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class SIDE_EFFECT < $HASH is include COMPARABLE; attr tp:$TP; -- The class modified attr name:IDENT; -- The name of the attribute, void(IDENT) for arrays attr doeswrite:BOOL; -- Is this attribute written to? -- are these two refrences to the same object? -- don't check the doeswrite flag is_eq(other:SAME):BOOL is if void(self) or void(other) then return false end; if is_array then-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_array return(other.is_array and tp.is_eq(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_array SIDE_EFFECT::tp SIDE_EFFECT::tp elsif is_local then-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_local return(other.is_local and name.is_eq(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_local SIDE_EFFECT::name IDENT::is_eq SIDE_EFFECT::name else return(tp.is_eq( and name.is_eq(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp SIDE_EFFECT::tp SIDE_EFFECT::name IDENT::is_eq SIDE_EFFECT::name end; end; is_neq(other:SAME):BOOL is return(~is_eq(other)); end; -- this function is used to mainatin the FSET, combine the hash functions -- of our refrences hash:INT is if is_array then return(tp.str.hash);-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_array SIDE_EFFECT::tp STR::hash elsif is_local then return(name.hash);-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_local SIDE_EFFECT::name IDENT::hash else return(tp.str.hash.bxor(name.hash));-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp STR::hash INT::bxor SIDE_EFFECT::name IDENT::hash end; end; -- is this a local variable? is_local:BOOL is return void(tp);-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp end; -- is this an array refrence? is_array:BOOL is return void(name);-- SIDE_EFFECT::name end; create:SAME is return new; end; -- here is our create function create(amattr:$OB,doeswrite:BOOL):SAME is r::=new; r.doeswrite := doeswrite;-- SIDE_EFFECT::doeswrite typecase amattr when AM_ATTR_EXPR then := amattr.self_tp;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp AM_ATTR_EXPR::self_tp :=;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name AM_ATTR_EXPR::at assert(~void(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name BOOL::not assert(~void(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp BOOL::not when AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR then :=;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR::ob :=;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name AM_VATTR_ASSIGN_EXPR::at assert(~void(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name BOOL::not assert(~void(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp BOOL::not assert(doeswrite); when AM_GLOBAL_EXPR then := amattr.class_tp;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::class_tp :=;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name AM_GLOBAL_EXPR::name assert(~void(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name BOOL::not assert(~void(;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp BOOL::not when AM_LOCAL_EXPR then -- don't remember unnamed local variable if void( then return void end; -- AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name := void;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp :=;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name AM_LOCAL_EXPR::name when SIDE_EFFECT then :=;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp SIDE_EFFECT::tp :=;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name SIDE_EFFECT::name end; return r; end; -- return a string for debugging str:STR is ret::=""; if ~is_local then-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_local BOOL::not ret:= ret+tp.str;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp end; if is_array then-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_array ret := ret+ "[]";-- STR::plus else ret := ret + ":" + name.str;-- STR::plus SIDE_EFFECT::name IDENT::str end; if doeswrite then ret := ret + "*" end;-- SIDE_EFFECT::doeswrite STR::plus return ret; end; end; -- each side_effect context (routine, loop) carries one of these around -- with them.


class SE_CONTEXT is private attr set:FSET{SIDE_EFFECT}; -- the set of attributes modified private attr is_full:BOOL; -- do we assume everything is modified attr unsafe:BOOL; -- is it unsafe to optimize this function out? attr has_raise:BOOL; -- true if the function (or any function it calls) may raise an exception attr has_import:BOOL; -- true if the function (or any function it calls) makes an import attr has_export:BOOL; -- true if the function (or any function it calls) makes an import attr has_fatal_error:BOOL; -- true if the function (or any function it calls) may encounter a fatal error attr has_arith_error:BOOL; -- true if the function could break if arith checks are on and it is called with the wrong arguments attr has_yield_in_lock:BOOL; -- true if an iter has a yield inside a lock attr may_block:BOOL; -- true if the function could block (lock) attr rsig:SIG; -- signature of the routine this is for attr weight:INT; -- number that defines the weight of the function shared prog:PROG; shared cs_options:CS_OPTIONS; -- options for the compiler full:BOOL is return is_full or has_import or has_export; end;-- SE_CONTEXT::is_full SE_CONTEXT::has_import SE_CONTEXT::has_export full(b:BOOL) is is_full:=b; end;-- SE_CONTEXT::is_full -- get the typesafe options from prog and save them for quick refrence get_options is if ~void(cs_options) then return; end;-- SE_CONTEXT::cs_options BOOL::not temp::=prog.get_options;-- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::get_options typecase temp when CS_OPTIONS then cs_options := temp;-- SE_CONTEXT::cs_options end; end; -- what is the maximum size of a context to keep? maxsize:INT is return 100; end; -- are we supposed to compute side effects? do_side_effects:BOOL is if void(self) then return false end; return ~prog.all_reached and cs_options.side_effects;-- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::all_reached BOOL::not SE_CONTEXT::cs_options CS_OPTIONS::side_effects end; -- are we debugging side effects? do_side_debug:BOOL is if void(self) then return false end; return cs_options.side_debug;-- SE_CONTEXT::cs_options CS_OPTIONS::side_debug end; -- an iter to iterate all of the elements in the set... just pass through elt!:SIDE_EFFECT is loop yield(set.elt!) end;-- SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::elt! end; -- return the number of elements in the siedeffect set size:INT is return set.size;-- SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::size end; -- return the sideeffect for a given attr se_attr(tp:$TP,name:IDENT):SIDE_EFFECT is s::=#SIDE_EFFECT;-- SIDE_EFFECT::create;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name return set.get(s);-- SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::get end; -- return the sideeffect for a given local var se_local(name:IDENT):SIDE_EFFECT is s::=#SIDE_EFFECT;;; return set.get(s); end; -- return the sideeffect for arrayt se_array(tp:$TP):SIDE_EFFECT is s::=#SIDE_EFFECT;;; return set.get(s); end; -- create a new, empty, SE_CONTEXT create(prog:PROG,sig:SIG):SAME is r::=new; r.prog := prog;-- SE_CONTEXT::prog r.rsig := sig;-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig r.get_options;-- SE_CONTEXT::get_options if void(cs_options) then return void end;-- SE_CONTEXT::cs_options if ~r.do_side_effects then return void end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not if r.do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Created context for "+sig.str+"\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus SIG::str OUT::plus end; r.weight:=1;-- SE_CONTEXT::weight return r; end; expand_macro(r:STR,sig:SIG):STR is res::=""; i:INT:=0; loop while!(i<r.size);-- INT::is_lt STR::size case r[i]-- STR::aget when '@' then i:=i+1;-- INT::plus case r[i] -- STR::aget when '0' then;-- STR::plus SIG::tp when '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' then l:INT:=r[i].int-'1'.int;-- STR::aget CHAR::int INT::minus CHAR::int res:=res+sig.args[l].tp.str;-- STR::plus SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp when 'r' then res:=res+sig.ret.str;-- STR::plus SIG::ret when 'P' then l:INT:=r[i].int-'0'.int;-- STR::aget CHAR::int INT::minus CHAR::int if l<0 or l>=sig.src_tparams.size then-- INT::is_lt INT::is_lt SIG::src_tparams ARRAY{1}::size BOOL::not prog.barf("@Pn bound error in '"+r+'\'');-- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::barf STR::plus STR::plus end; res:=res+sig.src_tparams[l].str;-- STR::plus SIG::src_tparams ARRAY{1}::aget else prog.barf("unknown '@' macro in CONFIG for "+sig.str+" (reads/writes)");-- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::barf STR::plus SIG::str STR::plus end; when ' ' then else res:=res+r[i];-- STR::plus STR::aget end; i:=i+1;-- INT::plus end; return res; end; private get_touched_attr(a:ARRAY{STR},doeswrite:BOOL) is if void(a) then return; end; loop s::=expand_macro(a.elt!,rsig);-- SE_CONTEXT::expand_macro ARRAY{1}::elt! SE_CONTEXT::rsig':');-- STR::search tpname::=s.head(i);-- STR::head aname::=s.tail(s.size-i-2);-- STR::tail STR::size INT::minus INT::minus -- unless tp_class_for() does not handle ROUT and ITER, we mark -- routines that use such types as mark_full. if"ROUT")/=-1 or"ITER")/=-1 then-- STR::search INT::is_eq BOOL::not STR::search INT::is_eq BOOL::not mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full return; end; tp::=prog.tp_tbl.tp_class_for(tpname);-- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::tp_tbl TP_TBL::tp_class_for se::=#SIDE_EFFECT;-- SIDE_EFFECT::create;-- SIDE_EFFECT::tp if aname/="[]" then-- STR::is_eq BOOL::not;-- SIDE_EFFECT::name IDENT::create end; se.doeswrite:=doeswrite;-- SIDE_EFFECT::doeswrite mark_se(se);-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_se end; end; private get_builtin_context pre rsig.is_builtin is-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::is_builtin if ~do_side_effects then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not if rsig.builtin_info.volatile or rsig.builtin_info.reads_any -- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::volatile SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::reads_any or rsig.builtin_info.writes_any then-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::writes_any mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full end; if rsig.builtin_info.fragile then-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::fragile mark_unsafe;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_unsafe end; has_import:=rsig.builtin_info.does_import;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_import SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::does_import has_export:=rsig.builtin_info.does_export;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_export SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::does_export has_arith_error:=rsig.builtin_info.arith;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_arith_error SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::arith may_block:=rsig.builtin_info.block;-- SE_CONTEXT::may_block SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::block has_raise:=~rsig.builtin_info.raises_none;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_raise SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::raises_none get_touched_attr(rsig.builtin_info.reads,false);-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::reads get_touched_attr(rsig.builtin_info.writes,true);-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::writes end; -- register this context with my associated signature register is if void(self) then return end; -- check to see if this is a builtin safe function if rsig.is_builtin then-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::is_builtin get_builtin_context;-- SE_CONTEXT::get_builtin_context end; -- all functions and iter in OPT_DEBUG have no sideeffects per definition if prog.opt_debug and"OPT_DEBUG" then -- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::opt_debug SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::tp STR::is_eq mark_clean;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_clean has_fatal_error:=false;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error has_raise:=false;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_raise end; rsig.set_se_context(self);-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::set_se_context if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Side effects for "+rsig.str;-- OUT::create OUT::plus SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::str if full then #OUT + ", full" end;-- SE_CONTEXT::full OUT::create OUT::plus if unsafe then #OUT + ", unsafe" end;-- SE_CONTEXT::unsafe OUT::create OUT::plus if has_raise then #OUT + ", has_raise" end;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_raise OUT::create OUT::plus if has_fatal_error then #OUT + ", has_fatal_error" end;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error OUT::create OUT::plus if has_import then #OUT + ", has_import" end;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_import OUT::create OUT::plus if has_export then #OUT + ", has_export" end;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_export OUT::create OUT::plus if has_arith_error then #OUT + ", has_arith_error" end;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_arith_error OUT::create OUT::plus if may_block then #OUT + ", may_block" end;-- SE_CONTEXT::may_block OUT::create OUT::plus #OUT + "\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus loop #OUT + "\t" + elt!.str + "\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus SE_CONTEXT::elt! SIDE_EFFECT::str OUT::plus end; #OUT + "\n"; -- this is because the loop above quits mid expr.-- OUT::create OUT::plus end; end; -- diagnostic output, returns a string to describe this context str:STR is ret::= rsig.str; if full then ret := ret + " full"; return ret; end; ret := ret+" with"; loop e::=elt!; ret := ret + " " + e.str; end; return ret; end; -- give up with this set, and mark it is as having full side effects mark_full is if ~do_side_effects then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not full := true;-- SE_CONTEXT::full set := void;-- SE_CONTEXT::set unsafe := true;-- SE_CONTEXT::unsafe end; -- mark the current context as unsafe mark_unsafe is if ~do_side_effects then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not unsafe := true;-- SE_CONTEXT::unsafe end; -- clean out this set, so that it has no side effects mark_clean is if ~do_side_effects then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not full := false;-- SE_CONTEXT::full set := void;-- SE_CONTEXT::set unsafe := false;-- SE_CONTEXT::unsafe has_fatal_error:=false;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error has_import:=false;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_import has_export:=false;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_export has_arith_error:=false;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_arith_error end; -- check to see if the given sig is cyclic is_recursive(sig:SIG):BOOL is return prog.generate_am.sig_recursive.test(sig);-- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::generate_am FSET{1}::test end; -- make sure that the context has been generated, and then return it get_se_context(sig:SIG):SE_CONTEXT is -- make sure we don't try to do this for checking code -- a check in do_side_effects should prevent this assert ~prog.all_reached;-- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::all_reached -- make sure this sig has been generated. -- This will do nothing if this is a cyclic or recursive call, -- or possibly if this is a builtin call. prog.generate_am.output_sig(sig);-- SE_CONTEXT::prog PROG::generate_am if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Looking for signature "+sig.str+"\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus SIG::str OUT::plus end; nsec ::= sig.get_se_context(prog);-- SIG::get_se_context SE_CONTEXT::prog if void(nsec) then nsec := #SE_CONTEXT(prog,sig);-- SE_CONTEXT::create SE_CONTEXT::prog if sig.is_builtin then-- SIG::is_builtin nsec.register; -- this will notice that its a builtin and mark it-- SE_CONTEXT::register if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + sig.str + " is builtin.\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus SIG::str OUT::plus end; elsif sig.is_neq(rsig) and is_recursive(sig) then-- SIG::is_neq SE_CONTEXT::rsig SE_CONTEXT::is_recursive -- check for cyclic calls, but allow recursive calls nsec.mark_full; -- this would be cyclic, so it's full-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full -- we have to register this signature now, else we may try -- to generate the code that calls this routine before the -- complete side effects have been generated (which will be -- be full anyway...) nsec.register;-- SE_CONTEXT::register if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Marking full because "+rsig.str+" is cyclic\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::str OUT::plus end; elsif sig.is_eq(rsig) then-- SIG::is_eq SE_CONTEXT::rsig -- recursive calls should be marked as clean if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + sig.str + " is recursive.\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus SIG::str OUT::plus end; else if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Unknown signature "+rsig.str+", using full\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::str OUT::plus end; nsec.mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full end; end; return nsec; end; -- make the union with the given context and this context mark_se(nsec:SE_CONTEXT) is if ~do_side_effects then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not -- check for existance if void(nsec) then return end; has_raise:=has_raise or nsec.has_raise;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_raise SE_CONTEXT::has_raise SE_CONTEXT::has_raise has_fatal_error:=has_fatal_error or nsec.has_fatal_error;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error SE_CONTEXT::has_fatal_error has_import:=has_import or nsec.has_import;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_import SE_CONTEXT::has_import SE_CONTEXT::has_import has_export:=has_export or nsec.has_export;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_export SE_CONTEXT::has_export SE_CONTEXT::has_export has_arith_error:=has_arith_error or nsec.has_arith_error;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_arith_error SE_CONTEXT::has_arith_error SE_CONTEXT::has_arith_error may_block:=may_block or nsec.may_block;-- SE_CONTEXT::may_block SE_CONTEXT::may_block SE_CONTEXT::may_block -- has_yield_in_lock is only relevant for iters if rsig.is_iter then-- SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::is_iter has_yield_in_lock:=has_yield_in_lock or nsec.has_yield_in_lock;-- SE_CONTEXT::has_yield_in_lock SE_CONTEXT::has_yield_in_lock SE_CONTEXT::has_yield_in_lock end; if INT::maxint-nsec.weight<weight then-- INT::maxint INT::minus SE_CONTEXT::weight SE_CONTEXT::weight weight:=INT::maxint;-- SE_CONTEXT::weight INT::maxint else weight:=weight+nsec.weight;-- SE_CONTEXT::weight SE_CONTEXT::weight INT::plus SE_CONTEXT::weight end; if full then return end; -- already full, don't worry about it-- SE_CONTEXT::full -- propigate the unsafe flag if nsec.unsafe then mark_unsafe end;-- SE_CONTEXT::unsafe SE_CONTEXT::mark_unsafe -- check to see if adding the other set would make us full if ((set.size + nsec.set.size) > maxsize) then-- SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::size INT::plus SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::size SE_CONTEXT::maxsize if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Marking full because "+rsig.str+" is too big\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::str OUT::plus end; mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full else if nsec.full then-- SE_CONTEXT::full mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full else -- loop through all the elements in the other set and incorperate -- them. Don't use fset.union because we want to preserve the -- doeswrite flag ordering. loop mark_se(nsec.elt!);-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_se SE_CONTEXT::elt! end; end; end; end; -- add the given side effect to this context mark_se(nse:SIDE_EFFECT) is -- if we don't care about side effects, then return now if ~do_side_effects then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not -- check for table full, so don't worry about inserting if full then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::full -- don't mark accesses to local variables if nse.is_local then return end;-- SIDE_EFFECT::is_local -- check to see if this refrence is already in the table old_se::= set.get(nse); -- get the old entry for this attribute-- SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::get if set.is_elt_nil(old_se) then -- not there, so add it-- SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::is_elt_nil set := set.insert(nse);-- SE_CONTEXT::set SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::insert else -- it's already in there, so update the write flag if (nse.doeswrite and ~old_se.doeswrite) then-- SIDE_EFFECT::doeswrite SIDE_EFFECT::doeswrite BOOL::not set := set.insert(nse); -- this overwrites the old refrence-- SE_CONTEXT::set SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::insert end; end; -- update our unsafe flag if this access is a write to a non-local if nse.doeswrite and ~nse.is_local then mark_unsafe end;-- SIDE_EFFECT::doeswrite SIDE_EFFECT::is_local BOOL::not SE_CONTEXT::mark_unsafe if set.size > maxsize then -- is the table full now?-- SE_CONTEXT::set FSET{1}::size SE_CONTEXT::maxsize if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Marking full because " + rsig.str + " is too big.\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::str OUT::plus end; mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full end; end; -- add the given single access to the current context mark_se(amattr:$AM,doeswrite:BOOL) is if ~do_side_effects then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not nse::=#SIDE_EFFECT(amattr,doeswrite);-- SIDE_EFFECT::create mark_se(nse);-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_se end; -- add the context of the given element to the current context mark_context(amattr:$AM) is if ~do_side_effects then return end;-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_effects BOOL::not typecase amattr when AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then new_sec ::= get_se_context(;-- SE_CONTEXT::get_se_context AM_ROUT_CALL_EXPR::fun mark_se(new_sec);-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_se when AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR then new_sec ::= get_se_context(;-- SE_CONTEXT::get_se_context AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun mark_se(new_sec);-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_se when AM_EXT_CALL_EXPR then -- unknwon external function, marking it as full mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Marking full because of unknown external call\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus end; when AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR then -- we don't do anything because creating a BND_EXPR is 'safe' when AM_BND_ROUT_CALL_EXPR then mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Marking full because "+rsig.str+" is bound\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::str OUT::plus end; when AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR then mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Marking full because "+rsig.str+" is bound\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus SE_CONTEXT::rsig SIG::str OUT::plus end; else end; end; -- make an SE_CONTEXT for an abstract signature. I'm putting this -- here for now -- but it really should be in get_abstract_union(for_prog:PROG,for_sig:SIG):SE_CONTEXT is new_sec::=#SE_CONTEXT(for_prog,for_sig);-- SE_CONTEXT::create stp:TP_CLASS;;-- SIG::tp typecase ostp when TP_CLASS then stp:=ostp end; desof::=for_prog.tp_graph_abs_des.des_of(stp);-- PROG::tp_graph_abs_des TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::des_of loop tp::=desof.elt!;-- FSET{1}::elt! ifc:IFC:=tp.ifc; cs:SIG:=ifc.sig_conforming_to(for_sig);-- IFC::sig_conforming_to nse:SE_CONTEXT:= cs.get_se_context(for_prog);-- SIG::get_se_context -- check to see if maybe the sig is cyclic or something... ? if void(nse) then if do_side_debug then-- SE_CONTEXT::do_side_debug #OUT + "Missing signature " +cs.str+"; marking full\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus SIG::str OUT::plus end; new_sec.mark_full;-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_full else new_sec.mark_se(nse);-- SE_CONTEXT::mark_se end; end; return new_sec; end; end; -- vim:sw=3:nosmartindent