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class TIME

class TIME is -- Routines associated with timing. -- ANSI C provides very limited support for times, in particular -- makes it difficult to get at high resolution timers in a -- portable way. For the moment, only the ANSI routines are used, -- but in the future more support will be nice. -- I avoid using the ANSI clock() because it trivially rolls over -- when measured in microseconds, as happens on suns. It also -- measures the processor time including child processes, which is -- somewhat ambiguous with a parallel make utility like the -- compiler uses. private shared time_at_start:FLTD; seconds:FLTD is -- Seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. Precision is -- not guaranteed beyond seconds. Built-in. builtin TIME_SECONDS; end; start is -- Begin timing. time_at_start:=seconds;-- TIME::time_at_start TIME::seconds end; elapsed:FLTD is -- Return time since calling "start". Precision is not -- guaranteed beyond seconds. return seconds - time_at_start;-- TIME::seconds TIME::time_at_start end; end;

class TIMES

class TIMES is -- return system, user and wall time in clock ticks -- This routines are not portable and may return different values -- on different systems. use at your own risc readonly attr sys_time, user_time, child_sys_time, child_user_time, wall_time:INT; create:SAME is r::=new;r.now;return r; end; now is builtin TIMES_NOW; end; clk:INT is builtin TIMES_CLK; end; -- to measure the time used during some parts of the program, -- use start and elapsed. Elapsed returns the time since the last -- start. start is now; end; elapsed:TIMES is return #TIMES-self; end; plus(a:SAME):SAME is n:TIMES:=#; n.sys_time:=sys_time+a.sys_time; n.user_time:=user_time+a.user_time; n.wall_time:=wall_time+a.wall_time; n.child_sys_time:=sys_time+a.child_sys_time; n.child_user_time:=user_time+a.child_user_time; return n; end; minus(a:SAME):SAME is n:TIMES:=#; n.sys_time:=sys_time-a.sys_time; n.user_time:=user_time-a.user_time; n.wall_time:=wall_time-a.wall_time; n.child_sys_time:=sys_time-a.child_sys_time; n.child_user_time:=user_time-a.child_user_time; return n; end; -- standard way to print the time str:STR is r::=""; r:=r.append("wall time: ",#FMT("<#.##>",(wall_time.flt/clk.flt)).str," sec.\n"); r:=r.append("user time: ",#FMT("<#.##>",(user_time.flt/clk.flt)).str," sec.\n"); r:=r.append("system time: ",#FMT("<#.##>",(sys_time.flt/clk.flt)).str," sec.\n"); r:=r.append("user+system time: ",#FMT("<#.##>",((user_time+sys_time).flt/clk.flt)).str," sec.\n"); r:=r.append("CPU usage: ",((user_time+sys_time).flt*100.0/wall_time.flt).int.str," %\n"); return r; end; end; -- vim:sw=3:nosmartindent