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abstract class $LAYOUT < $STR

abstract class $LAYOUT < $STR is -- A layout for which a C typedef will have to be emitted. We -- abstract these out because C requires that attribute -- dependencies be respected; we have to build a table and then -- generate the typedefs in topological order. dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT}; -- Everything that this layout depends on. -- This can be made into an iterator once dispatched iters work. typedef(c:CGEN):STR; -- A C typedef for this layout str:STR; -- To print out the layout end;


class LAYOUT_TBL is -- Registry between $TPs and $LAYOUTs. Just a place for a global. shared layout_tbl:FMAP{$TP,$LAYOUT}; shared prog:PROG; shared cgen:CGEN; add(t:$TP,l:$LAYOUT) is layout_tbl:=layout_tbl.insert(t,l);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::insert end; layout(t:$TP):$LAYOUT pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not -- the $LAYOUT object corresponding to a type. If it doesn't -- exist already, it will be made. l:$LAYOUT; if t.is_builtin then l:=#BUILTIN_LAYOUT(t);-- BUILTIN_LAYOUT::create elsif t.is_external then l:=#EXTERNAL_LAYOUT(t);-- EXTERNAL_LAYOUT::create elsif t.is_abstract then l:=#ABSTRACT_LAYOUT(t,prog);-- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::create LAYOUT_TBL::prog elsif t.is_bound then if t.kind = TP_KIND::rout_tp then -- INT::is_eq TP_KIND::rout_tp l:=#BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT(t);-- BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::create --#OUT+"layout called for : "+t.str+"\n"; --#OUT+"Nr of bnd rout types defined: "+ prog.tp_tbl.rout_tbl.size +"\n"; --loop -- #OUT+prog.tp_tbl.rout_tbl.elt!.str +"\n"; --end; elsif t.kind = TP_KIND::iter_tp then-- INT::is_eq TP_KIND::iter_tp l:=#BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT(t);-- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::create --#OUT+"layout called for: "+t.str+"\n"; --#OUT+"Nr of bnd iter types defined: "+ prog.tp_tbl.iter_tbl.size +"\n"; --loop -- #OUT+prog.tp_tbl.iter_tbl.elt!.str +"\n"; --end; else #OUT+t.str+" unrecognized type \n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus end; elsif t.is_immutable then l:=#IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT(t,prog);-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::create LAYOUT_TBL::prog else l:=#CLASS_LAYOUT(t,prog);-- CLASS_LAYOUT::create LAYOUT_TBL::prog end; return l; end; end;


class TP_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- Some default code for layout classes. private attr tp:$TP; -- The type this layout is for readonly attr str:STR; shared layouts:FSET{SAME}; -- Registry of all layouts of this type create(tp:$TP):SAME pre ~void(tp) is-- BOOL::not r::=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.get(tp);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::get res:SAME; if ~void(r) then-- BOOL::not typecase r when SAME then res:=r; end; else res:=new;;-- BUILTIN_LAYOUT::tp res.str:=res.makestr;-- BUILTIN_LAYOUT::str BUILTIN_LAYOUT::makestr layouts:=layouts.insert(res);-- BUILTIN_LAYOUT::layouts BUILTIN_LAYOUT::layouts FSET{1}::insert LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl:=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.insert(tp,res);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::insert end; return res; end; dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT} is return #; end;-- FLIST{1}::create -- By default, there are no dependencies typedef(c:CGEN):STR is return ""; end; -- By default, no typedef needs to be emitted makestr:STR is raise "TP_LAYOUT::makestr undefined"; end; sorted_fields(map:FMAP{IDENT,$TP}):LAYOUT_ARR is res:LAYOUT_ARR:=#(map.size);-- LAYOUT_ARR::create FMAP{2}::size loop res.set!(map.pairs!); end;-- LAYOUT_ARR::set! FMAP{2}::pairs! res.sort;-- LAYOUT_ARR::sort return res; end; end;


class LAYOUT_ARR is -- Convenience class for sorting fields by alignment -- to try to get better space usage. C guarantees that -- the order we use in typedefs will be obeyed so we have -- to worry about it here. include ARRAY{TUP{IDENT,$TP}}; elt_lt(e1,e2:TUP{IDENT,$TP}):BOOL is tp1::=e1.t2;-- TUP{2}::t2 tp2::=e2.t2;-- TUP{2}::t2 a1::=alignment(tp1);-- LAYOUT_ARR::alignment a2::=alignment(tp2);-- LAYOUT_ARR::alignment if a1/=a2 then return a1>a2;-- INT::is_eq BOOL::not INT::is_lt -- Keep types together even if the alignment appears the -- same; we might be wrong about the alignment. elsif tp1/=tp2 then return tp1.str<tp2.str;-- BOOL::not STR::is_lt -- Finally, sort by field name, just to keep deterministic. else return e1.t1.str<e2.t1.str;-- TUP{2}::t1 IDENT::str STR::is_lt TUP{2}::t1 IDENT::str end; end; private alignment(t:$TP):INT is case t when TP_BUILTIN::fltd then return 64;-- TP_BUILTIN::fltd when TP_BUILTIN::char then return 8;-- TP_BUILTIN::char when TP_BUILTIN::bool then return 1;-- TP_BUILTIN::bool else -- It's okay to get it wrong, just a heuristic. return 32; end; end; end;


class BUILTIN_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout for a Sather class object which is predefined. -- Built-in layouts are all predefined in the system headers, so -- nothing needs to be done here. include TP_LAYOUT; makestr:STR is return tp.str+" - Builtin"; end;-- BUILTIN_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus end;


class EXTERNAL_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather external class object. -- There aren't any C entities corresponding to external classes, -- so don't do anything. include TP_LAYOUT; makestr:STR is return tp.str+" - External"; end;-- EXTERNAL_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus end;


class ABSTRACT_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather abstract type. -- Note that the layout of the abstract iter dispatch -- tables depends on the iter yield value layout (if any) -- -- For all abstract iters in it is also -- necessary to generate typedefs for iter dispatch table entries -- as they are different from the function dispatch table include TP_LAYOUT; attr prog:PROG; attr dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT}; create(tp:$TP,p:PROG):SAME pre ~void(tp) is-- BOOL::not r::=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.get(tp);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::get res:SAME; if ~void(r) then-- BOOL::not typecase r when SAME then res:=r; end; else res:=new;;-- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::tp res.prog:=p;-- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::prog res.str:=res.makestr;-- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::str ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::makestr layouts:=layouts.insert(res);-- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::layouts ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::layouts FSET{1}::insert LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl:=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.insert(tp,res);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::insert res.make_dependencies;-- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::make_dependencies end; return res; end; private make_dependencies is dependencies:=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::dependencies FLIST{1}::create -- -- abstract frame knows only about arguments! -- it also depends on the layout of the return type loop sig::=tp.ifc.sigs.elt!; -- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::tp IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::elt! if sig.is_iter then-- SIG::is_iter -- DPS: This was in 1.0.7, and looks totally confused. I changed -- it to this: --dependencies:= -- dependencies.push(#ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT(sig, prog)); -- make sure an abstract frame gets created - this should be -- moved into CGEN where other dispatching is handled. --dummy::=#ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT(sig, prog); --loop -- dependencies:= -- dependencies.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(sig.args.elt!)); --end; -- --if ~void(sig.ret) then -- dependencies:= -- dependencies.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(sig.ret)); --end; end; end; end; typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler m.forbid(m.mangle(tp,void)+"_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus decl_str ::= "typedef struct "+m.mangle(tp,void)+"_struct {\n"-- STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::tp +" OB_HEADER header;\n"-- STR::plus +" } *"+m.mangle(tp,void)+";\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus return decl_str; end; makestr:STR is return tp.str+" - Abstract"; end;-- ABSTRACT_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus end;


class ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather abstract iterator frame. -- The layout defines iter arguments only. Concrete iter frames -- take care of all other stuff (i.e. locals, nested frames, etc) include FIX_TYPE; attr sig:SIG; attr prog:PROG; shared layouts:FMAP{SIG,ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT}; readonly attr str:STR; create(sig:SIG,p:PROG):SAME is res::=layouts.get(sig);-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::get if void(res) then res:=new; res.sig:=sig;-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig res.prog:=p;-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::prog res.str:=res.sig.str+" - abstract frame";-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::str ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::str STR::plus layouts:=layouts.insert(sig,res);-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::insert -- DPS: Somebody added this after 1.0.7, I believe it is -- incorrect; the layout_tbl is only for types. --LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl:=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.insert(,res); end; return res; end; dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT} is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create -- abstract frame knows only about arguments! -- it also depends on the layout of the return type loop res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(sig.args.elt!.tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp end; if ~void(sig.ret) then-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::ret BOOL::not res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(sig.ret));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::ret end; return res; end; typedef(c:CGEN):STR is -- generate the typedef for an "abstract" frame. The frame -- knows only about arguments. The space for the entire -- concrete frame is generated by the dispatched allocator -- function at the time of the dispatched iter call. m ::= c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler the_tp;-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::tp m.forbid(m.mangle(sig,void)+"_entry");-- MANGLE::forbid MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus res:STR; res := "typedef struct "+m.mangle(sig,void)+"_frame_struct {\n";-- STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus m.forbid(m.mangle(sig,void)+"_frame_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus -- slot for state -- Attention this was at the end of the layout -- due to bound iters (casting) this had to be placed at -- the beginning !! aj res:=res+" INT state;\n";-- STR::plus -- make slot for each argument res := res +' '+m.mangle(,void)+" self;\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::tp STR::plus loop fi::=sig.args.elt!;-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! res:=res+' '+fix_out_type(fi, m.mangle(,void)+' ')+"arg"+1.up!+';';-- STR::plus STR::plus ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::fix_out_type MANGLE::mangle ARG::tp STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus INT::up! STR::plus res:=res+"/* Formal argument: "+fi.str+" */\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus ARG::str STR::plus end; --finally make a slot for state; --res:=res+" INT state;\n"; -- space for everything including locals and nested iters -- is generated by the specialized dispatched allocators res := res +" } *"+m.mangle(sig,void)+"_frame;\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus res := res + "/* Dispatch table entry for " + sig.str + " */\n";-- STR::plus ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::str STR::plus res := res+"typedef struct "+m.mangle(sig,void)-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig +"_entry {\n"+ "const ";-- STR::plus STR::plus if ~void(sig.ret) then-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::ret BOOL::not res := res + m.mangle(sig.ret,void); -- STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig SIG::ret else res := res + "void";-- STR::plus end; res := res + " (*iter)(" + m.mangle(sig,void) + "_frame frame";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus if c.func_tables then-- CGEN::func_tables res:=res+", struct _func_frame *";-- STR::plus end; res:=res+");\n";-- STR::plus res := res + "const void* (*alloc_frame)();\n" + "} "+m.mangle(sig,void)+"_entry;\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus return res; end; end;


class CLASS_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather reference class object. include TP_LAYOUT create->; attr l:AM_OB_DEF; -- The layout from the AM form. attr prog:PROG; attr dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT}; create(tp:$TP,prog:PROG):SAME is r::=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.get(tp);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::get res:SAME; if ~void(r) then-- BOOL::not typecase r when SAME then res:=r; end; else res:=new;;-- CLASS_LAYOUT::tp res.prog:=prog;-- CLASS_LAYOUT::prog res.l:=LAYOUT_TBL::cgen.am_ob_def_for_tp(tp);-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l LAYOUT_TBL::cgen CGEN::am_ob_def_for_tp" - Class";-- CLASS_LAYOUT::str CLASS_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus layouts:=layouts.insert(res);-- CLASS_LAYOUT::layouts CLASS_LAYOUT::layouts FSET{1}::insert LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl:=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.insert(tp,res);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::insert res.make_dependencies;-- CLASS_LAYOUT::make_dependencies end; return res; end; private make_dependencies is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create loop!;-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::at FMAP{2}::targets! if tp.is_immutable then res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout end; end; if ~void(l.arr) and l.arr.is_immutable then-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr BOOL::not CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(l.arr));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr end; dependencies:=res;-- CLASS_LAYOUT::dependencies end; typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler cname:STR:=m.mangle(,void);-- MANGLE::mangle CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp res::="typedef struct "+cname+"_struct {";-- STR::plus STR::plus res:=res+"/* layout for "" */\n";-- STR::plus CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp STR::plus m.forbid(m.mangle(tp,void)+"_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid MANGLE::mangle CLASS_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus res:=res+" OB_HEADER header;\n";-- STR::plus if tp.is_subtype(TP_BUILTIN::dollar_lock) then-- CLASS_LAYOUT::tp TP_BUILTIN::dollar_lock res:=res+" LOCK_HEADER_STRUCT\n";-- STR::plus end; if ~void( then-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::at BOOL::not loop!; p::=sorted_fields(!;-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::at LAYOUT_ARR::elt! if p.t2.is_builtin then-- TUP{2}::t2 res:=res+' '+m.mangle(p.t2,void)-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t2 +' '+m.mangle(p.t1,";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t1 CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp STR::plus elsif ~p.t2.is_immutable then-- TUP{2}::t2 BOOL::not res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(p.t2,void)-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t2 +"_struct *"+m.mangle(p.t1,";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t1 CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp STR::plus else -- user-defined immutable class res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(p.t2,void)-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t2 +"_struct "+m.mangle(p.t1,";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t1 CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp STR::plus end; end; end; if ~void(l.arr) then-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr BOOL::not res:=res+" INT asize;\n";-- STR::plus if l.arr.is_builtin then-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr res:=res+' '+m.mangle(l.arr,void)+" arr_part[";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr STR::plus elsif ~l.arr.is_immutable then-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr BOOL::not res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(l.arr,void)+"_struct *arr_part[";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr STR::plus else -- user-defined immutable class res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(l.arr,void)+"_struct arr_part[";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr STR::plus end; res:=res+1.max(l.asize)+"];\n";-- STR::plus INT::max CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::asize STR::plus end; if void( and void(l.arr) then-- CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::at CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr -- C doesn't like empty structs res:=res+" CHAR field_so_not_empty;\n";-- STR::plus end; res:=res+" } *"+cname+";\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus return res; end; end;


class IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather immutable class object. include TP_LAYOUT create->; attr l:AM_OB_DEF; -- The layout from the AM form. attr prog:PROG; attr dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT}; create(tp:$TP,prog:PROG):SAME is res:SAME; r::=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.get(tp);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::get if ~void(r) then-- BOOL::not typecase r when SAME then res:=r; end; else res:=new;;-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::tp res.prog:=prog;-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::prog res.l:=LAYOUT_TBL::cgen.am_ob_def_for_tp(tp);-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l LAYOUT_TBL::cgen CGEN::am_ob_def_for_tp" - immutable";-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::str IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus layouts:=layouts.insert(res);-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::layouts IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::layouts FSET{1}::insert LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl:=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.insert(tp,res);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::insert res.make_dependencies;-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::make_dependencies end; return res; end; private make_dependencies is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create loop!;-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::at FMAP{2}::targets! if tp.is_immutable then res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout end; end; if ~void(l.arr) and l.arr.is_immutable then-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr BOOL::not IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(l.arr));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr end; --return res; dependencies:=res;-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::dependencies end; typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler cname:STR:=m.mangle(,void);-- MANGLE::mangle IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp res::="typedef struct "+cname+"_struct {";-- STR::plus STR::plus res:=res+"/* layout for "" */\n";-- STR::plus IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp STR::plus m.forbid(m.mangle(tp,void)+"_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid MANGLE::mangle IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::tp STR::plus --res:=res+" OB_HEADER header;\n"; if ~void( then-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::at BOOL::not chars_and_bools::=0; -- only used in pSather loop!; p::=sorted_fields(!;-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::at LAYOUT_ARR::elt! if p.t2.is_builtin then-- TUP{2}::t2 if p.t2=TP_BUILTIN::char or p.t2=TP_BUILTIN::bool then-- TUP{2}::t2 TP_BUILTIN::char TUP{2}::t2 TP_BUILTIN::bool chars_and_bools:=chars_and_bools+1;-- INT::plus end; res:=res+' '+m.mangle(p.t2,void) -- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t2 +' '+m.mangle(p.t1,";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t1 IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp STR::plus elsif ~p.t2.is_immutable then-- TUP{2}::t2 BOOL::not res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(p.t2,void)-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t2 +"_struct *"+m.mangle(p.t1,";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t1 IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp STR::plus else -- user-defined immutable class res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(p.t2,void)-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t2 +"_struct "+m.mangle(p.t1,";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle TUP{2}::t1 IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::tp STR::plus end; end; if chars_and_bools.is_odd and c.prog.psather then-- INT::is_odd CGEN::prog PROG::psather res:=res+" char _dummy_to_pad; /* make struct size a multiple of 2 */\n";-- STR::plus end; end; if ~void(l.arr) then-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr BOOL::not if l.arr.is_builtin then-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr res:=res+' '+m.mangle(l.arr,void)+" arr_part[";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr STR::plus elsif ~l.arr.is_immutable then-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr BOOL::not res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(l.arr,void)+"_struct *arr_part[";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr STR::plus else -- user-defined immutable class res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(l.arr,void)+"_struct arr_part[";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr STR::plus end; res:=res+1.max(l.asize)+"];\n";-- STR::plus INT::max IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::asize STR::plus end; if void( and void(l.arr) then-- IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::at IMMUTABLE_CLASS_LAYOUT::l AM_OB_DEF::arr -- C doesn't like empty structs res:=res+" CHAR field_so_not_empty;\n";-- STR::plus end; res:=res+" } "+cname+";\n"-- STR::plus STR::plus +"static "+cname+" "+cname+"_zero;\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus m.forbid(cname+"_zero");-- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus res:=res+"typedef struct "+cname+"_boxed_struct {\n"-- STR::plus STR::plus +" OB_HEADER header;\n"-- STR::plus +' '+cname+" immutable_part;\n"-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus +" } *"+cname+"_boxed;\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus m.forbid(cname+"_boxed");-- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus m.forbid(cname+"_boxed_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus return res; end; end;
-- stuff for bound iters --AJ-


class BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather bound iter object (a function -- pointer plus any bound arguments). -- i.e. a laout serving as frame for bound iters -- one such layout is generated for each bound iter creation -- e.g bi := bind(!(_,_)) produces one such layout. include FIX_TYPE; -- treatment of in out ... args shared layouts:FMAP{AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR,BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT}; attr e:AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR; attr prog:PROG; readonly attr str:STR; create(e:AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR, p : PROG) : BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT is res::=layouts.get(e); -- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::get if void(res) then res:=new; res.e:=e;-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e res.prog := p;-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::prog" - bound iter object"; -- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::str BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::str STR::plus layouts:=layouts.insert(e,res);-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::insert end; return res; end; dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT} is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create -- proclaim the dependency to the iterator frame within the bound iter ob fl : $LAYOUT; if then -- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp fl := ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts.get(;-- ABSTRACT_FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::get BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun else fl := FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts.get(;-- FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::get BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun end; if void(fl) then #OUT+"Error in Bnd iter obj\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus else res := res.push(fl);-- FLIST{1}::push end; if ~void( then-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret BOOL::not res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret end; loop i::=e.unbnd_args.elt!;-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::elt! if i=0 then-- INT::is_eq res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp else res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout([i-1].tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::tp end; end; loop i::=e.bnd_args.ind!;-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::ind! if e.bnd_args[i]=0 then-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::is_eq res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp else res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout([e.bnd_args[i]-1].tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::tp end; end; return res; end; -- the following typedef should be generated e.g. -- typedef struct bound_iter_frame_struct { -- INT state; -- INT hotarg1; -- INT oncearg2; -- INT ret_val; -- iter_frame_stub iter_frame; -- INT (* call)(void *); -- size_t size; -- BAR boundarg0; -- INT boundarg1; -- } *bound_iter_ob; -- problem: inout args, func_tables typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler name::=m.mangle(e,void);-- MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e m.forbid(name+"_iter_frame"); -- for ptr.-- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus m.forbid(name+"_iter_frame_struct"); -- for struct -- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus res::="typedef struct "+name+"_iter_ob_struct {\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus res:=res+" OB_HEADER header;\n";-- STR::plus res := res + " INT state; \n";-- STR::plus hot : BOOL:= false; loop a ::= e.unbnd_args.elt!; i ::= 0.up!;-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::elt! INT::up! if a = 0 then -- INT::is_eq res := res + ' ' + m.mangle(,void) + ' ';-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp STR::plus -- self has always 'in' mode else arg ::=[a-1]; -- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus if ~void( then -- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::hot BOOL::not hot :=[a-1]; -- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::hot ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus end; --res := res + ' ' + m.mangle(,void) + ' '; res := res + " "+fix_out_type(arg, m.mangle(,void)+' ');-- STR::plus STR::plus BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::fix_out_type MANGLE::mangle ARG::tp STR::plus end; if hot then res := res + "hotarg"+i;-- STR::plus STR::plus else res := res + "oncearg" + i; end;-- STR::plus STR::plus res := res + ";\n";-- STR::plus end; if ~void( then -- eg. INT ret_val-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret BOOL::not res:=res+' '+m.mangle(,void);-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret res := res +" ret_val;\n"; -- STR::plus end; res := res + " "+m.mangle(,void) + "_frame iter_frame;\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun STR::plus if ~void( then -- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret BOOL::not res:=res+' '+m.mangle(,void);-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret else res:=res+" void"; -- STR::plus end; res:=res+" (*call)(struct "+name+"_iter_ob_struct *";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus if c.func_tables then-- CGEN::func_tables res:=res+", struct _func_frame *";-- STR::plus end; res := res + ");\n";-- STR::plus res := res+" size_t size;\n";-- STR::plus -- header completed -- now generate bound arguments -- bnd args are always `in` mode loop i ::= e.bnd_args.ind!;-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::ind! if e.bnd_args[i]=0 then-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::is_eq if then-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp BOOL::not res:=res+' '+m.mangle(,void);-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp res:=res+" bound_arg"+i+";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; else bnd_a ::=[e.bnd_args[i]-1];-- BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus res:=res+' '+ fix_out_type(bnd_a, m.mangle(,void));-- STR::plus STR::plus BOUND_ITER_FRAME_LAYOUT::fix_out_type MANGLE::mangle ARG::tp res:=res+" bound_arg"+i+";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; end; -- psather, slot for exception stack if c.prog.psather then -- CGEN::prog PROG::psather res:=res+" void *ex;\n";-- STR::plus end; res := res + "} *"+name+"_iter_ob;\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus return res; end; end; -- possibly merge into one with BOUND_ROUT_TYPE -- problem inout args and functables


class BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather bound iter type -- i.e. same as above, except no fields for bound args -- e.g.: ITER(INT!,INT):INT -- serves to represent the bnd TYPE include FIX_TYPE; attr tp:TP_ITER; readonly attr str:STR; shared layouts:FSET{BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT}; create(arg_tp:$TP):BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT is res:SAME; ares::=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.get(arg_tp);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::get --#OUT+"LAYOUT_TBL : \n" + LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.str+"\n\n"; if ~void(ares) then-- BOOL::not typecase ares when BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT then res:=ares; end; else -- #OUT+"vreate a new bnd iter type layout\n"; res:=new; typecase arg_tp when TP_ITER then;-- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp end; LAYOUT_TBL::add(arg_tp,res);-- LAYOUT_TBL::add layouts:=layouts.insert(res);-- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::layouts BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::layouts FSET{1}::insert" - bound iter type";-- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::str BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::str STR::plus end; return res; end; dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT} is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create loop res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(tp.args.elt!.tp)); end;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp if ~void(tp.ret) then res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(tp.ret)); end;-- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::ret return res; end; -- we are not using the ..._ob and ..._ob_struct stuff here -- might lead to casting problems, fix then aj typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler name::=m.mangle(tp,void);-- MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp m.forbid(name+"_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus m.forbid(name);-- MANGLE::forbid res::= "typedef struct " + name + "_struct {\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus res:=res+" OB_HEADER header;\n";-- STR::plus res := res + " INT state; \n";-- STR::plus is_hot : BOOL; loop a ::= tp.args.elt!;-- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::elt! if ~void( then -- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::hot BOOL::not is_hot :=!;-- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::hot ARRAY{1}::elt! else is_hot := false; end; i::=tp.args.ind!;-- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::args ARRAY{1}::ind! -- generate the C type identifier -- remember only hots can be of mode inout/out -- this is, however, checked eralier res := res + ' ' + fix_out_type(a,m.mangle(,void)+' ');-- STR::plus STR::plus BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::fix_out_type MANGLE::mangle ARG::tp STR::plus -- put a hot, once before arg<nr>, not absolutely neccesary if is_hot then res := res + "hot";-- STR::plus else -- a once argument res := res + "once";-- STR::plus end; -- generate the 'arg<nr>' part res := res + "arg"+i+";\n"; -- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; -- ends loop over arguments if ~void(tp.ret) then -- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not -- eg. INT ret_val; res:=res+' '+m.mangle(tp.ret,void);-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::ret res := res +" ret_val;\n";-- STR::plus end; res:=res+" iter_frame_stub iter_frame;\n"; -- STR::plus if ~void(tp.ret) then -- BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::ret BOOL::not res:=res+' '+m.mangle(tp.ret,void);-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_ITER_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ITER::ret else res:=res+" void"; end;-- STR::plus res:=res+" (*call)(struct "+name+"_struct *";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus if c.func_tables then-- CGEN::func_tables res:=res+", struct _func_frame *";-- STR::plus end; res := res + ");\n";-- STR::plus res := res+" size_t size;\n";-- STR::plus res := res + "} *"+name+";\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus return res; end; end; -- possibly rename to BOUND_ROUT_FRAME_LAYOUT -- or consider to 'megre' BND_ROUTS and BND_ITERS in one class.


class BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather bound object (a function -- pointer plus any bound arguments). ie. the frame include FIX_TYPE; shared layouts:FMAP{AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR,BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT}; attr e:AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR; readonly attr str:STR; create(e:AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR):BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT is res::=layouts.get(e);-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::get if void(res) then res:=new; res.e:=e;-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e" - bound object";-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::str BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::str STR::plus layouts:=layouts.insert(e,res);-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::layouts BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::insert end; return res; end; dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT} is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create if ~void( then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret BOOL::not res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret end; loop i::=e.unbnd_args.elt!;-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::elt! if i=0 then-- INT::is_eq if then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp BOOL::not res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp end; else res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout([i-1].tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::tp end; end; loop i::=e.bnd_args.ind!;-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::ind! if e.bnd_args[i]=0 then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::is_eq if then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp BOOL::not res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp end; else res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout([e.bnd_args[i]-1].tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::tp end; end; return res; end; typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler name::=m.mangle(e,void);-- MANGLE::mangle BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e m.forbid(name+"_ob");-- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus m.forbid(name+"_ob_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus res::="typedef struct "+name+"_ob_struct {\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus res:=res+" OB_HEADER header;\n";-- STR::plus if e.is_remote then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::is_remote res:=res+" struct "+name+"_ob_struct *local;\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; if ~e.is_remote and ~void( then -- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::is_remote BOOL::not BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret BOOL::not res:=res+' '+m.mangle(,void)+' ';-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret STR::plus else res:=res+" void ";-- STR::plus end; res:=res+"(*funcptr)(struct "+name+"_ob_struct *";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus loop i::=e.unbnd_args.elt!;-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::unbnd_args ARRAY{1}::elt! if i=0 then-- INT::is_eq if then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp BOOL::not res:=res+", "+m.mangle(,void);-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp -- self always has ``in'' mode end; else res:=res+", "+fix_out_type([i-1],-- STR::plus STR::plus BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus m.mangle([i-1].tp,void));-- MANGLE::mangle BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus ARG::tp end; end; if c.func_tables then-- CGEN::func_tables res:=res+", struct _func_frame *";-- STR::plus end; res:=res+");\n";-- STR::plus if e.is_remote and ~void( then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::is_remote BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret BOOL::not res:=res+" "+m.mangle(,void)+" ret_arg;\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::ret STR::plus end; loop i::=e.bnd_args.ind!;-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::ind! if e.bnd_args[i]=0 then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::is_eq if then-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp BOOL::not res:=res+' '+m.mangle(,void);-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::tp res:=res+" bound_arg"+i+";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; else bnd_a ::=[e.bnd_args[i]-1];-- BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::fun SIG::args BOUND_OBJECT_LAYOUT::e AM_BND_CREATE_EXPR::bnd_args ARRAY{1}::aget INT::minus -- even if bound args are of type out or inout we declare -- them as values, not as pointers (this can only happen in pSather -- for remote execution function) res:=res+' '+ m.mangle(,void);-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ARG::tp res:=res+" bound_arg"+i+";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; end; res:=res+" } *"+name+"_ob;\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus return res; end; end; -- possibly rename to BOUND_ROUT_TYPE_LAYOUT


class BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather bound type (just the -- function pointer). i.e. the header include FIX_TYPE; attr tp:TP_ROUT; readonly attr str:STR; shared layouts:FSET{BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT}; create(arg_tp:$TP):BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT is res:SAME; ares::=LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.get(arg_tp);-- LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl FMAP{2}::get --#OUT+"LAYOUT_TBL : \n" + LAYOUT_TBL::layout_tbl.str+"\n\n"; if ~void(ares) then-- BOOL::not typecase ares when BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT then res:=ares; end; else -- #OUT+"vreate a new bnd rout type layout\n"; res:=new; typecase arg_tp when TP_ROUT then;-- BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp end; LAYOUT_TBL::add(arg_tp,res);-- LAYOUT_TBL::add layouts:=layouts.insert(res);-- BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::layouts BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::layouts FSET{1}::insert" - bound type";-- BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::str BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ROUT::str STR::plus end; return res; end; dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT} is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create loop res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(tp.args.elt!.tp)); end;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp if ~void(tp.ret) then res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(tp.ret)); end;-- BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ROUT::ret BOOL::not FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ROUT::ret return res; end; typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler name::=m.mangle(tp,void);-- MANGLE::mangle BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp m.forbid(name+"_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid STR::plus res::="typedef struct "+name+"_struct {\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus res:=res+" OB_HEADER header;\n";-- STR::plus if ~void(tp.ret) then res:=res+' '+m.mangle(tp.ret,void);-- BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ROUT::ret BOOL::not STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ROUT::ret else res:=res+" void";-- STR::plus end; res:=res+" (*funcptr)(void *";-- STR::plus loop a::=tp.args.elt!;-- BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::tp TP_ROUT::args ARRAY{1}::elt! res:=res+", "+fix_out_type(a, m.mangle(,void));-- STR::plus STR::plus BOUND_TYPE_LAYOUT::fix_out_type MANGLE::mangle ARG::tp end; if c.func_tables then-- CGEN::func_tables res:=res+", struct _func_frame *";-- STR::plus end; res:=res+");\n} *"+name+";\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus return res; end; end;


class FRAME_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is -- A layout corresponding to a Sather iterator frame. -- Later this will be used for ordinary routines too for GC. include FIX_TYPE; attr f:AM_ROUT_DEF; attr prog:PROG; --shared layouts:FMAP{AM_ROUT_DEF,FRAME_LAYOUT}; shared layouts:FMAP{SIG,FRAME_LAYOUT}; readonly attr str:STR; create(f:AM_ROUT_DEF,p:PROG):SAME is res::=layouts.get(f.sig); -- changed to f.sig from f-- FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::get AM_ROUT_DEF::sig if void(res) then res:=new; res.f:=f;-- FRAME_LAYOUT::f res.prog:=p;-- FRAME_LAYOUT::prog res.str:=res.f.sig.str+" - frame";-- FRAME_LAYOUT::str FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::sig SIG::str STR::plus layouts:=layouts.insert(f.sig,res);-- FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FRAME_LAYOUT::layouts FMAP{2}::insert AM_ROUT_DEF::sig end; return res; end; dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT} is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create loop res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(f.elt!.tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::elt! AM_FORMAL_ARG::tp end; loop res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(f.locals.elt!.tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::locals FLIST{1}::elt! AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp end; -- not needed since we are defining somethin like -- struct type *ptr which is legal in C, even if typedef -- for type comes after this definition, therefore biter do -- not need the dependency either --loop -- n::=BE::nested_its.get(f).elt!; -- r::=BE::routs_with_frames.get(; -- assert(~void(n)); -- res:=res.push(#FRAME_LAYOUT(r,prog)); --end; return res; end; typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler res::="typedef struct "+m.mangle(f.sig,void)+"_frame_struct {\n";-- STR::plus MANGLE::mangle FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::sig STR::plus m.forbid(m.mangle(f.sig,void)+"_frame_struct");-- MANGLE::forbid MANGLE::mangle FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::sig STR::plus -- make slot for each argument name:STR; -- Make a slot for the state number -- Attention this slot has been moved to the beginning of the -- layout for casting purposes with bound iters!! res:=res+" INT state;\n";-- STR::plus loop fi::=f.elt!;-- FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::elt! name:=m.mangle(fi.expr,f.sig);-- MANGLE::mangle AM_FORMAL_ARG::expr FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::sig res:=res+' '+fix_out_type(fi, m.mangle(,void))+' '+name+';';-- STR::plus STR::plus FRAME_LAYOUT::fix_out_type MANGLE::mangle AM_FORMAL_ARG::tp STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus res:=res+"/* Formal argument: "" */\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus AM_FORMAL_ARG::name IDENT::str STR::plus end; -- make slot for each local if ~void(f.locals) then-- FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::locals BOOL::not loop fli::=f.locals.elt!; -- FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::locals FLIST{1}::elt! name:=m.mangle(fli,f.sig);-- MANGLE::mangle FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::sig res:=res+' '+m.mangle(,void)+' '+name+";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle AM_LOCAL_EXPR::tp STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; end; -- slot for any nested iter frames loop ni::=LAYOUT_TBL::cgen.nested_its.get(f).elt!;-- LAYOUT_TBL::cgen CGEN::nested_its FMAP{2}::get FRAME_LAYOUT::f FLIST{1}::elt! nl::=1.up!;-- INT::up! if then-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::is_builtin res:=res+" BOOL f_"+ni.uniq+"; /* used by builtin iter */\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::uniq STR::plus;-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::var if ~void(v) then-- BOOL::not loop s::=CGEN::expand_macro(v.elt!,,void,ni.uniq);-- CGEN::expand_macro ARRAY{1}::elt! AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::uniq res:=res+" "+s+" /* used by builtin iter */\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; end; if then-- AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun SIG::builtin_info CONFIG_ROUT::use_index s::=CGEN::expand_macro("INT $#;",,void,ni.uniq);-- CGEN::expand_macro AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::uniq res:=res+" "+s+" /* used by builtin iter */\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; else res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(,void)+"_frame_struct *";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle AM_ITER_CALL_EXPR::fun STR::plus name:="nested"+nl;-- STR::plus res:=res+name+"; /* nested iter frame */\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus end; end; -- slots for nested bits loop nbi ::=LAYOUT_TBL::cgen.nested_bits.get(f).elt!;-- LAYOUT_TBL::cgen CGEN::nested_bits FMAP{2}::get FRAME_LAYOUT::f FLIST{1}::elt! nb ::=1.up!;-- INT::up! res:=res+" struct "+m.mangle(nbi.bi_tp,void)+"_struct *";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle AM_BND_ITER_CALL_EXPR::bi_tp STR::plus name:="nested_biter"+nb;-- STR::plus res:=res+name+"; /* nested biter frame */\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus end; if c.prog.psather then -- slot for exception stack-- CGEN::prog PROG::psather res:=res+" void *ex;\n";-- STR::plus end; res := res +" } *"+m.mangle(f.sig,void)+"_frame;\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::sig STR::plus m.forbid(m.mangle(f.sig,void)+"_frame");-- MANGLE::forbid MANGLE::mangle FRAME_LAYOUT::f AM_ROUT_DEF::sig STR::plus return res; end; end;

class FIX_TYPE

class FIX_TYPE is fix_out_type(e:AM_FORMAL_ARG, s:STR):STR is -- probably inadequate! if (e.mode = MODES::out_mode or e.mode = MODES::inout_mode) then-- AM_FORMAL_ARG::mode MODES::out_mode AM_FORMAL_ARG::mode MODES::inout_mode return s + "*";-- STR::plus end; return s; end; fix_out_type(e:ARG, s:STR):STR is -- probably inadequate! if (e.mode = MODES::out_mode or e.mode = MODES::inout_mode) then-- ARG::mode MODES::out_mode ARG::mode MODES::inout_mode return s + "*";-- STR::plus end; return s; end; end;


class ARG_LAYOUT < $LAYOUT is shared layouts:FMAP{SIG,ARG_LAYOUT}; attr sig:SIG; readonly attr str:STR; create(s:SIG):SAME is res::=layouts.get(s); if void(res) then res:=new; res.sig:=s; res.str:=res.sig.str+" - arg"; layouts:=layouts.insert(s,res); end; return res; end; dependencies:FLIST{$LAYOUT} is res::=#FLIST{$LAYOUT};-- FLIST{1}::create res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(;-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout ARG_LAYOUT::sig SIG::tp loop res:=res.push(LAYOUT_TBL::layout(sig.args.elt!.tp));-- FLIST{1}::push LAYOUT_TBL::layout ARG_LAYOUT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp end; return res; end; typedef(c:CGEN):STR is m::=c.mangler;-- CGEN::mangler res::="typedef struct "+m.mangle(sig,sig)+"_arg_frame_struct {\n";-- STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ARG_LAYOUT::sig ARG_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus res:=res+' '+m.mangle(,sig)+" self;\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ARG_LAYOUT::sig SIG::tp ARG_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus loop res:=res+' '+m.mangle(sig.args.elt!.tp,sig)+" arg"+1.up!+";\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ARG_LAYOUT::sig SIG::args ARRAY{1}::elt! ARG::tp ARG_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus STR::plus INT::up! STR::plus end; res:=res+"} *"+m.mangle(sig,sig)+"_arg_frame;\n\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus MANGLE::mangle ARG_LAYOUT::sig ARG_LAYOUT::sig STR::plus return res; end; end; -- class ARG_LAYOUT -- vim:sw=3:nosmartindent