- Get type from expr.;; i:=i+1 -- AS_ARG_MODE::next INT::plus end; err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc -- DPS: was:; if at=tp_con.same then-- TRANS::tp_con TP_CONTEXT::same;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun IMPL::sig_for_internal_call else;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun IFC::sig_for_call end; -- DPS end of change if void( then return void end;-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun ce:=e.elts; i:=0;-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::elts loop while!(~void(ce));-- BOOL::not if void(r[i+1]) then -- Need to compute by inference.-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus r[i+1]:=#(transform_expr(ce,[i].tp),[i].mode); -- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aset INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::create TRANS::transform_expr AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::mode -- Here is where the type inference gets done. We tell -- it to use the found signature type an mode to evaluate ce. if void(r[i+1].expr) then return void end end; -- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::aget INT::plus AM_CALL_ARG::expr; i:=i+1 -- INT::plus end; if then-- AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::ret BOOL::not create_bad_return_type_err(e,,at); return void end;-- TRANS::create_bad_return_type_err AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::ret cur_rout.calls:=cur_rout.calls.push(r); -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::push cur_se.mark_context(r);-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_context r2 ::= special_inline(r);-- TRANS::special_inline return r2; end; create_const_err(e:AS_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Creation expressions may not appear in shared or " "constant initialization expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; create_context_err(e:AS_CREATE_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of the creation expression: " + stp.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; create_tp_spec_err(e:AS_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("This creation expression does not specify its type " "and it cannot be inferred from context."); -- TRANS::err end; create_bad_return_type_err(e:AS_CREATE_EXPR, rt,at:$TP) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("This creation expression returns the type: " + rt.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " rather than " + at.str + " as it must."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_bound_create_expr(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if in_constant then bound_create_in_const_err(e); return void end; -- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::bound_create_in_const_err st::=bound_create_self(e); self_val::=st.t1; self_tp::=st.t2;-- TRANS::bound_create_self TUP{2}::t1 TUP{2}::t2 nbnd::=bound_create_num_bnd(self_val,e);-- TRANS::bound_create_num_bnd r::=#AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR(nbnd);-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::create,self_tp, tp);-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun TRANS::bound_create_sig if void( then return void end; -- Failure.-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun if e.is_iter and then-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::is_iter AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::is_iter BOOL::not bound_create_not_iter_err(e); return void-- TRANS::bound_create_not_iter_err elsif ~e.is_iter and then-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::is_iter BOOL::not AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::is_iter bound_create_iter_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::bound_create_iter_err r.bnd_args:=bound_create_bnd_args(nbnd,e);-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args TRANS::bound_create_bnd_args r.unbnd_args:=bound_create_unbnd_args(nbnd,e);-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args TRANS::bound_create_unbnd_args b_ind::=0; -- Index into bound arguments. if ~void(self_val) then-- BOOL::not r[b_ind]:=#(self_val); b_ind:=b_ind+1;-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create INT::plus if e.is_iter and contains_iter_call(self_val) then-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::is_iter TRANS::contains_iter_call bound_create_self_has_iter_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::bound_create_self_has_iter_err -- This used to enclose entire following loop! end; hot:BOOL;;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::args;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::modes loop while!(~void(a));!.tp;-- BOOL::not AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp -- if ~void( then! end;-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::hot BOOL::not AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! typecase a when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then else r[b_ind]:=#(transform_expr(a,atp), MODE::create_from_as(m));-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::aset AM_CALL_ARG::create TRANS::transform_expr MODE::create_from_as if void(r[b_ind].expr) then return void end;-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr if e.is_iter and ~hot and contains_iter_call(r[b_ind].expr) then-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::is_iter BOOL::not TRANS::contains_iter_call AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::aget AM_CALL_ARG::expr bound_create_iter_in_once_err(a); return void end;-- TRANS::bound_create_iter_in_once_err b_ind:=b_ind+1 end;-- INT::plus; end; bound_create_set_tp(r);-- TRANS::bound_create_set_tp if ~void(tp) and then-- BOOL::not AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::tp BOOL::not bound_create_context_err(e,,tp); return void end;-- TRANS::bound_create_context_err AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::tp cur_rout.calls:=cur_rout.calls.push(r);-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::calls FLIST{1}::push return r; end; bound_create_in_const_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Bound creation expressions may not appear in shared or " "constant initialization expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_self(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR):TUP{$AM_EXPR,$TP} is -- Return an expression for self and the type of self for the -- bound create expression `e'. If `t1' is void, then it is a -- call on underscore, or an error!.; self_as::=call.ob;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::ob self_val:$AM_EXPR; if ~void(self_as) then -- Call made on an expr.-- BOOL::not typecase self_as when AS_VOID_EXPR then bound_create_self_void_err(e); -- TRANS::bound_create_self_void_err return #(void,void)-- TUP{2}::create when AS_CREATE_EXPR then if void( then bound_create_self_create_err(e); -- AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp TRANS::bound_create_self_create_err return #(void,void)-- TUP{2}::create else self_val:=transform_expr(self_as,void); -- TRANS::transform_expr return #(self_val, end;-- TUP{2}::create when AS_ARRAY_EXPR then bound_create_self_array_err(e); -- TRANS::bound_create_self_array_err return #(void,void)-- TUP{2}::create when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then -- `self_val' is void if self is an underscore expression, or if it -- does not exist for some erroneus reason. if void( then return #(void,void)-- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::tp TUP{2}::create else return #(void,tp_of( -- TUP{2}::create TRANS::tp_of AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::tp end; else self_val:=transform_expr(self_as,void);-- TRANS::transform_expr -- error: dispatch on void , if self_val is void. --if void(self_val) then err("Dispatch on void, trans !, temporary!"); --else return #(self_val,; --end;-- TUP{2}::create end; elsif ~void( then -- Double colon call.-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp BOOL::not res::=#AM_VOID_CONST(call.source);-- AM_VOID_CONST::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source res.tp_at:=tp_of(;-- AM_VOID_CONST::tp_at TRANS::tp_of AS_CALL_EXPR::tp return #(res, res.tp_at);-- TUP{2}::create AM_VOID_CONST::tp_at else -- Call on self. if void(call.args) then -- Might be a local.-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args l::=local_with_name(;-- TRANS::local_with_name AS_CALL_EXPR::name if ~void(l) then -- BOOL::not bound_create_self_local_err(e); return #(void,void)-- TRANS::bound_create_self_local_err TUP{2}::create else end end; self_val:=cur_rout.self_local; -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::self_local return #(self_val,; -- TUP{2}::create end; end; bound_create_self_void_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Bound creation calls may not be made directly on `void'.") -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_self_create_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Bound creation calls may not be made on create " "expressions which don't specify the type of object being " "created."); -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_self_array_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Bound creation calls may not be made on array " "expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_self_local_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("Bound creation calls must be calls on routines or iters, " "not references to local variables."); -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_sig(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR, self_tp:$TP, ctp:$TP):SIG is -- The signature of the call represented by `e' where the type of -- self has been determined to be `self_tp'. If self_tp is void, -- self is untyped '_' and we need to figure out the type from the -- context. ctp is the type context. -- Void if there is a problem. con_args: ARRAY{ARG}; -- args from context con_ret:$TP; -- return type from context if ~void(ctp) then-- BOOL::not typecase ctp when TP_ROUT then con_args := ctp.args;-- TP_ROUT::args con_ret := ctp.ret;-- TP_ROUT::ret when TP_ITER then con_args := ctp.args;-- TP_ITER::args con_ret := ctp.ret;-- TP_ITER::ret end; -- nothing else is possible here end; if void(self_tp) then -- need to take from context if ~void(con_args) then-- BOOL::not self_tp := con_args[0].tp; -- ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp else err("Failure to infer the type of the unbound self argument");-- TRANS::err return void; end; end; call_sig::=#CALL_SIG;;-- CALL_SIG::create CALL_SIG::tp;-- CALL_SIG::name AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::name call_sig.args:=#ARRAY{CALL_ARG}(;-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::create AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::args_size if ~void(con_ret) then call_sig.has_ret:=true end;-- BOOL::not CALL_SIG::has_ret if void(ctp) and void(e.ret) then-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::ret call_sig.unknown_ret:=true -- CALL_SIG::unknown_ret end;;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::args; -- tells u whether its once i.e. once_mod-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::modes i:INT; -- arg poistion -- figure out if self is unbound ob ::=;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::ob typecase ob when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then i := 1; else i := 0; end; loop while!(~void(ca)); -- BOOL::not atp::=call_tp_of_expr(ca);-- TRANS::call_tp_of_expr if void(atp) then -- normal case atp:=transform_expr(ca,void).tp -- TRANS::transform_expr else -- possible type inference case if ~void(con_args) then-- BOOL::not typecase atp when CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE then if void( then-- CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE::tp -- need to use type inferencing := con_args[i].tp;-- CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE::tp ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp end; i := i + 1;-- INT::plus else end; end; end; call_sig.args.set!(#CALL_ARG(atp, MODE::create_from_as(cm)));-- CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::set! CALL_ARG::create MODE::create_from_as;; -- AS_ARG_MODE::next end; -- At this point call_sig is complete, except for hots which were left out err_loc(e); -- Just in case.-- TRANS::err_loc -- setting of the hot in SIG must happen in the following call s::=call_sig.lookup(self_tp=tp_con.same); -- CALL_SIG::lookup TRANS::tp_con TP_CONTEXT::same return s; end; bound_create_not_iter_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Bound iters must be formed from iter calls."); -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_iter_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Bound routines must be formed from routine calls."); -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_num_bnd(self_val:$AM_EXPR, e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR):INT is -- The number of argument which are bound up (including self). r:INT; if void(self_val) then r:=0 else r:=1 end; -- Count self.;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::args loop while!(~void(a));-- BOOL::not typecase a when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then else r:=r+1 end;-- INT::plus end; return r; end; bound_create_bnd_args(nbnd:INT,e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR):ARRAY{INT} is -- An array of the indices of arguments which are bound up in -- order. 0 is self. `nbnd' is the number of bound args. r::=#ARRAY{INT}(nbnd); -- ARRAY{1}::create rind::=0; -- Index into r.;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::ob typecase st when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then else r[rind]:=0; rind:=rind+1 end;-- ARRAY{1}::aset INT::plus aind::=0; -- Index into argument list.;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::args loop while!(~void(a)); aind:=aind+1;-- BOOL::not INT::plus typecase a when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then else r[rind]:=aind; rind:=rind+1 end;-- ARRAY{1}::aset INT::plus end; return r; end; bound_create_unbnd_args(nbnd:INT,e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR):ARRAY{INT} is -- An array of the indices of arguments which are not bound in -- order. 0 is self. `nbnd' is the number of bound args. r::=#ARRAY{INT}(; -- ARRAY{1}::create INT::plus AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::args_size INT::minus rind::=0; -- Index into r.;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::ob typecase st when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then r[rind]:=0; rind:=rind+1 else end;-- ARRAY{1}::aset INT::plus aind::=0; -- Index into argument list.;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::args loop while!(~void(a)); aind:=aind+1; -- BOOL::not INT::plus typecase a when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then r[rind]:=aind; rind:=rind+1 else end;-- ARRAY{1}::aset INT::plus end; return r; end; bound_create_self_has_iter_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("The expression for self in an iter call may not " "itself contain an iter call."); -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_iter_in_once_err(a:$AS_EXPR) is err_loc(a);-- TRANS::err_loc err("Once arguments of iter calls may not themselves " "contain iter calls."); -- TRANS::err end; bound_create_set_tp(r:AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR) is -- Set the type in `r', assuming everything else is there (incl. mode);-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun args::=#ARRAY{ARG}(r.unbnd_args.size); -- ARRAY{1}::create AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::size t:$TP; m:$MODE; h:BOOL; hot : ARRAY{BOOL}; if fun.is_iter then -- A bound iter.-- SIG::is_iter -- if in bnd type no arg is hot the hot needs to be void one_is_hot ::= false; if void( then -- SIG::hot hot := void; else hot:=#ARRAY{BOOL}(r.unbnd_args.size);-- ARRAY{1}::create AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::size end; loop i::=r.unbnd_args.elt!;-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::elt! if i=0 then -- INT::is_eq;-- SIG::tp if fun.is_iter then-- SIG::is_iter -- If self is left unbound in the bound iter -- it must have "once" mode if r.unbnd_args[0] = 0 then-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::is_eq m := #ONCE_MODE;-- ONCE_MODE::create end; else m:=#IN_MODE; --can't change self-- IN_MODE::create end; else t:=fun.args[i-1].tp;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::tp m:=fun.args[i-1].mode;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::mode end; args.set!(#ARG(t,m));-- ARRAY{1}::set! ARG::create if ~void( then -- SIG::hot BOOL::not if i=0 then h:=false else[i-1] end;-- INT::is_eq SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus hot.set!(h);-- ARRAY{1}::set! one_is_hot := one_is_hot or h; -- set whenever there is a hot arg. end; -- if there is nothing hot we DO want hot to be void! end; -- ends loop if ~one_is_hot then hot := void; end;-- BOOL::not r.tp_at:=prog.tp_tbl.tp_iter_for(args,hot,fun.ret)-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::tp_at TRANS::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_iter_for SIG::ret else -- A bound routine. loop i::=r.unbnd_args.elt!;-- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::elt! if i=0 then -- INT::is_eq;-- SIG::tp m:=#IN_MODE;-- IN_MODE::create else t:=fun.args[i-1].tp; -- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::tp m:=fun.args[i-1].mode;-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::mode end; args.set!(#ARG(t,m)) end;-- ARRAY{1}::set! ARG::create r.tp_at:=prog.tp_tbl.tp_rout_for(args,fun.ret); -- AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::tp_at TRANS::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_rout_for SIG::ret end; end; bound_create_context_err(e:AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of the bound creation expression: " + stp.str + -- TRANS::err STR::plus " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_and_expr(e:AS_AND_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~TP_BUILTIN::bool.is_subtype(tp) then-- TP_BUILTIN::bool TP_CLASS::is_subtype BOOL::not and_context_err(e,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::and_context_err e1:$AM_EXPR:=transform_expr(e.e1, TP_BUILTIN::bool); -- TRANS::transform_expr AS_AND_EXPR::e1 TP_BUILTIN::bool e2:$AM_EXPR:=transform_expr(e.e2, TP_BUILTIN::bool); -- TRANS::transform_expr AS_AND_EXPR::e2 TP_BUILTIN::bool if void(e1) or void(e2) then return void end; -- Not booleans. r::=#AM_IF_EXPR(e.source);-- AM_IF_EXPR::create AS_AND_EXPR::source r.test:=e1; r.if_true:=e2;-- AM_IF_EXPR::test AM_IF_EXPR::if_true abc::=#AM_BOOL_CONST(e.source); -- AM_BOOL_CONST::create AS_AND_EXPR::source abc.val:=false;-- AM_BOOL_CONST::val r.if_false:=abc;-- AM_IF_EXPR::if_false r.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::bool; -- AM_IF_EXPR::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::bool return r; end; and_context_err(e:AS_AND_EXPR, tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("And expressions return BOOL objects which are " +-- TRANS::err "not subtypes of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_or_expr(e:AS_OR_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~TP_BUILTIN::bool.is_subtype(tp) then-- TP_BUILTIN::bool TP_CLASS::is_subtype BOOL::not or_context_err(e,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::or_context_err e1:$AM_EXPR:=transform_expr(e.e1, TP_BUILTIN::bool); -- TRANS::transform_expr AS_OR_EXPR::e1 TP_BUILTIN::bool e2:$AM_EXPR:=transform_expr(e.e2, TP_BUILTIN::bool); -- TRANS::transform_expr AS_OR_EXPR::e2 TP_BUILTIN::bool if void(e1) or void(e2) then return void end; -- Not booleans. r::=#AM_IF_EXPR(e.source);-- AM_IF_EXPR::create AS_OR_EXPR::source r.test:=e1; r.if_false:=e2;-- AM_IF_EXPR::test AM_IF_EXPR::if_false abc::=#AM_BOOL_CONST(e.source); abc.val:=true;-- AM_BOOL_CONST::create AS_OR_EXPR::source AM_BOOL_CONST::val r.if_true:=abc;-- AM_IF_EXPR::if_true r.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::bool; -- AM_IF_EXPR::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::bool return r; end; or_context_err(e:AS_OR_EXPR, tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("Or expressions return BOOL objects which are " +-- TRANS::err "not subtypes of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_except_expr(e:AS_EXCEPT_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if in_constant then except_const_err(e); return void end; -- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::except_const_err if in_protect_then=false then except_loc_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::in_protect_then BOOL::is_eq TRANS::except_loc_err r::=#AM_EXCEPT_EXPR(ex_tp);-- AM_EXCEPT_EXPR::create TRANS::ex_tp if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if then-- AM_EXCEPT_EXPR::tp BOOL::not except_context_err(e,,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::except_context_err AM_EXCEPT_EXPR::tp return r; end; except_const_err(e:AS_EXCEPT_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`exception' expressions may not appear in shared " "or constant initialization expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; except_loc_err(e:AS_EXCEPT_EXPR) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("`exception' expressions may only appear in `then'" "and `else' clauses of `protect' statements."); -- TRANS::err end; except_context_err(e:AS_EXCEPT_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of the exception expression: "+ stp.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_new_expr(e:AS_NEW_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if in_constant then new_const_err(e); return void end; -- TRANS::in_constant TRANS::new_const_err; -- The type in which this appears.-- TRANS::impl IMPL::tp k:INT:=t.kind; if (k/=TP_KIND::ref_tp and k/=TP_KIND::spr_tp and k/=TP_KIND::part_tp) -- INT::is_eq TP_KIND::ref_tp BOOL::not INT::is_eq TP_KIND::spr_tp BOOL::not INT::is_eq TP_KIND::part_tp BOOL::not then new_in_non_ref_or_part_err(e); -- TRANS::new_in_non_ref_or_part_err return void; end; r:AM_NEW_EXPR; -- new expressions can not be optimized out because they -- actually modify state cur_se.mark_unsafe;-- TRANS::cur_se SE_CONTEXT::mark_unsafe if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~t.is_subtype(tp) then-- BOOL::not new_context_err(e,t,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::new_context_err if ~void(e.arg) then -- Specifies asize.-- AS_NEW_EXPR::arg BOOL::not if void(impl.arr) then new_arg_no_array_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::impl IMPL::arr TRANS::new_arg_no_array_err r:=#AM_NEW_EXPR(e.source); r.tp_at:=t; -- AM_NEW_EXPR::create AS_NEW_EXPR::source AM_NEW_EXPR::tp_at r.asz:=transform_expr(e.arg,TP_BUILTIN::int);-- AM_NEW_EXPR::asz TRANS::transform_expr AS_NEW_EXPR::arg TP_BUILTIN::int if void(r.asz) then return void end;-- AM_NEW_EXPR::asz else -- Not an array class. if ~void(impl.arr) then new_no_arg_array_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::impl IMPL::arr BOOL::not TRANS::new_no_arg_array_err r:=#AM_NEW_EXPR(e.source); r.tp_at:=t end;-- AM_NEW_EXPR::create AS_NEW_EXPR::source AM_NEW_EXPR::tp_at return r; end; new_const_err(e:AS_NEW_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`new' expressions may not appear in shared or constant " "initialization expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; new_in_non_ref_or_part_err(e:AS_NEW_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`new' expressions may only appear in reference partial classes.") -- TRANS::err end; new_context_err(e:AS_NEW_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of the `new' expression: " + stp.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; new_arg_no_array_err(e:AS_NEW_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`new' expressions only take an argument in classes " "which have an include path to AREF."); -- TRANS::err end; new_no_arg_array_err(e:AS_NEW_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`new' expressions must take an argument specifying " "`asize' in classes which have an include path to AREF."); -- TRANS::err end;
transform_initial_expr(e:AS_INITIAL_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. -- Append initialization code to `init_stmts'. if ~in_post then initial_out_of_post_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::in_post BOOL::not TRANS::initial_out_of_post_err if in_initial then nested_initial_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::in_initial TRANS::nested_initial_err in_initial:=true; -- TRANS::in_initial te:$AM_EXPR:=transform_expr(e.e,tp); -- TRANS::transform_expr AS_INITIAL_EXPR::e in_initial:=false;-- TRANS::in_initial if void(te) then return void end; v::=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(e.source, void,;-- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_INITIAL_EXPR::source cur_rout.locals:=cur_rout.locals.push(v);-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::locals TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::locals FLIST{1}::push as::=#AM_ASSIGN_STMT(e.source); -- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_INITIAL_EXPR::source as.src:=te; as.dest:=v;-- AM_ASSIGN_STMT::src AM_ASSIGN_STMT::dest inst::=#AM_INITIAL_STMT(e.source); -- AM_INITIAL_STMT::create AS_INITIAL_EXPR::source; inst.stmts:=as;-- AM_INITIAL_STMT::tp TRANS::impl IMPL::tp AM_INITIAL_STMT::stmts if void(init_stmts) then init_stmts:=inst-- TRANS::init_stmts TRANS::init_stmts else init_stmts.append(inst) end;-- TRANS::init_stmts return v; end; initial_out_of_post_err(e:AS_INITIAL_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`initial' expressions can only occur in `post' clauses.") -- TRANS::err end; nested_initial_err(e:AS_INITIAL_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`initial' expressions may not be nested."); -- TRANS::err end; initial_context_err(e:AS_INITIAL_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); err("The type of the `initial' expression: " + stp.str + " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); end;
transform_break_expr(e:AS_BREAK_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Break's must always be handled in expression statements. If -- we get here, something's wrong. err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`break!' may not appear as a part of an expression.");-- TRANS::err return void; end;
transform_result_expr(e:AS_RESULT_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if in_post=false then result_out_of_post_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::in_post BOOL::is_eq TRANS::result_out_of_post_err if in_initial=true then result_in_initial_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::in_initial BOOL::is_eq TRANS::result_in_initial_err if void(cur_rout.rres) then -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::rres if void(cur_rout.sig.ret) then -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::ret result_and_no_return_err(e); return void end;-- TRANS::result_and_no_return_err cur_rout.rres:=#AM_LOCAL_EXPR(e.source,void,cur_rout.sig.ret) end;-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::rres AM_LOCAL_EXPR::create AS_RESULT_EXPR::source TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::ret if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if then-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::rres AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp BOOL::not result_context_err(e,,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::result_context_err TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::rres AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp r::=cur_rout.rres;-- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::rres return r; end; result_out_of_post_err(e:AS_RESULT_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`result' expressions can only occur in `post' clauses.")-- TRANS::err end; result_in_initial_err(e:AS_RESULT_EXPR) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("`result' expressions may not appear in `initial' expressions."); -- TRANS::err end; result_and_no_return_err(e:AS_RESULT_EXPR) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("`result' expressions may not appear in routines or " "iters without return values."); -- TRANS::err end; result_context_err(e:AS_RESULT_EXPR, stp,tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("The type of the `result' expression: " + stp.str +-- TRANS::err STR::plus " is not a subtype of " + tp.str + "."); -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_bool_lit_expr(e:AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~TP_BUILTIN::bool.is_subtype(tp) then-- TP_BUILTIN::bool TP_CLASS::is_subtype BOOL::not bool_lit_context_err(e,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::bool_lit_context_err r::=#AM_BOOL_CONST(e.source); -- AM_BOOL_CONST::create AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::source r.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::bool;-- AM_BOOL_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::bool r.val:=e.val; -- AM_BOOL_CONST::val AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::val return r; end; bool_lit_context_err(e:AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR, tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("Boolean literals are not subtypes of " + tp.str + ".");-- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_char_lit_expr(e:AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~TP_BUILTIN::char.is_subtype(tp) then-- TP_BUILTIN::char TP_CLASS::is_subtype BOOL::not char_lit_context_err(e,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::char_lit_context_err r::=#AM_CHAR_CONST(e); -- AM_CHAR_CONST::create r.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::char;-- AM_CHAR_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::char return r; end; char_lit_context_err(e:AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR, tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("Character literals are not subtypes of " + tp.str + ".") -- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_str_lit_expr(e:AS_STR_LIT_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~TP_BUILTIN::str.is_subtype(tp) then-- TP_BUILTIN::str TP_CLASS::is_subtype BOOL::not str_lit_context_err(e,tp); return void end end;-- TRANS::str_lit_context_err r::=#AM_STR_CONST(e); r.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::str;-- AM_STR_CONST::create AM_STR_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::str return r; end; str_lit_context_err(e:AS_STR_LIT_EXPR, tp:$TP) is err_loc(e); -- TRANS::err_loc err("String literals are not subtypes of " + tp.str + "."); -- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus end;
transform_int_lit_expr(e:AS_INT_LIT_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. if e.is_inti then-- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::is_inti ri::=#AM_INTI_CONST(e); -- AM_INTI_CONST::create ri.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::inti; -- AM_INTI_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::inti if void(tp) then return ri elsif ~ri.tp_at.is_subtype(tp) then-- AM_INTI_CONST::tp_at BOOL::not err_loc(e); err("The type of the destination: " +-- TRANS::err_loc TRANS::err tp.str + " is not a supertype of INTI."); return void-- STR::plus STR::plus else return ri end; else r::=#AM_INT_CONST(e); -- AM_INT_CONST::create r.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::int; -- AM_INT_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::int if void(tp) then return r elsif ~r.tp_at.is_subtype(tp) then-- AM_INT_CONST::tp_at BOOL::not err_loc(e); err("The type of the destination: " +-- TRANS::err_loc TRANS::err tp.str + " is not a supertype of INT."); return void-- STR::plus STR::plus else return r end; end; end;
transform_flt_lit_expr(e:AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Expression implementing `e' in type context `tp'. case AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::tp when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::flt then-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::flt rf::=#AM_FLT_CONST(e); -- AM_FLT_CONST::create rf.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::flt; -- AM_FLT_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::flt if void(tp) then return rf elsif ~rf.tp_at.is_subtype(tp) then-- AM_FLT_CONST::tp_at BOOL::not err_loc(e); err("The type of the destination: " +-- TRANS::err_loc TRANS::err tp.str + " is not a supertype of FLT."); return void-- STR::plus STR::plus else return rf end; when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::fltd then-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::fltd rfd::=#AM_FLTD_CONST(e); -- AM_FLTD_CONST::create rfd.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::fltd; -- AM_FLTD_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::fltd if void(tp) then return rfd elsif ~rfd.tp_at.is_subtype(tp) then-- AM_FLTD_CONST::tp_at BOOL::not err_loc(e); err("The type of the destination: " +-- TRANS::err_loc TRANS::err tp.str + " is not a supertype of FLTD."); return void-- STR::plus STR::plus else return rfd end; when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::fltx then-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::fltx rfx::=#AM_FLTX_CONST(e); -- AM_FLTX_CONST::create rfx.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::fltx; -- AM_FLTX_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::fltx if void(tp) then return rfx elsif ~rfx.tp_at.is_subtype(tp) then-- AM_FLTX_CONST::tp_at BOOL::not err_loc(e); err("The type of the destination: " +-- TRANS::err_loc TRANS::err tp.str + " is not a supertype of FLTX."); return void-- STR::plus STR::plus else return rfx end; when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::fltdx then-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::fltdx rfdx::=#AM_FLTDX_CONST(e); -- AM_FLTDX_CONST::create rfdx.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::fltdx; -- AM_FLTDX_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::fltdx if void(tp) then return rfdx elsif ~rfdx.tp_at.is_subtype(tp) then-- AM_FLTDX_CONST::tp_at BOOL::not err_loc(e); err("The type of the destination: " +-- TRANS::err_loc TRANS::err tp.str + " is not a supertype of FLTDX."); return void-- STR::plus STR::plus else return rfdx end; when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::flti then-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::flti rfi::=#AM_FLTI_CONST(e); -- AM_FLTI_CONST::create rfi.tp_at:=TP_BUILTIN::flti; -- AM_FLTI_CONST::tp_at TP_BUILTIN::flti if void(tp) then return rfi elsif ~rfi.tp_at.is_subtype(tp) then-- AM_FLTI_CONST::tp_at BOOL::not err_loc(e); err("The type of the destination: " +-- TRANS::err_loc TRANS::err tp.str + " is not a supertype of FLTI."); return void-- STR::plus STR::plus else return rfi end; end; end;
transform_cluster_expr(e:AS_CLUSTER_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is -- Although clusters belongs to pSather it is translated in serial -- Sather as well. if ~prog.psather then-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather BOOL::not -- we allow cluster to appear in SYS::builtin_clusters! if = TP_BUILTIN::sys -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::tp TP_BUILTIN::sys and = #IDENT("builtin_clusters!") -- TRANS::cur_rout AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::name IDENT::is_eq IDENT::create then asint ::= #AS_INT_LIT_EXPR; -- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::create asint.val := #INTI(1);-- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::val INTI::create r ::= #AM_INT_CONST(asint);-- AM_INT_CONST::create return r else err("`clusters' is a key word of pSather and may not be used in sequential Sather'");-- TRANS::err return void; end; else if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~TP_BUILTIN::int.is_subtype(tp) then-- TP_BUILTIN::int TP_CLASS::is_subtype BOOL::not cluster_context_err(e,tp); return void; -- TRANS::cluster_context_err end; end; r::=#AM_CLUSTER_EXPR(e.source);-- AM_CLUSTER_EXPR::create AS_CLUSTER_EXPR::source return r; end; end; cluster_context_err(e:AS_CLUSTER_EXPR, tp:$TP) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("'clusters' (INT) is not a subtype of " + tp.str + ".");-- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus end; transform_cluster_size_expr(e:AS_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR, tp:$TP):$AM_EXPR is if ~prog.psather then-- TRANS::prog PROG::psather BOOL::not err("`cluster_size' is a key word of pSather and may not be used in sequential Sather'");-- TRANS::err return void; else if ~void(tp) then-- BOOL::not if ~TP_BUILTIN::int.is_subtype(tp) then-- TP_BUILTIN::int TP_CLASS::is_subtype BOOL::not cluster_size_context_err(e,tp); return void; -- TRANS::cluster_size_context_err end; end; r::=#AM_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR(e.source);-- AM_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR::create AS_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR::source return r; end; end; cluster_size_context_err(e:AS_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR, tp:$TP) is err_loc(e);-- TRANS::err_loc err("'clusters_procs' (INT) is not a subtype of " + tp.str + ".");-- TRANS::err STR::plus STR::plus end;
check_return(t:AS_ROUT_DEF) is -- Check the routine `t' to make sure that if it has a return -- value, then the last statement actually returns a value. -- If not, then print an error. if void(t) then return end; if void(t.ret_dec) then return end; -- No return value.-- AS_ROUT_DEF::ret_dec if then return end; -- No check for iters.-- AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter if t.is_builtin then return end; -- No check for builtins.-- AS_ROUT_DEF::is_builtin err_loc(t);-- TRANS::err_loc check_stmt_list_for_return(t.body) end;-- TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_ROUT_DEF::body check_stmt_list_for_return(l:AS_STMT_LIST) is -- `l' must either be a return statement, a raise statement -- or terminate in one. If not, print an error. t : $AS_STMT := l.stmts;-- AS_STMT_LIST::stmts if void(t) then return_err; return end;-- TRANS::return_err s:$AS_STMT:=t; loop until!(void(; end; err_loc(s);-- TRANS::err_loc typecase s when AS_DEC_STMT then return_err-- TRANS::return_err when AS_ASSIGN_STMT then return_err-- TRANS::return_err when AS_IF_STMT then check_stmt_list_for_return(s.then_part);-- TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_IF_STMT::then_part if ~void(s.else_part) then check_stmt_list_for_return(s.else_part) end;-- AS_IF_STMT::else_part BOOL::not TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_IF_STMT::else_part when AS_LOOP_STMT then -- Don't check anything if the last statement is a loop since -- can't be sure. (Maybe later check whether there is a return -- or raise somewhere in the loop.) -- check_stmt_list_for_return(s.body); when AS_RETURN_STMT then when AS_YIELD_STMT then return_err-- TRANS::return_err when AS_QUIT_STMT then return_err-- TRANS::return_err when AS_CASE_STMT then if ~s.no_else then-- AS_CASE_STMT::no_else BOOL::not check_stmt_list_for_return(s.else_part) end;-- TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_CASE_STMT::else_part wp:AS_CASE_WHEN:=s.when_part;-- AS_CASE_STMT::when_part loop while!(~void(wp));-- BOOL::not check_stmt_list_for_return(wp.then_part);-- TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_CASE_WHEN::then_part end;-- AS_CASE_WHEN::next when AS_TYPECASE_STMT then if ~s.no_else then-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else BOOL::not check_stmt_list_for_return(s.else_part) end; -- TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_TYPECASE_STMT::else_part wp:AS_TYPECASE_WHEN:=s.when_part;-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::when_part loop while!(~void(wp));-- BOOL::not check_stmt_list_for_return(wp.then_part);-- TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::then_part end;-- AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::next when AS_ASSERT_STMT then return_err-- TRANS::return_err when AS_PROTECT_STMT then if ~s.no_else then-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::no_else BOOL::not check_stmt_list_for_return(s.else_part) end; -- TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_PROTECT_STMT::else_part wp:AS_PROTECT_WHEN:=s.when_part;-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::when_part loop while!(~void(wp));-- BOOL::not check_stmt_list_for_return(wp.then_part);-- TRANS::check_stmt_list_for_return AS_PROTECT_WHEN::then_part end;-- AS_PROTECT_WHEN::next when AS_RAISE_STMT then when AS_EXPR_STMT then return_err-- TRANS::return_err else check_pSather_stmt_for_return(s);-- TRANS::check_pSather_stmt_for_return end; end; return_err is err("Routine must terminate with a `return' statement or a " "`raise' statement."); -- TRANS::err end; name_for_ext(el:ELT):IDENT is -- Name to use for an external class call. if el.is_abstract then return;-- ELT::is_abstract ELT::sig SIG::name else return #IDENT('_';-- IDENT::create ELT::tp STR::plus STR::plus ELT::sig SIG::name IDENT::str end; end; end; -- class STRANS