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---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------
-- Copyright (C) International Computer Science Institute, 1995.  COPYRIGHT  --
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-- 1.1 version of parser for 1.1 Sather compiler.


class PARSE_TEST is -- Test the parser out. main(arg: ARRAY{STR}) is if arg.size < 2 then #OUT + "Usage: " + arg[0] + " [-pSather] <files>\n" end; #OUT + "Sather/pSather 1.0 parser - 9 Aug 94\n"; pSather: BOOL; i: INT; if (arg.size > 1) and (arg[1] = "-pSather") then pSather := true; i := 2 else pSather := false; i := 1 end; p ::= PROG::create; t ::= p.parse; parse:PARSE; typecase t when PARSE then parse := t; end; loop while!(i < arg.size); parser ::= PARSER::create(p, arg[i], pSather, parse.convert_files.test(arg[i]), parse.version_1_0); if ~void(parser) then #OUT + "In file " + arg[i] + ":\n"; tcd: AS_CLASS_DEF := parser.source_file; #OUT + "\n"; loop until!(void(tcd)); #OUT + ' ' + + '\n'; tcd := end end; #OUT + "\n\n"; i := i+1 end end end; -- PARSE


class CONVERT is -- the following attributes are needed for translation from pre 1.1 syntax -- to 1.1 syntax. -- This class was designed in a such a way so that after the transition -- period is over, it could be deleted along with all calls to its -- method. The only other remaining thing that would need to be taken -- care of is -convert option. attr start_pos:INT; attr end_pos:INT; attr need_to_convert:BOOL; attr file:FILE; create(parser:PARSER, conv:BOOL, fname:STR):SAME is res ::= new; header_label:STR := "---------------------------> Sather 1.1 source file <--------------------------\n"; -- check of the file has been already converted already_converted:BOOL; if SFILE_ID::source.length >= header_label.length then-- SFILE_ID::source FSTR::length INT::is_lt STR::length BOOL::not already_converted := true; loop if SFILE_ID::source.elt! /= header_label.elt! then-- SFILE_ID::source FSTR::elt! CHAR::is_eq STR::elt! BOOL::not already_converted := false; break!; end; end; else already_converted := false; end; res.need_to_convert := conv and ~already_converted;-- CONVERT::need_to_convert BOOL::not if conv and already_converted then parser.prog.set_eloc(parser.source_loc);-- PARSER::prog PROG::set_eloc PARSER::source_loc parser.prog.warning(fname + " has been converted to 1.1 syntax previouly\n");-- PARSER::prog PROG::warning STR::plus parser.version_1_0 := false; -- PARSER::version_1_0 end; if parser.version_1_0 and already_converted then-- PARSER::version_1_0 parser.prog.set_eloc(parser.source_loc); -- PARSER::prog PROG::set_eloc PARSER::source_loc parser.prog.warning(fname + " has been converted to 1.1 syntax previouly. Avoid -V1.0\n");-- PARSER::prog PROG::warning STR::plus parser.version_1_0 := false; -- PARSER::version_1_0 end; if res.need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert -- Save the 1.0 file in filename.1.0 fp:FILE:=FILE::open_for_write(fname+".1.0");-- FILE::open_for_write STR::plus fp + SFILE_ID::source;-- FILE::plus SFILE_ID::source fp.close;-- FILE::close -- now, open a new file res.file := FILE::open_for_write(fname);-- CONVERT::file FILE::open_for_write res.file + header_label;-- CONVERT::file FILE::plus end; return res; end; set_start is if need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert start_pos := SFILE_ID::pos-1;-- CONVERT::start_pos SFILE_ID::pos INT::minus end; end; set_start(i:INT) is if need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert start_pos := 0;-- CONVERT::start_pos end; end; set_end is if need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert end_pos := SFILE_ID::pos-1;-- CONVERT::end_pos SFILE_ID::pos INT::minus write_chunk;-- CONVERT::write_chunk end; end; set_end(i:INT) is if need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert end_pos := i;-- CONVERT::end_pos write_chunk;-- CONVERT::write_chunk end; end; write_chunk is loop i::=start_pos.upto!(end_pos);-- CONVERT::start_pos INT::upto! CONVERT::end_pos file + SFILE_ID::source[i];-- CONVERT::file FILE::plus SFILE_ID::source FSTR::aget end; file.flush;-- CONVERT::file FILE::flush end; convert_iter_def(feature_name:IDENT) is -- converts 1.0 syntax for iter defs to 1.1 syntax -- More precisely, ``once'' is added for once args -- and ``!'' is removed from hot args -- No changes for function calls if need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert -- first, back up to the opening ``('' i:INT := SFILE_ID::pos;-- SFILE_ID::pos loop while!( SFILE_ID::source[i] /= '(');-- SFILE_ID::source FSTR::aget CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not i := i - 1;-- INT::minus end; set_end(i);-- CONVERT::set_end i:=i+1;-- INT::plus done:BOOL:=false; loop while!(~done);-- BOOL::not start::=i; hot:BOOL:=false; c:CHAR; loop c:=SFILE_ID::source[i];-- SFILE_ID::source FSTR::aget if c = '{' then-- CHAR::is_eq -- skip parametrizations in_param::=1; loop while!(in_param /= 0);-- INT::is_eq BOOL::not i := i + 1;-- INT::plus c := SFILE_ID::source[i];-- SFILE_ID::source FSTR::aget if c = '{' then in_param := in_param + 1;-- CHAR::is_eq INT::plus elsif c = '}' then in_param := in_param - 1;-- CHAR::is_eq INT::minus end; end; end; while! (~((c=',') or (c=')')));-- CHAR::is_eq CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not if c = '!' then-- CHAR::is_eq hot:=true; end; i := i + 1;-- INT::plus end; if c=')' then done := true; end;-- CHAR::is_eq if ~hot then-- BOOL::not file + "once ";-- CONVERT::file FILE::plus end; loop j::=start.upto!(i);-- INT::upto! if SFILE_ID::source[j] /= '!' then-- SFILE_ID::source FSTR::aget CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not file + SFILE_ID::source[j];-- CONVERT::file FILE::plus SFILE_ID::source FSTR::aget end; end; i:=i+1;-- INT::plus end; file.flush;-- CONVERT::file FILE::flush end; end; back_to(ch:CHAR) is i::=SFILE_ID::pos;-- SFILE_ID::pos loop while!(SFILE_ID::source[i] /= ch); -- SFILE_ID::source FSTR::aget CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not i := i - 1;-- INT::minus end; set_end(i-1);-- CONVERT::set_end INT::minus end; convert_type_def is -- converts ``type'' to ``abstract class'' according to 1.1 spec -- output preceding stuff if need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert back_to('t');-- CONVERT::back_to file + "abstract class";-- CONVERT::file FILE::plus set_start;-- CONVERT::set_start file.flush;-- CONVERT::file FILE::flush end; end; convert_value is -- converts ``value'' to ``immutable'' according to 1.1 spec -- output preceding stuff if need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert back_to('v');-- CONVERT::back_to file + "immutable class";-- CONVERT::file FILE::plus set_start;-- CONVERT::set_start file.flush;-- CONVERT::file FILE::flush end; end; convert_bind is -- converts "bind" and "bind" to "bind" -- output preceding stuff if need_to_convert then-- CONVERT::need_to_convert back_to('#');-- CONVERT::back_to file + "bind";-- CONVERT::file FILE::plus set_start;-- CONVERT::set_start file.flush;-- CONVERT::file FILE::flush end; end; end;

class PARSER

class PARSER is include LEX_CONST; include CS_COMPONENT; attr scanner: SCANNER; attr next: TOKEN; attr entered: FLIST{STR}; -- stack of grammatical procedure calls attr convert: CONVERT; attr version_1_0:BOOL; -- true if the file has a 1.0 syntax create (p: PROG, file: STR, pSather: BOOL, conv_to_1_1:BOOL, version_1_0:BOOL): PARSER is res: PARSER; s ::= SCANNER::create(p, file, pSather); -- SCANNER::create if ~void(s) then-- BOOL::not res := new; res.prog := p;-- PARSER::prog res.scanner := s;-- PARSER::scanner := res.scanner.token;-- PARSER::next PARSER::scanner SCANNER::token res.entered := FLIST{STR}::create(64);-- PARSER::entered FLIST{1}::create res.version_1_0 := version_1_0;-- PARSER::version_1_0 res.convert := #CONVERT(res, conv_to_1_1, file);-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::create else res := void end; return res end; close_file is scanner.close_file-- PARSER::scanner SCANNER::close_file end; source_loc: SFILE_ID is return SFILE_ID::source_loc-- SFILE_ID::source_loc end; error (msg: STR) is -- where errors during parsing go prog.set_eloc(source_loc);-- PARSER::prog PROG::set_eloc PARSER::source_loc err(msg + " (in " + + ')')-- PARSER::err STR::plus PARSER::entered FLIST{1}::top STR::plus end; warning (msg: STR) is -- where errors during parsing go prog.set_eloc(source_loc);-- PARSER::prog PROG::set_eloc PARSER::source_loc prog.warning(msg + " (in " + + ')')-- PARSER::prog PROG::warning STR::plus PARSER::entered FLIST{1}::top STR::plus end; exp_error (msg: STR) is error(msg + " expected, but found " + next.str)-- PARSER::error STR::plus PARSER::next TOKEN::str end; fetch is next := scanner.token-- PARSER::next PARSER::scanner SCANNER::token end; match (t: INT) is if next /= t then exp_error(#TOKEN(t).str) end;-- PARSER::next TOKEN::is_eq BOOL::not PARSER::exp_error TOKEN::create TOKEN::str fetch-- PARSER::fetch end; check (t: INT): BOOL is if next = t then fetch; return true-- PARSER::next TOKEN::is_eq PARSER::fetch else return false end end; enter (s: STR) is -- announce beginning of syntactic structure (for nice errors) -- entered := entered.push(s)-- PARSER::entered PARSER::entered FLIST{1}::push end; exit is -- exit from syntactic structure -- s ::= entered.pop-- PARSER::entered FLIST{1}::pop end; ident: IDENT is return scanner.lex_value-- PARSER::scanner SCANNER::lex_value end; append_bang (arg: IDENT): IDENT is -- make new version with trailing bang return #IDENT(arg.str + "!")-- IDENT::create IDENT::str STR::plus end; is_type_or_class_start (t: TOKEN): BOOL is case t.val-- TOKEN::val when abstract_tok, type_tok, spread_tok, immutable_tok, value_tok,-- PARSER::abstract_tok PARSER::type_tok PARSER::spread_tok PARSER::immutable_tok PARSER::value_tok partial_tok, external_tok, class_tok -- PARSER::partial_tok PARSER::external_tok PARSER::class_tok then return true else return false end end; source_file: AS_CLASS_DEF is -- source_file => -- [abstract_class_def | class] {';' [abstract_class_def | class]} -- res: AS_CLASS_DEF; enter("source file");-- PARSER::enter convert.set_start(0);-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::set_start loop if is_type_or_class_start(next) then-- PARSER::next if (next = type_tok) or (next = abstract_tok) then-- PARSER::next PARSER::type_tok PARSER::next PARSER::abstract_tok if (next = type_tok) and ~version_1_0 then-- PARSER::next PARSER::type_tok PARSER::version_1_0 BOOL::not error("keyword ``type'' has been replaced with ``abstract class'' in Sather 1.1.Please, convert your file to 1.1 syntax (use -convert), or use -V1.0 option");-- PARSER::error end; if (next=abstract_tok) and version_1_0 then-- PARSER::next PARSER::abstract_tok PARSER::version_1_0 error("keyword ``abstract'' first appeared in Sather 1.1. Please, compile without -V1.0");-- PARSER::error end; convert.convert_type_def;-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::convert_type_def if void(res) then res:=abstract_class_def-- PARSER::abstract_class_def else res.append(abstract_class_def) end;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::append PARSER::abstract_class_def else if void(res) then res:=class_def-- PARSER::class_def else res.append(class_def) end end end;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::append PARSER::class_def if check(semi_tok) then -- ok-- PARSER::semi_tok elsif is_type_or_class_start(next) then exp_error("semicolon")-- PARSER::next PARSER::exp_error else if next /= eof_tok then exp_error("end of file") end;-- PARSER::next PARSER::eof_tok BOOL::not PARSER::exp_error break! end end; convert.set_end;-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::set_end close_file;-- PARSER::close_file exit; return res-- PARSER::exit end; abstract_class_def: AS_CLASS_DEF is -- abstract_class_def => -- 'abstract' 'class' abstract_class_name -- ['{' param_dec {',' param_dec}'}'] -- ['<' type_spec_list] ['>' type_spec_list] -- 'is' [abstract_signature] {';' [abstract_signature]} 'end' -- enter("abstract type definition");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_CLASS_DEF; res.source := source_loc; res.kind := res.abs;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::create AS_CLASS_DEF::source PARSER::source_loc AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::abs if version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 match(type_tok);-- PARSER::type_tok else match(abstract_tok);-- PARSER::abstract_tok match(class_tok);-- PARSER::class_tok end; if check(type_name_tok) then --ok-- PARSER::type_name_tok else exp_error("abstract type name");-- PARSER::exp_error if next = ident_tok then fetch end-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::fetch end; := ident;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::name PARSER::ident if check(lbrace_tok) then-- PARSER::lbrace_tok loop until!(next /= ident_tok);-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok BOOL::not if void(res.params) then res.params:=param_dec-- AS_CLASS_DEF::params AS_CLASS_DEF::params PARSER::param_dec else res.params.append(param_dec) end;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::params AS_PARAM_DEC::append PARSER::param_dec if ~check(comma_tok) then break! end end;-- PARSER::comma_tok BOOL::not match(rbrace_tok) end;-- PARSER::rbrace_tok if check(is_lt_tok) then res.under := type_spec_list end;-- PARSER::is_lt_tok AS_CLASS_DEF::under PARSER::type_spec_list if check(is_gt_tok) then res.over := type_spec_list end;-- PARSER::is_gt_tok AS_CLASS_DEF::over PARSER::type_spec_list match(is_tok);-- PARSER::is_tok res.body := abstract_signature_list;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::body PARSER::abstract_signature_list match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; abstract_signature_list: $AS_CLASS_ELT is -- abstract_signature_list => -- [abstract_signature] {';' [abstract_signature]} -- res: $AS_CLASS_ELT; enter("list of abstract signatures");-- PARSER::enter loop if (next = ident_tok) or (next = bang_tok) or-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::next PARSER::bang_tok (next = iter_bang_tok) then-- PARSER::next PARSER::iter_bang_tok if void(res) then res := abstract_signature-- PARSER::abstract_signature else res.append(abstract_signature) end-- PARSER::abstract_signature end; if check(semi_tok) then -- ok-- PARSER::semi_tok elsif next = ident_tok then exp_error("semicolon")-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::exp_error else break! end end; if next /= end_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::end_tok BOOL::not exp_error("semicolon");-- PARSER::exp_error loop while!((next /= end_tok) and (next /= eof_tok)); fetch end-- PARSER::next PARSER::end_tok BOOL::not PARSER::next PARSER::eof_tok BOOL::not PARSER::fetch end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; abstract_signature: AS_ROUT_DEF is -- abstract_signature => -- (ident | iter_name) -- ['(' abstract_argument {',' abstract_argument} ')'] -- [':' type_spec] -- enter("abstract signature");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_ROUT_DEF; res.source := source_loc; res.is_abstract := true;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source PARSER::source_loc AS_ROUT_DEF::is_abstract := rout_or_iter_name;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::name PARSER::rout_or_iter_name if check(lparen_tok) then-- PARSER::lparen_tok enter("abstract arguments");-- PARSER::enter if then-- AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter convert.convert_iter_def(;-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::convert_iter_def AS_ROUT_DEF::name end; loop if void(res.args_dec) then -- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec res.args_dec:=abstract_argument(;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec PARSER::abstract_argument AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter else res.args_dec.append(-- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec AS_ARG_DEC::append abstract_argument( end;-- PARSER::abstract_argument AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter while!(check(comma_tok)) -- PARSER::comma_tok end; if then-- AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter convert.set_start;-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::set_start end; match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::rparen_tok exit -- PARSER::exit end; if check(colon_tok) then -- PARSER::colon_tok enter("return type specification");-- PARSER::enter res.ret_dec := type_spec; -- AS_ROUT_DEF::ret_dec PARSER::type_spec exit end;-- PARSER::exit exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; get_mode (is_iter: BOOL):AS_ARG_MODE is mode: INT; if check(out_tok) then-- PARSER::out_tok mode := AS_ARG_MODE::out_mode;-- AS_ARG_MODE::out_mode elsif check(inout_tok) then mode := AS_ARG_MODE::inout_mode-- PARSER::inout_tok AS_ARG_MODE::inout_mode elsif check(once_tok) then -- PARSER::once_tok if ~is_iter then-- BOOL::not error("once arguments are not allowed in routine declarations")-- PARSER::error end; mode := AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode-- AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode else mode := AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode;-- AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode end; return #AS_ARG_MODE(mode);-- AS_ARG_MODE::create end; abstract_argument (is_iter: BOOL): AS_ARG_DEC is -- arg_dec => [mode ident {',' ident} ':'] type_spec ['!'] -- res: AS_ARG_DEC; mode: AS_ARG_MODE; enter("abstract argument");-- PARSER::enter loop mode := get_mode(is_iter);-- PARSER::get_mode newa ::= #AS_ARG_DEC; newa.source := source_loc;-- AS_ARG_DEC::create AS_ARG_DEC::source PARSER::source_loc match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok := ident;-- AS_ARG_DEC::name PARSER::ident newa.mode := mode;-- AS_ARG_DEC::mode if void(res) then res := newa else res.append(newa)-- AS_ARG_DEC::append end; while!(check(comma_tok))-- PARSER::comma_tok end; match(colon_tok);-- PARSER::colon_tok -- the following is temporarily kept to parse the pre 1.1 programs -- it will have to change when the transition to 1.1 is complete -- Boris tp:AS_TYPE_SPEC := type_spec;-- PARSER::type_spec hot:BOOL; if version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 hot := check(bang_tok) or check(iter_bang_tok);-- PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::iter_bang_tok if hot and ~is_iter then-- BOOL::not error("hot arguments not allowed in routine declarations")-- PARSER::error end; end; p: AS_ARG_DEC := res; loop until!(void(p)); := tp; -- AS_ARG_DEC::tp if version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 p.is_hot := hot; -- AS_ARG_DEC::is_hot else if is_iter then p.is_hot := (p.mode.mod /= AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode)-- AS_ARG_DEC::is_hot AS_ARG_DEC::mode AS_ARG_MODE::mod INT::is_eq AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode end; end; p := -- AS_ARG_DEC::next end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; class_def: AS_CLASS_DEF is -- class => -- ['spread' | 'value' | 'partial' | 'external (C | FORTAN)'] -- 'class' uppercase_ident -- ['{' param_dec {',' param_dec}'}'] -- ['<' type_spec_list] -- 'is' class_elt_list 'end' -- enter("class");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_CLASS_DEF; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::create AS_CLASS_DEF::source PARSER::source_loc case next.val-- PARSER::next TOKEN::val when spread_tok then fetch; res.kind := res.spr; match(class_tok);-- PARSER::spread_tok PARSER::fetch AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::spr PARSER::class_tok when immutable_tok then -- PARSER::immutable_tok fetch; -- PARSER::fetch res.kind := res.imm; -- AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::imm match(class_tok);-- PARSER::class_tok when value_tok then -- PARSER::value_tok if version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 fetch; -- PARSER::fetch res.kind := res.imm; -- AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::imm convert.convert_value;-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::convert_value match(class_tok); -- PARSER::class_tok else error("keyword ``value'' is replaced with ``immutable'' in Sather 1.1. Please use -V1.0 or convert the source using -convert");-- PARSER::error end; when partial_tok then fetch; res.kind := res.part; match(class_tok);-- PARSER::partial_tok PARSER::fetch AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::part PARSER::class_tok when external_tok then fetch; -- PARSER::external_tok PARSER::fetch if check(ident_tok) then-- PARSER::ident_tok if ident.str = "FORTRAN" then-- PARSER::ident IDENT::str STR::is_eq res.kind := res.fortran_ext;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::fortran_ext match(class_tok);-- PARSER::class_tok end; elsif check(ident_tok) then-- PARSER::ident_tok if ident.str = "C" then-- PARSER::ident IDENT::str STR::is_eq res.kind := res.c_ext;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::c_ext match(class_tok);-- PARSER::class_tok end; elsif check(class_tok) then -- to preserve compatibility with pre 1.1-- PARSER::class_tok res.kind := res.c_ext; -- C by default-- AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::c_ext else exp_error("extern class name");-- PARSER::exp_error end; else res.kind := res.ref;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::kind AS_CLASS_DEF::ref match(class_tok);-- PARSER::class_tok end; if check(ident_tok) then-- PARSER::ident_tok if ~is_class_name(ident) then-- PARSER::ident BOOL::not exp_error("class name")-- PARSER::exp_error end else exp_error("concrete class name");-- PARSER::exp_error if next = type_name_tok then fetch end-- PARSER::next PARSER::type_name_tok PARSER::fetch end; := ident;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::name PARSER::ident if check(lbrace_tok) then-- PARSER::lbrace_tok loop until!(next /= ident_tok);-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok BOOL::not if void(res.params) then res.params:=param_dec-- AS_CLASS_DEF::params AS_CLASS_DEF::params PARSER::param_dec else res.params.append(param_dec) end;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::params AS_PARAM_DEC::append PARSER::param_dec if ~check(comma_tok) then break! end end;-- PARSER::comma_tok BOOL::not match(rbrace_tok) end;-- PARSER::rbrace_tok if check(is_lt_tok) then res.under := type_spec_list end;-- PARSER::is_lt_tok AS_CLASS_DEF::under PARSER::type_spec_list match(is_tok);-- PARSER::is_tok res.body := class_elt_list;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::body PARSER::class_elt_list match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; is_class_name (x: IDENT): BOOL is return scanner.is_class_name(x.str)-- PARSER::scanner SCANNER::is_class_name IDENT::str end; param_dec: AS_PARAM_DEC is -- param_dec => uppercase_ident ['<' type_spec] -- enter("parameter declaration");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_PARAM_DEC; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_PARAM_DEC::create AS_PARAM_DEC::source PARSER::source_loc match(ident_tok); := ident;-- PARSER::ident_tok AS_PARAM_DEC::name PARSER::ident if ~is_class_name( then -- PARSER::is_class_name AS_PARAM_DEC::name BOOL::not exp_error("class name") end;-- PARSER::exp_error if check(is_lt_tok) then res.type_constraint := type_spec end;-- PARSER::is_lt_tok AS_PARAM_DEC::type_constraint PARSER::type_spec exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; is_class_elt_start (t: TOKEN): BOOL is case t.val-- TOKEN::val when private_tok, readonly_tok, const_tok, shared_tok, stub_tok,-- PARSER::private_tok PARSER::readonly_tok PARSER::const_tok PARSER::shared_tok PARSER::stub_tok attr_tok, include_tok, ident_tok, bang_tok, iter_bang_tok-- PARSER::attr_tok PARSER::include_tok PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::iter_bang_tok then return true else return false end end; class_elt_list: $AS_CLASS_ELT is -- class_elt_list => [class_elt] {';' [class_elt]} -- res: $AS_CLASS_ELT; enter("list of class elements");-- PARSER::enter loop if is_class_elt_start(next) then-- PARSER::next if void(res) then res := class_elt-- PARSER::class_elt else res.append(class_elt) end end;-- PARSER::class_elt if check(semi_tok) then -- ok-- PARSER::semi_tok elsif is_class_elt_start(next) then exp_error("semicolon")-- PARSER::next PARSER::exp_error else break! end end; if next /= end_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::end_tok BOOL::not exp_error("semicolon");-- PARSER::exp_error loop while!((next /= end_tok) and (next /= eof_tok)); fetch end end;-- PARSER::next PARSER::end_tok BOOL::not PARSER::next PARSER::eof_tok BOOL::not PARSER::fetch exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; class_elt: $AS_CLASS_ELT is -- class_elt => include_clause | const_def | shared_def | attr_def | -- rout_def | iter_def | stub_def -- res: $AS_CLASS_ELT; enter("class element");-- PARSER::enter mode ::= #TOKEN(null_tok);-- TOKEN::create PARSER::null_tok if (next = private_tok) or (next = readonly_tok) then mode := next; fetch end;-- PARSER::next PARSER::private_tok PARSER::next PARSER::readonly_tok PARSER::next PARSER::fetch case next.val-- PARSER::next TOKEN::val when include_tok then res := include_clause(mode)-- PARSER::include_tok PARSER::include_clause when const_tok then res := const_def(mode)-- PARSER::const_tok PARSER::const_def when shared_tok then res := shared_def(mode)-- PARSER::shared_tok PARSER::shared_def when attr_tok then res := attr_def(mode)-- PARSER::attr_tok PARSER::attr_def when stub_tok then res := stub_def(mode)-- PARSER::stub_tok PARSER::stub_def else res := rout_def(mode)-- PARSER::rout_def end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; include_clause (mode: TOKEN): $AS_CLASS_ELT is -- include_clause => 'include' type_spec [feat_mod {',' feat_mod}] -- feat_mod => ident '->' [['private' | 'readonly'] ident] -- -- 'private' already seen and stripped if present. -- res: $AS_CLASS_ELT; enter("include clause");-- PARSER::enter if mode = readonly_tok then -- PARSER::readonly_tok error("readonly not allowed for includes") end;-- PARSER::error match(include_tok);-- PARSER::include_tok incl ::= #AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE; incl.source := source_loc;-- AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE::create AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE::source PARSER::source_loc incl.is_private := mode = private_tok;-- AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE::is_private PARSER::private_tok := type_spec;-- AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE::tp PARSER::type_spec res := incl; if (next = ident_tok) or (next = bang_tok) or (next = iter_bang_tok) then-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::next PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::next PARSER::iter_bang_tok loop newm ::= #AS_FEAT_MOD; newm.source := source_loc;-- AS_FEAT_MOD::create AS_FEAT_MOD::source PARSER::source_loc := rout_or_iter_name;-- AS_FEAT_MOD::name PARSER::rout_or_iter_name match(transform_tok);-- PARSER::transform_tok case next.val-- PARSER::next TOKEN::val when private_tok then fetch;-- PARSER::private_tok PARSER::fetch newm.is_private := true;-- AS_FEAT_MOD::is_private newm.new_name := rout_or_iter_name-- AS_FEAT_MOD::new_name PARSER::rout_or_iter_name when readonly_tok then fetch;-- PARSER::readonly_tok PARSER::fetch newm.is_readonly := true;-- AS_FEAT_MOD::is_readonly newm.new_name := rout_or_iter_name-- AS_FEAT_MOD::new_name PARSER::rout_or_iter_name when ident_tok, bang_tok, iter_bang_tok then -- PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::iter_bang_tok newm.new_name := rout_or_iter_name-- AS_FEAT_MOD::new_name PARSER::rout_or_iter_name else end; if ~void(newm.new_name) then-- AS_FEAT_MOD::new_name BOOL::not if /= newm.new_name.is_iter then-- AS_FEAT_MOD::name IDENT::is_iter BOOL::is_eq AS_FEAT_MOD::new_name IDENT::is_iter BOOL::not error("routine can't become an iter or vice versa")-- PARSER::error end end; if void(incl.mods) then incl.mods:=newm-- AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE::mods AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE::mods else incl.mods.append(newm) end;-- AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE::mods AS_FEAT_MOD::append while!(check(comma_tok))-- PARSER::comma_tok end end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; const_def (mode: TOKEN): $AS_CLASS_ELT is -- const_def => -- ['private'] 'const' ident -- (':' type_spec ' := ' expr | [' := ' expr][',' ident_list]) -- -- private_tok already seen and stripped if present. -- res: $AS_CLASS_ELT; enter("const definition");-- PARSER::enter if mode = readonly_tok then -- PARSER::readonly_tok error("readonly not allowed for constants") end;-- PARSER::error match(const_tok);-- PARSER::const_tok con ::= #AS_CONST_DEF; con.source := source_loc;-- AS_CONST_DEF::create AS_CONST_DEF::source PARSER::source_loc con.is_private := mode = private_tok;-- AS_CONST_DEF::is_private PARSER::private_tok res := con; match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok := ident;-- AS_CONST_DEF::name PARSER::ident if check(colon_tok) then-- PARSER::colon_tok := type_spec; match(assign_tok); con.init := expr-- AS_CONST_DEF::tp PARSER::type_spec PARSER::assign_tok AS_CONST_DEF::init PARSER::expr else if check(assign_tok) then con.init := expr-- PARSER::assign_tok AS_CONST_DEF::init PARSER::expr else zero ::= #AS_INT_LIT_EXPR; zero.source := source_loc; zero.val := #INTI(0); -- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::create AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::val INTI::create con.init := zero-- AS_CONST_DEF::init end; counter: INT := 1; loop while!(check(comma_tok));-- PARSER::comma_tok -- new constant newc ::= #AS_CONST_DEF; newc.source := source_loc;-- AS_CONST_DEF::create AS_CONST_DEF::source PARSER::source_loc newc.is_private := mode = private_tok;-- AS_CONST_DEF::is_private PARSER::private_tok match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok := ident;-- AS_CONST_DEF::name PARSER::ident -- new value arg ::= #AS_INT_LIT_EXPR; arg.source := source_loc; arg.val := #INTI(counter);-- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::create AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::val INTI::create ex ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; ex.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc ex.ob := con.init;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CONST_DEF::init := IDENT_BUILTIN::plus_ident;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::plus_ident ex.args := arg;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args ex.modes := #AS_ARG_MODE(AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode); -- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes AS_ARG_MODE::create AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode newc.init := ex;-- AS_CONST_DEF::init if void(res) then res:=newc else res.append(newc) end; counter := counter+1-- INT::plus end end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; shared_def (mode: TOKEN): $AS_CLASS_ELT is -- shared_def => -- 'shared' (ident ':' type_spec ':=' expr | -- ident_list ':' type_spec) -- -- private or readonly already stripped if present. -- res: $AS_CLASS_ELT; enter("shared definition");-- PARSER::enter match(shared_tok);-- PARSER::shared_tok loop newid ::= #AS_SHARED_DEF; newid.source := source_loc;-- AS_SHARED_DEF::create AS_SHARED_DEF::source PARSER::source_loc newid.is_private := mode = private_tok;-- AS_SHARED_DEF::is_private PARSER::private_tok newid.is_readonly := mode = readonly_tok;-- AS_SHARED_DEF::is_readonly PARSER::readonly_tok match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok := ident;-- AS_SHARED_DEF::name PARSER::ident if void(res) then res := newid else res.append(newid) end; while!(check(comma_tok)) end;-- PARSER::comma_tok match(colon_tok);-- PARSER::colon_tok tp: AS_TYPE_SPEC := type_spec;-- PARSER::type_spec p: $AS_CLASS_ELT := res; loop until!(void(p)); typecase p when AS_SHARED_DEF then := tp end;-- AS_SHARED_DEF::tp p := end; if check(assign_tok) then-- PARSER::assign_tok typecase res when AS_SHARED_DEF then res.init := expr end;-- AS_SHARED_DEF::init PARSER::expr if ~void( then-- BOOL::not error("only single shareds may be initialized") end end;-- PARSER::error exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; attr_def (mode: TOKEN): $AS_CLASS_ELT is -- attr_def => 'attr' ident_list ':' type_spec -- -- private or readonly already stripped if present. -- res: $AS_CLASS_ELT; enter("attribute definition");-- PARSER::enter match(attr_tok);-- PARSER::attr_tok loop newid ::= #AS_ATTR_DEF; newid.source := source_loc;-- AS_ATTR_DEF::create AS_ATTR_DEF::source PARSER::source_loc newid.is_private := mode = private_tok;-- AS_ATTR_DEF::is_private PARSER::private_tok newid.is_readonly := mode = readonly_tok;-- AS_ATTR_DEF::is_readonly PARSER::readonly_tok match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok := ident;-- AS_ATTR_DEF::name PARSER::ident if void(res) then res := newid else res.append(newid) end; while!(check(comma_tok)) end;-- PARSER::comma_tok match(colon_tok);-- PARSER::colon_tok tp:AS_TYPE_SPEC := type_spec;-- PARSER::type_spec p: $AS_CLASS_ELT := res; loop until!(void(p)); typecase p when AS_ATTR_DEF then := tp end;-- AS_ATTR_DEF::tp p := end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; stub_def (mode: TOKEN): $AS_CLASS_ELT is -- stub_def => abstract_signature -- res: $AS_CLASS_ELT; enter("stub feature definition");-- PARSER::enter if mode = readonly_tok then -- PARSER::readonly_tok error("readonly not allowed for stubs") end;-- PARSER::error match(stub_tok);-- PARSER::stub_tok res := abstract_signature;-- PARSER::abstract_signature res.is_private := mode = private_tok;-- PARSER::private_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res; end; type_spec: AS_TYPE_SPEC is -- type_spec => -- class_name ['{' type_spec_list '}'] | -- ('ROUT' | 'ITER') ['{' mode type_spec ['!'] -- {',' mode type_spec } '}'] [':' type_spec] | -- 'SAME' -- enter("type specification");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_TYPE_SPEC; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::create AS_TYPE_SPEC::source PARSER::source_loc if check(SAME_tok) then res.kind := AS_TYPE_SPEC::same-- PARSER::SAME_tok AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind AS_TYPE_SPEC::same elsif (next = type_name_tok) or (next = ident_tok) then-- PARSER::next PARSER::type_name_tok PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok if (next = ident_tok) and ~is_class_name(ident) then-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::ident BOOL::not error("class name must be all upper_case") end;-- PARSER::error res.kind := AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord := ident; fetch;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::name PARSER::ident PARSER::fetch if check(lbrace_tok) then-- PARSER::lbrace_tok res.params := type_spec_list;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params PARSER::type_spec_list match(rbrace_tok) end-- PARSER::rbrace_tok else if check(ROUT_tok) then res.kind := AS_TYPE_SPEC::rt-- PARSER::ROUT_tok AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind AS_TYPE_SPEC::rt elsif check(ITER_tok) then res.kind := AS_TYPE_SPEC::it-- PARSER::ITER_tok AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind AS_TYPE_SPEC::it else exp_error("type specifier") end;-- PARSER::exp_error if check(lbrace_tok) then-- PARSER::lbrace_tok loop isiter:BOOL := (res.kind = AS_TYPE_SPEC::it);-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::it m::= get_mode(isiter);-- PARSER::get_mode tp:AS_TYPE_SPEC := type_spec;-- PARSER::type_spec tp.mode := m;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::mode if version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 if check(bang_tok) or check(iter_bang_tok) then-- PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::iter_bang_tok if res.kind = AS_TYPE_SPEC::it then tp.is_hot := true-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::it AS_TYPE_SPEC::is_hot else error("no hot arguments in bound routine") end end;-- PARSER::error else tp.is_hot := (tp.mode.mod /= AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode);-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::is_hot AS_TYPE_SPEC::mode AS_ARG_MODE::mod INT::is_eq AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode BOOL::not end; if void(res.params) then res.params:=tp-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params AS_TYPE_SPEC::params else res.params.append(tp) end;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params AS_TYPE_SPEC::append while!(check(comma_tok)) end;-- PARSER::comma_tok match(rbrace_tok) end;-- PARSER::rbrace_tok if check(colon_tok) then res.ret := type_spec end end;-- PARSER::colon_tok AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret PARSER::type_spec exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; type_spec_list: AS_TYPE_SPEC is -- type_spec_list => type_spec {',' type_spec} -- enter("list of type specifications");-- PARSER::enter res ::= type_spec;-- PARSER::type_spec loop while!(next = comma_tok);-- PARSER::next PARSER::comma_tok fetch; res.append(type_spec)-- PARSER::fetch AS_TYPE_SPEC::append PARSER::type_spec end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; rout_or_iter_name: IDENT is -- rout_or_iter_name => ident | [ident] '!' -- res: IDENT; if next = ident_tok then res := ident; fetch;-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::ident PARSER::fetch if next = iter_bang_tok then fetch;-- PARSER::next PARSER::iter_bang_tok PARSER::fetch res := append_bang(res)-- PARSER::append_bang elsif next = bang_tok then fetch;-- PARSER::next PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::fetch res := append_bang(res); error("not a correct iter_name")-- PARSER::append_bang PARSER::error end elsif (next = bang_tok) or (next = iter_bang_tok) then fetch;-- PARSER::next PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::next PARSER::iter_bang_tok PARSER::fetch res := IDENT_BUILTIN::bang_ident;-- IDENT_BUILTIN::bang_ident else exp_error("routine or iter name"); res := #IDENT("a")-- PARSER::exp_error IDENT::create end; return res end; rout_def (mode: TOKEN): AS_ROUT_DEF is -- rout_def => -- (ident | iter_name) ['(' arg_dec {',' arg_dec} ')'] -- [':' type_spec] -- ['pre' expr] ['post' expr] -- ['is' (stmt_list | builtin ident [;]) 'end'] -- -- private already stripped if present. -- res: AS_ROUT_DEF; enter("routine or iter definition");-- PARSER::enter if mode = readonly_tok then -- PARSER::readonly_tok error("readonly not allowed for routines or iters") end;-- PARSER::error res := #AS_ROUT_DEF; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::create AS_ROUT_DEF::source PARSER::source_loc := rout_or_iter_name;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::name PARSER::rout_or_iter_name res.is_private := mode = private_tok;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::is_private PARSER::private_tok if check(lparen_tok) then-- PARSER::lparen_tok enter("arguments");-- PARSER::enter if then-- AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter convert.convert_iter_def(;-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::convert_iter_def AS_ROUT_DEF::name end; loop if void(res.args_dec) then -- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec res.args_dec:=arg_dec( AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec PARSER::arg_dec AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter else res.args_dec.append(arg_dec( end;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::args_dec AS_ARG_DEC::append PARSER::arg_dec AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter while!(check(comma_tok)) end;-- PARSER::comma_tok if then-- AS_ROUT_DEF::name IDENT::is_iter convert.set_start;-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::set_start end; match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::rparen_tok exit -- PARSER::exit end; if check(colon_tok) then -- PARSER::colon_tok enter("return type specification");-- PARSER::enter res.ret_dec := type_spec; -- AS_ROUT_DEF::ret_dec PARSER::type_spec exit end;-- PARSER::exit if check(pre_tok) then -- PARSER::pre_tok enter("precondition declaration");-- PARSER::enter res.pre_e := expr; -- AS_ROUT_DEF::pre_e PARSER::expr exit end;-- PARSER::exit if check(post_tok) then -- PARSER::post_tok enter("postcondition declaration");-- PARSER::enter res.post_e := expr; -- AS_ROUT_DEF::post_e PARSER::expr exit end;-- PARSER::exit if check(is_tok) then-- PARSER::is_tok if check(builtin_tok) then-- PARSER::builtin_tok enter("builtin routine/iter body");-- PARSER::enter res.is_builtin:=true;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::is_builtin res.builtin_name:=ident;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::builtin_name PARSER::ident match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok if check(semi_tok) then end;-- PARSER::semi_tok match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit else enter("routine/iter body");-- PARSER::enter res.body := stmt_list; res.is_abstract := false;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::body PARSER::stmt_list AS_ROUT_DEF::is_abstract match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit-- PARSER::exit end; else res.is_abstract:=true end;-- AS_ROUT_DEF::is_abstract exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; arg_dec (is_iter: BOOL): AS_ARG_DEC is -- arg_dec => mode ident {',' ident} ':' type_spec -- res: AS_ARG_DEC; mode: AS_ARG_MODE; enter("routine/iter argument declaration");-- PARSER::enter loop newa ::= #AS_ARG_DEC; newa.source := source_loc;-- AS_ARG_DEC::create AS_ARG_DEC::source PARSER::source_loc mode := get_mode(is_iter);-- PARSER::get_mode match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok := ident;-- AS_ARG_DEC::name PARSER::ident newa.mode := mode;-- AS_ARG_DEC::mode if (newa.mode.mod = AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode) and ~is_iter then-- AS_ARG_DEC::mode AS_ARG_MODE::mod INT::is_eq AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode BOOL::not error("once arguments not allowed in routine declarations");-- PARSER::error end; if void(res) then res:=newa else res.append(newa) end;-- AS_ARG_DEC::append while!(check(comma_tok)) -- PARSER::comma_tok end; match(colon_tok);-- PARSER::colon_tok tp:AS_TYPE_SPEC := type_spec;-- PARSER::type_spec hot:BOOL; if version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 hot := check(bang_tok) or check(iter_bang_tok);-- PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::iter_bang_tok if hot and ~is_iter then-- BOOL::not error("hot arguments not allowed in routine declarations") end;-- PARSER::error end; p:AS_ARG_DEC := res; loop until!(void(p)); := tp; -- AS_ARG_DEC::tp if version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 p.is_hot := hot; -- AS_ARG_DEC::is_hot else if is_iter then p.is_hot := (p.mode.mod /= AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode)-- AS_ARG_DEC::is_hot AS_ARG_DEC::mode AS_ARG_MODE::mod INT::is_eq AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode end; end; if is_iter then if ~p.is_hot and p.mode.is_out_inout then-- AS_ARG_DEC::is_hot BOOL::not AS_ARG_DEC::mode AS_ARG_MODE::is_out_inout error("once arguments cannot have out/inout mode");-- PARSER::error end; end; p := -- AS_ARG_DEC::next end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; ident_of (x: $AS_EXPR): IDENT is -- make sure x consists of an ident only -- typecase x when AS_CALL_EXPR then if void(x.ob) and ~void( and void(x.args) then return end-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::name BOOL::not AS_CALL_EXPR::args AS_CALL_EXPR::name else end; error("identifier only expected");-- PARSER::error return void end; break_stmt:AS_EXPR_STMT is res ::= #AS_EXPR_STMT; res.source := source_loc; res.e := #AS_BREAK_EXPR;-- AS_EXPR_STMT::create AS_EXPR_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc AS_EXPR_STMT::e AS_BREAK_EXPR::create return res end; make_if_stmt (test: $AS_EXPR, then_part, else_part: $AS_STMT): AS_IF_STMT is res ::= #AS_IF_STMT; res.source := source_loc; res.test := test; -- AS_IF_STMT::create AS_IF_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc AS_IF_STMT::test res.then_part := #AS_STMT_LIST;-- AS_IF_STMT::then_part AS_STMT_LIST::create if ~void(then_part) then-- BOOL::not then_part.surr_stmt_list := res.then_part;-- AS_IF_STMT::then_part res.then_part.stmts := then_part;-- AS_IF_STMT::then_part AS_STMT_LIST::stmts end; if ~void(else_part) then-- BOOL::not res.else_part := #AS_STMT_LIST;-- AS_IF_STMT::else_part AS_STMT_LIST::create else_part.surr_stmt_list := res.else_part;-- AS_IF_STMT::else_part res.else_part.stmts := else_part;-- AS_IF_STMT::else_part AS_STMT_LIST::stmts end; return res end; stmt: $AS_STMT is -- stmt => -- dec_stmt | assign_stmt | expr_stmt | -- if_stmt | loop_stmt | return_stmt | yield_stmt | quit_stmt | -- case_stmt | typecase_stmt | assert_stmt | protect_stmt | raise_stmt -- while!_expr | until!_expr | break!_expr | -- lock_stmt | unlock_stmt | with_near_stmt | -- par_stmt | parloop_stmt | fork_stmt | sync_stmt -- -- (while!_expr's and until!_expr's are transformed into aquivalent -- if statements and break!'s) -- res: $AS_STMT; enter("statement");-- PARSER::enter was_at: SFILE_ID := source_loc;-- PARSER::source_loc case next.val-- PARSER::next TOKEN::val when if_tok then fetch; res := if_stmt-- PARSER::if_tok PARSER::fetch PARSER::if_stmt when loop_tok then res := loop_stmt-- PARSER::loop_tok PARSER::loop_stmt when return_tok then res := return_stmt-- PARSER::return_tok PARSER::return_stmt when yield_tok then res := yield_stmt-- PARSER::yield_tok PARSER::yield_stmt when quit_tok then fetch; res := #AS_QUIT_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- PARSER::quit_tok PARSER::fetch AS_QUIT_STMT::create PARSER::source_loc when case_tok then res := case_stmt-- PARSER::case_tok PARSER::case_stmt when typecase_tok then res := typecase_stmt-- PARSER::typecase_tok PARSER::typecase_stmt when assert_tok then res := assert_stmt-- PARSER::assert_tok PARSER::assert_stmt when protect_tok then res := protect_stmt-- PARSER::protect_tok PARSER::protect_stmt when raise_tok then res := raise_stmt-- PARSER::raise_tok PARSER::raise_stmt when par_tok then res := par_stmt-- PARSER::par_tok PARSER::par_stmt when parloop_tok then res := parloop_stmt-- PARSER::parloop_tok PARSER::parloop_stmt when lock_tok then res := lock_stmt-- PARSER::lock_tok PARSER::lock_stmt when unlock_tok then res := unlock_stmt-- PARSER::unlock_tok PARSER::unlock_stmt when with_tok then res := with_near_stmt-- PARSER::with_tok PARSER::with_near_stmt when fork_tok then res := fork_stmt-- PARSER::fork_tok PARSER::fork_stmt when sync_tok then res := sync_stmt-- PARSER::sync_tok PARSER::sync_stmt when while_tok then-- PARSER::while_tok enter("while! expression");-- PARSER::enter fetch; match(lparen_tok);-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::lparen_tok res := make_if_stmt(expr, void, break_stmt);-- PARSER::expr PARSER::break_stmt match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::rparen_tok exit-- PARSER::exit when until_tok then-- PARSER::until_tok enter("until! expression");-- PARSER::enter fetch; match(lparen_tok);-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::lparen_tok res := make_if_stmt(expr, break_stmt, void);-- PARSER::expr PARSER::break_stmt match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::rparen_tok exit-- PARSER::exit when break_tok then-- PARSER::break_tok fetch; res := break_stmt-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::break_stmt else -- must be one of:dec_stmt, assign_stmt, fork_stmt (with lhs) or expr_stmt: -- -- dec_stmt => ident_list ':' type_spec -- assign_stmt => (expr | ident ':' [type_spec]) ' := ' expr -- expr_stmt => expr -- attach_stmt => expr ':-' expr -- -- none of these can be easily distinguished; all may start -- with identifiers. However, all look like they start -- with expr's, so do that and then patch up. x: $AS_EXPR := expr;-- PARSER::expr if check(colon_tok) then -- ident ':'-- PARSER::colon_tok tp: AS_TYPE_SPEC; if next /= assign_tok then tp := type_spec end;-- PARSER::next PARSER::assign_tok BOOL::not PARSER::type_spec if check(assign_tok) then -- ident ':' [type_spec] ' := '-- PARSER::assign_tok enter("assignment with declaration");-- PARSER::enter r ::= #AS_ASSIGN_STMT; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_ASSIGN_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc := ident_of(x); := tp; r.rhs := expr; res := r;-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::name PARSER::ident_of AS_ASSIGN_STMT::tp AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs PARSER::expr exit-- PARSER::exit else -- ident ':' type_spec enter("single variable declaration");-- PARSER::enter sdecl_res ::= #AS_DEC_STMT; sdecl_res.source := source_loc;-- AS_DEC_STMT::create AS_DEC_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc := ident_of(x);-- AS_DEC_STMT::name PARSER::ident_of := tp;-- AS_DEC_STMT::tp res := sdecl_res; exit-- PARSER::exit end elsif check(assign_tok) then -- expr ':='-- PARSER::assign_tok enter("assignment");-- PARSER::enter r ::= #AS_ASSIGN_STMT; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::create AS_ASSIGN_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc r.lhs_expr := x; r.rhs := expr; res := r;-- AS_ASSIGN_STMT::lhs_expr AS_ASSIGN_STMT::rhs PARSER::expr exit-- PARSER::exit elsif check(attach_tok) then -- expr ':-'-- PARSER::attach_tok enter("fork statement (with LHS)");-- PARSER::enter r ::= #AS_ATTACH_STMT; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_ATTACH_STMT::create AS_ATTACH_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc r.lhs := x; r.rhs := expr; res := r;-- AS_ATTACH_STMT::lhs AS_ATTACH_STMT::rhs PARSER::expr exit-- PARSER::exit elsif next = comma_tok then -- ident ','-- PARSER::next PARSER::comma_tok enter("declaration");-- PARSER::enter decl_res ::= #AS_DEC_STMT; decl_res.source := source_loc;-- AS_DEC_STMT::create AS_DEC_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc := ident_of(x);-- AS_DEC_STMT::name PARSER::ident_of res := decl_res; loop while!(check(comma_tok));-- PARSER::comma_tok newdec ::= #AS_DEC_STMT;-- AS_DEC_STMT::create newdec.source := source_loc;-- AS_DEC_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok := ident;-- AS_DEC_STMT::name PARSER::ident if void(res) then res := newdec else res.append(newdec) end end; match(colon_tok);-- PARSER::colon_tok tp2: AS_TYPE_SPEC := type_spec;-- PARSER::type_spec p: $AS_STMT := decl_res; loop until!(void(p)); typecase p when AS_DEC_STMT then := tp2 end;-- AS_DEC_STMT::tp p := end; exit-- PARSER::exit else -- expr r ::= #AS_EXPR_STMT; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_EXPR_STMT::create AS_EXPR_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc r.e := x; res := r-- AS_EXPR_STMT::e end end; res.source := was_at; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; is_expr_start (t:TOKEN):BOOL is case t.val-- TOKEN::val when self_tok, ident_tok, bang_tok, iter_bang_tok, SAME_tok, void_tok,-- PARSER::self_tok PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::bang_tok PARSER::iter_bang_tok PARSER::SAME_tok PARSER::void_tok minus_tok, not_tok, new_tok, sharp_tok, vbar_tok, exception_tok, -- PARSER::minus_tok PARSER::not_tok PARSER::new_tok PARSER::sharp_tok PARSER::vbar_tok PARSER::exception_tok initial_tok, result_tok, while_tok, until_tok, break_tok, -- PARSER::initial_tok PARSER::result_tok PARSER::while_tok PARSER::until_tok PARSER::break_tok true_tok, false_tok, lchar_tok, lstr_tok, lint_tok, lflt_tok, -- PARSER::true_tok PARSER::false_tok PARSER::lchar_tok PARSER::lstr_tok PARSER::lint_tok PARSER::lflt_tok lparen_tok, lbracket_tok,-- PARSER::lparen_tok PARSER::lbracket_tok -- pSather tokens here_tok, where_tok, near_tok, far_tok, cluster_tok, -- PARSER::here_tok PARSER::where_tok PARSER::near_tok PARSER::far_tok PARSER::cluster_tok cluster_bang_tok, cluster_size_tok, cohort_tok-- PARSER::cluster_bang_tok PARSER::cluster_size_tok PARSER::cohort_tok then return true else return false end end; is_stmt_start (t:TOKEN):BOOL is case t.val-- TOKEN::val when ident_tok, if_tok, loop_tok, yield_tok, quit_tok, return_tok,-- PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::if_tok PARSER::loop_tok PARSER::yield_tok PARSER::quit_tok PARSER::return_tok case_tok, typecase_tok, assert_tok, protect_tok, raise_tok,-- PARSER::case_tok PARSER::typecase_tok PARSER::assert_tok PARSER::protect_tok PARSER::raise_tok while_tok, until_tok, break_tok,-- PARSER::while_tok PARSER::until_tok PARSER::break_tok -- pSather tokens fork_tok, lock_tok, unlock_tok, with_tok,-- PARSER::fork_tok PARSER::lock_tok PARSER::unlock_tok PARSER::with_tok par_tok, parloop_tok, cohort_tok, sync_tok-- PARSER::par_tok PARSER::parloop_tok PARSER::cohort_tok PARSER::sync_tok then return true else return is_expr_start(t)-- PARSER::is_expr_start end end; stmt_list: AS_STMT_LIST is -- stmt_list => [stmt] {';' [stmt]} -- list ::= #AS_STMT_LIST;-- AS_STMT_LIST::create res : $AS_STMT; enter("list of statements");-- PARSER::enter loop if is_stmt_start(next) then-- PARSER::next s ::= stmt; s.surr_stmt_list := list;;-- PARSER::stmt loop while!(~void(nx)); nx.surr_stmt_list:=list; end;-- BOOL::not if void(res) then res := s else res.append(s) end end; if check(semi_tok) then -- ok-- PARSER::semi_tok elsif is_stmt_start(next) then exp_error("semicolon")-- PARSER::next PARSER::exp_error else break! end end; exit;-- PARSER::exit list.stmts := res;-- AS_STMT_LIST::stmts return list; end; if_stmt: AS_IF_STMT is -- if_stmt => -- 'if' expr 'then' stmt_list {'elsif' expr 'then' stmt_list} -- ['else' stmt_list] 'end' -- -- if_tok already fetched -- enter("if statement");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_IF_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_IF_STMT::create AS_IF_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc res.test := expr; match(then_tok); res.then_part := stmt_list;-- AS_IF_STMT::test PARSER::expr PARSER::then_tok AS_IF_STMT::then_part PARSER::stmt_list if check(elsif_tok) then -- PARSER::elsif_tok res.else_part := #AS_STMT_LIST;-- AS_IF_STMT::else_part AS_STMT_LIST::create ifstmt ::= if_stmt;-- PARSER::if_stmt ifstmt.surr_stmt_list := res.else_part;-- AS_IF_STMT::surr_stmt_list AS_IF_STMT::else_part res.else_part.stmts := ifstmt;-- AS_IF_STMT::else_part AS_STMT_LIST::stmts else if check(else_tok) then res.else_part := stmt_list end;-- PARSER::else_tok AS_IF_STMT::else_part PARSER::stmt_list match(end_tok) end;-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; loop_stmt: AS_LOOP_STMT is -- loop_stmt => 'loop' stmt_list 'end' -- enter("loop statement");-- PARSER::enter match(loop_tok);-- PARSER::loop_tok res ::= #AS_LOOP_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_LOOP_STMT::create AS_LOOP_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc res.body := stmt_list;-- AS_LOOP_STMT::body PARSER::stmt_list match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; case_stmt: AS_CASE_STMT is -- case_stmt => -- 'case' expr -- {'when' expr {',' expr} ' then' stmt_list} -- ['else' stmt_list] 'end' -- enter("case statement");-- PARSER::enter match(case_tok);-- PARSER::case_tok res ::= #AS_CASE_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_CASE_STMT::create AS_CASE_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc res.test := expr;-- AS_CASE_STMT::test PARSER::expr loop while!(check(when_tok));-- PARSER::when_tok first, this:AS_CASE_WHEN; first := void; loop this := #AS_CASE_WHEN; this.source := source_loc;-- AS_CASE_WHEN::create AS_CASE_WHEN::source PARSER::source_loc if void(first) then first := this end; this.val := expr;-- AS_CASE_WHEN::val PARSER::expr if void(res.when_part) then res.when_part:=this-- AS_CASE_STMT::when_part AS_CASE_STMT::when_part else res.when_part.append(this) end;-- AS_CASE_STMT::when_part AS_CASE_WHEN::append while!(check(comma_tok)) end;-- PARSER::comma_tok match(then_tok);-- PARSER::then_tok st: AS_STMT_LIST := stmt_list; this := first;-- PARSER::stmt_list loop until!(void(this)); this.then_part := st; -- AS_CASE_WHEN::then_part this := end end;-- AS_CASE_WHEN::next if check(else_tok) then -- PARSER::else_tok res.else_part := stmt_list; res.no_else := false-- AS_CASE_STMT::else_part PARSER::stmt_list AS_CASE_STMT::no_else else res.no_else := true end;-- AS_CASE_STMT::no_else match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; typecase_stmt: AS_TYPECASE_STMT is -- typecase_stmt => -- 'typecase' ident -- {'when' type_spec 'then' stmt_list} -- ['else' stmt_list] 'end' -- enter("typecase statement");-- PARSER::enter match(typecase_tok);-- PARSER::typecase_tok res ::= #AS_TYPECASE_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::create AS_TYPECASE_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(ident_tok);-- PARSER::ident_tok := ident;-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::name PARSER::ident loop while!(check(when_tok));-- PARSER::when_tok this ::= #AS_TYPECASE_WHEN; this.source := source_loc;-- AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::create AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::source PARSER::source_loc := type_spec;-- AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::tp PARSER::type_spec match(then_tok);-- PARSER::then_tok this.then_part := stmt_list;-- AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::then_part PARSER::stmt_list if void(res.when_part) then res.when_part:=this-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::when_part AS_TYPECASE_STMT::when_part else res.when_part.append(this) end end;-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::when_part AS_TYPECASE_WHEN::append if check(else_tok) then -- PARSER::else_tok res.else_part := stmt_list; res.no_else := false-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::else_part PARSER::stmt_list AS_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else else res.no_else := true end;-- AS_TYPECASE_STMT::no_else match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; return_stmt: AS_RETURN_STMT is -- return_stmt => 'return' [expr] -- enter("return statement");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_RETURN_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_RETURN_STMT::create AS_RETURN_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(return_tok);-- PARSER::return_tok if is_expr_start(next) then res.val := expr end;-- PARSER::next AS_RETURN_STMT::val PARSER::expr exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; yield_stmt: AS_YIELD_STMT is -- return_stmt => 'yield' [expr] -- enter("yield statement");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_YIELD_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_YIELD_STMT::create AS_YIELD_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(yield_tok);-- PARSER::yield_tok if is_expr_start(next) then res.val := expr end;-- PARSER::next AS_YIELD_STMT::val PARSER::expr exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; assert_stmt: AS_ASSERT_STMT is -- assert_stmt => 'assert' expr 'end' -- enter("assert statement");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_ASSERT_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_ASSERT_STMT::create AS_ASSERT_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(assert_tok);-- PARSER::assert_tok res.test := expr;-- AS_ASSERT_STMT::test PARSER::expr exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; raise_stmt: AS_RAISE_STMT is -- raise_stmr => 'raise' expr -- enter("raise statement");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_RAISE_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_RAISE_STMT::create AS_RAISE_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(raise_tok);-- PARSER::raise_tok res.val := expr;-- AS_RAISE_STMT::val PARSER::expr exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; protect_stmt: AS_PROTECT_STMT is -- protect_stmt => -- 'protect' stmt_list -- {'when' type_spec_list 'then' stmt_list} -- ['else' stmt_list] 'end' -- enter("protect statement");-- PARSER::enter match(protect_tok);-- PARSER::protect_tok res ::= #AS_PROTECT_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::create AS_PROTECT_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc res.body := stmt_list;-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::body PARSER::stmt_list loop while!(check(when_tok));-- PARSER::when_tok first, this:AS_PROTECT_WHEN; first := void; loop this := #AS_PROTECT_WHEN; this.source := source_loc;-- AS_PROTECT_WHEN::create AS_PROTECT_WHEN::source PARSER::source_loc if void(first) then first := this end; := type_spec;-- AS_PROTECT_WHEN::tp PARSER::type_spec if void(res.when_part) then res.when_part:=this-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::when_part AS_PROTECT_STMT::when_part else res.when_part.append(this) end;-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::when_part AS_PROTECT_WHEN::append while!(check(comma_tok)) end;-- PARSER::comma_tok match(then_tok);-- PARSER::then_tok st: AS_STMT_LIST := stmt_list; this := first;-- PARSER::stmt_list loop until!(void(this)); this.then_part := st; -- AS_PROTECT_WHEN::then_part this := end end;-- AS_PROTECT_WHEN::next if check(else_tok) then -- PARSER::else_tok res.else_part := stmt_list; res.no_else := false-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::else_part PARSER::stmt_list AS_PROTECT_STMT::no_else else res.no_else := true end;-- AS_PROTECT_STMT::no_else match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; par_stmt: AS_PAR_STMT is -- par_stmt => 'par' stmt_list 'end' -- (pSather construct) -- enter("par statement");-- PARSER::enter match(par_tok);-- PARSER::par_tok res ::= #AS_PAR_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_PAR_STMT::create AS_PAR_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc res.body := stmt_list;-- AS_PAR_STMT::body PARSER::stmt_list match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; parloop_stmt: AS_PAR_STMT is -- parloop_stmt => 'parloop' stmt_list 'do' stmt_list 'end' -- (pSather construct) enter("parloop statement");-- PARSER::enter match(parloop_tok);-- PARSER::parloop_tok res ::= #AS_PAR_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_PAR_STMT::create AS_PAR_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc lp ::= #AS_LOOP_STMT; lp.source := source_loc;-- AS_LOOP_STMT::create AS_LOOP_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc res.body := #AS_STMT_LIST;-- AS_PAR_STMT::body AS_STMT_LIST::create lp.surr_stmt_list := res.body;-- AS_LOOP_STMT::surr_stmt_list AS_PAR_STMT::body res.body.stmts := lp;-- AS_PAR_STMT::body AS_STMT_LIST::stmts lp.body := stmt_list;-- AS_LOOP_STMT::body PARSER::stmt_list match(do_tok);-- PARSER::do_tok forkt ::= #AS_FORK_STMT;-- AS_FORK_STMT::create forkt.surr_stmt_list := lp.body;-- AS_FORK_STMT::surr_stmt_list AS_LOOP_STMT::body forkt.source := source_loc;-- AS_FORK_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc -- optional at expression if check(at_tok) then-- PARSER::at_tok := expr;-- AS_FORK_STMT::at PARSER::expr -- match(semi_tok); -- else -- := #AS_ANY_EXPR; -- default; end; forkt.body := stmt_list;-- AS_FORK_STMT::body PARSER::stmt_list match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok if void(lp.body.stmts) then -- AS_LOOP_STMT::body AS_STMT_LIST::stmts lp.body.stmts := forkt;-- AS_LOOP_STMT::body AS_STMT_LIST::stmts else lp.body.stmts.append(forkt);-- AS_LOOP_STMT::body AS_STMT_LIST::stmts end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; fork_stmt: AS_FORK_STMT is -- fork_stmt => 'fork' ['@' expr;] stmt_list 'end' -- (pSather construct) -- enter("fork statement");-- PARSER::enter match(fork_tok);-- PARSER::fork_tok res ::= #AS_FORK_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_FORK_STMT::create AS_FORK_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc -- optional at expression if check(at_tok) then-- PARSER::at_tok := expr;-- AS_FORK_STMT::at PARSER::expr -- match(semi_tok); -- else -- := #AS_ANY_EXPR; -- default; end; res.body := stmt_list;-- AS_FORK_STMT::body PARSER::stmt_list match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; sync_stmt: AS_SYNC_STMT is -- sync_stmt => 'sync' -- (pSather construct) -- enter("sync statement");-- PARSER::enter match(sync_tok);-- PARSER::sync_tok res ::= #AS_SYNC_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_SYNC_STMT::create AS_SYNC_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; lock_stmt: AS_LOCK_STMT is -- lock_stmt => 'lock' -- { ['if' expr] 'when' expr {',' expr} 'then' stmt_list } -- [ 'else' stmt_list] 'end' -- (pSather construct) -- enter("lock statement");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_LOCK_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_LOCK_STMT::create AS_LOCK_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(lock_tok);-- PARSER::lock_tok with_guard : BOOL; with_guard := false; if check(guard_tok) then with_guard := true end;-- PARSER::guard_tok only_one::=false; if ~with_guard then -- BOOL::not if ~check(when_tok) then -- PARSER::when_tok BOOL::not only_one:=true; end; end; loop this ::= #AS_LOCK_IF_WHEN; this.source := source_loc;-- AS_LOCK_IF_WHEN::create AS_LOCK_IF_WHEN::source PARSER::source_loc if with_guard then this.val := expr-- AS_LOCK_IF_WHEN::val PARSER::expr else r::= #AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR; r.val := true; this.val := r end;-- AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::create AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::val AS_LOCK_IF_WHEN::val if void(res.if_when_part) then res.if_when_part := this-- AS_LOCK_STMT::if_when_part AS_LOCK_STMT::if_when_part else res.if_when_part.append(this) end;-- AS_LOCK_STMT::if_when_part AS_LOCK_IF_WHEN::append if with_guard then match(when_tok) end;-- PARSER::when_tok this.e_list := expr_list(false);-- AS_LOCK_IF_WHEN::e_list PARSER::expr_list match(then_tok);-- PARSER::then_tok this.then_part := stmt_list;-- AS_LOCK_IF_WHEN::then_part PARSER::stmt_list -- match(end_tok); with_guard := false; if check(guard_tok) then with_guard := true end;-- PARSER::guard_tok if only_one or ~(with_guard or check(when_tok)) then break! end; -- PARSER::when_tok BOOL::not end; if check(else_tok) then-- PARSER::else_tok res.else_part := stmt_list; res.no_else := false-- AS_LOCK_STMT::else_part PARSER::stmt_list AS_LOCK_STMT::no_else else res.no_else := true end;-- AS_LOCK_STMT::no_else match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; unlock_stmt: AS_UNLOCK_STMT is -- unlock_stmt => 'unlock' expr -- (pSather construct) -- enter("unlock statement");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_UNLOCK_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_UNLOCK_STMT::create AS_UNLOCK_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(unlock_tok); res.e := expr;-- PARSER::unlock_tok AS_UNLOCK_STMT::e PARSER::expr exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; ident_list(t:$AS_NODE): AS_IDENT_LIST is -- ident_list => ident {',' ident} -- in pSather with-near-mode `self' is allowed. The occurence of -- 'self' is marked in t -- enter("identifier list");-- PARSER::enter res, id: AS_IDENT_LIST; loop if next = ident_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok id := #AS_IDENT_LIST; := ident; id.source := source_loc;-- AS_IDENT_LIST::create AS_IDENT_LIST::name PARSER::ident AS_IDENT_LIST::source PARSER::source_loc elsif next = self_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::self_tok typecase t when AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT then t.self_occurred := true;-- AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::self_occurred else exp_error("identifier");-- PARSER::exp_error end; else exp_error("identifier")-- PARSER::exp_error end; if next = ident_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok fetch;-- PARSER::fetch if void(res) then res := id else res.append(id)-- AS_IDENT_LIST::append end; else fetch;-- PARSER::fetch end; while!(check(comma_tok))-- PARSER::comma_tok end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; with_near_stmt: AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT is -- with_near_stmt => -- 'with' ident_list 'near' stmt_list -- ['else' stmt_list] 'end' -- (pSather construct) -- enter("with_near statement");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::create AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::source PARSER::source_loc match(with_tok); res.idents := ident_list(res);-- PARSER::with_tok AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::idents PARSER::ident_list -- count elements of ident list res.elts_size := 0;-- AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::elts_size id ::= res.idents;-- AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::idents loop while!(~void(id)); -- BOOL::not res.elts_size := res.elts_size + 1; -- AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::elts_size AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::elts_size INT::plus id :=;-- AS_IDENT_LIST::next end; if res.self_occurred then-- AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::self_occurred res.elts_size := res.elts_size + 1;-- AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::elts_size AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::elts_size INT::plus end; match(near_tok); res.near_part := stmt_list;-- PARSER::near_tok AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::near_part PARSER::stmt_list if check(else_tok) then res.else_part := stmt_list end;-- PARSER::else_tok AS_WITH_NEAR_STMT::else_part PARSER::stmt_list match(end_tok);-- PARSER::end_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; expr: $AS_EXPR is -- expr => expr7 {'@' [expr 7 | any]} -- enter("expression (prec = 8)");-- PARSER::enter res ::= expr7;-- PARSER::expr7 --pSather loop while!(next = at_tok);-- PARSER::next PARSER::at_tok fetch;-- PARSER::fetch h ::= #AS_AT_EXPR; h.source := source_loc;-- AS_AT_EXPR::create AS_AT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc h.e := res; -- AS_AT_EXPR::e if next = any_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::any_tok := #AS_ANY_EXPR;-- AS_AT_EXPR::at AS_ANY_EXPR::create fetch;-- PARSER::fetch else := expr7; -- AS_AT_EXPR::at PARSER::expr7 end; res := h; end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; expr7: $AS_EXPR is -- expr7 => expr6 {('and' | 'or') expr6} -- enter("expression (prec = 7)");-- PARSER::enter res ::= expr6;-- PARSER::expr6 loop if check(and_tok) then-- PARSER::and_tok a ::= #AS_AND_EXPR; a.source := source_loc;-- AS_AND_EXPR::create AS_AND_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc a.e1 := res; a.e2 := expr6; res := a-- AS_AND_EXPR::e1 AS_AND_EXPR::e2 PARSER::expr6 elsif check(or_tok) then-- PARSER::or_tok o ::= #AS_OR_EXPR; o.source := source_loc;-- AS_OR_EXPR::create AS_OR_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc o.e1 := res; o.e2 := expr6; res := o-- AS_OR_EXPR::e1 AS_OR_EXPR::e2 PARSER::expr6 else break! end end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; -- No mode specifiers allowed in sugared expressions -- All args silently have ``in'' mode expr6: $AS_EXPR is -- expr6 => expr5 {('=' | '/=' | '<' | '<=' | '>=' | '>') expr5} -- enter("expression (prec = 6)");-- PARSER::enter res ::= expr5;-- PARSER::expr5 loop name: IDENT; if check(is_eq_tok) then-- PARSER::is_eq_tok c::=#AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source:=source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc; c.ob:=res; c.args:=expr5; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::is_eq_ident AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr5 c.modes:=set_arg_modes(c,AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode res := c; elsif check(is_neq_tok) then-- PARSER::is_neq_tok c::=#AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source:=source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc; c.ob:=res; c.args:=expr5; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::is_eq_ident AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr5 c.modes:=set_arg_modes(c,AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode c2 ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; c2.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := IDENT_BUILTIN::not_ident;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::not_ident c2.ob := c; res := c2-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob elsif check(is_lt_tok) then -- PARSER::is_lt_tok c::=#AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source:=source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc; c.ob:=res; c.args:=expr5; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::is_lt_ident AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr5 c.modes:=set_arg_modes(c,AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode res := c; elsif check(is_geq_tok) then-- PARSER::is_geq_tok c::=#AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source:=source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc; c.ob:=res; c.args:=expr5; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::is_lt_ident AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr5 c.modes:=set_arg_modes(c,AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode c2 ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; c2.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := IDENT_BUILTIN::not_ident;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::not_ident c2.ob := c; res := c2-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob elsif check(is_gt_tok) then-- PARSER::is_gt_tok c::=#AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source:=source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc; c.ob:=res; c.args:=expr5; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::is_lt_ident AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr5 c.modes:=set_arg_modes(c,AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode c.flip:=true;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::flip res := c; elsif check(is_leq_tok) then-- PARSER::is_leq_tok c::=#AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source:=source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc; c.ob:=res; c.args:=expr5; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::is_lt_ident AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr5 c.modes:=set_arg_modes(c,AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode c.flip:=true;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::flip c2 ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; c2.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := IDENT_BUILTIN::not_ident;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::not_ident c2.ob := c; res := c2-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob else break! end; end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; set_arg_modes(c: AS_CALL_EXPR, m: INT): AS_ARG_MODE is res: AS_ARG_MODE; mode:AS_ARG_MODE; a::=c.args;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args loop while!(~void(a));-- BOOL::not mode := #AS_ARG_MODE(m);-- AS_ARG_MODE::create if void(res) then res := mode else res.append(mode)-- AS_ARG_MODE::append end; a :=; end; return res; end; expr5: $AS_EXPR is -- expr5 => expr4 {('+' | '-') expr4} -- enter("expression (prec = 5)");-- PARSER::enter res ::= expr4;-- PARSER::expr4 loop name:IDENT; if check(plus_tok) then name := IDENT_BUILTIN::plus_ident-- PARSER::plus_tok IDENT_BUILTIN::plus_ident elsif check(minus_tok) then name := IDENT_BUILTIN::minus_ident-- PARSER::minus_tok IDENT_BUILTIN::minus_ident else break! end; c ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc; := name;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc AS_CALL_EXPR::name c.ob := res; c.args := expr4; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr4 -- set ``in'' arg modes c.modes := set_arg_modes(c, AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode res := c end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; expr4: $AS_EXPR is -- expr4 => expr3 {('*' | '/' | '%') expr3} -- enter("expression (prec = 4)");-- PARSER::enter res ::= expr3;-- PARSER::expr3 loop name:IDENT; if check(times_tok) then name := IDENT_BUILTIN::times_ident-- PARSER::times_tok IDENT_BUILTIN::times_ident elsif check(quotient_tok) then name := IDENT_BUILTIN::div_ident-- PARSER::quotient_tok IDENT_BUILTIN::div_ident elsif check(mod_tok) then name := IDENT_BUILTIN::mod_ident-- PARSER::mod_tok IDENT_BUILTIN::mod_ident else break! end; c ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc; := name;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc AS_CALL_EXPR::name c.ob := res; c.args := expr3; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr3 -- set ``in'' arg modes c.modes := set_arg_modes(c, AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode res := c end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; expr3: $AS_EXPR is -- expr3 => '-' expr3 | '~' expr3 | exp2. -- -- in case of literals and '-' do the negation directly to prevent -- overflow in case of minint (e.g. -5 gets translated into 5.negate) -- x: $AS_EXPR; c: AS_CALL_EXPR; res: $AS_EXPR; enter("expression (prec = 3)");-- PARSER::enter if next = minus_tok then fetch; x := expr3;-- PARSER::next PARSER::minus_tok PARSER::fetch PARSER::expr3 typecase x when AS_INT_LIT_EXPR then i ::= #AS_INT_LIT_EXPR; i.source := source_loc;-- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::create AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc i.val := -x.val; res := i-- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::val AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::val INTI::negate when AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR then f ::= #AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR; f.source := source_loc;-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::create AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc f.val := -x.val; :=; res := f-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::val AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::val RAT::negate AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::tp AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::tp else c := #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := IDENT_BUILTIN::negate_ident;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::negate_ident c.ob := x; res := c-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob end elsif next = not_tok then fetch; x := expr3;-- PARSER::next PARSER::not_tok PARSER::fetch PARSER::expr3 c := #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := IDENT_BUILTIN::not_ident;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::not_ident c.ob := x; res := c-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob else res := expr2-- PARSER::expr2 end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; expr2: $AS_EXPR is -- expr2 => exp1 ['^' exp2] -- enter("expression (prec = 2)");-- PARSER::enter res ::= expr1(false);-- PARSER::expr1 if check(pow_tok) then-- PARSER::pow_tok c ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := IDENT_BUILTIN::pow_ident;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::pow_ident c.ob := res; c.args := expr2; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr2 -- set ``in'' arg modes c.modes := set_arg_modes(c, AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode res := c end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; expr_list (underscore_args:BOOL): $AS_EXPR is -- expr_list => bound_arg {',' bound_arg} -- bound_arg => expr | '_' [':' type_spec] -- res: $AS_EXPR; if underscore_args then enter("list of bound arguments")-- PARSER::enter else enter("list of expressions") end;-- PARSER::enter loop x: $AS_EXPR; if check(under_tok) then-- PARSER::under_tok u ::= #AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG; u.source := source_loc;-- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::create AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::source PARSER::source_loc u.source := source_loc; x := u;-- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::source PARSER::source_loc if check(colon_tok) then := type_spec end;-- PARSER::colon_tok AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::tp PARSER::type_spec if ~underscore_args then-- BOOL::not error("no underscore arguments allowed") end-- PARSER::error else x := expr end;-- PARSER::expr if void(res) then res := x else res.append(x) end; while!(check(comma_tok)) end;-- PARSER::comma_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; mode_expr_list (underscore_args:BOOL, is_iter:BOOL): TUP{$AS_EXPR, AS_ARG_MODE} is -- mode_expr_list => bound_arg {',' bound_arg} -- bound_arg => mode (expr | '_') [':' type_spec] -- exprs: $AS_EXPR; modes: AS_ARG_MODE; m: AS_ARG_MODE; if underscore_args then enter("list of bound arguments")-- PARSER::enter else enter("list of expressions with modes") end;-- PARSER::enter loop x: $AS_EXPR; m := get_mode(is_iter);-- PARSER::get_mode if check(under_tok) then-- PARSER::under_tok u ::= #AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG; u.source := source_loc;-- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::create AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::source PARSER::source_loc u.source := source_loc; x := u;-- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::source PARSER::source_loc if check(colon_tok) then -- PARSER::colon_tok := type_spec; -- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::tp PARSER::type_spec := m; -- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::mode warning("Sather 1.1 disallows type specification for unbound arguments. The type is inferred from the context.");-- PARSER::warning end; if ~underscore_args then-- BOOL::not error("no underscore arguments allowed")-- PARSER::error end else -- if an iter and inside create (underscores allowed), then -- must be a bound arg, so set mode to "once" x := expr;-- PARSER::expr if underscore_args and m.is_out_inout then-- AS_ARG_MODE::is_out_inout error("out/inout arguments must be unbound");-- PARSER::error end; -- if underscore_args and is_iter then -- m := #AS_ARG_MODE(AS_ARG_MODE::once_mode); -- end; end; if void(exprs) then exprs := x; modes := m; else exprs.append(x); modes.append(m);-- AS_ARG_MODE::append end; while!(check(comma_tok)) end;-- PARSER::comma_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit t:TUP{$AS_EXPR, AS_ARG_MODE} := #(exprs, modes);-- TUP{2}::create return t; end; call_expr (ob: $AS_EXPR, tp: AS_TYPE_SPEC, underscore_args: BOOL): AS_CALL_EXPR is -- call_expr => (ident | [ident] '!') ['(' mode_expr_list ')'] -- res: AS_CALL_EXPR; enter("call expressions");-- PARSER::enter res := #AS_CALL_EXPR; res.source := source_loc; res.ob := ob; := tp;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::tp := rout_or_iter_name;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name PARSER::rout_or_iter_name if check(lparen_tok) then -- PARSER::lparen_tok -- always allow once? Check later? (Boris) t ::= mode_expr_list(underscore_args,; -- PARSER::mode_expr_list AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT::is_iter res.args := t.t1;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args TUP{2}::t1 res.modes := t.t2;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes TUP{2}::t2 match(rparen_tok) -- PARSER::rparen_tok end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; type_of (x: $AS_EXPR): AS_TYPE_SPEC is -- make sure x could be a type_spec -- typecase x when AS_CALL_EXPR then if void(x.ob) then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob if void( then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp if is_class_name( then-- PARSER::is_class_name AS_CALL_EXPR::name tp ::= #AS_TYPE_SPEC; tp.source := x.source;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::create AS_TYPE_SPEC::source AS_CALL_EXPR::source tp.kind := AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord tp.is_hot := false;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::is_hot :=;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::name AS_CALL_EXPR::name tp.params := void;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::params -- tp.mode := void; tp.ret := void;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::ret return tp end else return AS_CALL_EXPR::tp end end else end; error("type specifier expected");-- PARSER::error return void end; expr1 (underscore_args:BOOL): $AS_EXPR is -- expr1 => -- (expr0 '.' call_expr | type_spec '::' call_expr | -- call_expr | expr0 '[' expr_list ']') -- {"." call_expr | '[' expr_list ']'} -- -- (expr0 accepts type_specs for local_exprs) -- enter("expression (prec = 1)");-- PARSER::enter res ::= expr0;-- PARSER::expr0 c:AS_CALL_EXPR; if check(dot_tok) then -- expr0 '.'-- PARSER::dot_tok res := call_expr(res, void, underscore_args)-- PARSER::call_expr elsif check(dcolon_tok) then -- type_spec '::'-- PARSER::dcolon_tok res := call_expr(void, type_of(res), underscore_args)-- PARSER::call_expr PARSER::type_of elsif check(iter_bang_tok) then -- part of call_expr: ident '!'-- PARSER::iter_bang_tok c := #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := append_bang(ident_of(res));-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name PARSER::append_bang PARSER::ident_of if check(lparen_tok) then -- PARSER::lparen_tok t::= mode_expr_list(underscore_args, true); -- PARSER::mode_expr_list c.args := t.t1;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args TUP{2}::t1 c.modes := t.t2;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes TUP{2}::t2 match(rparen_tok) -- PARSER::rparen_tok end; res := c elsif check(lparen_tok) then -- part of call_expr: ident '('-- PARSER::lparen_tok c := #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := ident_of(res);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name PARSER::ident_of t ::= mode_expr_list(underscore_args, false); -- PARSER::mode_expr_list c.args := t.t1; c.modes := t.t2;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args TUP{2}::t1 AS_CALL_EXPR::modes TUP{2}::t2 match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::rparen_tok res := c elsif check(lbracket_tok) then -- part of call_expr: expr0 '['-- PARSER::lbracket_tok -- Only ``in'' arguments for array references (Boris) c := #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc c.ob := res; c.args := expr_list(false); c.is_array := true;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr_list AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array -- set ``in'' arg modes c.modes := set_arg_modes(c, AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode match(rbracket_tok);-- PARSER::rbracket_tok res := c end; loop if check(dot_tok) then-- PARSER::dot_tok res := call_expr(res, void, underscore_args)-- PARSER::call_expr elsif check(lbracket_tok) then-- PARSER::lbracket_tok c := #AS_CALL_EXPR; c.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc c.ob := res; c.args := expr_list(false); c.is_array := true;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr_list AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array -- set ``in'' arg modes c.modes := set_arg_modes(c, AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode match(rbracket_tok);-- PARSER::rbracket_tok res := c else break! end end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; expr0: $AS_EXPR is -- expr0 => -- self_expr | local_expr | void_expr | new_expr | -- create_expr | array_expr | bound_create_expr | -- except_expr | initial_expr | result_expr | while!_expr | -- until!_expr | break!_expr | bool_lit_expr | char_lit_expr | -- str_lit_expr | int_lit_expr | flt_lit_expr | '(' expr ')' | -- '[' expr_list ']' | -- here_expr | where_expr | near_expr | far_expr | any_expr -- cluster_expr | cluster_bang_expr | | cluster_size| cohort_expr -- -- local_expr accepts also type_spec, filtered out here or in expr1 -- enter("expression (prec = 0)");-- PARSER::enter res: $AS_EXPR; case next.val-- PARSER::next TOKEN::val when self_tok then-- PARSER::self_tok fetch; res := #AS_SELF_EXPR; res.source := source_loc-- PARSER::fetch AS_SELF_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc when ident_tok then-- PARSER::ident_tok call_exp ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; call_exp.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc if is_class_name(ident) then := type_spec;-- PARSER::ident AS_CALL_EXPR::tp PARSER::type_spec -- DPS changed from this --if ( = AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord) and void( then -- maybe ordinary call -- :=; -- := void --end if ( = AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord) then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::kind INT::is_eq AS_TYPE_SPEC::ord if void( then -- ordinary call-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::params :=;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name AS_CALL_EXPR::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::name := void;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp elsif next/=dcolon_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::dcolon_tok BOOL::not error("This typespec neither preceeds '::' nor follows '#'");-- PARSER::error end end else := ident; fetch end;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name PARSER::ident PARSER::fetch res := call_exp when bang_tok then-- PARSER::bang_tok r ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := IDENT_BUILTIN::bang_ident; fetch;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::bang_ident PARSER::fetch res := r when iter_bang_tok then-- PARSER::iter_bang_tok r ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := IDENT_BUILTIN::bang_ident; fetch;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT_BUILTIN::bang_ident PARSER::fetch res := r when SAME_tok then-- PARSER::SAME_tok r ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := type_spec;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp PARSER::type_spec if next/=dcolon_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::dcolon_tok BOOL::not error("`SAME' neither preceeds '::' nor follows '#'");-- PARSER::error end; res := r when void_tok then-- PARSER::void_tok enter("void expressions");-- PARSER::enter fetch;-- PARSER::fetch if next = lparen_tok then fetch;-- PARSER::next PARSER::lparen_tok PARSER::fetch vtest ::= #AS_IS_VOID_EXPR; vtest.source := source_loc;-- AS_IS_VOID_EXPR::create AS_IS_VOID_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc vtest.arg := expr; res := vtest;-- AS_IS_VOID_EXPR::arg PARSER::expr match(rparen_tok)-- PARSER::rparen_tok else res := #AS_VOID_EXPR; res.source := source_loc-- AS_VOID_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc end; exit-- PARSER::exit when new_tok then-- PARSER::new_tok enter("new expression");-- PARSER::enter fetch;-- PARSER::fetch new_ex ::= #AS_NEW_EXPR; new_ex.source := source_loc;-- AS_NEW_EXPR::create AS_NEW_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc res := new_ex; if check(lparen_tok) then-- PARSER::lparen_tok new_ex.arg := expr;-- AS_NEW_EXPR::arg PARSER::expr match(rparen_tok) end;-- PARSER::rparen_tok exit-- PARSER::exit when sharp_tok then fetch;-- PARSER::sharp_tok PARSER::fetch if (next = ROUT_tok) or (next = ITER_tok) then-- PARSER::next PARSER::ROUT_tok PARSER::next PARSER::ITER_tok res := bound_create_expr-- PARSER::bound_create_expr else res := create_expr end-- PARSER::create_expr when bind_tok then res := bound_create_expr -- PARSER::bind_tok PARSER::bound_create_expr when vbar_tok then-- PARSER::vbar_tok enter("array expression");-- PARSER::enter fetch;-- PARSER::fetch arr_ex ::= #AS_ARRAY_EXPR; arr_ex.source := source_loc;-- AS_ARRAY_EXPR::create AS_ARRAY_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc res := arr_ex; arr_ex.elts := expr_list(false); -- AS_ARRAY_EXPR::elts PARSER::expr_list match(vbar_tok);-- PARSER::vbar_tok exit-- PARSER::exit when exception_tok then-- PARSER::exception_tok fetch; res := #AS_EXCEPT_EXPR; res.source := source_loc;-- PARSER::fetch AS_EXCEPT_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc when initial_tok then-- PARSER::initial_tok enter("initial expression");-- PARSER::enter fetch; match(lparen_tok);-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::lparen_tok init_ex ::= #AS_INITIAL_EXPR; init_ex.source := source_loc;-- AS_INITIAL_EXPR::create AS_INITIAL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc res := init_ex; init_ex.e := expr;-- AS_INITIAL_EXPR::e PARSER::expr match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::rparen_tok exit-- PARSER::exit when result_tok then-- PARSER::result_tok fetch; res := #AS_RESULT_EXPR; res.source := source_loc;-- PARSER::fetch AS_RESULT_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc when while_tok then-- PARSER::while_tok enter("while! expression");-- PARSER::enter fetch; match(lparen_tok); res := expr; match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::lparen_tok PARSER::expr PARSER::rparen_tok error("while! expression must stand alone");-- PARSER::error exit-- PARSER::exit when until_tok then-- PARSER::until_tok enter("until! expression");-- PARSER::enter fetch; match(lparen_tok); res := expr; match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::lparen_tok PARSER::expr PARSER::rparen_tok error("until! expression must stand alone");-- PARSER::error exit-- PARSER::exit when break_tok then-- PARSER::break_tok fetch; res := #AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR; res.source := source_loc;-- PARSER::fetch AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc error("break! expression must stand alone")-- PARSER::error when true_tok then-- PARSER::true_tok r ::= #AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::create AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc r.val := next = true_tok; res := r; fetch-- AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::val PARSER::next PARSER::true_tok PARSER::fetch when false_tok then-- PARSER::false_tok r ::= #AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR; r.source := source_loc;-- AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::create AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc r.val := next = true_tok; res := r; fetch-- AS_BOOL_LIT_EXPR::val PARSER::next PARSER::true_tok PARSER::fetch when lchar_tok then-- PARSER::lchar_tok c ::= #AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR; c.source := source_loc;-- AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR::create AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc c.val :=; -- AS_CHAR_LIT_EXPR::val PARSER::scanner SCANNER::char_value CHAR::int res := c; fetch-- PARSER::fetch when lstr_tok then-- PARSER::lstr_tok s ::= #AS_STR_LIT_EXPR; s.source := source_loc;-- AS_STR_LIT_EXPR::create AS_STR_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc s.s := ident.str; res := s; fetch-- AS_STR_LIT_EXPR::s PARSER::ident IDENT::str PARSER::fetch when lint_tok then-- PARSER::lint_tok assert scanner.num_value.is_int;-- PARSER::scanner SCANNER::num_value RAT::is_int i ::= #AS_INT_LIT_EXPR; i.source := source_loc;-- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::create AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc i.val := scanner.num_value.floor;-- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::val PARSER::scanner SCANNER::num_value RAT::floor i.is_inti := (scanner.value_type = AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::flti);-- AS_INT_LIT_EXPR::is_inti PARSER::scanner SCANNER::value_type INT::is_eq AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::flti res := i; fetch-- PARSER::fetch when lflt_tok then-- PARSER::lflt_tok f ::= #AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR; f.source := source_loc;-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::create AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc f.val := scanner.num_value;-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::val PARSER::scanner SCANNER::num_value := scanner.value_type;-- AS_FLT_LIT_EXPR::tp PARSER::scanner SCANNER::value_type res := f; fetch-- PARSER::fetch when lparen_tok then-- PARSER::lparen_tok fetch; res := expr; match(rparen_tok)-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::expr PARSER::rparen_tok when lbracket_tok then-- PARSER::lbracket_tok fetch; a ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; a.source := source_loc;-- PARSER::fetch AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc a.args := expr_list(false); a.is_array := true; -- AS_CALL_EXPR::args PARSER::expr_list AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array -- set ``in'' arg modes a.modes := set_arg_modes(a, AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode);-- AS_CALL_EXPR::modes PARSER::set_arg_modes AS_ARG_MODE::in_mode res := a; match(rbracket_tok)-- PARSER::rbracket_tok when here_tok then-- PARSER::here_tok fetch; res := #AS_HERE_EXPR; res.source := source_loc-- PARSER::fetch AS_HERE_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc -- when any_tok then -- fetch; res := #AS_ANY_EXPR; res.source := source_loc when cluster_tok then-- PARSER::cluster_tok fetch; res := #AS_CLUSTER_EXPR; res.source := source_loc-- PARSER::fetch AS_CLUSTER_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc when cluster_size_tok then-- PARSER::cluster_size_tok fetch; res := #AS_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR; res.source := source_loc -- PARSER::fetch AS_CLUSTER_SIZE_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc when cluster_bang_tok then-- PARSER::cluster_bang_tok fetch; r ::= #AS_CALL_EXPR; r.source := source_loc;-- PARSER::fetch AS_CALL_EXPR::create AS_CALL_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc := #AS_TYPE_SPEC;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::create := IDENT_BUILTIN::SYS_ident;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::tp AS_TYPE_SPEC::name IDENT_BUILTIN::SYS_ident := #IDENT("builtin_clusters!");-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT::create res := r; when cohort_tok then-- PARSER::cohort_tok fetch; res := #AS_COHORT_EXPR; res.source := source_loc;-- PARSER::fetch AS_COHORT_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc when where_tok then-- PARSER::where_tok enter("where expression");-- PARSER::enter r ::= #AS_WHERE_EXPR; r.source := source_loc; res := r;-- AS_WHERE_EXPR::create AS_WHERE_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc fetch; match(lparen_tok); r.e := expr; match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::lparen_tok AS_WHERE_EXPR::e PARSER::expr PARSER::rparen_tok exit-- PARSER::exit when near_tok then-- PARSER::near_tok enter("near expression");-- PARSER::enter r ::= #AS_NEAR_EXPR; r.source := source_loc; res := r;-- AS_NEAR_EXPR::create AS_NEAR_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc fetch; match(lparen_tok); r.e := expr; match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::lparen_tok AS_NEAR_EXPR::e PARSER::expr PARSER::rparen_tok exit-- PARSER::exit when far_tok then-- PARSER::far_tok enter("far expression");-- PARSER::enter r ::= #AS_FAR_EXPR; r.source := source_loc; res := r;-- AS_FAR_EXPR::create AS_FAR_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc fetch; match(lparen_tok); r.e := expr; match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::fetch PARSER::lparen_tok AS_FAR_EXPR::e PARSER::expr PARSER::rparen_tok exit-- PARSER::exit else exp_error("expression"); res := #AS_VOID_EXPR; res.source := source_loc end;-- PARSER::exp_error AS_VOID_EXPR::create PARSER::source_loc exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; check_underscores (call:AS_CALL_EXPR, is_iter:BOOL) is if void(call) then return; end; if /= is_iter then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT::is_iter BOOL::is_eq BOOL::not if is_iter then error("bound routine must be an iter")-- PARSER::error else error("bound routine must not be an iter") end end;-- PARSER::error if call.is_array then-- AS_CALL_EXPR::is_array error("only call expressions allowed") end;-- PARSER::error ob: $AS_EXPR := call.ob;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob loop until!(void(ob)); this: $AS_EXPR := ob; typecase this when AS_CALL_EXPR then ob := this.ob;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::ob arg: $AS_EXPR := this.args;-- AS_CALL_EXPR::args loop until!(void(arg)); typecase arg when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then error("illegal underscore arguments");-- PARSER::error return else end; arg := end else typecase ob when AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG then if ~SYS::ob_eq(ob, call.ob) then-- SYS::ob_eq AS_CALL_EXPR::ob BOOL::not error("illegal underscore arguments")-- PARSER::error end else end; return end end end; bound_create_expr: AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR is -- bound_create_expr => -- 'bind' '(' -- ('_' [':' type_spec] '.' call_expr | expr1) -- [':' type_spec] ')' -- -- '#' already seen and stripped away -- next is one of ROUT_tok, bind_tok, ITER_tok (guaranteed) -- enter("bound create expression");-- PARSER::enter if next = ITER_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::ITER_tok convert.convert_bind;-- PARSER::convert CONVERT::convert_bind if ~version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 BOOL::not prog.set_eloc(source_loc);-- PARSER::prog PROG::set_eloc PARSER::source_loc prog.warning("#ITER() is obsolete. Use bind() instead.");-- PARSER::prog PROG::warning end; else if next=ROUT_tok then-- PARSER::next PARSER::ROUT_tok convert.convert_bind; -- PARSER::convert CONVERT::convert_bind if ~version_1_0 then-- PARSER::version_1_0 BOOL::not prog.set_eloc(source_loc);-- PARSER::prog PROG::set_eloc PARSER::source_loc prog.warning("#ROUT() is obsolete. Use bind() instead.");-- PARSER::prog PROG::warning end; end; end; res ::= #AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::create AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc fetch;-- PARSER::fetch match(lparen_tok);-- PARSER::lparen_tok if check(under_tok) then-- PARSER::under_tok u ::= #AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG; u.source := source_loc;-- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::create AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::source PARSER::source_loc if check(colon_tok) then -- PARSER::colon_tok := type_spec;-- AS_UNDERSCORE_ARG::tp PARSER::type_spec warning("Sather 1.1 disallows type specification for unbound arguments. The type is inferred from the context."); -- PARSER::warning end; match(dot_tok);-- PARSER::dot_tok := call_expr(u, void, true) --later prohibit once? (Boris)-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call PARSER::call_expr else -- hack: should be improved x ::= expr1(true);-- PARSER::expr1 typecase x when AS_CALL_EXPR then := x -- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call else error("bound create must have a routine");-- PARSER::error end end; res.is_iter :=;-- AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::is_iter AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_CALL_EXPR::name IDENT::is_iter check_underscores(, res.is_iter);-- PARSER::check_underscores AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::call AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::is_iter if check(colon_tok) then res.ret := type_spec end;-- PARSER::colon_tok AS_BOUND_CREATE_EXPR::ret PARSER::type_spec match(rparen_tok);-- PARSER::rparen_tok exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; create_expr: AS_CREATE_EXPR is -- create_expr => '#' [type_spec] ['(' mode_expr_list ')'] -- -- '#' already seen and stripped away -- enter("create expression");-- PARSER::enter res ::= #AS_CREATE_EXPR; res.source := source_loc;-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::create AS_CREATE_EXPR::source PARSER::source_loc if (next = ident_tok) or (next = SAME_tok) then := type_spec-- PARSER::next PARSER::ident_tok PARSER::next PARSER::SAME_tok AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp PARSER::type_spec elsif next = type_name_tok then := type_spec;-- PARSER::next PARSER::type_name_tok AS_CREATE_EXPR::tp PARSER::type_spec error("no abstract types allowed")-- PARSER::error end; if check(lparen_tok) then-- PARSER::lparen_tok t::= mode_expr_list(false, false);-- PARSER::mode_expr_list res.elts := t.t1; res.modes := t.t2;-- AS_CREATE_EXPR::elts TUP{2}::t1 AS_CREATE_EXPR::modes TUP{2}::t2 match(rparen_tok) -- PARSER::rparen_tok end; exit;-- PARSER::exit return res end; end; -- PARSER

class PARSE < $PARSE

class PARSE < $PARSE is -- The phase in which all files are parsed and tree forms built. -- This phase catches both syntactic errors and multiply defined -- classes. include CS_COMPONENT; attr parsed:FSET{STR}; -- Table of already parsed files. attr has:FMAP{STR,STR}; -- Files containing classes given by -has attr known_files:FSET{STR}; -- Files that we know all classes by -has attr convert_files:FSET{STR}; -- Files needed to convert to 1.1 syntax attr convert_all:BOOL; -- true if all files are to be converted to 1.1 attr version_1_0:BOOL; -- true if Sather 1.0 source is compiled private attr missing_classes: FSET{STR}; -- Names of classes which were not found. create(p:PROG):SAME is r::=new; r.prog:=p; return r-- PARSE::prog end; tree_for(nm:IDENT, num:INT):AS_CLASS_DEF is -- Return the code tree for the class with name `nm' and the -- number of type parameters `num'. Return void if no such class. searchtag ::= #TUP{IDENT,INT}(nm,num);-- TUP{2}::create r ::= prog.as_tbl.get_query(searchtag);-- PARSE::prog PROG::as_tbl PROG_AS_TBL::get_query if ~void(r) then return r end;-- BOOL::not -- If we haven't found it, try the -has files fn::=has.get(nm.str);-- PARSE::has FMAP{2}::get IDENT::str if ~void(fn) then-- BOOL::not perform_parse(fn);-- PARSE::perform_parse r := prog.as_tbl.get_query(searchtag);-- PARSE::prog PROG::as_tbl PROG_AS_TBL::get_query end; if void(r) then class_name: STR := nm.str(num);-- IDENT::str if ~missing_classes.test(class_name) then-- PARSE::missing_classes FSET{1}::test BOOL::not prog.err("There is no class named " + class_name + ".");-- PARSE::prog PROG::err STR::plus STR::plus missing_classes := missing_classes.insert(class_name);-- PARSE::missing_classes PARSE::missing_classes FSET{1}::insert end; end; return r; end; parse(f:STR) is -- We can check out known files later; don't bother parsing now. -- This avoids parsing files that aren't referenced and even -- if they are, speeds up the presentation of semantic errors -- that would otherwise have to wait for parsing everything to -- finish. if known_files.test(f) then return;-- PARSE::known_files FSET{1}::test else perform_parse(f);-- PARSE::perform_parse end; end; private perform_parse(f:STR) is -- Tell the parser to parse the file `f', put the tree in `as_tbl'. -- If we've already done it if parsed.test(f) then return; end;-- PARSE::parsed FSET{1}::test parsed:=parsed.insert(f);-- PARSE::parsed PARSE::parsed FSET{1}::insert if prog.show_parse_file then #OUT + "(Parse " + f + ") " end;-- PARSE::prog PROG::show_parse_file OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus OUT::plus parser ::= #PARSER(prog, f, prog.psather, (convert_files.test(f) or convert_all), version_1_0 or convert_files.test(f) or convert_all);-- PARSER::create PARSE::prog PARSE::prog PROG::psather PARSE::convert_files FSET{1}::test PARSE::convert_all PARSE::version_1_0 PARSE::convert_files FSET{1}::test PARSE::convert_all if ~void(parser) then-- BOOL::not tcd: AS_CLASS_DEF := parser.source_file;-- PARSER::source_file loop until!(void(tcd)); if prog.show_as_insert then-- PARSE::prog PROG::show_as_insert #OUT+"(Tree for ""("+tcd.params.size+")) ";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus AS_CLASS_DEF::name IDENT::str OUT::plus OUT::plus AS_CLASS_DEF::params AS_PARAM_DEC::size OUT::plus end;;;-- AS_CLASS_DEF::next AS_CLASS_DEF::next typetag ::= #TUP{IDENT,INT}(,tcd.params.size);-- TUP{2}::create AS_CLASS_DEF::name AS_CLASS_DEF::params AS_PARAM_DEC::size if prog.as_tbl.test_query(typetag) then-- PARSE::prog PROG::as_tbl PROG_AS_TBL::test_query other_class:AS_CLASS_DEF := prog.as_tbl.get_query(typetag);-- PARSE::prog PROG::as_tbl PROG_AS_TBL::get_query dup_class_err(tcd,other_class);-- PARSE::dup_class_err else prog.as_tbl := prog.as_tbl.insert(tcd)-- PARSE::prog PROG::as_tbl PARSE::prog PROG::as_tbl PROG_AS_TBL::insert end; tcd:=ntcd end end; -- pSather -- create AS_ROUT_DEF for clusters! here -- clusters! cannot be provided by, since, clusters! is -- a keyword. -- if f=has.get("SYS") and prog.psather then -- sysclass::=prog.as_tbl.get_query(#(#IDENT("SYS"),0)); -- body::=sysclass.body; -- loop -- until!(void(; -- body :=; -- end; -- -- cl_it::=#AS_ROUT_DEF; --"clusters!"); -- cl_it.ret_dec:=#AS_TYPE_SPEC; -- :=#IDENT("INT"); -- cl_it.body:=#AS_STMT_LIST; -- cl_it_r ::= #AS_RAISE_STMT; -- cl_it_r.surr_stmt_list := cl_it.body; -- cl_it.body.stmts := cl_it_r; -- body.append(cl_it); -- end; -- pSather end; -- of parse private dup_class_err(this_class,other_class:AS_CLASS_DEF) is err_loc(this_class);-- PARSE::err_loc err("There are two classes with the name " + +-- PARSE::err STR::plus AS_CLASS_DEF::name IDENT::str " and " + this_class.params.size + " parameters.\n\t" -- STR::plus STR::plus AS_CLASS_DEF::params AS_PARAM_DEC::size "The other one is at:"+other_class.source.str ) -- STR::plus STR::plus AS_CLASS_DEF::source SFILE_ID::str end; end; -- class PARSE