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-- ifc.sa: Type interfaces in the Sather compiler.

-- IFC: The interface of a type. -- IFC_TBL: A table of interfaces indexed by type. -- IFC_ABS_CREATE: Create an interface for an abstract type. -- SELECT_SIG: a partial class that contains suff for overloading -- resolution. Included by IFC and IMPL

class IFC < $STR

class IFC < $STR is include SELECT_SIG; --resolves calls on overloaded functions -- A type interface. attr tp:$TP; -- The type whose interface this is. attr sigs:SIG_TBL; -- The interface signatures. str:STR is s:STR:="public interface of class "+tp.str+" is\n";-- IFC::tp STR::plus a:ARRAY{STR}:=#(sigs.size);-- ARRAY{1}::create IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::size i::=0; loop sig::=sigs.elt!;-- IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::elt! st::=sig.str;-- SIG::str if ~void(sig.srcsig) then-- SIG::srcsig BOOL::not st:=st+" ["+sig.srcsig.str+"]";-- STR::plus STR::plus SIG::srcsig SIG::str STR::plus end; a.set!(st);-- ARRAY{1}::set! end; a.sort;-- ARRAY{1}::sort loop s:=s+" "+a.elt!+"\n";-- STR::plus STR::plus ARRAY{1}::elt! STR::plus end; s:=s+"end;\n";-- STR::plus return s; end; create(sigs:SIG_TBL, tp:$TP):SAME is -- An interface with the signatures `sigs' for the type `tp'. -- Never gives void. r::=new; r.sigs:=sigs; r.tp:=tp; return r end; -- IFC::sigs IFC::tp prog:PROG is -- The program this interface belongs to. return tp.prog end;-- IFC::tp sig_conforming_to(s:SIG):SIG -- A signature from the interface which conforms to `s' or void -- if none. This will be unique if the interface has no conflicts. pre ~void(self) and ~void(s) is-- BOOL::not BOOL::not loop ts::=sigs.get_query!(s.name);-- IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::get_query! SIG::name if ts.conforms_to(s) then return ts end end;-- SIG::conforms_to return void end; sig_equal_to(s:SIG):SIG -- A signature from self which is equal to `s' if present, -- void if not. pre ~void(self) and ~void(s) is loop ts::=sigs.get_query!(s.name); if ts.is_eq(s) then return ts end end; return void end; nonconforming_sig(i:IFC):SIG -- If self conforms to `i' then return void, otherwise return -- a signature in `i' for which there is no conforming signature -- in self. pre ~void(self) and ~void(i) is-- BOOL::not BOOL::not loop s::=i.sigs.elt!; -- IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::elt! if void(sig_conforming_to(s)) then return s end end;-- IFC::sig_conforming_to return void end; nonconforming_sig_list(i: IFC): FLIST{SIG} -- Version of nonconforming_sig that returns all the nonconforming -- signatures for better error reporting -- and so generates all the non-conforming messages at one go, rather -- than one at a time pre ~void(self) and ~void(i) -- BOOL::not is-- BOOL::not res: FLIST{SIG}; -- Void to begin with loop s::=i.sigs.elt!; -- IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::elt! if void(sig_conforming_to(s)) then res := res.push(s); end -- IFC::sig_conforming_to FLIST{1}::push end; return res; end; conforms_to(i:IFC):BOOL is -- True if self conforms to `i'. This means that for every -- signature in `i' there is a signature in self which conforms -- to it. return void(nonconforming_sig(i)) end; -- IFC::nonconforming_sig conflicting_sigs:TUP{SIG,SIG} -- If self has a conflict, return two conflicting signatures. -- Otherwise, return #(void,void). pre ~void(self) is loop s::=sigs.elt!; loop st::=sigs.get_query!(s.name); if ~SYS::ob_eq(st,s) and st.conflicts_with(s) then return #(s,st) end end end; return #(void,void) end; is_conflict_free:BOOL is -- True if self is free of conflicting signatures. return void(conflicting_sigs) end; sig_for_call(c:CALL_SIG):SIG -- A signature from the interface to which the call `c' conforms. -- Void if none. Reports an error if the call is ambiguous -- or missing (assumes that "err_loc" has been set). -- If it is unknown whether there is a return value, then -- choose the signature without one in case of conflict. pre ~void(self) and ~void(c) is-- BOOL::not BOOL::not r:SIG; sig_list:FLIST{SIG} := #; -- a list of sigs conformed to by the call-- FLIST{1}::create loop s::=sigs.get_query!(c.name);-- IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::get_query! CALL_SIG::name if c.conforms_to(s) then-- CALL_SIG::conforms_to if c.unknown_ret or (c.has_ret and ~void(s.ret)) -- CALL_SIG::unknown_ret CALL_SIG::has_ret SIG::ret BOOL::not or (~c.unknown_ret and ~c.has_ret and void(s.ret)) then-- CALL_SIG::unknown_ret BOOL::not CALL_SIG::has_ret BOOL::not SIG::ret sig_list := sig_list.push(s);-- FLIST{1}::push end; end end; r := select_sig(c, sig_list, false);-- IFC::select_sig if void(r) then found_one ::= false; res ::= ""; loop s ::= sigs.get_query!(c.name);-- IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::get_query! CALL_SIG::name found_one := true; res := res+" or\n\t".separate!(s.str);-- STR::plus STR::separate! SIG::str end; -- #ERR+"Printing result:"+res+"\n"; print_err: STR := c.str;-- CALL_SIG::str if found_one then print_err := print_err+"\n"+"\tSuggest:"+res;-- STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus end; c.prog.err("No match for the call " + print_err);-- CALL_SIG::prog PROG::err STR::plus end; return r; end; ifc_for_rout(t:TP_ROUT):SAME -- The interface of a bound routine type. pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not r::=new; r.tp:=t;-- IFC::tp r.sigs:=r.sigs.insert(SIG::bound_routine_call(t));-- IFC::sigs IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::insert SIG::bound_routine_call return r; end; ifc_for_iter(t:TP_ITER):SAME -- The interface of a bound iter type. pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not r::=new; r.tp:=t;-- IFC::tp r.sigs:=r.sigs.insert(SIG::bound_iter_call(t));-- IFC::sigs IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::insert SIG::bound_iter_call return r end; ifc_for_class(t:TP_CLASS):SAME pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not res: SAME := void; if t.is_abstract then-- TP_CLASS::is_abstract cq::=#TUP{IDENT,INT}(t.name,t.params.size);-- TUP{2}::create TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size if abs_cur.test(cq) then-- IFC::abs_cur FSET{1}::test cycle_err; abs_cur:=abs_cur.clear; -- IFC::cycle_err IFC::abs_cur IFC::abs_cur FSET{1}::clear else abs_cur:=abs_cur.insert(cq);-- IFC::abs_cur IFC::abs_cur FSET{1}::insert res := IFC_ABS_CREATE::ifc_of(t);-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::ifc_of abs_cur:=abs_cur.delete(cq);-- IFC::abs_cur IFC::abs_cur FSET{1}::delete end else im:IMPL:=t.impl;-- TP_CLASS::impl if ~void(im) then res := im.ifc end;-- BOOL::not IMPL::ifc end; return res end; shared abs_cur:FSET{TUP{IDENT,INT}}; -- The set of abstract class -- names and number of parameters which are currently having -- their interfaces worked out. cycle_err is -- Print an error message about a cycle of include type names. s:STR := "Cycle detected in `subtyping' clauses involving the types: "; loop cur ::= abs_cur.elt!;-- IFC::abs_cur FSET{1}::elt! s := s + ", ".separate!(cur.t1.str(cur.t2))-- STR::plus STR::separate! TUP{2}::t1 IDENT::str TUP{2}::t2 end; prog.err(s)-- IFC::prog PROG::err end; show is -- Print the interface on OUT. if void(self) then #OUT + "Interface=void\n"; return end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus if void(tp) then #OUT + "Interface tp=void\n"; return end;-- IFC::tp OUT::create OUT::plus #OUT + "Interface of " + tp.str + " = ";-- OUT::create OUT::plus IFC::tp OUT::plus if void(sigs) then #OUT + "void\n"; return end;-- IFC::sigs OUT::create OUT::plus loop s::=sigs.elt!;-- IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::elt! if ~void(s) then #OUT + " ".separate!(s.str) end end;-- BOOL::not OUT::create OUT::plus STR::separate! SIG::str #OUT + "\n" end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus end; -- class IFC


class IFC_ABS_CREATE is -- Create an interface for an abstract type. attr tp:TP_CLASS; -- The abstract type it is for. attr con:TP_CONTEXT; -- The type context for tp. attr tr:AS_CLASS_DEF; -- The definition tree for tp. attr class_sigs:SIG_TBL; -- Table of signature explicitly -- in the class. attr supers:FLIST{IFC}; -- Interfaces of supertypes. ifc_of(t:TP_CLASS):IFC -- Compute the interface of the abstract type `t'. pre ~void(t) is-- BOOL::not if t.prog.show_ifc_abs_create then-- TP_CLASS::prog PROG::show_ifc_abs_create #OUT + "(Abstract ifc create " + t.str + ") " end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus TP_CLASS::str OUT::plus ic::=new; ic.tp:=t;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::tp ic.con:=t.tp_context_for;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::con TP_CLASS::tp_context_for if void(ic.con) then return void end;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::con ic.tr:=ic.prog.parse.tree_for(t.name,t.params.size);-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::tr IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::parse TP_CLASS::name TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size if void(ic.tr) then -- IFC_ABS_CREATE::tr t.prog.err("Compiler error: IFC_ABS_CREATE:ifc_of tr=void for " +-- TP_CLASS::prog PROG::err t.str + "."); return void end;-- STR::plus TP_CLASS::str STR::plus ic.do_explicit_class_sigs;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::do_explicit_class_sigs ic.do_supers;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::do_supers return IFC::create(ic.do_sigs,t) end;-- IFC::create IFC_ABS_CREATE::do_sigs prog:PROG is -- The program this belongs to. return tp.prog end;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::tp TP_CLASS::prog do_explicit_class_sigs is -- Compute `class_sigs'. be:$AS_CLASS_ELT:=tr.body;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::tr AS_CLASS_DEF::body loop until!(void(be)); prog.err_loc(be);-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err_loc typecase be when AS_CONST_DEF then prog.err("Abstract classes may not define constants.");-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err when AS_SHARED_DEF then prog.err("Abstract classes may not define shareds.");-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err when AS_ATTR_DEF then prog.err("Abstract classes may not define attributes.");-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err when AS_ROUT_DEF then if ~be.is_abstract then prog.err(-- AS_ROUT_DEF::is_abstract BOOL::not IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err "Abstract classes may only have abstract routines.") end; ns:SIG:=SIG::rout_sig(be,be.name,con.ptypes,con);-- SIG::rout_sig AS_ROUT_DEF::name IFC_ABS_CREATE::con TP_CONTEXT::ptypes IFC_ABS_CREATE::con cs:SIG:=class_sigs.sig_conflicting_with(ns);-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::class_sigs SIG_TBL::sig_conflicting_with if ~void(cs) then-- BOOL::not prog.err("The two explicitly defined signatures " +-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err ns.str + " and " + cs.str + " conflict.") -- STR::plus SIG::str STR::plus STR::plus SIG::str STR::plus else class_sigs:=class_sigs.insert(ns) end;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::class_sigs IFC_ABS_CREATE::class_sigs SIG_TBL::insert when AS_INCLUDE_CLAUSE then prog.err("Abstract classes may not have include clauses.");-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err end; be:=be.next end end; do_supers is -- Compute `supers'. ut:AS_TYPE_SPEC:=tr.under;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::tr AS_CLASS_DEF::under loop until!(void(ut)); tp:$TP:=con.tp_of(ut); prog.err_loc(ut);-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::con TP_CONTEXT::tp_of IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err_loc typecase tp when TP_CLASS then if ~tp.is_abstract then-- TP_CLASS::is_abstract BOOL::not prog.err("Abstract types must have abstract supertypes.") -- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err else itp:IFC:= tp.ifc;-- TP_CLASS::ifc supers:=supers.push(itp) end;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::supers IFC_ABS_CREATE::supers FLIST{1}::push else prog.err("Abstract types must have abstract supertypes.") end;-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err ut:=ut.next end end;-- AS_TYPE_SPEC::next do_sigs:SIG_TBL is -- The final sig table assuming everything else has been computed. r:SIG_TBL; loop r:=r.insert(class_sigs.elt!) end;-- SIG_TBL::insert IFC_ABS_CREATE::class_sigs SIG_TBL::elt! loop if supers.is_empty then break!-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::supers FLIST{1}::is_empty else si:IFC:=supers.pop; -- IFC_ABS_CREATE::supers FLIST{1}::pop loop sig::=si.sigs.elt!;-- IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::elt! if ~void(r.sig_conflicting_with(sig)) then-- SIG_TBL::sig_conflicting_with BOOL::not -- included signature is overridden by explicit one -- or we've already done this one. else i:INT:=0; loop while!(i<supers.size);-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::supers FLIST{1}::size cs:SIG:=supers[i].sigs.sig_conflicting_with(sig);-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::supers FLIST{1}::aget IFC::sigs SIG_TBL::sig_conflicting_with if ~void(cs) then-- BOOL::not if ~cs.is_eq_but_tp(sig) then-- SIG::is_eq_but_tp BOOL::not prog.err_loc(tr);-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err_loc IFC_ABS_CREATE::tr prog.err("The signatures " + sig.str +-- IFC_ABS_CREATE::prog PROG::err STR::plus SIG::str " and " + cs.str +-- STR::plus STR::plus SIG::str " must be disambiguated by an explicit sig.") -- STR::plus end end; i:=i+1 end;-- INT::plus r:=r.insert(sig.with_new_type(tp)) -- SIG_TBL::insert SIG::with_new_type IFC_ABS_CREATE::tp end; end; end; end; return r end; end; -- class IFC_ABS_CREATE

partial class SELECT_SIG

partial class SELECT_SIG is -- This partial class is meant to be included by IFC and IMPL. -- IFC will use this to select a signature for an external class -- while IMPL needs this for internal calls. Basically, this is where -- calls on overloaded functions get resolved stub tp:$TP; stub prog: PROG; select_sig(c:CALL_SIG, sig_list:FLIST{SIG}, internal_call:BOOL):SIG is -- selects a signature corresponding to a call form the list of -- overloaded sigs -- For each argument position, for the winning sig, we must have: -- in, once arg: the type of arg must be a subtype of all the -- corresponding arg types in all other sigs -- inout arg: no contest here, all types are the same -- We use a simple algorithm here. We use the above rules to find -- the winner signature for each argument. It MUST be the same for all. -- If it is not, we have an error winner_sig:SIG; winners:FSET{SIG}; -- winner sigs up to current position-- FLIST{1}::size INT::is_lt if sig_list.size > 1 then-- INT::upto! CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::minus loop-- FLIST{1}::top SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget i::=0.upto!(c.args.size-1); -- current arg position cba ::= sig_list.top.args[i];-- FSET{1}::clear pos_winner_sigs:FSET{SIG}; pos_winner_sigs := pos_winner_sigs.clear;-- FLIST{1}::elt! loop-- SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget s ::= sig_list.elt!;-- ARG::mode sa ::= s.args[i]; -- arg in a considered sig-- MODES::in_mode case sa.mode -- ARG::tp ARG::tp when MODES::in_mode then if sa.tp.is_subtype(cba.tp) then -- found better match cba := sa;-- MODES::out_mode end;-- ARG::tp ARG::tp when MODES::out_mode then if cba.tp.is_subtype(sa.tp) then -- found better match cba := sa;-- MODES::inout_mode end; when MODES::inout_mode then-- MODES::once_mode -- nothing to do, these are the same-- ARG::tp ARG::tp when MODES::once_mode then if sa.tp.is_subtype(cba.tp) then -- found better match cba := sa; end; end; end; -- we found a winning argument, however, there may be a few -- sigs that have it in the proper position. Collect them all. -- Note, if call tp for this argument is one of the special -- types (CALL_TP_VOID, CALL_TP_CREATE, CALL_TP_BOUND_CREATE, -- CALL_TP_ARRAY, -- CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE) we add all sigs to the list.-- FLIST{1}::elt! loop-- IMPL::is_special_call_tp CALL_SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget CALL_ARG::tp SIG::args ARRAY{1}::aget ARG::tp ARG::tp s ::= sig_list.elt!; if is_special_call_tp(c.args[i].tp) or s.args[i].tp = cba.tp-- FSET{1}::insert then pos_winner_sigs := pos_winner_sigs.insert(s); end; end; -- intersect with best up to (i-1)th arg signatures-- FSET{1}::copy if void(winners) then winners := pos_winner_sigs.copy;-- FSET{1}::intersect else winners := winners.intersect(pos_winner_sigs); end; -- FSET{1}::size INT::is_lt end; if winners.size > 1 then err_msg::="";-- FSET{1}::elt! loop-- STR::plus STR::separate! SIG::str s::=winners.elt!; err_msg := err_msg + "\n\t".separate!(s.str);-- CALL_SIG::prog PROG::err end;-- STR::plus c.prog.err("Incorrect use of overloading: multiple matches for call\n\t" + err_msg); return void;-- FSET{1}::size INT::is_eq elsif winners.size = 0 then-- CALL_SIG::prog PROG::err STR::plus CALL_SIG::str if internal_call then c.prog.err("No match internal call " + c.str); -- CALL_SIG::prog PROG::err STR::plus CALL_SIG::str else c.prog.err("No match for the call " + c.str); end;-- FSET{1}::size INT::is_eq return void;-- FSET{1}::first_elt elsif winners.size = 1 then winner_sig := winners.first_elt; end;-- FLIST{1}::size INT::is_eq elsif sig_list.size = 1 then-- FLIST{1}::top -- there is only one candidate; winner_sig := sig_list.top;-- IMPL::prog PROG::show_calls BOOL::not end;-- IMPL::prog PROG::show_calls STR::is_eq SIG::tp STR::plus STR::plus CALL_SIG::name IDENT::str if ~void(prog.show_calls) and ((prog.show_calls = winner_sig.tp.str+"::"+c.name.str)-- IMPL::prog PROG::show_calls or-- STR::is_eq prog.show_calls = "all"-- IMPL::prog PROG::show_calls or -- STR::is_eq prog.show_calls = "all_debug" ) then -- Get the sfile id of the source and destination (ben) -- Avoid type inference to make the chain obvious dest_elts: ELT_TBL; dest: SIG := winner_sig;-- BOOL::not dest_sfileid: SFILE_ID;-- SIG::tp if ~void(dest) then-- BOOL::not dest_tp: $TP := dest.tp; if ~void(dest_tp) then-- BOOL::not dest_impl: IMPL := dest_tp.impl;-- IMPL::elts if ~void(dest_impl) then dest_elts := dest_impl.elts; end; end;-- IMPL::prog PROG::show_calls STR::is_eq end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus if prog.show_calls = "all_debug" then #OUT+"Getting the destination element next\n";-- BOOL::not end;-- SIG::name if ~void(dest_elts) then dest_id: IDENT := dest.name;-- ELT_TBL::get_query! loop -- ELT::sig query_dest_elt: ELT := dest_elts.get_query!(dest_id);-- SIG::is_eq_but_tp query_dest_sig: SIG := query_dest_elt.sig;-- ELT::as if query_dest_sig.is_eq_but_tp(dest) then dest_as: $AS_CLASS_ELT := query_dest_elt.as; dest_sfileid := dest_as.source; end; end;-- IMPL::prog PROG::show_calls STR::is_eq end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus if prog.show_calls = "all_debug" then #OUT+"Got the dest sfile\n"; end; caller: CALL_SIG := c; -- Ok. so this is a complete hack. The problem is when you -- are down here you no longer have access to the AM node -- from which the call came. CALL_SIG does not provide any -- way to go backwards. Short of changing the calls three -- levels up, the only solution is to use the err location, -- which is set correctly before any of this happens. (we-- IMPL::prog PROG::eloc -- hope!)-- BOOL::not BOOL::not caller_sfileid: SFILE_ID := prog.eloc; if ~void(dest_sfileid) and ~void(caller_sfileid) then-- BOOL::not BOOL::not CALL_SIG::name BOOL::not winner_tp: $TP;-- SIG::tp if ~void(winner_sig) and ~void(caller) and ~void(caller.name) then-- STORE_CALL_MAP::store CALL_SIG::name IDENT::str winner_tp := winner_sig.tp;-- IMPL::prog PROG::show_calls STR::is_eq STORE_CALL_MAP::store(caller_sfileid,dest_sfileid,winner_tp,caller.name.str);-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus SFILE_ID::str OUT::plus OUT::plus SFILE_ID::str OUT::plus if prog.show_calls = "all_debug" then #OUT+"Storing:"+caller_sfileid.str+" to:"+dest_sfileid.str+"\n"; end; end; -- #OUT + "show_calls "+caller.name.str+" at:"+dest_sfileid.str -- +" \n\tcalled by:"+caller_sfileid.str+"\n"; end; end; return winner_sig; end; is_special_call_tp(ctp:$CALL_TP):BOOL is -- returns true if ctp is one of the special case "untyped" call types: -- CALL_TP_VOID, CALL_TP_CREATE, CALL_TP_ARRAY, CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE typecase ctp when CALL_TP_VOID then return true; when CALL_TP_CREATE then return true; when CALL_TP_BOUND_CREATE then return true; when CALL_TP_ARRAY then return true; when CALL_TP_UNDERSCORE then return true; else return false; end; end end; -- class SELECT_SIG


class STORE_CALL_MAP is -- Storage for a mapping from source to dest sfileids for calls -- After all calls are registered, the calls are sorted -- and then dumped to the stdout private shared src_dest: FMAP{SFILE_ID,SFILE_ID}; private shared src_funcs: FMAP{SFILE_ID,STR}; private shared src_tps: FMAP{SFILE_ID,$TP}; private shared srcs: FLIST{SFILE_ID}; -- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_dest FMAP{2}::test BOOL::not store(src,dest: SFILE_ID,tp: $TP,func: STR) is-- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_dest STORE_CALL_MAP::src_dest FMAP{2}::insert if ~src_dest.test(src) then-- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_funcs STORE_CALL_MAP::src_funcs FMAP{2}::insert src_dest := src_dest.insert(src,dest);-- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_tps STORE_CALL_MAP::src_tps FMAP{2}::insert src_funcs := src_funcs.insert(src,func);-- STORE_CALL_MAP::srcs STORE_CALL_MAP::srcs FLIST{1}::push src_tps := src_tps.insert(src,tp); srcs := srcs.push(src); end; end; -- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_dest BOOL::not print_stored is-- STORE_CALL_MAP::srcs FLIST{1}::array if ~void(src_dest) then-- ARRAY{1}::sort srcs_arr ::= srcs.array; srcs_arr.sort;-- ARRAY{1}::elt! prev_file: STR := void;-- SFILE_ID::file_in STR::is_eq BOOL::not loop s::=srcs_arr.elt!;-- BOOL::not if s.file_in /= prev_file then-- OUT::create OUT::plus if ~void(prev_file) then #OUT+"}\n"; -- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus SFILE_ID::file_in OUT::plus end;-- SFILE_ID::file_in #OUT + "\n{ "+s.file_in+"\n"; prev_file := s.file_in;-- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_dest FMAP{2}::test end;-- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_dest FMAP{2}::get if src_dest.test(s) then-- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_funcs FMAP{2}::get dest ::= src_dest.get(s);-- STORE_CALL_MAP::src_tps FMAP{2}::get src_name ::= src_funcs.get(s);-- SFILE_ID::line_num_in src_tp ::= src_tps.get(s); next_line ::= s.line_num_in; typecase src_tp-- TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size INT::is_lt when TP_CLASS then-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus TP_CLASS::name IDENT::str OUT::plus OUT::plus TP_CLASS::params ARRAY{1}::size OUT::plus OUT::plus if src_tp.params.size > 0 then #OUT+"{ "+src_tp.name.str+'{'+src_tp.params.size+"}::"+src_name;-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus TP_CLASS::str OUT::plus OUT::plus else #OUT+"{ "+src_tp.str+"::"+src_name; end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus OUT::plus OUT::plus else #OUT+"{ "+src_tp.str+"::"+src_name;-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus SFILE_ID::line_num_in OUT::plus OUT::plus SFILE_ID::col_num_in OUT::plus end;-- OUT::plus SFILE_ID::file_in OUT::plus OUT::plus SFILE_ID::line_num_in OUT::plus #OUT+' '+s.line_num_in+' '+s.col_num_in+' '+-- OUT::plus SFILE_ID::col_num_in OUT::plus dest.file_in+' '+dest.line_num_in+' '+ dest.col_num_in+" }\n"; end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus end; #OUT+"\n}\n"; end; end; end;