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-- Classes relating to types in the Sather compiler.

-- $TP: Abstract interface to Sather types. -- TP_CLASS: Reference, immutable, abstract, or external types. -- TP_ROUT: Bound routine types. -- TP_ITER: Bound iter types. -- TP_CONTEXT: Context for AS_TYPE_SPEC -> $TP conversion. -- TP_TBL: Table of all types. -- TP_CLASS_TBL: Table of class types. -- TP_ROUT_TBL: Table of bound routine types. -- TP_ITER_TBL: Table of bound iter types. -- TP_GRAPH: Computes the type graph. -- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES: Table of all concrete decendants of a given type. -- TP_BUILTIN: Cache of the type objects for builtin types.

abstract class $TP < $CALL_TP, $IS_LT{$TP}, $STR, $HASH

abstract class $TP < $CALL_TP, $IS_LT{$TP}, $STR, $HASH is -- Abstract interface to classes representing Sather types. -- Descendants are TP_CLASS, TP_ROUT, and TP_ITER. prog:PROG; -- This type's program object. str:STR; -- The string representation of self. -- Uses no whitespace, eg: "FOO{A,B{C},D}". is_abstract:BOOL; -- True if self is abstract. is_immutable:BOOL; -- True is self is an immutable type. is_partial:BOOL; -- True if self is a partial class is_external:BOOL; -- True is self is one of external types is_atomic:BOOL; -- True if an assignment to self is atomic -- used only for pSather is_reference_free:BOOL; -- Does the implementation use pointers -- that may affect garbage collection? is_builtin:BOOL; -- True if self is a builtin type is_bound:BOOL; -- True if self is a bound type. is_subtype(t:$CALL_TP):BOOL; -- True if self is a subtype of `t'. is_eq(t:$OB):BOOL; -- Equality test. is_neq(t:$OB):BOOL; -- Inequality test. hash:INT; -- Hash function is_lt(t:$TP):BOOL; -- Canonical ordering. kind:INT; -- One of TP_KIND::missing_tp, -- TP_KIND::val_tp, TP_KIND::ref_tp, TP_KIND::abs_tp, -- TP_KIND::part_tp, TP_KIND::ext_c_tp, TP_kind::ext_fortran_tp, -- pSather: TP_KIND::spr_tp, -- TP_KIND::rout_tp, TP_KIND::iter_tp. as:AS_TYPE_SPEC; -- construct AS_TYPE_SPEC for self; impl: IMPL; -- Returns the implementation of the type. -- Produces error, if the type cannot have any implementation. ifc: IFC; -- Returns the interface of the type. If neccessary -- the interface will be computed. end; -- type $TP

class TP_KIND

class TP_KIND is -- A set of constants defining the different kinds of types. const missing_tp, val_tp, -- Value types.-- INT::plus ref_tp, -- Reference types.-- INT::plus abs_tp, -- Abstract types.-- INT::plus part_tp, -- Partial type.-- INT::plus ext_c_tp, -- External C types.-- INT::plus ext_fortran_tp, -- External Fortran types.-- INT::plus --pSather spr_tp, -- Spread types.-- INT::plus rout_tp, -- Bound routine types.-- INT::plus iter_tp; -- Bound iter types. -- INT::plus end; -- class TP_KIND

class TP

class TP is -- Implementation to be included by $TP objects. attr prog:PROG; -- This type's program object. private attr my_ifc: IFC; is_immutable:BOOL -- True if an immutable type. is return kind=TP_KIND::val_tp;-- TP_CLASS::kind INT::is_eq TP_KIND::val_tp end; is_partial:BOOL -- True if partial class is return kind=TP_KIND::part_tp;-- TP_CLASS::kind INT::is_eq TP_KIND::part_tp end; is_external:BOOL -- True if one of external types is return kind=TP_KIND::ext_c_tp or kind=TP_KIND::ext_fortran_tp;-- TP_CLASS::kind INT::is_eq TP_KIND::ext_c_tp TP_CLASS::kind INT::is_eq TP_KIND::ext_fortran_tp end; is_builtin:BOOL -- Conservative answer is return false; end; is_atomic:BOOL -- Conservative answer is return false; end; is_reference_free:BOOL -- Conservative answer is return false; end; kind:INT is raise "kind is expected to be redefined"; end; hash:INT is return SYS::id(self).hash;-- SYS::id INT::hash end; is_eq(t:$OB):BOOL -- Equality note: changed from $CALL_TP -- True if self equals `t'. is return SYS::ob_eq(self,t)-- SYS::ob_eq end; is_neq(t:$OB):BOOL -- Equality note: changed from $CALL_TP -- True if self is not equal to `t'. is return ~SYS::ob_eq(self,t) end; is_lt(t:$CALL_TP):BOOL -- True if self is less than `t' in a canonical (arbitrary) ordering. is return str<t.str-- TP_CLASS::str STR::is_lt end; as:AS_TYPE_SPEC -- construct AS_TYPE_SPEC for self;` is return void; end; str:STR is raise "TP::Str not implemented."; end; impl:IMPL is return void; end; ifc:IFC is return void; end; end; -- class TP

class TP_CLASS < $TP

class TP_CLASS < $TP is -- Representation of reference, immutable, abstract, and external types. include TP; attr name:IDENT; -- The name of the type. attr params:ARRAY{$TP}; -- Specifiers for the type -- parameters in order, void if none. private attr my_impl: IMPL; -- The implementation of this type. private attr sas_cache:STR; -- Cache for string representation. private attr kind_cache:INT; -- Cache for the kind of class this is readonly attr is_builtin:BOOL; readonly attr is_atomic:BOOL; create(name:IDENT, params:ARRAY{$TP}, prog:PROG):SAME -- A class type object with the specified attributes. is r::=new;; r.params:=params; r.prog:=prog;-- TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params TP_CLASS::prog r.kind_cache:=TP_KIND::missing_tp;-- TP_CLASS::kind_cache TP_KIND::missing_tp d::=prog.config.get_def("BUILTIN_CLASSES");-- PROG::config CONFIG_TBL::get_def loop e::=d.elt!;-- CONFIG_DEF::elt! loop if e.elt!=r.str then r.is_builtin:=true; break!; end;-- ARRAY{1}::elt! STR::is_eq TP_CLASS::str TP_CLASS::is_builtin end; until!(r.is_builtin);-- TP_CLASS::is_builtin end; -- if prog.psather then -- this test is bogus, as the flag -- is only set after some builtin types have -- already been created. d := prog.config.get_def("ATOMIC_CLASSES");-- PROG::config CONFIG_TBL::get_def loop e::=d.elt!;-- CONFIG_DEF::elt! loop if e.elt!=r.str then -- ARRAY{1}::elt! STR::is_eq TP_CLASS::str r.is_atomic:=true; -- TP_CLASS::is_atomic break!; end; end; until!(r.is_atomic);-- TP_CLASS::is_atomic end; -- end; return r end; str:STR -- The string version of the type represented by self. Uses no -- whitespace, eg: "FOO{A,B{C},D}". is if ~void(sas_cache) then return sas_cache end;-- TP_CLASS::sas_cache BOOL::not TP_CLASS::sas_cache if void(self) then return "void" end; if void(params) then-- TP_CLASS::params sas_cache:=name.str -- TP_CLASS::sas_cache TP_CLASS::name IDENT::str else s::=#FSTR + name.str + '{'; -- FSTR::create TP_CLASS::name IDENT::str FSTR::plus loop s:=s+",".separate!(params.elt!.str) end;-- FSTR::plus STR::separate! TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::elt! s:=s+'}';-- FSTR::plus sas_cache:=s.str-- TP_CLASS::sas_cache FSTR::str end; return sas_cache-- TP_CLASS::sas_cache end; -- str is_abstract:BOOL -- True if self is abstract. is if void(self) then return false end; return name.str[0]='$'-- TP_CLASS::name IDENT::str STR::aget CHAR::is_eq end; is_bound:BOOL -- Returns false. is return false end; is_subtype(t:$CALL_TP):BOOL -- True if self is a subtype of `t'. is if void(self) then return false end; if self=t then-- TP_CLASS::is_eq return true else typecase t when CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE then if ~void( then-- CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE::tp BOOL::not return is_subtype(;-- TP_CLASS::is_subtype CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE::tp else -- everything is a subtype of untyped underscore return true; end; when TP_CLASS then if t.is_abstract then-- TP_CLASS::is_abstract return prog.tp_graph.abs_subtype_test(self,t)-- TP_CLASS::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::abs_subtype_test else return false end; else return false end end end; -- is_subtype kind:INT -- One of TP_KIND::missing_tp, TP_KIND::val_tp, TP_KIND::ref_tp, -- TP_KIND::abs_tp, TP_KIND::ext_c_tp, TP_KIND::ext_fortran_tp, -- pSather: AS_KIND::spr_tp -- TP_KIND::rout_tp, TP_KIND::iter_tp. is if kind_cache=TP_KIND::missing_tp then-- TP_CLASS::kind_cache INT::is_eq TP_KIND::missing_tp as:AS_CLASS_DEF:=prog.parse.tree_for(name,params.size);-- TP_CLASS::prog PROG::parse TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size if ~void(as) then-- BOOL::not kind_cache:=as.kind;-- TP_CLASS::kind_cache AS_CLASS_DEF::kind end; end; return kind_cache-- TP_CLASS::kind_cache end; is_reference_free:BOOL -- mbk is if void(self) then return false end; return impl.is_reference_free;-- TP_CLASS::impl IMPL::is_reference_free end; as:AS_TYPE_SPEC is ret ::= #AS_TYPE_SPEC;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::create := name;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::name TP_CLASS::name -- deal with params asp : AS_TYPE_SPEC; loop paramtp ::= params.elt!;-- TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::elt! as0 ::=; if void(asp) then asp := as0; else asp.append(as0); end;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::append end; ret.params := asp;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params return ret; end; private pnames:ARRAY{IDENT} -- An array of the parameter names for the type `self'. Void if none. pre ~void(self) is-- BOOL::not as ::= prog.parse.tree_for(,self.params.size);-- TP_CLASS::prog PROG::parse TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size if void(as) then return void end; if void(as.params) then return void end;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::params r ::= #ARRAY{IDENT}(as.params.size);-- ARRAY{1}::create AS_CLASS_DEF::params AS_PARAM_DEC::size pd:AS_PARAM_DEC := as.params;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::params i:INT:=0; loop until!(void(pd)); r.set!(; end;-- ARRAY{1}::set! AS_PARAM_DEC::name AS_PARAM_DEC::next return r end; --attr my_context: TP_CONTEXT; -- Quickfix tp_context_for:TP_CONTEXT -- The type context appropriate for the body of `self'. Void if -- `self' is not a known type. pre ~void(self) is-- BOOL::not --if ~void(my_context) then return my_context end; pn:ARRAY{IDENT}:=pnames;-- TP_CLASS::pnames ps:INT; if ~void(pn) then ps:=pn.asize end;-- BOOL::not ARRAY{1}::asize if ps/=self.params.size then return void end;-- INT::is_eq TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not r::=#TP_CONTEXT(self, pn, params, prog);-- TP_CONTEXT::create TP_CLASS::params TP_CLASS::prog if is_abstract then r.is_abs:=true end;-- TP_CLASS::is_abstract TP_CONTEXT::is_abs --my_context := r; return r end; impl: IMPL -- Creates the implementation of this class. Does nothing if -- already computed. Test for cyclic implementation contruction -- with include clauses. is if void(my_impl) then-- TP_CLASS::my_impl my_impl := IMPL_CREATE::create_for_tp_class(self);-- TP_CLASS::my_impl IMPL_CREATE::create_for_tp_class end; return my_impl-- TP_CLASS::my_impl end; ifc: IFC is if void(my_ifc) then my_ifc := IFC::ifc_for_class(self); end;-- TP_CLASS::my_ifc TP_CLASS::my_ifc IFC::ifc_for_class return my_ifc-- TP_CLASS::my_ifc end; end; -- TP_CLASS

class TP_ROUT < $TP

class TP_ROUT < $TP is -- Representation of bound routine types. include TP; attr args:ARRAY{ARG}; -- Specifiers for the arguments -- in order, void if none. attr ret:$TP; -- The return type, void if none. attr is_remote:BOOL; -- used by pSather for remote -- proc. calls create(args:ARRAY{ARG}, ret:$TP, prog:PROG):SAME -- A bound routine type object with the specified attributes. is r::=new; r.args:=args; r.ret:=ret; r.prog:=prog;-- TP_ROUT::args TP_ROUT::ret TP_ROUT::prog return r end; private attr sas_cache:STR; -- Cache for string representation. str:STR -- The string version of the type represented by self. Uses no -- whitespace, eg: "ROUT{A,B{C},outD}:E". is if void(self) then return "void" end; if ~void(sas_cache) then-- TP_ROUT::sas_cache BOOL::not -- Don't need to do anything. elsif void(args) and void(ret) then-- TP_ROUT::args TP_ROUT::ret sas_cache:="ROUT"-- TP_ROUT::sas_cache else s::=#FSTR + "ROUT";-- FSTR::create FSTR::plus if ~void(args) then-- TP_ROUT::args BOOL::not s:=s + '{'; -- FSTR::plus loop arg ::= args.elt!;-- TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! s := s+",".separate!( FSTR::plus STR::separate! ARG::mode STR::plus ARG::tp end; s:=s + '}'-- FSTR::plus end; if ~void(ret) then s:=s + ':' + ret.str end;-- TP_ROUT::ret BOOL::not FSTR::plus TP_ROUT::ret sas_cache:=s.str-- TP_ROUT::sas_cache FSTR::str end; return sas_cache-- TP_ROUT::sas_cache end; is_abstract:BOOL is return false end; is_bound:BOOL is return true end; is_subtype(t:$CALL_TP):BOOL -- True if self is a subtype of `t'. is if void(self) then return false end; typecase t when TP_CLASS then if ~t.is_abstract then-- TP_CLASS::is_abstract BOOL::not return false else return prog.tp_graph.abs_subtype_test(self,t)-- TP_ROUT::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::abs_subtype_test end; when TP_ROUT then -- Test for contravariant conformance. This means: -- 1) Self and `t' have the same number of arguments. -- 2) Both have a return value or both do not. -- 3) The mode of each argument is the same. -- 4) for any in arguments, the type in t is a subtype -- of a type in self; -- for any inout arguments, the type in self is the same -- as the type in t; -- for any out arguments, the type in self is a subtype of -- of the type in t; -- 5) The return type of self must be a subtype of the return -- type of t, if present if args.size/=t.args.size then return false end;-- TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not if has_ret/=t.has_ret then return false end;-- TP_ROUT::has_ret BOOL::is_eq TP_ROUT::has_ret BOOL::not loop if args.elt!.mode /= t.args.elt!.mode then return false; end;-- TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::mode TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::mode BOOL::not end; loop self_arg ::= args.elt!; t_arg ::= t.args.elt!;-- TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! case self_arg.mode-- ARG::mode when MODES::in_mode then-- MODES::in_mode if then -- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not return false; end; when MODES::out_mode then-- MODES::out_mode if then -- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not return false; end; when MODES::inout_mode then-- MODES::inout_mode if /= then -- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not return false; end; when MODES::once_mode then -- aj ?? there are no once here-- MODES::once_mode if then -- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not return false; end; end; end; -- well, unfortunately, dispatched ROUTs are not implemented -- yet, so make sure things match exactly. When they are -- finally implemented, loop below should be deleted loop if args.elt!.tp /= t.args.elt!.tp then -- TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp BOOL::not prog.err(-- TP_ROUT::prog PROG::err "Dispatched bound routines are not implemented yet, check argument types"); return false; end; end; -- same accounts for return value -- foo(R:ROUT:$STR) may, so far, only be called with -- a bound routine of type ROUT:$STR. -- note NOT with a type of ROUT:INT if has_ret and ret /= t.ret then-- TP_ROUT::has_ret TP_ROUT::ret TP_ROUT::ret BOOL::not prog.err(-- TP_ROUT::prog PROG::err "Dispatched bound routines are not implemented yet, check return types."); return false; end; -- once its fixed do the following: --if has_ret and ~ret.is_subtype(t.ret) then return false end; return true else return false end; -- typecase t end; -- is_subtype has_ret:BOOL -- True if self has a return value. is return ~void(ret)-- TP_ROUT::ret end;-- BOOL::not kind:INT -- The kind of this type. is return TP_KIND::rout_tp-- TP_KIND::rout_tp end; as:AS_TYPE_SPEC is r ::= #AS_TYPE_SPEC;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::create r.kind := AS_TYPE_SPEC::rt;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind AS_TYPE_SPEC::rt asp : AS_TYPE_SPEC; loop arg ::= args.elt!;-- TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! paramtp ::=;-- ARG::tp as0 ::=; if void(asp) then asp := as0; else asp.append(as0); end;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::append end; r.params := asp;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params if ~void(ret) then-- TP_ROUT::ret BOOL::not r.ret :=;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret TP_ROUT::ret end; return r; end; ifc: IFC is if void(my_ifc) then my_ifc := IFC::ifc_for_rout(self) end;-- TP_ROUT::my_ifc TP_ROUT::my_ifc IFC::ifc_for_rout return my_ifc-- TP_ROUT::my_ifc end; end; -- class TP_ROUT

class TP_ITER < $TP

class TP_ITER < $TP is -- Representation of bound iter types. include TP; attr args:ARRAY{ARG}; -- Specifiers for the argument types -- in order, void if none. attr hot:ARRAY{BOOL}; -- Treu for each arg which is marked -- with a "!". None are hot if this array is void. attr ret:$TP; -- The return type, void if none. create(args:ARRAY{ARG}, hot:ARRAY{BOOL}, ret:$TP, prog:PROG):SAME -- A bound iter type object with the specified attributes. is r::=new; r.args:=args;; r.ret:=ret; r.prog:=prog; -- TP_ITER::args TP_ITER::hot TP_ITER::ret TP_ITER::prog return r end; attr sas_cache:STR; -- Cache for string representation. str:STR -- The string version of the type represented by self. Uses no -- whitespace, eg: "ITER{A!,B{C},D}:E". -- If self is void, returns "void". is if void(self) then return "void" end; if ~void(sas_cache) then-- TP_ITER::sas_cache BOOL::not -- Don't need to do anything. elsif void(args) and void(ret) then-- TP_ITER::args TP_ITER::ret sas_cache:="ITER"-- TP_ITER::sas_cache else s::=#FSTR + "ITER";-- FSTR::create FSTR::plus if ~void(args) then-- TP_ITER::args BOOL::not s:=s + '{'; -- FSTR::plus loop arg ::= args.elt!;-- TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! s:=s+",".separate!(;-- FSTR::plus STR::separate! ARG::mode STR::plus ARG::tp if ~void(hot) and hot.elt! then s:=s + '!' end-- TP_ITER::hot BOOL::not TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! FSTR::plus end; s:=s + '}'-- FSTR::plus end; if ~void(ret) then s:=s + ':' + ret.str end;-- TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not FSTR::plus TP_ITER::ret sas_cache:=s.str-- TP_ITER::sas_cache FSTR::str end; return sas_cache -- TP_ITER::sas_cache end; -- str is_abstract:BOOL is -- Returns false. return false end; is_bound:BOOL is -- Returns true. return true end; is_subtype(t:$CALL_TP):BOOL is -- True if self is a subtype of `t'. if void(self) then return false end; typecase t when TP_CLASS then if ~t.is_abstract then return false-- TP_CLASS::is_abstract BOOL::not else return prog.tp_graph.abs_subtype_test(self,t) end;-- TP_ITER::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::abs_subtype_test when TP_ITER then -- Test for contravariant conformance. This means: -- 1) Self and `t' have the same number of arguments. -- 2) Both have a return value or both do not. -- 3) The mode of each argument is the same -- 4) for any in arguments, the type in t is a subtype -- of a type in self; -- for any inout arguments, the type in self is the same -- as the type in t; -- for any out arguments, the type in self is a subtype of -- of the type in t; -- 5) The return type of self must be a subtype of the return -- type of t, if present if args.size/=t.args.size then return false end;-- TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not loop sar ::= args.elt!;-- TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! tar ::= t.args.elt!;-- TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! sar_tp ::=;-- ARG::tp typecase sar_tp when CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE then -- modes do not need to match sar.mode := tar.mode;-- ARG::mode ARG::mode else if (sar.mode /= tar.mode) then-- ARG::mode ARG::mode BOOL::not return false; end end; end; loop self_arg ::= args.elt!; t_arg ::= t.args.elt!;-- TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! case self_arg.mode-- ARG::mode when MODES::in_mode then-- MODES::in_mode if then -- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not return false; end; when MODES::out_mode then-- MODES::out_mode if then -- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not return false; end; when MODES::inout_mode then-- MODES::inout_mode if /= then -- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not return false; end; when MODES::once_mode then-- MODES::once_mode if then -- ARG::tp ARG::tp BOOL::not return false; end; end; end; -- well, unfortunately, dispatched ITERs are not implemented -- yet, so make sure things match exactly. When they are -- finally implemented, loop below should be deleted loop if args.elt!.tp /= t.args.elt!.tp then -- TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp BOOL::not prog.err("Dispatched bound iterators are not implemented yet, check argument types.");-- TP_ITER::prog PROG::err return false; end; end; if hot.size/ then return false end;-- TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not loop if hot.elt!/! then -- TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::is_eq TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::not #OUT + "hot mismatch\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus return false; end; end; if has_ret/=t.has_ret then return false end;-- TP_ITER::has_ret BOOL::is_eq TP_ITER::has_ret BOOL::not -- same accounts for return value -- foo(R:ITER:$STR) may, so far, only be called with -- a bound routine of type ITER:$STR. -- note NOT with a type of ITER:INT if has_ret and ret /= t.ret then-- TP_ITER::has_ret TP_ITER::ret TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not prog.err(-- TP_ITER::prog PROG::err "Dispatched bound iterators are not implemented yet, check return types."); return false; end; -- once its fixed do the following: -- if has_ret and ~ret.is_subtype(t.ret) then -- return false -- end; return true; else return false end; -- ends typecase end; has_ret:BOOL -- True if self has a return value. is if void(self) then return false end; return ~void(ret)-- TP_ITER::ret end;-- BOOL::not kind:INT -- The kind of this type. is return TP_KIND::iter_tp-- TP_KIND::iter_tp end; as:AS_TYPE_SPEC is r ::= #AS_TYPE_SPEC;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::create r.kind := AS_TYPE_SPEC::it;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind AS_TYPE_SPEC::it asp : AS_TYPE_SPEC; loop arg ::= args.elt!;-- TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! paramtp ::=; -- ARG::tp i::=0.up!;-- INT::up! as0 ::=; if ~void(hot) then-- TP_ITER::hot BOOL::not as0.is_hot := hot[i];-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::is_hot TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::aget end; if void(asp) then asp := as0; else asp.append(as0); end;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::append end; r.params := asp;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params -- ben - caused the browser to crash and seemed to require the void -- test if ~void(ret) then r.ret :=; end;-- TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret TP_ITER::ret return r; end; ifc: IFC is if void(my_ifc) then my_ifc := IFC::ifc_for_iter(self) end;-- TP_ITER::my_ifc TP_ITER::my_ifc IFC::ifc_for_iter return my_ifc;-- TP_ITER::my_ifc end; end; -- class TP_ITER


class TP_CONTEXT is -- A context for converting AS_TYPE_SPEC trees into $TP objects. attr same:TP_CLASS; -- The type that replaces "SAME", attr pnames:ARRAY{IDENT}; -- Type parameter names, if any. attr ptypes:ARRAY{$TP}; -- Type parameter values, if any. attr is_abs:BOOL; -- True if in an abstract class. attr prog:PROG; -- The program this is for. create(same:TP_CLASS, pnames:ARRAY{IDENT}, ptypes:ARRAY{$TP}, prog:PROG):SAME -- A type context object with the specified attributes. is r::=new; r.same:=same; r.pnames:=pnames; r.ptypes:=ptypes; r.prog:=prog;-- TP_CONTEXT::same TP_CONTEXT::pnames TP_CONTEXT::ptypes TP_CONTEXT::prog return r end; value_of_param(s:IDENT):$TP -- The value of the parameter named by `s'. If `s' doesn't -- name a parameter, returns void. is if void(pnames) then return void end;-- TP_CONTEXT::pnames loop i::=pnames.ind!; -- TP_CONTEXT::pnames ARRAY{1}::ind! if s=pnames[i] then return ptypes[i] end-- TP_CONTEXT::pnames ARRAY{1}::aget TP_CONTEXT::ptypes ARRAY{1}::aget end; return void end; tp_of(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC): $TP is return tp_of(t,true) end;-- TP_CONTEXT::tp_of tp_of(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC,memorize:BOOL):$TP -- The type object corresponding to the type specifier `t' in -- this context. Void if `t' is void. -- If memorize is false to not write this type into the global -- type table. is if void(t) then return void end; case t.kind-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind when AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord then return tp_class_of(t,memorize)-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord TP_CONTEXT::tp_class_of when AS_TYPE_SPEC::rt then return tp_rout_of(t)-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::rt TP_CONTEXT::tp_rout_of when AS_TYPE_SPEC::it then return tp_iter_of(t)-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::it TP_CONTEXT::tp_iter_of when AS_TYPE_SPEC::same then -- AS_TYPE_SPEC::same --*H* --if is_abs then prog.err_loc(t); -- prog.err("SAME is not allowed in abstract classes.") end; return same-- TP_CONTEXT::same end end; -- tp_of str: STR -- For debugging is res ::= "(" + same.str + ";";-- TP_CONTEXT::same TP_CLASS::str STR::plus if ~void(pnames) and pnames.size > 0 then-- TP_CONTEXT::pnames BOOL::not TP_CONTEXT::pnames ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_lt loop res:=res+",".separate!(pnames.elt!.str+"->"+ptypes.elt!.str);-- STR::plus STR::separate! TP_CONTEXT::pnames ARRAY{1}::elt! IDENT::str STR::plus TP_CONTEXT::ptypes ARRAY{1}::elt! end end; return res + ")";-- STR::plus end; tp_class_of(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC,memorize:BOOL):$TP -- The type object corresponding to the class type specifier -- `t' in this context. pre ~void(t) and t.kind=t.ord and void(t.ret)-- BOOL::not AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret is -- SAME is not allowed in parametrizations of abstract classes if[0]='$' then-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::name IDENT::str STR::aget CHAR::is_eq if type_spec_params_have_same(t) then-- TP_CONTEXT::type_spec_params_have_same prog.err_loc(t);-- TP_CONTEXT::prog PROG::err_loc prog.err("SAME is allowed only inside bodies of concrete classes.");-- TP_CONTEXT::prog PROG::err end; end; if void(t.params) then -- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params pv::=value_of_param(; -- TP_CONTEXT::value_of_param AS_TYPE_SPEC::name if ~void(pv) then return pv end; -- A parameter reference. -- BOOL::not if ~void( then-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::name BOOL::not return prog.tp_tbl.tp_class_for(, void, memorize)-- TP_CONTEXT::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_class_for AS_TYPE_SPEC::name end; end; ptps::=#ARRAY{$TP}(t.params.size);-- ARRAY{1}::create AS_TYPE_SPEC::params AS_TYPE_SPEC::size tpe::=t.params;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params loop until!(void(tpe)); ptps.set!(tp_of(tpe)); end;-- ARRAY{1}::set! TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_TYPE_SPEC::next if ~void( AS_TYPE_SPEC::name then-- BOOL::not return prog.tp_tbl.tp_class_for(, ptps, memorize);-- TP_CONTEXT::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_class_for AS_TYPE_SPEC::name else return void; end; end; tp_rout_of(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC):$TP -- The type object corresponding to the bound routine type -- specifier `t' in this context. pre ~void(t) and t.kind=t.rt-- BOOL::not AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::rt is if void(t.params) then-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params return prog.tp_tbl.tp_rout_for(void, tp_of(t.ret))-- TP_CONTEXT::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_rout_for TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret end; args ::= #ARRAY{ARG}(t.params.size);-- ARRAY{1}::create AS_TYPE_SPEC::params AS_TYPE_SPEC::size tpe ::= t.params;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params loop until!(void(tpe)); i ::= 0.up!;-- INT::up! args[i] := #(tp_of(tpe), MODE::create_from_as(tpe.mode));-- ARRAY{1}::aset ARG::create TP_CONTEXT::tp_of MODE::create_from_as AS_TYPE_SPEC::mode -- AS_TYPE_SPEC::next end; -- currently, no overloading on modes is allowed return prog.tp_tbl.tp_rout_for(args, tp_of(t.ret)) -- TP_CONTEXT::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_rout_for TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret end; tp_iter_of(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC):$TP -- The type object corresponding to the bound iter type -- specifier `t' in this context. pre ~void(t) and BOOL::not AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::it is if void(t.params) then-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params return prog.tp_tbl.tp_iter_for(void, void, tp_of(t.ret)) end;-- TP_CONTEXT::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_iter_for TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret args::=#ARRAY{ARG}(t.params.size);-- ARRAY{1}::create AS_TYPE_SPEC::params AS_TYPE_SPEC::size tpa::=t.params;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params loop until!(void(tpa)); i ::= 0.up!;-- INT::up! args[i] := #(tp_of(tpa), MODE::create_from_as(tpa.mode));-- ARRAY{1}::aset ARG::create TP_CONTEXT::tp_of MODE::create_from_as AS_TYPE_SPEC::mode -- AS_TYPE_SPEC::next end; hot::=#ARRAY{BOOL}(args.size);-- ARRAY{1}::create ARRAY{1}::size tpa:=t.params;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params -- to be eliminated (Boris) loop until!(void(tpa)); hot.set!(tpa.is_hot); end;-- ARRAY{1}::set! AS_TYPE_SPEC::is_hot AS_TYPE_SPEC::next if ~hot.contains(true) then hot:=void end;-- ARRAY{1}::contains BOOL::not -- currently, no overloading based on arg modes is allowed return prog.tp_tbl.tp_iter_for(args, hot, tp_of(t.ret)) -- TP_CONTEXT::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_iter_for TP_CONTEXT::tp_of AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret end; type_spec_has_same(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC):BOOL -- True if the type spec `t' contains "SAME". pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not if t.kind=t.same then return true; end;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::same if type_spec_params_have_same(t) then return true end;-- TP_CONTEXT::type_spec_params_have_same if ~void(t.ret) then -- AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret BOOL::not return type_spec_has_same(t.ret); -- TP_CONTEXT::type_spec_has_same AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret else return false; end; end; type_spec_params_have_same(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC):BOOL -- True if the type spec `t' contains "SAME". pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not p::=t.params;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params loop while!(~void(p));-- BOOL::not if type_spec_has_same(p) then return true end;-- TP_CONTEXT::type_spec_has_same AS_TYPE_SPEC::next end; return false end; type_spec_is_param(t:AS_TYPE_SPEC):BOOL -- True if `t' is a type specifier which is just a type -- parameter. pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not if t.kind/=t.ord or ~void(t.params) then return false end;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord BOOL::not AS_TYPE_SPEC::params BOOL::not return pnames.contains( TP_CONTEXT::pnames ARRAY{1}::contains AS_TYPE_SPEC::name end; end; -- class TP_CONTEXT

class TP_TBL

class TP_TBL is -- A table of types in a program. This ensures that each type -- is only represented by a single object so that object -- equality can be used to test for type equality. attr prog:PROG; -- The program this belongs to. attr class_tbl:TP_CLASS_TBL; -- Types defined by classes. attr included_classes:TP_CLASS_TBL; -- Types defined by include clauses. attr rout_tbl:TP_ROUT_TBL; -- Bound routine types. attr iter_tbl:TP_ITER_TBL; -- Bound iter types. create(prog:PROG):SAME -- A table of type for the program `prog'. is r::=new; r.prog:=prog;-- TP_TBL::prog TP_BUILTIN::initialize(r);-- TP_BUILTIN::initialize return r; end; private tp_class_for(s:STR,inout i:INT):TP_CLASS -- converts a string representation of a type to tp. -- reads only as many characters as needed. Returns -- the number of characters in i, and starts to read -- the string at pos i is params:ARRAY{$TP}; cl:STR; if s[i]='$' then-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq cl:=cl+s[i];-- STR::plus STR::aget i:=i+1;-- INT::plus end; loop while!(i<s.size and (s[i].is_upper or s[i]='_' or s[i].is_digit));-- INT::is_lt STR::size STR::aget CHAR::is_upper STR::aget CHAR::is_eq STR::aget CHAR::is_digit cl:=cl+s[i];-- STR::plus STR::aget i:=i+1;-- INT::plus end; if i=0 then -- INT::is_eq prog.barf("syntax error in tp string '"+s+"'");-- TP_TBL::prog PROG::barf STR::plus STR::plus end; if i<s.size then-- INT::is_lt STR::size if s[i]='{' then-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq i:=i+1;-- INT::plus j::=0; p:ARRAY{$TP}:=#(50); -- not more than 50 args-- ARRAY{1}::create loop p[j]:=tp_class_for(s,inout i);-- ARRAY{1}::aset TP_TBL::tp_class_for j:=j+1;-- INT::plus if s[i]='}' then-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq i:=i+1;-- INT::plus break!; elsif s[i]=',' then-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq i:=i+1;-- INT::plus else prog.barf("syntax error in tp string '"+s+"', expected ',' or '}', got '"+s[i]+"'");-- TP_TBL::prog PROG::barf STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus STR::aget STR::plus end; end; params:=#(j);-- ARRAY{1}::create params.copy(p);-- ARRAY{1}::copy else if s[i]/='}' and s[i]/=',' then-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not STR::aget CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not prog.barf("syntax error in tp string '"+s+"', expected '{' or ',', got '"+s[i]+"'");-- TP_TBL::prog PROG::barf STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus STR::aget STR::plus end; end; end; return tp_class_for(#IDENT(cl),params);-- TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create end; tp_class_for(s:STR):TP_CLASS is i::=0; return tp_class_for(s,inout i);-- TP_TBL::tp_class_for end; tp_class_for(name:IDENT, params:ARRAY{$TP}): TP_CLASS is return tp_class_for(name,params,true);-- TP_TBL::tp_class_for end; tp_class_for(name:IDENT, params:ARRAY{$TP}, memorize:BOOL ):TP_CLASS -- Return the class type object for the name `name' and the -- parameters (if any) `params'. If this has already been -- accessed, return the old object, otherwise create a new -- one using the array `params'. is query ::= #TUP{IDENT,ARRAY{$TP}}(name,params);-- TUP{2}::create r::=class_tbl.get_query(query);-- TP_TBL::class_tbl TP_CLASS_TBL::get_query if void(r) then r := included_classes.get_query(query);-- TP_TBL::included_classes TP_CLASS_TBL::get_query if void(r) then -- assert ~ prog.no_new_types; r := #TP_CLASS(name,params,prog);-- TP_CLASS::create TP_TBL::prog included_classes := included_classes.insert(r);-- TP_TBL::included_classes TP_TBL::included_classes TP_CLASS_TBL::insert end; if memorize then -- assert ~ prog.no_new_types; class_tbl := class_tbl.insert(r);-- TP_TBL::class_tbl TP_TBL::class_tbl TP_CLASS_TBL::insert end; end; return r end; tp_rout_for(args:ARRAY{ARG}, ret:$TP):TP_ROUT -- Return the bound routine type object for the argument -- `args' (if any) and the return type `ret' (if any). -- If this has already been accessed, return the old object, -- otherwise create a new one using the array `args'. is r::=rout_tbl.get_query(#(args,ret));-- TP_TBL::rout_tbl TP_ROUT_TBL::get_query TUP{2}::create if void(r) then r:=#(args,ret,prog);-- TP_ROUT::create TP_TBL::prog rout_tbl:=rout_tbl.insert(r)-- TP_TBL::rout_tbl TP_TBL::rout_tbl TP_ROUT_TBL::insert end; return r end; tp_iter_for(args:ARRAY{ARG}, hot:ARRAY{BOOL}, ret:$TP):TP_ITER is -- Return the bound iter type object for the argument -- types `args' (if any), marked according to `hot' (if any) -- and with return type `ret' (if any). If this has already -- been accessed, return the old object, otherwise create a -- new one using the arrays `args' and `hot'. r::=iter_tbl.get_query(#(args,hot,ret)); -- might be buggy aj-- TP_TBL::iter_tbl TP_ITER_TBL::get_query TUP{3}::create if void(r) then r:=#(args,hot,ret,prog);-- TP_ITER::create TP_TBL::prog iter_tbl:=iter_tbl.insert(r)-- TP_TBL::iter_tbl TP_TBL::iter_tbl TP_ITER_TBL::insert end; return r end; test(t:$TP):BOOL -- True if the type `t' is in the table. is typecase t when TP_CLASS then return class_tbl.test(t) when TP_ROUT then return rout_tbl.test(t) when TP_ITER then return iter_tbl.test(t) end end; insert(t:$TP) -- Insert the type `t' into the table. is typecase t when TP_CLASS then class_tbl:=class_tbl.insert(t) when TP_ROUT then rout_tbl:=rout_tbl.insert(t); when TP_ITER then iter_tbl:=iter_tbl.insert(t); end end; delete(t:$TP) -- Delete the type `t' from the table. is typecase t when TP_CLASS then class_tbl:=class_tbl.delete(t) when TP_ROUT then rout_tbl:=rout_tbl.delete(t) when TP_ITER then iter_tbl:=iter_tbl.delete(t) end end; end; -- class TP_TBL


class TP_CLASS_TBL is -- Table of types defined by classes: abstract, reference, -- immutable, and external types. -- -- `get_query(TUP{IDENT,ARRAY{$TP}}):TP_CLASS' looks up a type. -- `test(TP_CLASS):BOOL' tests for a type. -- `insert(TP_CLASS):SAME' inserts a type. -- `delete(TP_CLASS):SAME' deletes a type. include FQSET{TUP{IDENT,ARRAY{$TP}},TP_CLASS}; query_test(q:TUP{IDENT,ARRAY{$TP}}, t:TP_CLASS):BOOL -- True if `t' is the type described by `q'. is if void(t) then return false end; if q.t1/ then return false end;-- TUP{2}::t1 IDENT::is_eq TP_CLASS::name BOOL::not if q.t2.size/=t.params.size then return false end;-- TUP{2}::t2 ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not loop if q.t2.elt!/=t.params.elt! then return false end-- TUP{2}::t2 ARRAY{1}::elt! TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::not end; return true end; query_hash(q:TUP{IDENT,ARRAY{$TP}}):INT -- A hash value computed from the query types. is r::=q.t1.hash; -- Make depend on name.-- TUP{2}::t1 IDENT::hash loop i::=q.t2.ind!;-- TUP{2}::t2 ARRAY{1}::ind! r:=r.mplus(SYS::id(q.t2[i])).mplus(i).mtimes(19);-- INT::mplus SYS::id TUP{2}::t2 ARRAY{1}::aget INT::mplus INT::mtimes end; -- And on params. return r.hash; -- INT::hash end; elt_hash(e:TP_CLASS):INT -- Hash on the types in `e'. is; -- Make depend on name.-- TP_CLASS::name IDENT::hash loop i::=e.params.ind!;-- TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::ind! r:=r.mplus(SYS::id(e.params[i])).mplus(i).mtimes(19);-- INT::mplus SYS::id TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::aget INT::mplus INT::mtimes end; -- And on params. return r.hash; -- INT::hash end; end; -- class TP_CLASS_TBL


class TP_ROUT_TBL is -- Tables of bound routine types. -- -- `get_query(TUP{ARRAY{ARG},$TP}):TP_ROUT' look up a type. -- `test(TP_ROUT):BOOL' tests for a type. -- `insert(TP_ROUT):SAME' inserts a type. -- `delete(TP_ROUT):SAME' deletes a type. include FQSET{TUP{ARRAY{ARG},$TP}, TP_ROUT}; query_test(q:TUP{ARRAY{ARG},$TP}, t:TP_ROUT):BOOL -- True if `t' is a bound routine with arg and return types as -- listed in `q'. is if void(t) then return false end; if void(q.t2) then if ~void(t.ret) then return false end-- TUP{2}::t2 TP_ROUT::ret BOOL::not elsif q.t2/=t.ret then return false end;-- TUP{2}::t2 TP_ROUT::ret BOOL::not if q.t1.size/=t.args.size then return false end;-- TUP{2}::t1 ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not loop if q.t1.elt!/=t.args.elt! then return false end end;-- TUP{2}::t1 ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::is_eq TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::not return true end; query_hash(q:TUP{ARRAY{ARG},$TP}):INT -- A hash value computed from the query types. is r::=0; -- Make depend on return type. if ~void(q.t2) then r:=SYS::id(q.t2).hash; end;-- TUP{2}::t2 BOOL::not SYS::id TUP{2}::t2 INT::hash -- And arg types. loop i::=q.t1.ind!;-- TUP{2}::t1 ARRAY{1}::ind! r:=r.mplus(SYS::id(q.t1[i].tp)).mplus(i).mtimes(19);-- INT::mplus SYS::id TUP{2}::t1 ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp INT::mplus INT::mtimes end; return r.hash-- INT::hash end; elt_hash(e:TP_ROUT):INT -- A hash value computed from the query types. is r::=0; -- Make depend on return type. if ~void(e.ret) then r:=SYS::id(e.ret).hash; end;-- TP_ROUT::ret BOOL::not SYS::id TP_ROUT::ret INT::hash -- And arg types. loop i::=e.args.ind!;-- TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::ind! r:=r.mplus(SYS::id(e.args[i].tp)).mplus(i).mtimes(19);-- INT::mplus SYS::id TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp INT::mplus INT::mtimes end; return r.hash-- INT::hash end; end; -- class TP_ROUT_TBL


class TP_ITER_TBL is -- Tables of bound iter types. -- -- `get_query(TUP{ARRAY{ARG},ARRAY{BOOL},$TP}):TP_ITER' look up a type. -- `test(TP_ITER):BOOL' tests for a type. -- `insert(TP_ITER):SAME' inserts a type. -- `delete(TP_ITER):SAME' deletes a type. include FQSET{TUP{ARRAY{ARG},ARRAY{BOOL},$TP}, TP_ITER}; query_test(q:TUP{ARRAY{ARG},ARRAY{BOOL},$TP}, t:TP_ITER):BOOL -- True if `t' is a bound iter with arg types, arg hotness and -- return type as listed in `q'. is if void(t) then return false end; if void(q.t3) then -- TUP{3}::t3 if ~void(t.ret) then return false end;-- TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not elsif q.t3 /= t.ret then return false end; -- TUP{3}::t3 TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not if q.t1.size/=t.args.size then return false end;-- TUP{3}::t1 ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not loop if q.t1.elt!/=t.args.elt! then return false end end;-- TUP{3}::t1 ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::is_eq TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::not if q.t2.size/ then return false end; -- TUP{3}::t2 ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_eq TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not loop if q.t2.elt!/! then return false end end;-- TUP{3}::t2 ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::is_eq TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! BOOL::not return true end; query_hash(q:TUP{ARRAY{ARG},ARRAY{BOOL},$TP}):INT is -- A hash value computed from the query types. r::=0; -- Make depend on return type. if ~void(q.t3) then r:=SYS::id(q.t3).hash; end;-- TUP{3}::t3 BOOL::not SYS::id TUP{3}::t3 INT::hash -- And arg types. loop i::=q.t1.ind!;-- TUP{3}::t1 ARRAY{1}::ind! r:=r.mplus(SYS::id(q.t1[i].tp)).mplus(i).mtimes(19);-- INT::mplus SYS::id TUP{3}::t1 ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp INT::mplus INT::mtimes end; -- leav out hotness for now return r.hash -- INT::hash end; elt_hash(e:TP_ITER):INT is -- A hash value computed from the query types. r::=0; -- Make depend on return type. if ~void(e.ret) then r:=SYS::id(e.ret).hash; end;-- TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not SYS::id TP_ITER::ret INT::hash -- And arg types. loop i::=e.args.ind!;-- TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::ind! r:=r.mplus(SYS::id(e.args[i].tp)).mplus(i).mtimes(19);-- INT::mplus SYS::id TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp INT::mplus INT::mtimes end; -- ignore hotness for now return r.hash -- INT::hash end; end; -- class TP_ITER_TBL

class TP_GRAPH

class TP_GRAPH is -- Objects which represent Sather type graphs. -- The tables do not explicitly represent the edges between -- bound objects attr prog:PROG; attr par_tbl:FMAP{TP_CLASS,FSET{TP_CLASS}}; -- Map from each class type to the direct supertypes attr anc_tbl:FMAP{TP_CLASS,FSET{TP_CLASS}}; -- Map from each class type to its ancestors attr child_tbl:FMAP{TP_CLASS,FSET{$TP}}; -- Map from each abstract type to any explicit children attr des_tbl:FMAP{TP_CLASS,FSET{$TP}}; -- Table of descendants for each abstract type. attr cur:FSET{TUP{IDENT,INT}}; -- The set of type names and number of parameters which are in -- the process of determining their ancestors. Used to detect loops. create(prog:PROG):SAME -- A type graph for the program `prog'. is r::=new; r.prog:=prog; -- TP_GRAPH::prog return r end; abs_subtype_test(t:$TP, at:TP_CLASS):BOOL -- True if the type `t' is a subtype of the abstract type `at'. pre at.is_abstract-- TP_CLASS::is_abstract is if t=at or at=TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob then return true end;-- TP_CLASS::is_eq TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob typecase t when TP_CLASS then if get_anc(t).test(at) then return true end;-- TP_GRAPH::get_anc FSET{1}::test else end; if get_des(at).test(t) then return true end;-- TP_GRAPH::get_des FSET{1}::test return false end; tup_str(t:TUP{IDENT,INT}):STR -- A string for the specified type of the form "FOO{_,_,_}". is return t.t1.str(t.t2);-- TUP{2}::t1 IDENT::str TUP{2}::t2 end; get_parents(tp:TP_CLASS):FSET{TP_CLASS} is return par_tbl.get(tp);-- TP_GRAPH::par_tbl FMAP{2}::get end; get_children(tp:TP_CLASS):FSET{$TP} is return child_tbl.get(tp);-- TP_GRAPH::child_tbl FMAP{2}::get end; make_family_members is -- compute parents and children information for all classes -- using both subtyping ``>'' and supertyping ``<'' children:FSET{$TP}; parents:FSET{TP_CLASS}; loop t:$TP:=prog.tp_done.elt!;-- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_done FSET{1}::elt! typecase t when TP_CLASS then as ::= prog.parse.tree_for(, t.params.size); -- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::parse TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size if ~void(as) then -- BOOL::not con ::= t.tp_context_for;-- TP_CLASS::tp_context_for if ~void(as.under) then-- AS_CLASS_DEF::under BOOL::not parents := #;-- FSET{1}::create children := #;-- FSET{1}::create ts ::= as.under;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::under loop until!(void(ts)); tp ::= con.tp_of(ts);-- TP_CONTEXT::tp_of typecase tp when TP_CLASS then if ~tp.is_abstract then -- TP_CLASS::is_abstract BOOL::not prog.err("In type " + t.str + " the type " + tp.str + -- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::err STR::plus TP_CLASS::str STR::plus STR::plus TP_CLASS::str " appears in the supertype list but is not abstract.") -- STR::plus else parents := parents.insert(tp);-- FSET{1}::insert children := child_tbl.get(tp);-- TP_GRAPH::child_tbl FMAP{2}::get children := children.insert(t);-- FSET{1}::insert child_tbl := child_tbl.insert(tp, children);-- TP_GRAPH::child_tbl TP_GRAPH::child_tbl FMAP{2}::insert end; else prog.err("In type " + t.str + " the type " + tp.str-- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::err STR::plus TP_CLASS::str STR::plus STR::plus + " appears in the supertype list but is a bound type.")-- STR::plus end; ts :=;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::next end; parents := par_tbl.get(t).to_union(parents);-- TP_GRAPH::par_tbl FMAP{2}::get FSET{1}::to_union par_tbl := par_tbl.insert(t, parents);-- TP_GRAPH::par_tbl TP_GRAPH::par_tbl FMAP{2}::insert end; if ~void(as.over) then-- AS_CLASS_DEF::over BOOL::not parents := #;-- FSET{1}::create children := #; -- FSET{1}::create ts ::= as.over;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::over loop until!(void(ts)); tp ::= con.tp_of(ts);-- TP_CONTEXT::tp_of typecase tp when TP_CLASS then if tp.is_external then -- TP_CLASS::is_external prog.err("The type " + t.str + " lists the external type "-- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::err STR::plus TP_CLASS::str + tp.str + " in its subtype list.")-- STR::plus STR::plus TP_CLASS::str STR::plus else children := children.insert(tp);-- FSET{1}::insert parents := par_tbl.get(tp);-- TP_GRAPH::par_tbl FMAP{2}::get parents := parents.insert(t);-- FSET{1}::insert par_tbl := par_tbl.insert(tp, parents);-- TP_GRAPH::par_tbl TP_GRAPH::par_tbl FMAP{2}::insert end; end; ts :=;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::next end; children := child_tbl.get(t).to_union(children);-- TP_GRAPH::child_tbl FMAP{2}::get FSET{1}::to_union child_tbl := child_tbl.insert(t, children);-- TP_GRAPH::child_tbl TP_GRAPH::child_tbl FMAP{2}::insert end; end; else end; end; end; get_anc(t:TP_CLASS):FSET{TP_CLASS} -- The set of "<" ancestors for `t'. Void if none. $OB is not -- explicitly included. Do not modify the returned table. -- Reports an error if there is a loop. All returned types -- should be abstract. is p ::= anc_tbl.get_pair(t);-- TP_GRAPH::anc_tbl FMAP{2}::get_pair if ~void(p.t1) then return p.t2 end;-- TUP{2}::t1 BOOL::not TUP{2}::t2 -- parents ::= get_parents(t); parents ::= par_tbl.get(t); -- TP_GRAPH::par_tbl FMAP{2}::get if void(parents) then return void end; cq ::= #TUP{IDENT,INT}(,t.params.size);-- TUP{2}::create TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size if cur.test(cq) then -- TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::test as ::= prog.parse.tree_for(, t.params.size); -- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::parse TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size prog.err_loc(as); -- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::err_loc s ::= #FSTR + "Subtype cycle detected involving the types: ";-- FSTR::create FSTR::plus loop s:=s+", ".separate!(tup_str(cur.elt!)) end;-- FSTR::plus STR::separate! TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::elt! prog.err(s.str); -- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::err FSTR::str anc_tbl := anc_tbl.insert(t,void);-- TP_GRAPH::anc_tbl TP_GRAPH::anc_tbl FMAP{2}::insert cur := cur.delete(cq); -- TP_GRAPH::cur TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::delete return void end; r:FSET{TP_CLASS}; cur:=cur.insert(cq); -- TP_GRAPH::cur TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::insert loop t2 ::= parents.elt!; -- FSET{1}::elt! r := r.insert(t2); r := r.to_union(get_anc(t2))-- FSET{1}::insert FSET{1}::to_union TP_GRAPH::get_anc end; anc_tbl := anc_tbl.insert(t,r); cur:=cur.delete(cq);-- TP_GRAPH::anc_tbl TP_GRAPH::anc_tbl FMAP{2}::insert TP_GRAPH::cur TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::delete return r end; -- get_anc get_des(t:TP_CLASS):FSET{$TP} -- The set of ">" descendants for `t'. Void if none. -- Do not modify the returned table. Reports an error if there -- is a loop. is r:FSET{$TP}; p ::= des_tbl.get_pair(t);-- TP_GRAPH::des_tbl FMAP{2}::get_pair if ~void(p.t1) then return p.t2 end;-- TUP{2}::t1 BOOL::not TUP{2}::t2 cld ::= child_tbl.get(t);-- TP_GRAPH::child_tbl FMAP{2}::get if void(cld) then return void end; cq ::= #TUP{IDENT,INT}(,t.params.size);-- TUP{2}::create TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size if cur.test(cq) then -- TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::test as ::= prog.parse.tree_for(, t.params.size); -- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::parse TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size prog.err_loc(as); -- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::err_loc s ::= #FSTR + "Supertype cycle detected involving the types with "-- FSTR::create "the following names and number of parameters: ";-- FSTR::plus loop s:=s+", ".separate!(tup_str(cur.elt!)) end;-- FSTR::plus STR::separate! TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::elt! prog.err(s.str); -- TP_GRAPH::prog PROG::err FSTR::str des_tbl := des_tbl.insert(t,void);-- TP_GRAPH::des_tbl TP_GRAPH::des_tbl FMAP{2}::insert cur:=cur.delete(cq); -- TP_GRAPH::cur TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::delete return void end; cur:=cur.insert(cq); -- TP_GRAPH::cur TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::insert loop t2 ::= cld.elt!; -- FSET{1}::elt! r := r.insert(t2); -- FSET{1}::insert typecase t2 when TP_CLASS then r:=r.to_union(get_des(t2))-- FSET{1}::to_union TP_GRAPH::get_des else end end; des_tbl := des_tbl.insert(t,r);-- TP_GRAPH::des_tbl TP_GRAPH::des_tbl FMAP{2}::insert cur:=cur.delete(cq);-- TP_GRAPH::cur TP_GRAPH::cur FSET{1}::delete return r end; -- get_des end; -- class TP_GRAPH


class TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES is -- Table of all concrete descendants of abstract types. --pSather attr gate, mutex, dollar_lock:TP_CLASS; attr prog:PROG; -- The program this table belongs to. attr tbl:FMAP{TP_CLASS,FSET{$TP}}; -- Table of concrete descendants -- of each abstract type. create(prog:PROG):SAME is -- Compute an abstract descendant table for the program `prog', -- from the explicit ancestor and descendant tables `anc' and -- `des'. r::=new; r.prog:=prog; return r end;-- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::prog do_tbl is -- Compute the table assuming that `prog.tp_graph' and -- `prog.find_types' are done. do_dollar_ob; do_anc; do_des end;-- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::do_dollar_ob TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::do_anc TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::do_des do_dollar_ob is -- Put in all concrete types under $OB. dob:TP_CLASS:=TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob;-- TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob tt:FSET{$TP}:=prog.tp_done;-- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::prog PROG::tp_done if void(tt) then return end; loop tp::=tt.elt!; -- FSET{1}::elt! if ~tp.is_abstract then add(dob,tp) end end end;-- BOOL::not TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::add do_anc is -- Put entries in the table based on the subtype edges. loop p::=prog.tp_graph.anc_tbl.pairs!; -- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::anc_tbl FMAP{2}::pairs! if ~p.t1.is_abstract then-- TUP{2}::t1 TP_CLASS::is_abstract BOOL::not loop add(p.t2.elt!,p.t1) end end end end; -- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::add TUP{2}::t2 FSET{1}::elt! TUP{2}::t1 do_des is -- Put entries in the table based on the supertype edges. loop p::=prog.tp_graph.des_tbl.pairs!; -- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::des_tbl FMAP{2}::pairs! loop ct::=p.t2.elt!;-- TUP{2}::t2 FSET{1}::elt! if ~ct.is_abstract then add(p.t1,ct) end end end end;-- BOOL::not TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::add TUP{2}::t1 add(at:TP_CLASS,ct:$TP) is -- Add the concrete type `ct' as one of the descendants of the -- abstract type `at'. s::=tbl.get(at); s:=s.insert(ct); tbl:=tbl.insert(at,s) end;-- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::tbl FMAP{2}::get FSET{1}::insert TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::tbl TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::tbl FMAP{2}::insert des_of(tp:TP_CLASS):FSET{$TP} is -- A table of the concrete descendants of the abstract type -- `tp'. Void if none. return tbl.get(tp) end;-- TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::tbl FMAP{2}::get end; -- class TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES


class TP_BUILTIN is -- Cache for quick access to the type objects for builtin types. readonly shared dollar_ob, bool, char, int, inti, flt, fltd, fltx, fltdx, flti, f_integer, f_real, f_integer_arr, f_real_arr, attach, str, sys, ext_ob, arr_of_str,fstr,prefetch, runtime, c_unix: TP_CLASS; readonly shared rout:TP_ROUT; --pSather readonly shared gate, mutex, dollar_lock:TP_CLASS; initialize(t:TP_TBL) -- A table of builtin types for the program `prog'. is dollar_ob:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("$OB"),void);-- TP_BUILTIN::dollar_ob TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create bool:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("BOOL"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::bool TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create char:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("CHAR"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::char TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create int:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("INT"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::int TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create inti:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("INTI"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::inti TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create flt:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("FLT"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::flt TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create fltd:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("FLTD"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::fltd TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create fltx:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("FLTX"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::fltx TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create fltdx:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("FLTDX"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::fltdx TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create flti:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("FLTI"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::flti TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create str:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("STR"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::str TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create fstr:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("FSTR"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::fstr TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create attach:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("$ATTACH"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::attach TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create sys:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("SYS"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::sys TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create ext_ob:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("EXT_OB"),void);-- TP_BUILTIN::ext_ob TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create prefetch:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("PREFETCH"),void);-- TP_BUILTIN::prefetch TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create rout:=t.tp_rout_for(void,void); -- ROUT-- TP_BUILTIN::rout TP_TBL::tp_rout_for arr:ARRAY{$TP}:=ARRAY{$TP}::create(1); arr[0]:=str;-- ARRAY{1}::create ARRAY{1}::aset TP_BUILTIN::str arr_of_str:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("ARRAY"),arr);-- TP_BUILTIN::arr_of_str TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create runtime:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("RUNTIME"),void);-- TP_BUILTIN::runtime TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create c_unix:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("C_UNIX"),void);-- TP_BUILTIN::c_unix TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create -- external FORTRAN types f_integer:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("F_INTEGER"),void);-- TP_BUILTIN::f_integer TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create f_real:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("F_REAL"),void); -- TP_BUILTIN::f_real TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create -- f_integer_arr:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("F_INTEGER_ARR"),void); -- f_real_arr:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("F_REAL_ARR"),void); --pSather dollar_lock:=t.tp_class_for(#IDENT("$LOCK"),void);-- TP_BUILTIN::dollar_lock TP_TBL::tp_class_for IDENT::create end; end; -- class TP_BUILTIN