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-- Formatting a string a la printf
-- Author: Benedict A. Gomes <>
-- Author: Holger Klawitter <>
-- Copyright (C) 1996, International Computer Science Institute
-- $Id:,v 1.9 1996/06/04 18:53:17 holger Exp $

-- COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This code is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY -- and is subject to the terms of the SATHER LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC -- LICENSE contained in the file: Sather/Doc/License of the -- Sather distribution. The license is also available from ICSI, -- 1947 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley CA 94704, USA.

abstract class $FMT

abstract class $FMT -- > INT, FLT, FLTD, STR, CHAR, BOOL -- Formattable classes inherit from this type. is fmt( fmt: STR ): STR; -- Arg fmt: contains the format information. -- Returns: a formatter version of self. end; -- abstract class $FMT

class FMT < $STR

class FMT < $STR --PURPOSE: It is convenient to generate formatted output with a -- printf-like command, especially when text and values are closely -- interspersed. The Sather way for this is creating an object of -- type FMT and printing it out immeduately. The first argument of all -- FMT creations is a formatting string. All pairs of angle brackets -- "<" ">" are considered as format expressions and passed to the -- corresponding object to format itself. -- --EXAMPLES: -- #FMT( "<> + <> %> <###>", 1,2,0 ) returns "1 + 2 > 0" -- #FMT( "<+###.##>", 3.14159 ) returns " +3.14" -- #FMT( "<##.##e##>", 3.14159 ) returns " 3.14e00" -- #FMT( "<^#####>", "left" ) returns "left " -- #FMT( "<F*###^###>", false ) returns "*false*" --GENERAL SYNTAX: -- fmt-expr -> "<" [selector] [options] pad-expr [options] ">" -- selector -> positive integer ":" -- pad-expr -> [sign] padding [prec-pad] | anchor-pad -- anchor-pad -> [filling] padding -- filling -> "F" followed by any single character. -- sign -> "+" or "-". -- padding -> hash-chars ["^" hash-chars] -- hash_chars -> arbitrary number of "#". -- prec-pad -> "." followed by an arbitrary number of "#". --RESTRICTIONS: -- * Exponents are possible and considered as an option to floating -- point numbers. -- * Options can be used by user defined classes to feature special -- print formats. User defined options should always start with a -- lower case letter. -- * Only numbers can have precisions. -- * Fillings are not (yet) allowed with numbers. -- * Precision and anchors cannot be used together. --CLASSES: -- (in -- $FMT : Base class for formatible objects. -- FMT : The core class of the formating engine. -- (calls fmt(STR):STR in the objects) -- (in -- $FLT : Aritificial base class for FLT and FLTD. -- BASE_FORMAT : "Strategy" for output of Basic types. -- (called by the basic classes themselves) -- FMT_NUMBERS : Formatting routines for numbers. -- (included by BASE_FORMAT) --SEE ALSO: -- A tutorial and more information for the format classes can be -- found under: --
is include FMT_ERROR_FLAGS; readonly attr str: STR; -- the result of the formatting process. -- Routines to be called from outside: create(f: STR,a0: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2,a3: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2,a3|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2,a3,a4|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10: $FMT): SAME is a: ARRAY{$FMT} := |a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10|; return(new.parse(f,a)); end; create(f: STR): SAME is -- Should never be used... some special case? a: ARRAY{$FMT} := #(0); return(new.parse(f,a)); end; format(f: STR,a: ARRAY{$FMT}): SAME is -- Generic version to process an arbitrary number of formattable -- objects. Interface for `parse'. return(new.parse(f,a)); end; -- Internal routines const -- States when parsing the format expression: s_norm, -- scanning a plain string s_prct, -- scanning when '%' found s_cfmt, -- scanning C style format s_sfmt, -- scanning Sather format s_esc; -- scanning something in a sather format behind a single '%' private parse( s: STR, args: ARRAY{$FMT} ): SAME -- The core routine of the formatter. is sz ::= s.length; str := ""; fmt ::= ""; state ::= s_norm; pos ::= 0; cur_arg ::= 0; next: CHAR; loop until!( pos >= sz ); next := s[pos]; case state when s_norm then case next when '%' then state := s_prct when '<' then state := s_sfmt else str := str + next end when s_prct then assert fmt = ""; case next when '%','<','>' then str := str + next; state := s_norm; when 'd','i','o','u','x','X','f','E','e','g','G','c','s' then str := str + cformat( "%" + next, args, inout cur_arg ); state := s_norm; else fmt := "%" + next; state := s_cfmt; end when s_cfmt then case next when 'd','i','o','u','x','X','f','E','e','g','G','c','s' then str := str + cformat( fmt + next, args, inout cur_arg ); state := s_norm; fmt := "" else fmt := fmt + next; end; when s_sfmt then case next when '%' then state := s_esc when '>' then str := str + sformat( fmt, args, inout cur_arg ); state := s_norm; fmt := ""; else fmt := fmt + next end when s_esc then fmt := fmt + next; state := s_sfmt; end; -- case state pos := pos + 1 end; -- loop if state = s_norm then return self else raise err( unexpected_end_format, "Unexpected end of format in \""+s+"\"." ); end; end; -- parse -- Processing Sather style formats
private sformat( s: STR, args: ARRAY{$FMT}, inout argnum: INT ): STR -- Processing one Sather style format expression -- Returns the string representation of the `next' object. is sz ::= s.length; p ::= 0; num ::= 0; is_position ::= false; loop until!( p >= sz ); next ::= s[p]; if next = ':' then is_position := true; break!; end; until!( ~ next.is_digit ); num := num * 10 + - '0'.int; p := p + 1 end; if is_position then s := s.substring( p+1, sz-p-1 ); num := num - 1 else num := argnum end; if num >= args.size then raise err(illegal_arg_number,"Illegal argument number '" + (num+1).str + "'."); end; argnum := num + 1; return do_fmt(args[num],s); end; -- sformat private do_fmt( ob: $FMT, fmt: STR ): STR -- Hook for later additions to format classes. is return ob.fmt(fmt) end; -- do_fmt -- Processing C style formats
private cformat( s: STR, args: ARRAY{$FMT}, inout argnum:INT ): STR -- Processing one C style format expression. -- Returns the string representation of the `next' object. is sz ::= s.length; p ::= 1; num ::= 0; is_position ::= false; loop until!( p>=sz ); next ::= s[p]; if next = '$' then is_position := true; break!; end; until!( ~ next.is_digit ); num := num * 10 + - '0'.int; p := p + 1; end; if is_position then s := "%" + s.substring( p+1, sz-p-1 ); num := num - 1; else num := argnum end; if num>=args.size then raise err(illegal_arg_number,"Illegal argument number '" + (num+1).str + "'."); end; argnum := num + 1; return sprintf( s, args[num] ); end; --cformat private sprintf( fmt: STR, ob: $FMT ): STR -- Interface to "sprintf" in C. is buf ::= #FSTR(512); -- buffer for C program to write to. cptr: EXT_OB; -- temp variable to convert char*'s properly. char: CHAR := fmt[fmt.length-1]; -- letter of '%' expression --res: INT; -- result of C sprintf. --Unused due to incompaibilities between SYS5 and BSD. --sprintf returns `char*' in BSD and `int' in SYS5. typecase ob when INT then check_type( "INT", "diouxX", char ); i ::= ob; -- ensure correct boxing SYS::inlined_C("sprintf(#buf->arr_part,fmt->arr_part,#i);"); when CHAR then check_type( "CHAR", "diouxXc", char ); c ::= ob; SYS::inlined_C("sprintf(#buf->arr_part,fmt->arr_part,#c);"); when FLT then check_type( "FLT", "fgGeE", char ); f ::= ob; SYS::inlined_C("sprintf(#buf->arr_part,fmt->arr_part,#f);"); when FLTD then check_type( "FLTD", "fgGeE", char ); f2 ::= ob; SYS::inlined_C("sprintf(#buf->arr_part,fmt->arr_part,#f2);"); when STR then check_type( "STR", "s", char ); s ::= ob.fstr; SYS::inlined_C("sprintf(#buf->arr_part,fmt->arr_part,#s->arr_part);"); else raise err(bad_type,"'%' expression got unexpected type."); end; --if res <= 0 then -- raise err(sprintf_failed,"C style formatter \""+fmt+"\" failed."); --end; -- Ensure passing the correct size to the result. SYS::inlined_C( "#cptr=#buf->arr_part;" ); return STR::create_from_c_string(cptr); end; -- c_sprintf private check_type( typename: STR, expect: STR, got: CHAR ) -- Checks whether the character `got' is legal for type of type -- `typename'. `expect' is the list of legal letters. -- Raises an expection if the check fails. is if got ) < 0 then raise #FMT_ERROR( wrong_type, typename + " needs \"" + expect + "\" but got '" + got + "'." ); end; end; -- check_type private err( errno: INT, s: STR ): FMT_ERROR -- Generic error function for convenience. is return #FMT_ERROR( errno, s ); end; -- err end; -- class FMT


class FMT_ERROR_FLAGS -- Enumeration of possible errors raised by FMT is const not_supported, -- Wait for next release :-) wrong_type, -- Argument type conflicts with C style letter. bad_type, -- Type does not support C style format. unexpected_end_format,-- Format expression without proper end. malformed_format, -- Syntax error in Sather style format. illegal_arg_number, -- Argumentnumber bigger than number of args. sprintf_failed; -- sprintf returned an error. end; -- class FMT_ERROR_FLAGS

immutable class FMT_ERROR < $STR

immutable class FMT_ERROR < $STR -- Errors raised by FMT belong to this class. is include FMT_ERROR_FLAGS; create(err:INT,s:STR): SAME is return error(err).str(s); end; -- create create(s:STR): SAME is return error(malformed_format).str(s) end; -- create readonly attr error: INT; -- Error type as defined in FMT_ERROR_FLAGS. readonly attr str: STR; -- Literal message for the user providing more information. end; -- class FMT_ERROR