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-- fstr.sa: Buffers for efficiently constructing strings.
-- Jan6/96 Incorporated Erik's diffs

class FSTR < $IS_LT{FSTR}, $HASH, $STR

class FSTR < $IS_LT{FSTR}, $HASH, $STR is -- Buffers for efficiently constructing strings by repeated -- concatenation using amortized doubling. include COMPARABLE; include FLIST{CHAR} asize->asize,loc->loc; -- Needs to be public for some uses. -- Some useful features are: -- size:INT The current string size. -- create(n:INT):SAME A buffer of initial size `n'. -- copy:SAME A copy of self. -- aget(ind:INT):CHAR The character `ind'. -- aset(ind:INT, c:CHAR) Set character `ind' to `c'. -- is_eq(l:SAME):BOOL True if self equals l as strings. -- is_empty:BOOL True if self is the empty string. -- clear Make self represent the empty string. -- elt!:CHAR The characters in self. -- elt!(beg:INT):CHAR Characters starting at `beg'. -- elt!(beg,num:INT):CHAR `num' chars beginning at `beg'. -- elt!(beg,num,step:INT):CHAR `num' chars beginning at `beg', -- stepping by `step'. -- ind!:INT The indices of the buffer. -- contains(c:CHAR):BOOL True if self contains `c'. -- to_reverse Reverse the order of the characters. create:SAME is -- A new buffer. return new(16) end; create(sz:INT):SAME pre sz>=0 is-- INT::is_lt BOOL::not -- A new buffer of size `sz'. if sz=0 then return void-- INT::is_eq else return new(sz) end; end; acopy(s:STR) is builtin FSTR_ACOPY_STR; end; acopy(f:FSTR) pre asize>=f.asize is-- FSTR::asize INT::is_lt FSTR::asize BOOL::not builtin FSTR_ACOPY_FSTR; end; acopyn(s:STR,n:INT) pre n <= s.length is-- INT::is_lt STR::length BOOL::not builtin FSTR_ACOPYN_STR_INT; end; acopyn(s:FSTR,n:INT) pre n <= s.length is-- INT::is_lt FSTR::length BOOL::not builtin FSTR_ACOPYN_FSTR_INT; end; create(s:STR):SAME is -- added by MBK to make STR::fstr:FSTR faster if void(s) then return create;-- FSTR::create else l ::= s.length;-- STR::length r:SAME; if l=0 then r:=new(1); -- Can't have FSTR with no buffer!-- INT::is_eq else r:=new(l); end; r.loc := l;-- FSTR::loc r.acopyn(s,l); -- this puppy should be macroized into memcpy-- FSTR::acopyn return r; end; end; length:INT is -- The number of characters in self. Another name for `size'. return size end;-- FSTR::size push(c:CHAR):SAME is -- Add a new character to the end of self and return it. -- If self is void, create a new list. Usage: `l:=l.push(e)'. -- This routine needs to go fast too, which is the reason behind -- the "l" temporary. Modified by MBK. r:SAME; l:INT; if void(self) then r:=create; l := 0;-- FSTR::create elsif loc<asize then r:=self; l := r.loc; -- normal path-- FSTR::loc FSTR::asize FSTR::loc else r:=new(2*asize);-- FSTR::asize l := loc; -- FSTR::loc r.loc:=l+1;-- FSTR::loc INT::plus r.acopyn(self,l);-- FSTR::acopyn SYS::destroy(self); -- The old one should never be used now.-- SYS::destroy end; r.loc:=l+1;-- FSTR::loc INT::plus r[l]:=c;-- FSTR::aset return r; end; str:STR is -- A string version of self. return STR::from_fstr(self) end;-- STR::from_fstr clear is -- Set self to the empty string. Retain the array. -- Self may be void. if ~void(self) then loc:=0 end end;-- BOOL::not FSTR::loc acopy(beg:INT,src:STR) is builtin FSTR_ACOPY_INT_STR; end; acopy(beg:INT,src:FSTR) is builtin FSTR_ACOPY_INT_FSTR; end; -- The plus routines in FSTR are overloaded individually -- instead of using a single plus($STR). This is done for -- speed; when the compiler does specialization on arguments -- other than self, this can be simplified. plus(s:STR):SAME -- Append the string `s' to self and return it. modified by MBK -- et al to make it go fast. Called by compiler frequently. -- post result.str = initial(self.str) + s is r:SAME; l ::= s.length;-- STR::length if void(self) then r:=create(2*l);-- FSTR::create INT::times elsif (loc + l < asize) then-- FSTR::loc INT::plus FSTR::asize r:=self; else r :=new(2*(asize+l));-- INT::times FSTR::asize INT::plus r.loc := loc;-- FSTR::loc FSTR::loc r.acopy(self);-- FSTR::acopy SYS::destroy(self); -- The old one should never be used now.-- SYS::destroy end; if (l = 0) then return r; end;-- INT::is_eq r.loc := r.loc + l;-- FSTR::loc FSTR::loc INT::plus r.acopy(r.loc-l,s); -- This one is MACROIZED to a memcpy.-- FSTR::acopy FSTR::loc INT::minus -- r::=self; loop r:=r.push(s.elt!) end; return r end; return r; end; plus(s:SAME):SAME -- Append `s' to self and return it. --post result.str = initial(self.str) + initial(s.str) is r:SAME; l ::= s.length;-- FSTR::length if void(self) then r:=create(2*l);-- FSTR::create INT::times elsif (loc + l < asize) then-- FSTR::loc INT::plus FSTR::asize r:=self; else r :=new(2*(asize+l));-- INT::times FSTR::asize INT::plus r.loc := loc;-- FSTR::loc FSTR::loc r.acopy(self);-- FSTR::acopy SYS::destroy(self); -- The old one should never be used now.-- SYS::destroy end; if (l = 0) then return r; end;-- INT::is_eq r.loc := r.loc + l;-- FSTR::loc FSTR::loc INT::plus r.acopy(r.loc-l,s); -- This one is MACROIZED to a memcpy.-- FSTR::acopy FSTR::loc INT::minus -- r::=self; loop r:=r.push(s.elt!) end; return r end; return r; end; plus(b:BOOL):SAME is -- Append `b' to self and return it. if b then return self + "true" else return self + "false" end end; plus(c:CHAR):SAME is -- Append `c' to self and return it. return push(c) end;-- FSTR::push plus(i:INT):SAME is -- Append `i' to self and return it. return i.str_in(self) end;-- INT::str_in plus(f:FLT):SAME is -- Append `f' to self and return it. return (self + (f.str)) end; -- OLD, better version, does not work as yet return f.str_in(self) end; private is_eq_helper(s:SAME,i:INT):BOOL is builtin FSTR_MEMCMP_FSTR_INT; end; private is_eq_helper(s:STR,i:INT):BOOL is builtin FSTR_MEMCMP_STR_INT; end; is_eq(s:SAME):BOOL -- True if `s' equals self. Either may be void. MBK. post result = (initial(self).str.is_eq(s.str)) is-- BOOL::is_eq FSTR::str STR::is_eq FSTR::str s1,s2:INT; if void(self) then s1 := -1; else s1 := loc; end;-- FSTR::loc if void(s) then s2 := -1; else s2 := s.loc; end;-- FSTR::loc -- -1 is an otherwise illegal value. -- We thus distinguish 'void' from 0 length FSTR. if s1 /= s2 then return false end; -- INT::is_eq BOOL::not return is_eq_helper(s,s1); -- MACROized.-- FSTR::is_eq_helper end; is_eq(s:STR):BOOL is -- so you can say `` if FSTR = "blabitty blah blah blah" '' s1,s2:INT; if void(self) then s1 := -1; else s1 := loc; end;-- FSTR::loc if void(s) then s2 := -1; else s2 := s.size; end;-- STR::size -- -1 is an otherwise illegal value. -- We thus distinguish 'void' from 0 length FSTR. if s1 /= s2 then return false end; -- INT::is_eq BOOL::not return is_eq_helper(s,s1); -- MACROized.-- FSTR::is_eq_helper end; -- is_eq(s:SAME):BOOL is -- -- True if `s' equals self. Either may be void. -- if s.size/=size then return false end; -- loop if elt!/=s.elt! then return false end end; -- return true end; is_neq(s:SAME):BOOL is -- True if `s' is not equal to self. Either may be void. return ~is_eq(s) end; is_neq(s:STR):BOOL is -- True if `s' is not equal to self. Either may be void. return ~is_eq(s) end; is_lt(s:SAME):BOOL is -- True if self is lexicographically before `s'. -- Void is before everything else. if size=0 then-- FSTR::size INT::is_eq if s.size/=0 then return true else return false end end;-- FSTR::size INT::is_eq BOOL::not if s.size=0 then return false end;-- FSTR::size INT::is_eq loop c::=elt!; sc::=s.elt!;-- FSTR::elt! FSTR::elt! if c.is_gt(sc) then return false-- CHAR::is_gt elsif c.is_lt(sc) then return true end end;-- CHAR::is_lt if size<s.size then return true -- FSTR::size INT::is_lt FSTR::size else return false end end; hash:INT is -- Keep It Simple, Stupid. if void(self) then return 0 end; if (length = 0) then return 0 end;-- FSTR::length INT::is_eq i::= length-1;-- FSTR::length INT::minus r:INT:=532415.mplus([i].int);-- INT::mplus FSTR::aget CHAR::int -- 532415 = 'A' * (2^13-1) i := i-1;-- INT::minus loop while!(i>=0);-- INT::is_lt BOOL::not r := (r.mtimes(1664525)).mplus(1013904223).mplus([i].int); -- INT::mtimes INT::mplus INT::mplus FSTR::aget CHAR::int i := i-1-- INT::minus end; return r; end; hash0:INT is -- An inexpensive to compute hash function of self. -- Gives an INT with rightmost 24 bits. Also gives -- lousy hash functions. -- Void gives 0. r::=0; loop i::=ind!; r:=r.bxor([i].int.lshift(i.band(15))) end;-- FSTR::ind! INT::bxor FSTR::aget CHAR::int INT::lshift INT::band return r end; thumbprint:STR is -- Compute a representation to use in place of the whole text. -- The probability that two thumbprints are the same for two -- different FSTRs should be vanishingly small. This is a -- little more paranoid than the hash function. return size.str+':'+hash+':'+hash0;-- FSTR::size INT::str STR::plus FSTR::hash STR::plus FSTR::hash0 end; append_file(nm:STR):SAME is -- Open the file named `nm' in the current directory, append -- its contents to self, close the file, and return the new -- buffer. Do nothing if the file cannot be opened. fd::=RUNTIME::rt_file_open(nm); if fd<0 then return self end; sz::=RUNTIME::rt_file_size(fd); if sz=0 then return self end; r:SAME; bst:INT; if void(self) then r:=new(sz); bst:=0; r.loc:=sz; elsif sz<=asize-loc then r:=self; bst:=loc; r.loc:=loc+sz; else r:=new((2*asize).max(loc+sz)); bst:=loc; r.acopy(self); r.loc:=loc+sz; end; RUNTIME::rt_file_in_fstr(fd,r,0,sz,bst); RUNTIME::rt_file_close(fd); return r end; append_file_range(nm:STR,st,sz:INT):SAME is -- Open the file named `nm' in the current directory, append -- at most `sz' characters starting at `st' to self (only as -- many as are there), close the file, and return the new buffer. -- Do nothing if the file cannot be opened. fd::=RUNTIME::rt_file_open(nm); if fd<0 then return self end; fsz::=RUNTIME::rt_file_size(fd); if fsz=0 then return self end; asz::=(fsz-st).min(sz); -- Actual size of range. r:SAME; bst:INT; if void(self) then r:=new(asz); bst:=0; r.loc:=asz; elsif asz<=asize-loc then r:=self; bst:=loc; r.loc:=loc+asz; else r:=new((2*asize).max(loc+asz)); bst:=loc; r.acopy(self); r.loc:=loc+asz; end; RUNTIME::rt_file_in_fstr(fd,r,st,asz,bst); RUNTIME::rt_file_close(fd); return r end; is_upper:BOOL is -- True if each alphabetic character of self is upper case. -- Self may be void. loop if elt!.is_upper.not then return false end end; return true end; is_lower:BOOL is -- True if each alphabetic character of self is lower case. -- Self may be void. loop if elt!.is_lower.not then return false end end; return true end; head(i:INT):SAME -- The first `i' characters of self. -- Self may be void if i=0. pre i.is_bet(0,size) is if void(self) or i = 0 then return void end; r::=new(i); r.loc := i; r.acopyn(self,i); return r; end; tail(i:INT):SAME -- The last `i' characters of self. -- Self may be void if i=0. pre i.is_bet(0,size) post result.size = i is if void(self) then return self end; r::=#SAME(i); r.loc := i; r.acopy(0,i,size-i,self); return r; end; substring(beg,num:INT):SAME -- The substring with `num' charcters whose first character has -- index `beg'. Self may be void if beg=0 and num=0. pre num>=0 and beg.is_bet(0,size-num) post result.size = num is-- INT::is_lt BOOL::not INT::is_bet FSTR::size INT::minus FSTR::size INT::is_eq if void(self) then return void end; r::=#SAME(num); -- FSTR::create r.loc:=num; -- FSTR::loc r.acopy(0,num,beg,self); -- FSTR::acopy return r; end; separate!(s:SAME):FSTR is -- On the first iteration just outputs `s', on successive -- iterations it outputs self followed by `s'. Useful for -- forming lists, -- Eg: loop #OUT + ", ".fstr.separate!(a.elt!) end; -- incorporated Erik's fixes yield s; loop num ::= size+s.size; f ::= #SAME(num); f.loc := num; f.acopy(self); f.acopy(size,s); yield f; end; -- old version: loop yield self.copy + s; end; end; end; -- class FSTR