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class GET_OPTIONS < $GET_OPTIONS is -- This is the standard options module for the Sather compiler. -- It is meant to be included in classes which specialize for a -- particular configuration; for example, there is a special -- version for the C back-end that handles any options it needs. include CS_COMPONENT; attr module_inclusion:FMAP{STR,STR}; private attr paths:FSET{STR}; -- Resolved Sather source paths (to allow redundancy in on command line) create(p:PROG):SAME is r::=new; r.prog:=p;-- CS_OPTIONS::prog p.main_class:="MAIN";-- PROG::main_class r.module_inclusion:=#;-- CS_OPTIONS::module_inclusion FMAP{2}::create return r; end; private mention(name,s1,s2:STR):STR is if s2/="" then return s1+'\n'+name+": "+s2;-- STR::is_eq BOOL::not STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus STR::plus else return s1; end; end; str:STR is -- diagnostic for printing the state of a command line parse r,s:STR; r:=""; loop r:=r+' '+prog.sather_files.elt!; end;-- STR::plus CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::sather_files FSET{1}::elt! s:=mention("Sather files","",r);-- CODE_OPTIONS::mention s:=mention("Main class",s,prog.main_class);-- CODE_OPTIONS::mention CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::main_class s:=s+"\nHome directory: "+prog.home;-- STR::plus CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::home if prog.prolix then s:=s+"\nProlix."; end;-- CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::prolix STR::plus if prog.verbose then s:=s+"\nVerbose."; end;-- CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::verbose STR::plus return s; end; private attr args:ARRAY{STR}; private attr arg_locations:ARRAY{STR}; private attr next:INT; private attr classes:FSET{STR}; private attr all:BOOL; private attr got_libs:BOOL; interpret(a:ARRAY{STR}) is -- interpret command lines. args:=a;-- CODE_OPTIONS::args arg_locations := #(a.size);-- CODE_OPTIONS::arg_locations ARRAY{1}::create ARRAY{1}::size loop arg_locations.set!("command line"); end;-- CODE_OPTIONS::arg_locations ARRAY{1}::set! next:=1;-- CODE_OPTIONS::next get_files;-- CODE_OPTIONS::get_files loop while!(more_args);-- CODE_OPTIONS::more_args s::=next_arg;-- CODE_OPTIONS::next_arg if prog.prolix then -- CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::prolix #OUT+"Processing option:"+s+"\n";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus OUT::plus end; case s when "-main" then prog.main_class:=next_arg;-- STR::is_eq CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::main_class CODE_OPTIONS::next_arg when "-home" then-- STR::is_eq barf("\"-home\" is not used any more; use SATHER_HOME instead.");-- CODE_OPTIONS::barf when "-verbose" then prog.verbose:=true;-- STR::is_eq CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::verbose when "-prolix" then-- STR::is_eq prog.verbose:=true;-- CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::verbose prog.prolix:=true;-- CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::prolix when "-O_debug" then prog.opt_debug:=true;prog.opt_verbose:=true;-- STR::is_eq CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::opt_debug CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::opt_verbose when "-O_debug_func" then prog.opt_debug_func:=prog.opt_debug_func.push(next_arg);prog.opt_verbose:=true;-- STR::is_eq CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::opt_debug_func CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::opt_debug_func FLIST{1}::push CODE_OPTIONS::next_arg CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::opt_verbose when "-O_verbose" then prog.opt_verbose:=true;-- STR::is_eq CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::opt_verbose when "-end" then -- do nothing-- STR::is_eq else handle_other_options(s);-- CODE_OPTIONS::handle_other_options end; end; if void(prog.home) then-- CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::home barf("No home directory specified. Make sure SATHER_HOME is set correctly.");-- CODE_OPTIONS::barf end; --# if ~got_libs then --# got_libs:=true; --# interpret(library_file); --# end; end; private handle_files(s:STR) is if is_filename(s) then rewind; get_files;-- CODE_OPTIONS::is_filename CODE_OPTIONS::rewind CODE_OPTIONS::get_files else rewind; usage; return;-- CODE_OPTIONS::rewind CODE_OPTIONS::usage end; end; private handle_other_options(s:STR) is -- This is meant to be overridden in classes which include -- GET_OPTIONS, for other command lines options. handle_files(s);-- GET_OPTIONS::handle_files end; private home_expand(s:STR):STR is -- Expand any occurances of '%' with the Sather home directory. res::=""; loop c::=s.elt!; if c/='%' then res:=res+c; elsif prog.home=".." then -- for the bootstrap res:=res+"../.."; else res:=res+prog.home; end; end; return res; end; private barf(msg:STR) is #ERR + msg + '\n';-- ERR::create ERR::plus ERR::plus UNIX::exit(1);-- UNIX::exit end; private more_args:BOOL is return next<args.size end;-- CODE_OPTIONS::next CODE_OPTIONS::args ARRAY{1}::size private next_arg:STR is if more_args then res::=args[next]; next:=next+1; return res;-- CODE_OPTIONS::more_args CODE_OPTIONS::args CODE_OPTIONS::next CODE_OPTIONS::next CODE_OPTIONS::next INT::plus else usage; return "";-- CODE_OPTIONS::usage end; end; rewind is next:=next-1; end;-- CODE_OPTIONS::next CODE_OPTIONS::next INT::minus private get_classes is -- get a list of classes from the argument list classes:=#;-- CODE_OPTIONS::classes FSET{1}::create loop while!(more_args);-- CODE_OPTIONS::more_args arg::=next_arg;-- CODE_OPTIONS::next_arg all:=arg="all";-- CODE_OPTIONS::all STR::is_eq if all then return;-- CODE_OPTIONS::all elsif is_class_name(arg) then classes:=classes.insert(arg);-- CODE_OPTIONS::is_class_name CODE_OPTIONS::classes CODE_OPTIONS::classes FSET{1}::insert else rewind; return;-- CODE_OPTIONS::rewind end; end; end; private is_class_name(nm:STR):BOOL is -- is this string a viable class name? if nm[0]/='$' and ~nm[0].is_upper then return false; end;-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not STR::aget CHAR::is_upper BOOL::not loop c::=nm.elt!(1);-- STR::elt! case c when 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J', 'K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T', 'U','V','W','X','Y','Z','0','1','2','3', '4','5','6','7','8','9','_' then else return false; end; end; return true; end; private files:FSET{STR} is -- get a list of files from the command line r::=#FSET{STR};-- FSET{1}::create loop while!(more_args);-- CS_OPTIONS::more_args arg::=next_arg;-- CS_OPTIONS::next_arg -- These guys might have come from the literal string, -- so need to process accordingly if ~void(arg) then-- BOOL::not loop piece ::= arg.split!(' ');-- STR::split! -- pass -l and -L to the linker as is if piece[0] = '-' and (piece[1] = 'l' or piece[1] = 'L') then-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq STR::aget CHAR::is_eq STR::aget CHAR::is_eq r:=r.insert(piece);-- FSET{1}::insert else if is_filename(piece) then r:=r.insert(piece);-- CS_OPTIONS::is_filename FSET{1}::insert else rewind; return r;-- CS_OPTIONS::rewind end; end; end; end; end; return r; end; private get_files is -- get list of files from the command line and put in appropriate set loop while!(more_args);-- CODE_OPTIONS::more_args arg::=next_arg;-- CODE_OPTIONS::next_arg if ~is_filename(arg) then rewind; break!; end;-- CODE_OPTIONS::is_filename BOOL::not CODE_OPTIONS::rewind suf::=suffix(arg);-- CODE_OPTIONS::suffix if suf=".sa" then-- STR::is_eq -- make sure isn't found by a different name already path::=FILE::resolve_path(arg);-- FILE::resolve_path if ~paths.test(path) then-- CODE_OPTIONS::paths FSET{1}::test BOOL::not prog.sather_files:=prog.sather_files.insert(arg);-- CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::sather_files CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::sather_files FSET{1}::insert paths:=paths.insert(path);-- CODE_OPTIONS::paths CODE_OPTIONS::paths FSET{1}::insert end; elsif suf=".module" then insert_here(args_from_file(arg),arg);-- STR::is_eq CODE_OPTIONS::insert_here CODE_OPTIONS::args_from_file else handle_other_file_suffix(arg,suf); return;-- CODE_OPTIONS::handle_other_file_suffix end; end; end; private handle_other_file_suffix(arg,suf:STR) is -- Meant to be overridden case suf when ".c", ".o", ".a", ".obj", ".lib" then return;-- STR::is_eq STR::is_eq STR::is_eq STR::is_eq STR::is_eq else #ERR + "Didn't understand apparent file name: " + arg + '\n';-- ERR::create ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus usage;-- CODE_OPTIONS::usage -- rewind; end; end; private usage is #ERR + "Command line error near: " + args[next.min(args.size-1)] ;-- ERR::create ERR::plus CODE_OPTIONS::args CODE_OPTIONS::next INT::min CODE_OPTIONS::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::minus #ERR + " in "+arg_locations[next.min(args.size-1)]+'\n';-- ERR::create ERR::plus CODE_OPTIONS::arg_locations CODE_OPTIONS::next INT::min CODE_OPTIONS::args ARRAY{1}::size INT::minus ERR::plus #ERR + "(See man page.)\n";-- ERR::create ERR::plus UNIX::exit(1);-- UNIX::exit end; private suffix(a:STR):STR is pos:INT; loop pos:=(a.length-1).downto!(0); until!(a[pos]='.'); end;-- STR::length INT::minus INT::downto! STR::aget CHAR::is_eq return a.tail(a.length-pos);-- STR::tail STR::length INT::minus end; private is_filename(fn:STR):BOOL is if fn[0]='-' then return false; end;-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq if fn[0]='/' then return true; end;-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq return'.')/= -1;-- STR::search INT::is_eq BOOL::not --case suffix(fn) -- when ".c", ".sa", ".o", ".a", ".lib", ".obj" then return true; -- else return false; --end; end; private insert_here(cl:FLIST{STR},filename: STR) is -- insert a list of args so it will be read next tail,tail_names:ARRAY{STR}; if more_args then -- CODE_OPTIONS::more_args tail:=args.subarr(next,args.size-next);-- CODE_OPTIONS::args ARRAY{1}::subarr CODE_OPTIONS::next CODE_OPTIONS::args ARRAY{1}::size CODE_OPTIONS::next tail_names := #(args.size-next);-- ARRAY{1}::create CODE_OPTIONS::args ARRAY{1}::size CODE_OPTIONS::next else tail:=#(0);-- ARRAY{1}::create tail_names := #(0);-- ARRAY{1}::create end; args:=cl.array.append(tail);-- CODE_OPTIONS::args FLIST{1}::array ARRAY{1}::append arg_locations := #ARRAY{STR}(cl.size);-- CODE_OPTIONS::arg_locations ARRAY{1}::create FLIST{1}::size loop arg_locations.set!(filename) end;-- CODE_OPTIONS::arg_locations ARRAY{1}::set! arg_locations := arg_locations.append(tail_names);-- CODE_OPTIONS::arg_locations CODE_OPTIONS::arg_locations ARRAY{1}::append next:=0;-- CODE_OPTIONS::next end; private args_from_file(name:STR):FLIST{STR} is -- #OUT+"reading module "+name+"\n"; wd::=directory(name);-- CODE_OPTIONS::directory cl::=#FLIST{STR};-- FLIST{1}::create f::=FILE::open_for_read(name);-- FILE::open_for_read if f.error then #ERR + "Couldn't open file: " + name + '\n'; usage; end;-- FILE::error ERR::create ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus CODE_OPTIONS::usage fs::=f.fstr+' ';-- FILE::fstr FSTR::plus f.close;-- FILE::close tok::=""; pos::=0; loop until!(pos>=fs.size);-- INT::is_lt FSTR::size BOOL::not c::=fs[pos];-- FSTR::aget if c='-' then-- CHAR::is_eq if fs[pos+1]='-' then-- FSTR::aget INT::plus CHAR::is_eq loop pos:=pos+1;-- INT::plus until!(pos>=fs.size or fs[pos]='\n' or fs[pos]='\r');-- INT::is_lt FSTR::size BOOL::not FSTR::aget CHAR::is_eq FSTR::aget CHAR::is_eq end; else tok:=tok+'-';-- STR::plus end; elsif c = '(' then-- CHAR::is_eq if fs[pos+1]='*' then-- FSTR::aget INT::plus CHAR::is_eq loop pos:=pos+1;-- INT::plus if pos>=fs.size-1 then-- INT::is_lt FSTR::size INT::minus BOOL::not #ERR + "Unterminated comment in " + name + '\n';-- ERR::create ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus break!; end; until!(fs[pos]='*' and fs[pos+1]=')');-- FSTR::aget CHAR::is_eq FSTR::aget INT::plus CHAR::is_eq end; pos:=pos+1;-- INT::plus else tok:=tok+'(';-- STR::plus end; elsif c = '"' then-- CHAR::is_eq start::=pos; loop pos:=pos+1;-- INT::plus if pos>=fs.size-1 then-- INT::is_lt FSTR::size INT::minus BOOL::not #ERR + "Unterminated string in " + name + '\n';-- ERR::create ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus break!; end; until!(fs[pos]='"');-- FSTR::aget CHAR::is_eq end; tok := fs.substring(start, pos-start+1).str;-- FSTR::substring INT::minus INT::plus FSTR::str tok := tok.as_literal;-- STR::as_literal tok := expand_str(name, tok);-- CODE_OPTIONS::expand_str cl := cl.push(tok);-- FLIST{1}::push tok := ""; pos:=pos+1;-- INT::plus elsif c = '$' then; -- environment substitution-- CHAR::is_eq if fs[pos+1] = '(' or fs[pos+1] = '{' then-- FSTR::aget INT::plus CHAR::is_eq FSTR::aget INT::plus CHAR::is_eq tok := tok + expand_env_var(name, fs, inout pos);-- STR::plus CODE_OPTIONS::expand_env_var if ~void(tok) then-- BOOL::not loop while! (~fs[pos].is_space and pos < fs.size);-- FSTR::aget CHAR::is_space BOOL::not INT::is_lt FSTR::size tok := tok + fs[pos];-- STR::plus FSTR::aget pos := pos + 1-- INT::plus end; -- loop cl := cl.push(tok);-- FLIST{1}::push end; -- if - "void(tok)" tok := ""; else tok := tok + '$'-- STR::plus end; -- if c = '$' elsif ~c.is_space then tok:=tok+c;-- CHAR::is_space BOOL::not STR::plus elsif tok/="" then-- STR::is_eq BOOL::not if is_filename(tok) and tok[0]/='/' then-- CODE_OPTIONS::is_filename STR::aget CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not -- This will fail for files with all upper names tok:=wd+'/'+tok;-- STR::plus STR::plus end; if is_filename(tok) then-- CODE_OPTIONS::is_filename module_inclusion:=module_inclusion.insert(tok,name);-- CODE_OPTIONS::module_inclusion CODE_OPTIONS::module_inclusion FMAP{2}::insert end; cl:=cl.push(tok);-- FLIST{1}::push tok:=""; end; pos:=pos+1;-- INT::plus end; return cl; end; expand_str(fname:STR, arg_str:$STR):STR is -- expand all env vars in arg_str s:STR := arg_str.str; i:INT := 0; res:STR; loop while!(i<s.size);-- INT::is_lt STR::size if s[i] = '$' then-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq res := res + expand_env_var(fname, s, inout i);-- STR::plus CODE_OPTIONS::expand_env_var else res := res + s[i];-- STR::plus STR::aget i := i + 1;-- INT::plus end; end; return res; end; expand_env_var(fname:STR, arg_str:$STR, inout pos:INT):STR is -- convert env var starting in position pos in arg_str, coming from -- file fname. s:STR := arg_str.str; e:STR; op ::= s[pos + 1];-- STR::aget INT::plus if op = '{' or op = '(' then;-- CHAR::is_eq CHAR::is_eq skip ::= false; cp ::= '}'; if op = '(' then cp := ')'; end;-- CHAR::is_eq tenv ::= ""; pos := pos + 2;-- INT::plus loop while! (pos < s.size and s[pos] /= cp);-- INT::is_lt STR::size STR::aget CHAR::is_eq BOOL::not if s[pos] = ')' or s[pos] = '}' or-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq STR::aget CHAR::is_eq s[pos]='\n' or s[pos]='\r' then;-- STR::aget CHAR::is_eq STR::aget CHAR::is_eq #ERR +-- ERR::create "Unterminated environment variable spec. near \n" +-- ERR::plus " "+tenv+" in "+fname+", assume \'" + cp + "\'\n" +-- ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus ERR::plus " skip this token.\n";-- ERR::plus -- #ERR + "op = " + op + "fp[pos] = " + fs[pos] + '\n'; skip := true; break! end; -- if tenv := tenv + s[pos];-- STR::plus STR::aget pos := pos + 1;-- INT::plus end; -- loop if ~skip then;-- BOOL::not if pos < s.size then pos := pos + 1; end;-- INT::is_lt STR::size INT::plus e := UNIX::get_env(tenv);-- UNIX::get_env -- if ~void(e) then tok := tok + e; end; -- #ERR + "tenv = " + tenv + ", getenv = " + tok + '\n'; end; -- if ~skip --tok := ""; end; return e; end; private directory(nm:STR):STR is -- The directory in which nm resides pos:INT; loop pos:=(nm.size-1).downto!(0); if nm[pos]='/' then break!; end; end;-- STR::size INT::minus INT::downto! STR::aget CHAR::is_eq r::=nm.head(pos);-- STR::head if r="" then r:="."; end;-- STR::is_eq return r; end; read_env is sc::=UNIX::get_env("SATHER_COMMANDS");-- UNIX::get_env if ~void(sc) then-- BOOL::not barf("The SATHER_COMMANDS variable has been replaced by SATHER_HOME;\nsee man page for details.");-- CODE_OPTIONS::barf end; sh::=UNIX::get_env("SATHER_HOME");-- UNIX::get_env if void(sh) then barf("The SATHER_HOME environment variable must be set.");-- CODE_OPTIONS::barf end; prog.home:=sh;-- CODE_OPTIONS::prog PROG::home end; --# private library_file:ARRAY{STR} is --# cl::=#FLIST{STR}; --# sl:STR; --# if prog.psather then --# sl:=UNIX::get_env("PSATHER_LIBRARY"); --# if void(sl) then sl:=prog.home+"/pLibrary/Library.module"; end; --# else --# sl:=UNIX::get_env("SATHER_LIBRARY"); --# if void(sl) then sl:=prog.home+"/Library/Library.module"; end; --# end; --# if void(sl) then barf("I cannot find the Library\n"); end; --# --# tok::=""; --# loop c::=sl.elt!; --# if ~c.is_space then tok:=tok+c; --# elsif tok/="" then cl:=cl.push(tok); tok:=""; --# end; --# end; --# if tok/="" then cl:=cl.push(tok); end; --# -- the first element of the array is ignored --# a::=#ARRAY{STR}(cl.size+1); --# loop a[1.up!]:=(cl.elt!); end; --# return a; --# end; end;